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I try to explain customizing steps for Accrual Engine.

Call SPRO transaction.

Assign Company Codes *

Financial Accounting (New) -> General Ledger Accounting (New) -> Business Transactions -> Manual Accruals ->
Basic Settings -> Assign Company Codes
You must define company code via this customizing step.

Assign Accounting Principle to Company Code *

Financial Accounting (New) -> General Ledger Accounting (New) -> Business Transactions -> Manual Accruals ->
Basic Settings -> Accounting Principles -> Assign Company Codes
You must assign accounting principles to company codes via this customizing step.

Define Accrual Types *

Financial Accounting (New) -> General Ledger Accounting (New) -> Business Transactions -> Manual Accruals ->
Basic Settings -> Define Accrual Types
You must define accrual types. For example you can define accrual type for insurance policy.
Accrual Type : Z001
Accrual Posting Support : 2 - Only Periodic
Period Posting-Post Delta : Set check (If you tick this checkbox, system generates delta posting, if you don't tick,
system generates total amount posting.
For example you create an accrual engine object like below.
31.01.09 100,00 $
28.02.09 95,00 $
31.03.09 100,00 $
If you tick checkbox,
System posts +100,00 $ on 31.01.09
System posts -100,00$ and +195,00$ on 28.02.09
If you don't tick checkbox,
System posts +100,00 $ on 31.01.09
System posts +95,00$ on 28.02.09

Open Fiscal Year for Accrual Postings *

Financial Accounting (New) -> General Ledger Accounting (New) -> Business Transactions -> Manual Accruals ->
Basic Settings -> Open Fiscal Year for Accrual Postings
You must define last closed year(completed) on tihs customizing step. You shouldn't fill current fiscal year. Now we're
in 2009, you can define 2007 to Completed FY. (like asset fiscal year)
I have to go for work, I will continue to explain ACE customizing steps tomorrow

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