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KMVPL/IIM INDORE/2011-12/650

The Chief Administrative Officer,
Indian Institute of Management,

DT 05-12-2012

Subject: - Construction of Group-III Project Extension of Time reg
Ref: -

1) Our letter no KMVPL/IIM/Indore/2011-12/454 dated 30.01.2012

2) Your letter no IIMI/GP - III/2011-12/500 dated 21.03.2012
3) Our letter no KMVPL/IIM/Indore/2011-12/552 dated 19.07.2012
4) Your letter no IIM/Project/GP - III/928 dated 31.10.2012
5) Our letter dated 03.11.2012

Dear Sir,
This is with reference to the above cited subject; we wish to request you as follows.
The Extension of time for the subject work was granted up to 31.10.2012 vide your letter cited 4
above. In this regard our anticipation for completion of the project went wrong due to festive season (i.e.
from 20.10.2012 to 25.11.2012) and unavailability of labour.
Even though there is vast difference in the justified days as per Annexure B of EOT 1 and EOT 2,
we anticipated to complete the work by 31.10.2012. However for the reason said above we request you to
grant extension of time till 15.12.2012.
We now request you to further grant extension of time up to 15.12.2012 without levy of
compensation by considering the reasons mentioned in ANNEXURE A & B of EOT 1 and EOT 2.

With regards

Project Manager

C.C to Project Manager, IIM.

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