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...Official Imogene population = 341

1-Mrs. Henry Hughes was visited by her uncle Enoch Silvers of Kerwin, KS. She hadnt seen him in 30 years.
Lew Hambsch owned the grocery and general store on Main near the corner of Third in Strahan. Early in 1910, he and three
other men from Strahan went on the train to Omaha on a Monday morning. They planned to get 3-4 Oakland cars. Family
members worried as the week went on and the men did not return. Finally on Friday they returned with three new cars. They
had started for Strahan on Tuesday but one of the drivers errored in shifting gears and tore out the transmission. A horse was
hitched to the car and it was a slow trip back to Omaha for repairs. Later, one of the men excitedly took his family for a ride in
his new car. Unfortunately when he went to park the car in the barn he forgot what he was riding. Shouts of "whoa, whoa,
whoa!" did nothing to stop the car. Eventually he did get the car stopped before it wrecked.
...The Wabash provided special trains and excursion rates when events in towns along the railroad line warranted it.
Frank Harmon purchased the Tom Clark 80 west of town for $155 an acre.
Imogene is in imminent danger of a coal famine. Two cars of coal arrived but a shortage in surrounding towns, brought
wagon after wagon from there to get our coal.
Jim Crilly is winding up business here before he heads back to Canada. He says Canada is the place for him.
52 attended the Ladies auxiliary card party. Anna Clark and Ed Sweeney won top prizes.
A Silver City orchestra played at the AOH dance.
64 attended a card party-largest of the year. Prizes were won by Irene Printy and Charles Clark.
W. A. Leahy, Mr. & Mrs. George Scheibeler, Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dempsey, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dempsey and the misses Ellen, Kate
and Mary Dempsey took a long bobsled ride into the country.
Andy Clark and Mrs. Mike Printy were the big winners at a card party.
Tom McGinnis, here since the fall of 1909, returned to Wyoming to farm.
A disastrous fire took everything on the Dennis Powers farm six miles north of Imogene occupied by William Mark. Mr. Mark
walked a quarter of a mile over frozen and rough ground in his bare feet for help.
8-The Philomatheans held a debate on the question, Resolved that a college education is essential for a farmer. The
affirmative team was composed of Nora Hughes and Eva Allshouse. The negative was argued by Stella Cahill and Genevieve
Workman. The program following the debate consisted of Lewis Maher-When Adam Was a Boy, Anna Laughlin-Just Great,
Katie Doyle-Duty, John Laughlin-Springs Coming, and Francis Trilla-Hezakiahs Breakfast.
15-Greek Easton took the census of Imogene.
17-The AOH Dramatic Club presented The Corner Store, a comedy of rural life in four acts, in the AOH Hall. Over 200
The Shamrock and the Rose was presented with the following cast: Mike Dempsey (Barney OBradey), Joe Laughlin (Squire
Fitzgerald), Ed Laughlin (Shaun Casey), Joe McGargill (Captain Back), John Clark (Lt. Douglas), Andrew Clark (Thoroton), Nellie
Laughlin (Rose Fitzgerald), Ellen Dempsey (Ileen ORourke) and Anna McGargill (Nona Desmond).
The horse of Bernie Hughes became frightened by a car and started running. It was hitched to his new buggy which is now
badly torn up.
Father Hayes left for a visit to his old parish at Georgetown, and to attend the funeral of Father Gaul.
29-The big dance is tonight-everyone has the dancing fever after six weeks of energy being stored up.
Jerry Horrigan and his sister Mary Sullivan of Wayne, NE were overseering the work of having a granite monument placed
over the grave of their brother Tom. It was to be the largest monument in the cemetery. Tom died a rich bachelor leaving an
estate of $200,000. The monument was made in Omaha. The company sent down a strong truck wagon to convey the
monument from the train to the cemetery. It took four teams to haul it. The monument was five feet by eight feet and 10 feet
high. It weighed 2,200 pounds and the base five tons. The concrete foundation was laid the previous fall and required over a
car of material. The complete monument cost $18,000. This made the third large Horrigan monument in the cemetery. The
others were for Mike Horrigan and Mr. Sullivan. Mrs. Sullivans wife was a Horrigan.
Mrs. Mike Printy and Andy Clark were winners at the AOH card party.
Bernie Hughes and Dave Cashin left on a land buying expedition to Argentina.
If it hadnt of been for a handy fire extinguisher, Will McGargill might have lost his Saxon 40. The gas tank had been leaking
for some time without his knowledge.

The Ladies Auxiliary served dinner and supper the day of the primaries.
Jim Gilmore, William Head, Joe McGargill, George Gilmore and Anthony Printy were initiated into the Knights of Columbus.
The Greenwood Lumber Company built a new addition to one of their lumber sheds.
Mary Dempsey, age 4, broke her arm.
Two-thirds of the farmers are replanting their corn. Some blame old corn while others blame the weather.
Frank Sweeney fell from a tree and broke two bones in his arm.
Matie Printy returned from a four month southern trip taken for her health.
30-The school board met and voted unanimously in favor of a new school building. The measure was going to be put before
the voters of Imogene for ratification on July 11th. The current school building has been in use for about 26 years and school
has been dismissed several times because of the unsafeness of the building during a wind storm. The tax to be voted for the
new building is $3,000. The sum is to be paid inside of five years. The material for the building is to be brick and as much of
the wreckage from the old building is to be worked in. It is to be built on the site of the present school. It will have two rooms
and a vestibule. Both rooms are to be on the ground. The dimension of the building will be 30'x60'.
Bernie Hughes visited from Texas. He had lived there about a year and he liked it fine.
Baseball enthusiasts succeeded in getting the baseball fever started again. Mr. T. L. Clark rented part of his pasture for the
diamond. In the first game, Imogene defeated Strahan 27-4.
Agnes Clark graduated from St. Joseph Academy in Des Moines.
Emabel Saner, Agnes Maher, Lottie Printy, Stella Cahill and Pet Maher were taken to Sidney in Will McGargills new
automobile to attend the Teachers Institute.
Mr. & Mrs. James McMonigal moved to Maryville, MO where they will make their home.
A Council Bluffs band played for the Hibernian Dance in the AOH Hall.
Mary Printy, a Council Bluffs nurse, is here caring for Dennis Powers.
24-The Sodality held an ice cream social at the Jerry Maher home.
A group of young people surprised Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dempsey, Jr. with a fourth anniversary party.
Grace Flannigan accompanied Nellie and John Laughlin home from Dubuque. After staying here three weeks she left for
Denver, CO to visit her brother.
Katie Laughlin attended summer school in Shenandoah.
Lawrence McGarry, son of James, was married in Council Bluffs.
1-The school board met. Miss Noretta Johns of Essex was elected superintendent of the Imogene Public School. Miss Ellen
Dempsey was retained as a teacher in the primary grades.
Joe Allshouse walked to Omaha, NE and bought four heifers. He led them across the bridge out of Omaha and all the way
hometalk about being industrious!
24-The AOH held a picnic at the A. J. Clark farm.
Imogene lost their second game of the season to the Shamrocks by a score of 9-6.
Dave Cashin is working for his aunt, Mrs. Pat Maher.
14-25-Delegates to the AOH convention in Iowa City were Anthony Printy, J.C. McGargill, Ed Laughlin, Matie Printy, Agnes
Maher, Nellie Maher, Mrs. T. G. OConnor and Rose Rogers.
Martha Laughlin is attending school at St. Joseph Academy in Des Moines.
8-Anna McGargill entertained twenty at a twisted party. A prize was offered to the lady who could get her costume the
most twisted. Ellen Dempsey walked off with the prize of a cup and saucer. The afternoon was spent in contests and guessing
games. Rose Rogers won the most events. A twisted luncheon was served. The guests were given dish towels for napkins,
the meat course had to be eaten with a knife, the salad came in jardiniers, and the butter was in wine glasses. Finger bowls
were tiny bathtubs. Miss McGargill was very imaginative in serving the three-course meal. One can only imagine these proper
and particular young ladies trying to eat their twisted meal. Any other time they would have fainted with chagrin had any one
made such a suggestion.
10-110 people gathered at the Mike Doyle, Sr. home to help them celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. They had
gathered at the home of Mrs. Laughlin and walked to the Doyle home with well-filled baskets to surprise them. The group
presented Mr. Doyle with a gold-headed cane and Mrs. Doyle with a gold-headed umbrella.

Will Leahy bought the Emil Huelle farm comprised of 240 acres 2 miles SW of town for $180 an acre and Mike Laughlin
bought the Leahy farm paying the same amount. When Mike arrived in Imogene he had $10,000 and he now owns 840 acres
of land.
The Ladies Auxiliary gave a card party in the AOH Hall.
Anna Otte bought the Mahoney property and will live there.
Tom OConnor bought the J. J. Wilson quarter for $164 an acre.
The Hibernians held a masquerade party in the AOH Hall. Lottie Printy and Leo Laughlin received the prize for the best
costume. Miss Dempsey won top prize in the contests. Mrs. John Clark and Joe Laughlin won the prize for the best waltzers. A
dance was also held at Addys Hall the same evening for non-AOH membes.
200 invitations were issued for a dance with many coming from surrounding towns.
John Horrigan of Wayne, Ne was in town supervising the setting of a stone in the cemetery. 13,000 lbs. of sand and 27,000
lbs. of crushed rock and a ton of cement were used in construction of the base alone.
A surprise anniversary party was given for Dr. & Mrs. OConnor-their fifth.
Anthony Hughes is attending Creighton University.
The Philomathean Society served supper at the Hibernian dance.
New AOH officers are: James McGarry (County President), John Clark (Local president), Bernard Maher (Vice-President), Joe
Laughlin (Financial Secretary), John Laughlin (Recording Secretary), Joe OConnor (Treasurer) and trustees Ed McGinnis,
Anthony Printy, Mike Laughlin, W. McGargill, Jim Laughlin, James Skahill, Ed Laughlin and Frank Kent.
The Peter Doyle baby is ill with whooping cough; the Joe Saner baby is very ill.
Mrs. Morris Foley of Carson, who was visiting in the home of her daughter Mrs. John Powers, passed away suddenly while
there. Burial was in Carson.
The skating rink is open every Wednesday night at Addys Opera House. It makes quite an addition to the amusements of the
young people.
Nellie Laughlin received quite a surprise when a number of her friends gathered unexpectedly at her home and gave her a
miscellaneous shower.
There was quite a mixup at St. Patrick Academy when the pipes froze and broke; school was called off until the pipes were
A series of card parties was given in the AOH Hall on four successive Fridays starting on January 13th.
A drama taken from Silas Marner entitled Miser of the Ravelos was presented by the high school.
The Denny Ryan family moved to Imogene. Mr. Ryan will run the meat market.
The Ladies Sodality sponsored a card party in the AOH Hall. Will McGargill and Nellie Maher took first place.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Laughlin were given a surprise farewell party by their friends in the AOH and Ladies Sodality. They were
presented with a beautiful clock in remembrance of the occasion.
Irene Printy and Gertrude McGarry each hosted a party for the Academy girls.
The Toastmaster, a college comedy,was given in the AOH Hall by the St.Patrick Academy Athletic Club. The cast of characters
included: Art Leahy (Bill Morgan), John Laughlin (Towel Fairfax-the toastmaster), Henry Skahill (Bob Kenmarks-a friend of Bills),
Joe Doyle (Tom Ripley-a friend of Henrys), Tom Doyle (George McIntosh-who loves and hopes), Clem Maher (Prof. Reed who
has something to say), Alton Leahy (Mrs. Reed-who has nothing to say), William McGarry (Cynthia, their daughter), and Lewis
Maher (Buzzer, the small boy who has too much to say).
Will Kenward was vacationing with his family in Sommers where his parents lived.
The Philos entertained the seniors royally with a Washington party. Prizes were won by Nora Hughes for guessing the most
silhouettes, Edward Laughin for placing the wig on the portrait of the father of our country, and game prizes were won by
Joseph Maher, William McGarry and Mary Maher.
F. F.Pratt of Red Oak rented the hotel from Henry Leonard.
Ed Sweeney moved to his new home on the John Gilmore farm. Ed Smith moved to the Pat Hughes farm from Sidney and the
E. P. Laughlins moved to Payne Junction.
There was a lot of talk about running an electric line from Red Oak to Nebraska City. It is to run along Walnut Creek and
through Imogene.

Imogene is really progressing-it now has two hotels running full blast.
17-The AOH and Auxiliary gathered in the AOH Hall and marched to the church with their colors and banners flying high.
Father Quinn of Red Oak gave an address. In the evening, the Imogene Dramatic Club presented The Corner Store, a comedy
drama of rural life in four acts in the AOH Hall. Over 200 attended. Between acts Joe Saner, Will Rogers, Mike Dempsey and
Joe McGargill entertained with singing. Over $66 was cleared.
The Imogene market was changed from Leahy, McCardle and Bradley to Mr. Hayes for the sun of $950. Mr. Hayes rented it
to Mr. Borene of Shenandoah. He had been a butcher in Shenandoah for a number of years.
Work was progressing on the $3-4,000 Thomas Horrigan monument. A special wagon truck with a heavy iron reach was
brought down from Omaha, NE for the purpose of doing the moving and four teams were used to do the hauling. The base
alone weighed 10,000 pounds.
St. Patrick Academy students held a two-day bazaar.
John Regan started farming on the Dr. Sawyer farm 3 miles NW of town.
Tom Conners had a narrow escape from death when he stepped into the McGargill elevator through a low open window that
opened directly onto a section of the shafting. The shaft was revolving and instantly drew him toward it. When he was found
in a dazed and bruised condition, his clothes had begun to twist and wind around the machine. Since the wall was close and
the ceiling was low he was able to brace himself.
Mrs. Printy and Andy Clark were top scorers at the AOH card party.
Bernie Hughes and Dave Cashin left for Argentina, South America.
Several of Tom Gilmores gentlemen friends attended his surprise birthday party.
Mayor Trenholm appointed John Dempsey the City Marshall.
7-Jim Gilmore, Bill Head, Joe McGargill, George Gilmore and Anthony Printy joined the Knights of Columbus.
The Academy students presented a Lawn Fete on the school grounds. The grounds were decorated and lighted and
refreshments were served; music was an added attraction.
Matie Printy entered the Mercy Sisters at St. Bernard in Council Bluffs.
Kigers Orchestra provided the music for the AOH dance.
L. E. Saunders of Griswold is presenting a movie picture show in the AOH Hall.
The AOH held a picnic. All the merchants in town closed their businesses for the day-even if they werent Hibernians. The
Hibernians played ball against the Knights of Columbus. The KCs won 13-7. Playing for the Hibernians were Father Burkhiser,
Emmet Cahill, Charles Clark, Tom Horrigan, Joe Laughlin, Alton and Art Leahy, B. Maher, Joe Saner and Henry Skahill. KCs
playing were John Archer, Bee Bradley, Leo Cahill, Martin Griffith, Tom Ryan, Frank Saner, Jack & Martin Sims and Fred Wiman.
Father John was the umpire. Nobody objected to his calls. Races were held throughout the day. Winners were: 100 yard
dash-Johnnie Laughlin, married peoples 50 yard dash-Mr. & Mrs. Joe Saner, 50 yard race for boys 12 and under-Clifford Hayes,
50 yard race for ladies over 18-Ida Delehant.
Miss Rosa Rogers was injured when the horse she was driving got frightened when one of the shafts came loose from the
buggy. She was thrown from the buggy. Her ankle was dislocated and she received several bruises. Mike Dempsey was out on
his mail route when he discovered her about a half hour after the accident and brought her to town. Her ankle was set.
The tilers were at the Mike Delehant place. They had finished putting in tiles at the Pat Rogers place the previous week.
Both telephone exchanges had new centrals. Mary Job had charge of Tabor and Maggie Lewis had charge of Mutual.
Many young people journeyed to Neola for the KC initiation. 100 were initiated.
Annie Lynch and Miss Perkins of Creston visited Miss Lynchs sister, Mrs. J Clark. The Creston girls were to be students at
Western Normal College in Shenandoah.
...May Scheibeler had full charge of the largest millinery department store in Lebanon, MO.
Irene Delehant and Edna Skahill entertained the Academy grads and students with a 3-course luncheon. About 50 attended.
26-The first St. Patrick Academy graduation was held. Graduates were Catherine Doyle, Gertrude McGarry, Frances Mills and
Veronica Saner.
Annie McGargill and Mrs. M. Printy attended an AOH Auxiliary State Board meeting in Davenport. Mrs. McGargill was state
treasurer and Mrs. Printy was county president.
John Dempsey was the new drayman.
Pat Feeley purchased 40 acres of land from W. W. Oviatt.
10-The band boys held an ice cream social in front of the bandstand and netted $27.80.
27-About 2:30am the people of Imogene were awakened to the cries of FIRE! The old livery barn behind the post office was
the first to burn. The flames spread and gained fast. The sparks soon set fire to the hotel. Dr. Baker and his family were able

to get out and the people of Imogene were able to save most of the hotel furniture. A horse belonging to F. F. Pratt of the
hotel and one belonging to Mr. Cale, the monument man from Glenwood, burned. The hearse belonging to Mr. Dempsey and
a buggy and harness belonging to Mr. Pratt were also burned. Damage estimates were placed at $3,000. During the fire, a
sneak thief got into Mike McCardles chicken house and stole all his chickens.
Anna McGargill was appointed State Treasurer of the Ladies Auxiliary succeeding Matie Printy.
Will Kenward moved from the Foutch property to the Beaston place.
The big attraction of the month was the Mills County Fair at Malvern. The grounds were near an old elm tree under which a
canvas covered emigrant wagon found shelter on August 7, 1869 as the occupants searched for a new home in Iowa.
The Imogene football team was eager for a game but rain interfered. They held a card party instead at the Hibernian Hall.
There were nine tables of card players. The boys served refreshments and raised $7.00.
Hundreds of people from the area were at Aksarben. There were 22 men from Imogene sleeping on cots in the corridors.
J. C. Hayes was a harnessmaker in town. You could count on his store being warm in the fall. He needed a fire to keep waxed
ends pliable.
The Academy Literary Society debated the question Should manual training be taught to boys in school? Irene Printy and
Mary Doyle were on the affirmative and Gertrude Wiman and Estella Laughlin were on the negative. Decision was for the
31-Irene Printy hosted a Halloween party. Five full-grown ghosts escorted the guests to the basement for an evening of
games and entertainment.
13-TheLadies Auxiliary held a bazaar with booths designating every day of the week. Items sold in each booth were suitable
for the day represented. $93 was cleared.
Sneak thieves broke into the McGargill Elevator and spilled 20 bushels of wheat on the floor.
There is more business to the square inch in Imogene stores than in any others town of this size in Iowa.
The Hibernians held their usual Thanksgiving dance in the AOH Hall.
Progressive Euchre was played at the card party sponsored by the football boys of the Academy. Allie Maher and Leo Cahill
were the top winners.
A family reunion was held at the home of Mrs. Fannie McGargill.
5-New officers of the AOH are John Clark (President), Frank Kent (VP), Ed Sweeney (Treasurer), Joe Laughlin (Financial
Secretary), Charles Clark(Recording Secretary), Mike Doyle, Ed McGinnis, and John Laughlin (Trustees) and Jim and Mike
Laughlin, Jim Skahill, Tom Clark and Joe OConnor (Standing Committee).
23-Appraisers of the McMonigal estate appraised the property of 28 acres on the hill north of Imogene. Sealed bids were
taken until 6pmDecember 22nd. Thomas OConnor began the sale today at the highest bid received. The sale took place on the
steps of the First National Bank. The land sold to Pat Maher for $5,125.
Home from college for the holidays were Tony Hughes, Willie Laughlin and Art Leahy from Creighton University, James
Sweeney from St. Joseph Academy in Dubuque and Willie Gilmore from St. Benedict College in Conception.
The 72-year old mother of Will Foutch passed away at Chariton.
There are a lot of coasting parties on the long hill just south of Main Street.
The grading of the new switch to connect Imogene with the new Red Oak and Northeastern was under way. According to the
construction contract, the rails were to be laid the first of the year and judging by the progress that had been made this would
be easily accomplished.
John Gleason has been employed at the Riverton Depot for 30 years. He was born in Ireland in 1858 and came to America
with his parents in 1865.
3-The annual New Years Ball was held at the AOH Hall.
5-The AOH sponsored Euchre party found the south side winning 44-37. The Knights of Columbus challenged the Sodality
ladies to a progressive Euchre contest.
New Auxiliary officers were Lottie Printy (President), Emma Rogers (VP), Ellen Dempsey (Recording Secretary), Anna
McGargill (Treasurer), Katie Dempsey (Financial Secretary) and Mary Delehant (Sentinel Reporter).
Farmers are busy putting away ice for their summer use.
E (F).P. Smith and Mike and Pete Dempsey took part in the Old Time Fiddler's Contest in Essex. Mike took 2nd place, Mr.
Smith took 5th place and Pete took 6th.

Anna McGargill and J. Sweeney took top prizes at the AOH card party.
Mrs. Maurice OConnor, cousin of Mrs. OConnor here, passed away at Vail.
The card matches at the AOH Hall are very popular. The south swept every game with Lew Maher and Pet Skahill as the top
...George Printy left for St. Louis to begin studying to become a dentist.
Officers installed at the regular meeting of the division of the LAOOH (Ladies Auxiliary Ancient Order of Hibernians) were
Lottie Printy, Emma Rogers, Ellen Dempsey, Rosa Rogers, Katie Dempsey, Marie Delehant and Annie McGargill.
Elmer Kammerer and family moved from the McGargill farm to the Mrs. Pat Martin property in town and Charley Croff was
moving from near Climax to the Mrs. Bill McGargill farm.
Mrs. Ed Printy of Chicago, IL passed away suddenly after a weeks illness with pneumonia.
22-Jim Sweeney took a load of hogs to Omaha, NE receiving $6.75.
Ed Sweeney, Sr. broke his collarbone when he fell from a hay mow.
A lot of hard thinking was done at the last of the AOH card parties. Mrs. Jim Skahill and Clem Maher were high scorers for
the evening. Mrs. Joe Saner and J. Sweeney were the players winning the most games in the series. The Auxiliary ladies plan
to sponsor a card party next.
10-The Philo Club debated the issue Capital punishment should be abolished. The affirmative team was composed of Mary
Laughlin and Eva Allshouse while the negative side was argued by Irene Printy and Anna Laughlin. The judges decided in favor
of the affirmative. Father Hayes acted as the critic.
A masquerade ball was held in the AOH Hall. Many could not recognize their friends. Thirty couples were present with
J. Sweeney and Mrs. Ed Sweeney capturing the prizes for the best costumes.
A wrestling match was held in the AOH Hall between Ray Weber of Thurman and Ed Roe of Missouri Valley.
23-A mock trial was held at the AOH Hall. All were ordered to hide their feelings as well as possible so that the judge and jury
would not lose their sense of judgment.
Agnes Maher is training in a hospital in St. Louis, MO.
...25-Sunday-A blizzard hit Imogene.
A homesick Mrs. Pat Martin returned from New York City where she had planned to live.
The Imogene Fur Company bought $450 worth of fur from the past season.
Frank Hayes traded his Percheron stallion for a residence and garage in Malvern. He continued to live west of town for the
Ed Martin was busy hauling brick and lumber to his farm east of town. Construction was to begin soon on his new house.
18-The Hibernian dramatic troupe presented A Soldiers Sweetheart with the following cast: John Laughlin (Victor Belmontthe soldier and Elsies lover), John Clark (Joseph Spacklin-a villain), Joe Laughlin (Benjamin Lovell-an old man), Mike Dempsey
(Ted OMalley from America), Arthur Leahy (James-a servant and Thomas Spacklin-Josephs brother), Anna McGargill (Elsie
Lovell-Benjamin Lovells daughter), Ellen Dempsey (Kate Tyson-Lovells ward) and Gert McGarry (Mathilda Dobbins-an old
Anna Horrigan purchased the Newt Hilliary residence.
John Clark tried to defy the weather and ship some cattle to Omaha, NE by train but the train stalled in the snow near
12-The Kigers Orchestra presented a concert and dance at the AOH Hall. Concert tickets were 25 cents and concert/dance
tickets were $1.
The Will McGargill home was the scene of much merriment when several young folks gathered to celebrate the birthdays of
Jerome and Gerald.
The Ladies Sodality gave a shower at the Nellie McGarry home for Nellie Maher.
29-Mary Laughlin and Irene Printy presented the Philo Club with a set of Butlers Lives of the Saints. A debate was also held
on the question Be it resolved that immigration to the U. S. should be stopped. Anna Laughlin and Mary Doyle were on the
affirmative and Clara Slater and Clem Maher were on the negative. The question was decided in favor of the negative.
Ida Delehant entertained three of her school friends-Misses Bernice Halbert, Florence Gee and Stella Buzzard. The girls left
at a late hour for their homes wishing many more such days could be spent with Miss Ida as she was a royal entertainer.
3-The LAAOH ladies gave a Leap Year Ball in the AOH Hall. There were 35 couples present. The music was furnished by the
Omaha Orchestra. The crowd included ones from Shenandoah, Randolph and Tabor. Katie Dempsey, Anna McGargill and Mrs.
OConnor were in charge.

11-The Philo Club gave a reception in honor of the graduates.

Mr. Mitchell, who worked for Joe Hodget north of town, was kicked by a mule. After a week in very bad shape, he was finally
able to return to his home south of Shenandoah.
Wes Hayes moved into his newly constructed restaurant and George Scheibeler moved his barbershop to the east end of the
Hayes building.
Mr. & Mrs. Orlin Bartlett had a runaway while coming to town. Mrs. Bartlett was thrown out and was badly hurt. Her
mother, Mrs. Charley Deppe, came from Shenandoah to care for her.
Carpenters were busy working on the new Ed Martin house being built east of town.
...Robert Trenholm was manager of the clothing store that Brandeis Brothers opened in the Wes Hayes Building.
17-A members-only AOH dance was held in the Hibernian Hall.
Mrs. M. Printy and daughter assisted by Lottie Printy, Mary Delehant and Martha Laughlin hosted the regular meeting of the
LAAOH. Irene Printy presented each member with a carnation as a remembrance.
...21-Someone with a grudge tried to burn down the town of Imogene. A fire was set back of Jim McGarry's Implement Shop.
It caught on fire about 1am. The wind blowing at the time could have spelled disaster. The fire was discovered just in time or
it would have spread to the postoffice, drug store and beyond. Mrs. Dempsey saw someone with what she thought was a
lantern. Mr. Dempsey sounded the alert and it took the fast work of the bucket brigade to douse the fire. Most of the
merchants spent the rest of the night in their stores.
...Vernon Hayes, Alvin Kammerer, Art Wax, Florence Gee, Lola Androy and Della Simmons graduated from the public school in
ceremonies held at the AOH Hall.
Ellen Leahy won a $5 gold piece for the best paper on Irish history. Genevieve Workman won a book for taking second place.
Ellen went on to win a $200 scholarship in the state contest sponsored by the Hibernian Auxiliary. She used the scholarship at
the Academy of the Immaculate Conception in Des Moines.
Quite a few put in the Climax Mutual telephone. Recent additions were Ira Straight, Bill Rush and Tom Regan on Line 3.
...Joe Saner, Pat Dempsey and Tom Regan bought a threshing machine from J. McGarry. Mike & Jim Laughlin and Mike Doyle
bought one from Tom Clark. J. L. Gwynn bought one from the Buzzard Brothers. He bought a machine because small grain
crops are heavy and he had 350 acres in small grain.
...The Imogene Band reorganized under the direction of Ernest Perkins of Anderson.
Clara McGargill and Lottie Printy entertained the Auxiliary at the McGargill home.
21-The band sponsored a box supper at the Hibernian Hall.
Everyone enjoyed the picnic at Crystal Lake. The sixty in attendance are ready to go again.
Tom Regan threshed 50 acres of wheat that yielded 1,200 bushels.
13-The band boys gave an ice cream social by the bandstand.
Mrs. Mike Printy and Anna McGargill attended the National Auxiliary Convention in Chicago, IL.
Tom Regan threshed 50 acres of wheat that yielded 1,200 bushels.
Jim Laughlin and T. L. Clark went to Des Moines where Jim purchased a threshing outfit.
15-20-Annie McGargill (State Treasurer) and Mrs. M. Printy (County President Division #1) attended the LAAOH convention in
Chicago, IL. The Constitution of the group said that the purpose of the group was to promote FRIENDSHIP,UNITY AND
CHRISTIAN CHARITY among its members by raising or supporting a fund of money for maintaining the aged, sick, blind, and
infirm members, and for aiding the orphans or dependents, for the legitimate expenses of the Auxiliary and for no other
expenses whatsoever. Each LAOOH division had a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary,
Treasurer, Mistress-at-Arms and Sentinel. Fifteen members were needed to organize a Division. This Division had to meet at
least once a month. Each Division had a Committee on Sick (visit the sick and make a report on what benefits she was entitled
to receive), Employment Committee (help secure employment for members and render assistance to unemployed members),
Literary Committee (provide entertainment for the Division meetings and encourage and aid in the establishment of libraries),
Finance Committee (examine reports on bills, inspect and audit books), and the Standing Committee (try charges against
members and adjust disputes). Qualifications for membership-the woman could not be under sixteen and not over 50 years of
age, had to be a Catholic, had to be of Irish descent or the wife or mother of a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Women over 50 could be admitted as honorary members but could not share in the benefits of the group or hold office.
St. Patricks Day and St. Bridgets Day were observed as national holidays by the Auxiliary.
Heavy rains and hailstorms hit Imogene. The corn fields were stripped of their leaves. Flowers and gardens were badly
damaged. Windows in a good many homes were broken.
Will Rogers left to work on the Matt Crilly farm in South Dakota. Mr. Crilly has been ill for a long time with stomach trouble.

Will Eichorn left to look over the country in South Dakota.

Ball games were played at a well-attended picnic. The Hibernians played the Woodmen team. In the afternoon, the Imogene
and Essex teams crossed bats. Essex won. Foot races and other sports followed the ballgames. Miss Smalley won the girls
foot race and Clifford Hayes was the winner for the boys. An evening dance was held in the AOH Hall.
...The baseball team coached by Henry Skahill defeated Strahan 8-5. Later in the month the team lost its coach when he
headed to St. Joseph's School in Dubuque.
Miss Anna McGargill entertained the LAOOH ladies in her home. Miss Lottie Printy announced she would be leaving Imogene
in September to join the sisterhood at Mt. Carmel in Dubuque. She was the local president of the organization and had always
been a leader. Her friends expressed their regret at her leaving but realized she was entering her chosen work.
Hibernian and Auxiliary representatives at the state convention in Cedar Rapids were Jas. McGarry, John Laughlin, Mrs. Dr.
OConnor, Mrs. Mike Printy, Mary Laughlin, Katie Dempsey, Annie McGargill, Marie Delehant, Mamie McGinnis and Annie
Clark. Annie McGargill was elected State Treasurer.
J. W. Shunick and his daughter Blanche were in Queenstown, Ireland for a visit.
The baseball team coached by Henry Skahill defeated Strahan 8-5.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Laughlin gave a dinner in honor of their daughter Mary who is entering nurses training at Mercy Hospital in
Council Bluffs.
Blanche and Nellie Hughes are attending St. Joseph Academy in Des Moines.
Two ball games were played at the Hibernian picnic. Henry Skahill won the 100 yard dash, Frank Sweeney won the small
boys race, Regina Rogers won the small girls race, and Irene Sweeney won the last race. Lou Sweeney won the broad jump.
The fun closed with a dance in the evening with music furnished by the Kigers Orchestra.
The baseball team lost its coach-Henry Skahill left for St. Joseph School in Dubuque.
Thieves stole Bee Bradley's team from the hitch rack in town. They also broke into the depot. It was quite a loss for Mr.
Bradley. The team was valuable and the harness and buggy were new.
No trace has been found of the man who held up Will Kenward, the Wabash station agent. As all agents are supposed to
send on all cash on hand every night and no excuse about being too busy to attend to the matter is accepted, Mr. Kenward was
responsible for the sum and had to make it good to the company.
The AOH announced their lecture schedule: Oct 5-Imperial concert, Nov 4-Edward P. Elliot, Jan 9-Dr. M. W. Chase, Feb 12L. G. Herbert, and Feb 28-L. E. Fallanshal. Season tickets are $1-1.25. Single tickets are 25-25 cents.
A shower was held for Dolly Garrity.
The Sodality sponsored a shower for Nellie Horrigan at the home of Mrs. Mary Laughlin.
The Philo members provided entertainment. Those participating were John Doyle, Agnes Laughlin, Francis Laughlin,
Catherine Martin and Lewis Maher.
18-The LAAOH ladies held a successful card party. Mrs. Thomas Horrigan and Mrs. Leo Cahill were the prizewinners
Bishop Dowling of Des Moines and Father Quinn of Red Oak visited at the Academy.
Denny Ryan moved to the Martin home. William Kenward moved to the house vacated by the Ryans. Kate Martin left to
spend the winter in New York. Her sister who had been living here was not content so they agreed to spend the winter in New
The Auxiliary served a dinner and sponsored a card party.
A six-piece orchestra from Sidney played for an AOH dance.
Emabel Saner, a teacher at Fort Dodge, will spend the winter in Imogene.
The AOH and Auxiliary gave a Halloween party with 50 in attendance.
A trio of Oklahoma musicians came in on the morning train. By nightfall, the Imogenites had organized a dance.
The Auxiliary held an apron social. Everyone brought an apron for the drawing. The tall girls drew the short aprons and the
short girls drew the long aprons. The girls had a lot of fun and were glad they didnt have to pay for the apron they brought.
19-The Sodality girls purchased a big basket of fruit and took turns carrying it up the long hill to surprise the Sisters of Mercy
at the convent.
The Philo secretary was so busy she didnt have time to write up her notes. Under the direction of Martha Laughlin, the
basketball teams were working hard. There are three teams this year.
The annual December meeting of the LAAOH was held at the Hibernian Hall. Officers elected were Mrs. Dr. OConnor, Mrs.
M. Printy, Mamie Laughlin, Katie Dempsey, Mary Delehant, Annie McGargill, Martha Laughlin and Emma Arterburn. Standing

Committee members were Ellen Dempsey, Mary Laughlin and Mary McGargill. The meeting was followed by a two-course
meal at the home of Mrs. Printy.
The Auxiliary officers for the coming year are: Mrs. Mike Printy (County President), Mrs. OConnor (Division President),
Mamie Laughlin (VP), Katie Dempsey (Financial Secretary), Martha Laughlin (Recording Secretary),and Anna McGargill
Irene Printy and Stella Cahill returned from Cedar Falls, Irene Leahy from Davenport, and Blanche and Nellie Hughes from Des
Moines where they had been at school.
1-Mrs. Martin Head and her daughter Mrs. M. J. Laughlin enjoyed a family reunion at Cascade; it was the first time in 20
years Mrs. Head and all her brothers and sisters had been reunited.
3-Thirty-five couples enjoyed an invitation only dance with music provided by Kigers orchestra. Supper was served at
Henry Knutson and Mrs. Joe Laughlin were high scorers at the Hibernian sponsored progressive Euchre party.
Veronica Saner entered the motherhouse of the Sisters of Mercy at Independence.
The Joe Regan family moved back from New York. Mrs. Pat Martin returned with them and is happy to be with her old
14-The AOH and Auxiliary held joint installation ceremonies followed by an oyster supper.
17-Mrs. E. J. Sweeney and Andy Clark were high scorers at the Auxiliary sponsored card party.
J. L. Gwynn sold 80 acres of the old Gilmore farm to Richard Maher for a record $16, 250-all paid in cash.
Ellen Dempsey hosted a shower for Anna Marie (Pet) Maher.
24-Mrs. W. D.Jamesion, former Imogene reporter for the World, attended the AOH dance.
2-A program commemorating the feast of St. Bridget was presented by the Auxiliary. It consisted of songs by Anna McGargill,
Katie Dempsey and Will Rogers, and instrumental solo by Nora Hughes and a one-act play performed by John Laughlin, Nora
Hughes and Emma Arterburn. Father Hayes closed the program with a talk on the life of St. Bridget.
The very dangerous Summit crossing on the Wabash south of Imogene and 1/4 mile north of Summit was being
abolished. Citizens of the vicinity raised $900 by subscription to help put the road under the railroad. The crossing had been
the scene of two deaths and several accidents. The danger lay in the abrupt turn in the road close by the track making it
almost impossible for teamsters to see or hear an oncoming train. Mr. J. H. Teachout was the moving spirit behind the
enterprise and George Tompkins was the superintendent.
...Spring term teachers at Monroe Township rural schools were Katie Laughlin (Centennial), Jennie Slater (Morning Star),
Mattie Hughes (Honey Creek), Emabel Saner (Shady Dell), Irene Peterson (Rice), and Cecilia Finn (Sunny Slope).
Urban McGargill left for his farm near Portland, OR where he may decide to locate.
Mr. Owens moved his household goods from Council Bluffs to a farm 3 miles west of Imogene.
A play entitled Panama was presented in the AOH Hall and was liberally patronized.
4-The old favorite Kigers Orchestra played at the AOH dances.
9-The friends of Miss Agnes Slater surprised her by giving her a shower. They did not come empty-handed but brought all
manner of pretty and useful gifts. After she had recovered from the surprise, she made her guests welcome and a delightful
evening was spent.
11-A very successful ragtime party was held in the AOH Hall. It was a private affair of the AOH and LAAOH lodge members. A
pleasant social time included an evening of games and dancing.
Maurice Clark, the depot agent, and his mother have set up housekeeping on the Beeson property.
26-The annual banquet, sponsored by the Philos, in honor of the class of 1913 was held. The class colors of lavender and
white was carried out. Toasts were rendered by Clem Maher and Anna Laughlin.
2-The Hibernian dramatic company performed The Golded Gulch and was scheduled to perform is at Essex the following day.
Due to heavy rains and bad roads the crowds were somewhat small.
Farmers are busy delivering 50 cent corn.
Ascension Thursday brought many farmers to town to attend services. Teams were line up the full length of the street.
WANTED: A baseball team for Imogene. If we dont get ne the girls will have to relieve the dullness of the summer months.

19-Imogene suffered from a bad fire that Monday night. Fire broke out a little before 11pm in the part of Halberts Drug
Store adjacent to the postoffice and burned the postoffice and drug store entirely and part of the implement building and
garage adjoining them. The cause of the fire was not known but it was thought to have been either lightning or spontaneous
combustion. Mike Dempsey gave the alarm and everyone went to work to save the postoffice fixtures. The fire broke out at
10:45pm and lasted until 2am before it was finally extinguished.
25-An interesting ballgame was held in Tom Clarks pasture between Strahan and the Imogene boys. The Imogene team won
the game.
25-John Clark, John Head, Will Eichorn, John Dempsey, Joe McGargill and Ed Horrigan attended the KC initiation ceremonies
in Council Bluffs.
Bern Maher is manager of the Academy boys basketball team. They began the season with much spirit and won some
decided victories.
The James Dinvilles enjoyed what they considered a delayed chivari.
Mary Laughlin entered the Sisters of Mercy in Council Bluffs.
8-The ballgame between the Coburg Old Star nine and Imogene Academy was a very interesting game. The Imogene team
carried off the game again.
Several farewell parties were given in honor of Mary Laughlin who will join the Sisters of Mercy in Council Bluffs.
20-The invitation only dance to be held at the AOH hall was cancelled because of rain which was very welcome to the
Leo Cahill is manager of the new baseball team.
John Laughlin has a new Regal Runabout built to hold two people.
Will Rogers was treated at Mercy Hospital for blood poisoning.
...Mr. & Mrs. Pat Hughes moved into their new residence.
Joe McGargill says the baby at the John Regan home will call him grandpa. Mrs. Regan lived with the McGargills before her
marriage and they consider her their daughter.
The Rose Cloud Company performed a variety show.
Ernest McDonald, a resident here 15 years ago, was ordained at Waverly.
In order to prove his title to a Mills County farm, Mike Saner has unearthed an interesting document that tells you of the
early years of the Civil War if you read between the lines. The document is the will of Augustus M. Smith of Abbeyville, SC and
is dated January 7, 1861. It states that the testor is in good health and making provisions against accidents. He is willing his
plantation in South Carolina to his wife and young son and his real estate holdings in Arkansas and various states in the
northwest. His plantation and 150 Negroes thereon and his plantation in South Carolina of 2,500 acres with 135 Negroes
thereon were included.
Father Hayes was in Switzerland.
There must be a cross-eyed jinx following the Imogene baseball team. The last two teams have failed to show up.
16-The ladies of St. Patrick Church had an ice cream social in Addys Hall.
The John Berigans of Ewing, NE arrived in town in their big Cadillac touring car.
Father Hayes returned from his travels.
8 - David W. Gilbert was killed by a train south of Imogene.
19-A dance was held in the AOH Hall.
23-The Auxiliary held a rainbow party. The guests assembled at the home of Mrs. Laughlin where the rooms were decorated
in red. Here the first course of supper was served. They then searched for the yellow stripe of the rainbow and found it at the
James McGarry home. Here the second course was served. After much wanderings they found the green stripe and the third
course at the Printy home. Then they stopped at the Dempsey home decorated in purple and then to the Annie McGargill
home which was bright in all colors of the rainbow.
The new Dominick Martin house is finished.
15-A play The Town Fool was presented in the AOH Hall.
Joe Saner purchased the 150 acre John Duschersbaugh farm paying $150 an acre.
29-Mike Doyle bought a farm from Mr. Wm. Kammerer paying the sum of $180 per acre. This farm was close to the 280 farm
on which Mike lived.

Dan McCarthy, a fine looking elderly man with an Irish twang to his speech as well as his name, stopped off in Imogene on his
way from his Florida plantation to his Nebraska home. When he was here thirty-three years ago, he helped build the first
house in Imogene, and soon after he went to Nebraska and had never previously been back here. As he traveled this way he
thought of Mike Laughlin, George Kammerer, Lew Scheibeler, Dan Bussard, Sr. and Pat and Jerry Maher-boys he used to know
way back when they all were neighbors in old Dubuque County and then he resolved to stop and see them. He was kept busy
talking of old times with them. He had prospered, grown rich and become master of his own fate. He owned 2,700 acres of
land at Spaulding, NE, was improving a fruit farm in Florida, and had fifteen children, nine girls and six boys, who had never had
need of a doctor. He remembered the Solomon murder which took place near there thirty-two years ago.
7-The old favorite Uncle Toms Cabin was presented in the AOH Hall.
St. Patrick Church choir members Ellen and Katie Dempsey, Irene and Ellen Leahy, Anna McGargill, Ida Cahill, Mike Dempsey,
Clem Maher and Joe McGargill enjoyed a dinner and travel report given by Father Hayes.
Ida Cahill and Clem Maher were high scorers at the Sodality card party.
75 attended a Thanksgiving dance at the AOH Hall.
A box social and Christmas program was held at the Glynn School taught by Gertrude McGarry.
20-A bazaar was held by the LAAOH on Saturday evening. A nice line of fancy articles and aprons were for sale. It was wellattended and everything sold well. Tommy Conners and Frank McCardle were the auctioneers.
21-LAAOH elections were held in the Hibernian Hall. Officers elected for 1914 were Mrs. Dr. OConnor, Mrs. M. Printy,
Misses Mamie Laughlin, Emma Arterburn, Mary Delehant, Annie McGargill, Katie Dempsey and Martha Laughlin. Plans were
made for Division work during the coming year and a joint installation of the officers of the AOH and LAAOH was to take place
sometime in January.
Mr. Printy sold 160 acres to Frank Kent. Frank Kent sold 80 acres to M. W. Head.
Irene Sweeney entertained for her cousin Rose Higgins and Nora Hughes entertained for her brother and sister, Anthony and
Nellie Hughes.
7-The Hibernians held a card party and oyster supper.
Mrs. Mary Laughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Mike Laughlin, James Laughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Maher and Mr. & Mrs. Pat Maher left for
Dubuque to visit their 96 year old mother who is seriously ill.
Matie Printy, Sister Mary Agnes, RSM, had her appendix removed at Mercy Hospital.
A few hearty Hibernians enjoyed a card party in the AOH Hall. The stormy weather kept most at home.
Jerry Doyle sold his farm 3 miles northeast of Imogene to Frank Owens.
Mother Catherine and Sister Agatha of Council Bluffs visited the Academy pupils.
The AOH plan to make their hall the best opera house in this part of the country.
S. I. Roscoe, Shenandoah, moved James McGarrys barn to the north side of his house.
...Imogene was visited by another devastating fire on a Friday evening again demonstrating the need for fire protection. A
gasoline lamp at Frank Newton's Harness Shop exploded about 5:30pm and in an instant the building seemed to be a mass of
flames. The people responded quickly and fought with desperation but the fire quickly spread to the First National Bank
building and it, too, was burned. The Sweeney Store next to the Bank was in grave danger of burning but was saved by the
heroic efforts of the people of the town and the country. Mr. McCracken, cashier at the bank, was slightly injured from the
explosion during the fire. The loss was only partially covered by insurance. The bank safe was sent to Kansas City where it was
drilled open. Newton lost about $2,000 worth of supplies-some covered by insurance; he managed to find some charred silver
in the ashes.
...Fred Wyman of Head's Pharmacy became the City Clerk in place of John Clark who resigned. Mr. Clark withdrew from the
firm of Sweeney and Laughlin not because of any disagreement, but because he had other business options in mind.
...The theater manager from Silver City brought his moving pictures to town every Thursday night. Sometimes he brought
along the eight-piece Silver City Orchestra to provide entertainment during the show.
...Ross Pritchard, manager of the Shenandoah Electric Plant, was in Imogene preparing to bring electricity to the town. George
Bellus was not impressed. When he came to America in 1856, he scooped out a turnip and filled it with grease from the pork
that had been fried for breakfast. He put in a rag for a wick and it worked just fine.
The Auxiliary card party was sparsley attended due to a storm. They will have to advertise their parties for the first pleasant
day if they fail to postpone them.

Mrs. Ed Cahill passed away in Omaha, NE.

7-The First National Bank was doing business in the Germar Shoe Shop. The fire-heated safe from the bank had been
expressed to Kansas City at a cost of $52.40. It was drilled open and would never come back. It saved the money but lost its
own life. An Elroy-Norris manganese steel safe from Omaha, NE replaced it. Anna McGargill was the bookkeeper and at times
served as the cashier.
Frank Newton was still looking for a place where he could resume his harness business.
Billy Cotter was in town. He made his home in Nebraska with John Berigan. When Imogene was platted, Billy bought the
second lot in the new town. It was just south of the John Delehant home.
10-A wrestling match was held at the AOH Hall between Bill Hoffman of Shenandoah (168 lbs.) and V. R. Pearson of Imogene
23-The mail carriers had a two-day vacation because of snow-filled roads.
May Scheibeler is a trimmer in an Omaha, Ne wholesale millinery shop.
1 O. O. Buzz Bartlett moved his family to Montana.
17-Father Shine of Plattsmouth, NE presented a lecture on the Irish race. The event, sponsored by the AOH, cost 35 cents
per person. Father Hayes introduced Father Shine. Earlier in the day, Father Hayes had spoken at Neola.
Mary Scheibeler, millinery trimmer, left to work in Deadwood, SD.
The daughter of the Tim Minahans was staying with the Mike Printys until her father finished an electrical job in New Jersey.
Charles Printy was admitted to the bar in Milwaukee, WI. For years he had been an accountant for the railroad. He studied
law by the midnight lamp and on rainy days. Out of 100 taking the rigid exam, 56 passed.
31-The Shenandoah Post had a story about Pat Maher and John Delehant who died a few days apart. It said John was rather
taciturn and Pat was as smiling as a June day. John was around when Imogene started and ran its first and only saloon. He was
a man of prodigious strength and had been known to carry a load of near 200 pounds from the Depot up the hill through the
snow. When Clevelands election was celebrated here with great elate, he plucked up the birdpole in front of his house,
saturated the martin box with oil and carried it as a torch in the procession. His brogue was fine and his pipe had been his
constant solace.
Anna Delehant worked for Father Hayes-either as a housekeeper or secretary. He taught her how to invest her small wages
so she could support herself in her later years.
Mike Printy went to Omaha, NE to take treatments for his eyes. The sightless one pained him a great deal and minor surgery
was performed to give him some relief.
Nora Hughes teaches in Denison.
Gertrude McGarry attended a teachers meeting in Council Bluffs.
N. J. Hilliary built his new hardware store on an Imogene corner. It was a brick structure with a modern front. It was 40 feet
by 70 feet in size. R. Addy remodeled his store. The front was extended to the sidewalk and it featured a big show
window. Frank Newton decided to rebuilt his harness shop on the site where his shop was before the fire.
...Will Kammerer was paid $17 per 10-hour day to pull a road grader with engine.
19-The Hibernian Division initiated a class and entertained a noble guest. The ceremonies ended with an elaborate banquet
in the evening served with white linen and the napkins in the Hibernian colors of green and white. Bouquets of pink roses
were in the center of the tables and pink tulips were placed beside each plate. All of the ladies of the Auxiliary had helped in
preparing the delicious banquet that was served by Anna OConnor, Lizzie McGargill and Julia Hayes. Four headwaiters taking
charge of the dining room were Mrs. T. L. Clark, Mrs. J. H. Clark, Mrs. E. J. Sweeney, and Miss Marie Delehant. 15 girls dressed
in white with dainty caps made of green and white napkins waited on the tables. They were Annie Laughlin, Stella Laughlin,
Kathrine Lynch, Irene and Ellen Leahy, Marie Maher, Blanche Hughes, Irene Delehant, Gertrude Wiman, Ida Cahill, Pet Skahill,
Agnes Laughlin, Regina Rogers, Agnes McCardle and Mary Doyle. No professional waiters could have looked after the wants of
the diners half so well. Father Sullivan of Woodbine answered the toast of our country. National Treasurer, Thomas Maloney
(ex-mayor of Council Bluffs), Rev. Michael Shine (Plattsmouth, NE), State President Denis Maher (Iowa City), former State
President Fred B. Sharon (postmaster at Davenport), and Mr. Charles Duff (City Clerk of Council Bluffs) assisted the degree
team at the ceremonies which were in the charge of State President Maher. The twelve candidates given the degree were
Frank Dorsey, William McGarry, William Laughlin, William Rogers, Thomas McDonald, Edward Laughlin, Clement Maher, Louis
Maher, Richard Maher, John Foutch, Peter Doyle and Joseph Gutschenritter. The special program for the evening was given in
the hall. American and Irish flags decorated the stage. Great masses of fragrant lilacs filled the windows. Father Hayes was
the toastmaster. Among those performing were Miss Agnes McGargill (State Treasurer of the LAAOH) with Irish Eyes are
Smiling and Joseph F. McGargill and Miss Mary Printy with vocal solos. All present joined in the singing of The River Shannon
at the close. Other out of town guests included Misses Marguerite and Agnes Clark, Rose Lawless of Omaha, NE, Henry

Sullivan of Panama, IA, Mr.& Mrs. Ed Ferritor, Maryville, MO, Mr. & Mrs. Mike Printy of Council Bluffs, Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Gwynn,
Henry Simmons, B. J. Bradley, Misses Minnie Bradley and Marguerite Martin of Shenandoah.
The mother of Mike and James Laughlin passed away in Dubuque.
...The new concrete bridge northeast of town by the Mike Delehant farm was completed. E. Smith of Riverton was the
contractor. He did all the county work. A large number of men were employed for the five week project.
...The people of Imogene watched as the building of two banks and the N. J. Hilliary Hardware Store progressed.
...Mike Printy farmed in the Imogene area before the railroad was laid out. He later operated an implement and then a general
store in the early days of the town. He has always been involved in religious and civil affairs. He sold his store to Ed Sweeney
and John Laughlin in 1911. In March, he and his wife planned to move to Council Bluffs but could not bear leaving their
Imogene friends. Due to health problems, they did move.
...A man claiming to be a carnival worker went through the stores of Imogene selling knives and razors. When he was caught in
Missouri, he admitted taking the merchandise from Hilliary's Hardware Store
....Wheat yielded 10-30 bushels per acre and oats yielded 50-75 bushels an acre.
10-Division 31 of the AOH held initiation ceremonies. The Auxiliary served a banquet. C. A. Clark, Joe OConnor and E. J.
Sweeney were in charge of arrangements. A larger crowd than expected attended.
The AOH held a members only dance.
The Sodality gave a shower for Matie Hughes. Anna McGargill also hosted one for her.
Father Conroy, a missionary priest from St. Louis, visited his cousin Aust McGargill.
30-A patriotic program was given in the AOH Hall. A free will offering was taken to defray the expenses.
Jim Skahill is the owner of a new Ford.
...18-The Auxiliary held a picnic in Powers Grove. It was also a surprise linen shower for Ellen Dempsey. She had not planned
to attend the picnic and was almost bodily carried to it.
Anna, Agnes and Margaret Clark rented their Omaha, NE home and are spending the summer on their fruit ranch in
The Sodality girls gave a surprise shower for Ellen Dempsey. They gathered at her home in her absence. They nearly
smothered hiding in her bedroom until her sister took pity on them and coaxed Ellen into the room. She was delightfully
surprised and received many nice gifts.
A Utility Shower for Ellen Dempsey and Sheriff Ryan was given by Mrs. C. R. Reavis and Mrs. Martin Sims.
The baseball team sponsored a play entitled Gyp the Heiress.
James Owens attends school in Davenport.
Anna McGargill, Auxiliary Treasurer, attended the national AOH convention in Norfolk, VA.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Printy moved back to Imogene.
25-The Altar Society ladies held an ice cream social.
26-The K of C baseball team lost to Burlington Junction 6-3.
Sister Olivet, the former Mae Horrigan, and Sister Huberta visited from Dubuque. This was Sister Olivets first visit in six
Wheat yielded 10-30 bushels per acre and oats yielded 50-75 bushels an acre.
Imogene defeated the KC ball team 7-4.
18-The AOH held a picnic at Powers Park.
M. J. and Jim Laughlin, Mike Doyle, Jr. and James McGarry were delegates to the Hibernian Convention in Des Moines. Anna
McGargill was elected State Treasurer of the Auxiliary and John Laughlin was elected Secretary of the Hibernians.
The First National Bank moved into the new building.
6-The Sodality girls walked to the James Laughlin home and held a farewell party for Katie who will join the Sisters of Charity
in Dubuque.
Mrs. Anna Dempsey and children are spending the winter in the home of her parents, the Mike Saners.
Tom Doyle, Ed McGargill and Clem Maher are attending school at St. Marys Kansas.
Genevieve Archer joined the Sisters of Mercy in Council Bluffs.
The small boys of St. Patrick Academy organized a baseball team and are proud of the gray and red suits their beloved Sister
made for them. The team is composed of Gerald McGargill (P), Eddie Foutch (C), Jerome McGargill (1 st), James Laughlin (2nd),
Delmas McGargill (3rd), Paul Scheibeler (RF), Edward Regan (LF) and Albert Maher (CF).

The Sisters of St. Patrick Academy were pleasantly surprised when the ladies of the parish brought them 35 quarts of canned
Fred Archer, Jr. is working on the John Berigan farm in Nebraska.
1-Fred Wiman, 22, took office to become the youngest postmaster in Iowa.
10-John Dempsey, Ed Smalley, Clarence Smalley, Henry Skahill, Frank Saner, William Kenward and C. J. Cassell took the Civil
service exam in Sidney to fill the vacancy left by Mike Dempsey.
The Billy Price stock company and vaudeville show came to town-admission 10-25 cents. On the last night of the show a
contest was held and Henry Skahill was voted the laziest man in town, Henry Hughes was voted the homeliest, and Joseph
Laughlin was named the most popular baby.
23-The fire brigade was called out for the first time in several months to put out a fire in Mrs. Brooks closet.
30-The AOH held a masquerade dance. Ghosts and spirits were in evidence but did no mischief.
24-A box supper and spelling contest was held at White Lily School taught by Nora Hughes.
28-The annual Thanksgiving dance was held in the AOH Hall. The large crowd included people from Imogene, Strahan,
Shenandoah, Essex, Coburg, Tabor and Percival in Iowa as well as from Nebraska Coty, David City and Omaha, NE.
...30-Fred Wiman moved into the new postoffice building.
4-Bern Maher underwent an appendectomy operation in Omaha, NE.
10-Burglars visited three Imogene stores; only a small amount of cash was taken.
T. L. Clark traded his implement stock for a big farm in Minnesota about 70miles east of Fargo, ND.
...11-On a Friday night, a fire at the Matt O'Brien farm near Imogene lit up the sky. Hundreds of people raced to the site to try
and save the landmark octagonal shaped barn built in 1892 by M.M. Parrish. Reed & Taylor were the contractors and Tim
Coperthwaite was boss of the job and Charley Cotrill one of the gang. The barn was so big that a team with a load of hay could
easily turn around in it. The cupola was 65high. The hayloft could hold 100 tons of hay and lots of grain and implements. It
cost between $2,500-$4,000 to build. Shortly after it was built it was the site of a campaign speech made by Col. Hepburn who
had been defeated by Major Anderson six years before. The barn was filled with an immense crowd. A Glee Club from
Clarinda and bands from Randolph and Imogene were present. There was also a Drum Corp from Sidney and Clarinda.
Refreshments and supper were served on the grounds. Matt OBrien purchased the farm when Mr. Parrish moved to Kansas.
The big barn was a landmark in the area. The house was constructed for $5,000. The fire was discovered in the cupola of the
barn about 5pm. Calls were put out for help and hundreds converged on the premises. Unfortunately, the barn and adjacent
cow and hog sheds were a total loss. A nearby corn crib caught fire several times but was saved. The OBriens had gone to
Omaha for the day and their children were in the care of Mrs. OBriens sister. The hired man was the only other person on the
premises when the fire started. The fire lit the sky for miles around.
16-The Auxiliary bazaar netted $103.
22-A box supper was held at Goff School where Lizzie Maher teaches.
John Clark traded his farm for a big ranch in western Nebraska. John Berigan of Ewing, NE is now the owner of the Clark
Mrs. Edward Ford, a frequent Imogene visitor, passed away in Dubuque.
Students home for the holidays were Irene Printy from Cedar Falls, Tom Doyle and Edward McGargill from St. Marys, Kansas
and Nellie Hughes from Des Moines.

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