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Softball League Rules


Teams will field a minimum of 3 women at all times

It will be arc pitch with pitches 6-12 feet in height
The pitching mat will be used to determine strikes and balls.
The ball hitting home plate or the orange mat is a strike. There
will be no walks.
Everyone bats if there is a 15 person roster, all players are in
the line-up and will bat in order
You may substitute in the field at any position at any time
keeping rule number 1 one in mind ;) and as always batting
orders do not change.
Everyone on the roster will have an opportunity to play a
minimum of 2 innings on the field.
Courtesy runners are allowed this will be the last batted out
(men run for men, women for women) The batter must reach
first base and time out called before the courtesy runner can be
There is a foul ball rule: 2 strikes and 2 fouls will be an out for
women, 2 strikes and 1 foul for the men.
We will play with the 5 run rule a team at bat can only score a
maximum of 5 runs an inning. Once that is done, regardless of
the number of outs, they take the field. This rule does not
apply to the final inning.

There will be no bunting, stealing, leading and dont forget NO

SLIDING. Anyone sliding will be considered an automatic
out. Be heads up while running the bases and avoid close plays
or collisions.
There will be no arguing calls by the Volunteer Umpires
anyone getting loud or unable to stop arguing there by
causing tension during the game, will be ejected and an
out will be given on their next at bat.
Games will be 7 innings but may be extended to 9 innings if
both teams are willing to do so.
No baseball bats or softball bats that are not ASA approved as
there is too great a risk of injury.
We know everyone wants to win - but we must make sure we
remember it is for fun. We are not looking to have any injuries
as this is a company function. We are following your typical
Sunday Recreational League" format.
Here are the divisions for the 2015 Season
Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

Division 4





Division 5

Division 6

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