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Extinct Animals

The Thylacine
(aka The Tasmanian Tiger)

The Thylacine was declared extinct in 1936.

(Last Known Video)

It became extinct because of people and their dogs.

They were mistaken though. People and their dogs hunted them to extinction for killing their sheep but wild dogs were killing them.

The Wooly Mammoth

They died out about 10,000 years ago.

They died out because of sea levels rising because of the ice age.
Ice ice ice everywear.
Because of me.


The Dodo Bird

Such Dodo

Much Fame

Very Like

The Dodo Bird

The Dodo Bird became extinct because of settlers.

It became extinct in 1638.
Also animals.

The Passenger Pigeon

Thought to be the world's last passenger pigeon, died on September 1, 1914.

Passenger pigeon was used in WW1 for delivering messages.
They also traveled in huge flocks sometimes blocking out the sun


The Quagga

The last known quagga supposedly died in 1878.

The quagga was hunted by early Dutch settlers and later Afrikaners.
They were easy to find and kill.

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