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(CONFIDENTIAL DISTRICI iV INVESTIGATOR 4020 PIC DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS “The work avelves espeniiiy for conducting nyestigation and interviews to ubetantite facts fr cases being preputed by te DiselctAtorney's Offs. Te Investigator I ek accordance ith the, stablsod paces and rooedurs set forth by the DisstAtorrey of Onondaga County and under he ‘New Yat Sta Criminal Procedure Law. An employee ths cla an ell 24 hos a ay and in, respenible fo handling gsnral fly eas aswell es misdereane ees tht egie development This work egies them ts coatnue investigations hat wore commenced by vert aw enforement sgencies around the coun. The Tavsigator I wil on cetson, be asin oes inthe development of segments of homieide cass tat the Distt Attorney, Che AssisntDiect Atomey and Senior Assist Distt Attorneys prosecutor as dete by the Chi Inetgtr, Ds read werk as require rca ‘Conds ony and misdemeanor invstigation as dieced byte Disc Atoney and Assistant Diasit Atoms. ‘Conducts inrviews andor interrogations ax needed to prepare cfs. Prepares reports of iets roars reports and court documents fr aralgnent of upc, ‘Assis the Distt Atomey and Assistant Dist Atomeys In reparation af eae for and sing, tru, ‘Traces and oeutes wineses and other missing pres. ‘Prepares aid exeoulescubpoets,senrch waren, summonses, sow cou oer an ition es roqute, Calls and documens evidence cbained during the course ofa nvestnton; completes necessary labor forms tobe subi wih evidence fv aus “Retove and andes viene for ial, ‘Tessin ils x anexpat witness whi the scope and alnicg of invesigutive experienc, “Tanspors vitin/vineses another documents a require, HULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL, ‘CHARACTERISTICS “Thorough knowledge ofthe New York Stato Peal La, Criminal roca Law, Search end Scie Las and Roles of vides ‘Good inowedge of madera inventive tshniqes Good inowedge of the tecigues nd procedue avd in ctblishing leg sion in cour. Good knowedge of te tecnigusfvolved in serving leg pape, ‘Abily to condos dead endo inventions, Abilis prepare cleared nso orl and witen reports Ability o male fn ng ad seamed, MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Sixyears (year of workexperene as Polie Officer having soz complete the basic course for Police Offers approval by te Manipal Police Ting Coun, er its cquivle, an fu (2). yeas of work expcence ia criminal investiation ison 8x detciveinvetigatr baling Investigations, tering eidence andor conducting investigation in one of te fllowing wea aco, homies, eangrelatd or domestic violence, nissieg pesos or eoname aw, ADDLI Date Revised ‘CONFIDENTIAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY INVESTIGATOR aon Ie DISTINGUISHING FRA“URES OF THE CLASS ‘The wrk involves rsponbily fr conducting investigations and inteviws to substan cts for cases being prparedby th Dist tomes Off. The Investig TT wo i seordacn with the fstblshed patos andpeocedae set foch bythe Dstt Attorney of Onaga County end ude the [NYS Criminal procedure Law. An eaployee in tis clas ison call 24 hous a dy andi responsible for ising and aldng th Iveta aff vith ongong ease investiation ad preparation. An employee inhi ols isasigned tle more diffel, complex and apetlized criminal investigations, A Investigator I ads the Dstt Ato and Asstt Dist Atom’ with ia preparation nluding ‘courttetinany regarding evidence and consi afiavis. ‘This investor i asagned pronctve se rescivinvestigatios and mst maintain ahigh level of respect and knowledge witha the Police ‘rmnmuniy to accomplish te desied els, which only obeambla wth yor of experience. The poston of investigator Treqles tho banding ofhigh rofl nd sesitiv cater which nude hide investigations. Does elated work as eqie. [TYPICAL Work Acravrnies ‘Conducts investigations as drced bythe Dist Atormey or Assitan iste Atomeys. ‘Gonductintviews ano interopations a nade to prepare cae flea dicted bythe Chic Inventor Prepares repo of inestitins Prepares and executes ubpocas search warans,summonses, show court ede nd clon a requite, Collis and documents viene obtaed duit ote of en investigation; completes neesary Ishoratory forms be subeited wih ovate for aly. ‘Retfiees and handles evidence fr til ‘Teste in tls say expt witness within th scope and ining of investigative experienc “Traces ad acts wineses deter ising errr ‘Assists the Distt Atorey and Assist Distt Atorys in repartion fess fore dving tvs, Serves sabpoens, warms sunmonses, show court ord, and eliations resid ‘Transpo itima/vinesses and otber docu 8 required, HS, SKILLS, ABILITIES AN crea ‘Thorough knowhedgoof te New York Stat Penal Law, Crna Procure Law, Seah and Seaare ‘Laws, and Rules of vides, Good nowlede of mode ivestgntive eciqus Good knowlege ofthe teciqus and peoofues involved in etablishing loa oon in cou, (Good knowlege of tebniqnsiavaved in serving baal papers Abily to conduc detilad cone nvestiations Abily to prepare cl and occur ral ad wtenroports “Ability analyze finding and reommen dations ‘Physical condton canmensurte with he demands of the pst, MINIOWUM oUALIHICATIONS, Six yrs (6) years of work experience, or its parttime equivalent, ar Police Office having ucxsflly ‘onpleted th basic cous for ole Ocars proved bythe Minsipal Plc Trasing Come ois euvalent, a eight (8) years of wrk experience nema investigation a deetveinvesiatr ttheringeveneant/orcondcting investigations in one ofthe ellowing ar: nrc, homies, tng tlated or dometiovslone, missing person of eenorie ud, 10201 Date Rend ‘CONFIDENTIAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY INVESTIGATOR Mt 4030 he DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OFTHE CLASS "The werkinvalvesresonsbiy for assisting in dreting apd coordinating the acts ofthe Dist Anoney'sTavetzative St. The lncamben supers the werk ofthe nvestiptve Sta ane provides technical altace regarding nvestiativfeshnigoe, The Inverter workin cordance ‘i the established practies and poceares cfr by the Ditet Atorey of Onondaga Cony and Unde the Now York StateCriminl Produ La, Tht ls diferentes from a Invite 1 I in ‘that Investig’ I are volved in ing tbe most serious any cases work with sole storey in be Dstt Atomey's Office and haa honicds investigation Which seer pence there b& efenant in usta o ther ony eases hatte vory inc innate an deand deliberate wot, rploees ins class work most locly with ober nw enfrcement genias in Onondaga County, ‘Cetra New Yak apd Nev York State. Teae investor a ao asined to wavk withthe Distt ‘Attorney or Clot Asstt Dist Alamey on homed cae tht they resect, Does elt work required. ‘Condos investigations as directed by the Disc Arey or Assistant Dishiet Atma. (Conducts intrvows mor intoroptions as weed prepare case les ced by the Chie Teves ‘Conducts personnel investigations a asigned bythe Distt tora, which inte the ‘investigation ef pole couption andor misondae ‘esos administrative dest may bo sine by th DisistAtorney and Chie vestigate, repre nd ceeates subpoenas, sewch wari, summonses, show cot ores and ciao required ‘Coordin tk frovand plan ria designed y the Chit Investig Prepress in apport of aut ordre relative to he exeiton of eavercopoing warns as swt wet ey pant nikal inetigations Collects and documents evidence obaiod during the cou of en investigation; completes neces [nboretay fom toe submited wih evidence for sali ‘Retove an handles idence fri ‘Testes in tls as enenpert witness Wiha the scope nd taining of inesgntve experienc. ‘Assists in planing anc conducting the alning of inventive personne “Assis the Disc Atorney and Assistant DisvictAtomeysin reparation of enn for and during, was Provide expr tetimoxy a node a bal egading nro, gumbling extn, nbezleent and Sposa Vein ype cees, ‘Serves sabpoenss, warans, summonses, sho court don and cats res and eles wiczoee ad ther ising persons, ‘Transat icina/winesss ard eber documenta regi, SNOW HD 18 AND PERS TER ‘Thorough knowge the New York Stat Penal Law, Criniel Procdae Lm, Search nd Serie ‘Lam and Riles of viene, "Thorough codigo cf modern nvestisiveteshnigs. Good knowlge af the techie and procures involved in enabling legal tin in cout (Good kode of ednigues avd ia erving eel paps, Abily to conde’ dtd confidential investigations Abily to pepe clea and acute eal and writen eparts, Abily to analyze findings and reommendations. Physical ondton commensurate wi the demands of the poon, ano MINDAUP OUALAFICATIONS ‘Shc yer (6) years of werk expen, rts patsine oulvalent, a Pic Office Bain stcesflly ‘competed the basic couse for Flee Ofer appoved by the Municip! Poise Trang Counel rs guialent, nea (10) yas of work experience i criminal investigations aa deectveinestigtor tthuring evidence andr conducting investigntion in one ofthe following areas: nares, homicides, ‘gaglated or domestic vileace, missing parsons or eeonomi fab 11201 Dt Revie

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