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How Do You Balance it All?

Beep. Beep. Beep. I wake up to the
lively sound of my alarm clock. I get
dressed, comb my hair, pack my school
bags, eat breakfast, brush my teeth and
get on the bus. This repetitive cycle
happens every single weekday morning.
My busy schedule is stuffed with
everything from homework to basketball
practice, and everything in between.
People ask me, How do you balance it
all? How can I balance it all?
So, I decided to ask these questions to
other busy people, like me. Well show
you how to find a good way to balance
your busy schedule.
Daisy: What is your schedule like on a
day to day basis?
Delaney OBrien: I wake up at 5:45 and
get myself ready for school. After that, I
have my usual bowl of Lucky Charms.
Then my mom drives me to school and
the day begins. Once school is over, I
stay after with a teacher and either do
homework, or tutor other kids. Then I
go to whatever sport is in season which
usually ends at 6:00.

Table of Contents
Cover: How do you Balance it
All? by Daisy Aromando
Page 1: Continued
Page 2: Not What Meets the Eye
by Zoe Clark and Renewal by
Alyssa Lee and Hannah Cottis
Page 3: The Fallen Tempest by
Andrew Mott
Page 4: Fathers of Our Nation Art
Collection by Natalie Hannagan

After I go home, and have dinner, do my

homework, and have me time. I get
ready for bed, sometimes read, and then
finally go to bed around 9:30-11:00.
Why do you try to maintain this busy
Its hard to balance school and sports,
but I really enjoy both of them. It
teaches me to be organized, and to use
my time wisely. They are important
skills to know, and I am glad to be
learning them at such a young age.
Daisy: How do you balance being a good
athlete and a good student?
Delaney: I use any free time I have to
either finish up my school work or
practice sports. I always try to have
some time to myself and just relax. I
think thats a good way to unwind for the
day and think about problems.
Daisy: What tips can you give kids that
need help balancing a busy schedule?

Page 5: Interview with Mrs.

Mercier by Zoe Clark and Sydney
Page 6: The Cabal by Kyle Stone
Page 7: Aranian Rebels by Kate
Page 8: Continued
Page 9: Continued
Page 10: He said / She said by
Katie Reidy

Hannah Cottis (8)
Daisy Aromando (8)
Katie Reidy (8)
Delaney OBrien (8)
Lauren Bartlett (8)
Delaney Bailey (8)
Kyle Stone (8)
Braeden MacNeill (7)
Kate Pinette (6)
Sydney McDermott (6)
Natalie Hanagan (6)
Zoe Clark (6)
Andrew Mott (5)
Advisors: Mrs. Esch & Sra. Bartlett

Delaney: I think the most important

thing is to always use your time wisely
and plan ahead of time. Also, having
time to yourself to relax is really
important too. Plus, a huge thing that
will help you be able to have the energy
to do it all is to get enough sleep.
Daisy: What is your schedule like on a
day to day basis?
Hannah: I get out of bed and get
dressed, and then I eat breakfast. After
breakfast, my father drives me to
school. If I have time to do my
homework in class, I always take
advantage of that time. If I have sports
after school, I get home late. Usually, I
have soccer practice for my Premier
team, so I get home even later! On the
way, I usually do the rest of my
homework. Once Im home for the night,
I do some more homework and take a
shower. After that I eat and go to bed.
Right as I hit the pillow, Im out like a

Daisy: What do you do that helps you to

prepare for the upcoming day?
Hannah: If I have homework on the
weekend thats not due anytime soon, I
do it anyways. It helps take the edge off
during the school week. Taking any
homework off my plate is extremely
Daisy: What tips can you give kids that
need help balancing a busy schedule?
Hannah: If you take a cold lunch to
school, pack it the day before. Have all
your homework done and ready to go in
your backpack before you go to bed.
Charge your devices at night. Write
down your homework so you are always
on top of it!
So now you all know the basics to
balancing a busy life! Remember....

Why do you try to maintain this busy

*Go to bed early

*Pack your school bags the night before,
instead of in the morning.
*Always plan ahead
*Write homework down in agenda
*Be careful not to overload your

Hannah Cottis: I love what I do, and I

make time to do what I love!

If you do all of the above, surely you will

be stress free and happy!

Not What Meets the Eye...

By: Zoe Clark

Im just an average thirteen year old,
with parents who love me. I go to a nice
school and have lots of nice friends. I could
say that, but it just isnt the truth.
The truth is, I used to have parents. I used to

dandelions growing in the field below. I could

go to school and had nice friends. Used to

up. I pushed away the cobwebs and sat on

Oh yeah, and Im not an average 13 year old

the ledge of the window. I sat with my legs


dangling down over the edge. If I was to

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My back hurt

from the hard wood I was lying on. The
world seemed to stand still, waiting for
something. I stood up and opened the big
window framed with cobwebs. I could smell

By: Alyssa Lee and Hannah Cottis
Someone, once so strong
after one cloudy day can lose all hope.
As a little kid with
grandiose dreams and goals,
stripped away by others
less confidentThey judge you, hurt you,
and your flower petals fall....
Better things will come.
Just when you thought winter was going to
last; spring comes.

just barely see the sun rising on the horizon.

I decided to get going before anyone woke

jump, I would fall about 30 feet to the

ground. So my choices were to jump and risk
killing myself, or to climb down the ladder
safely. Jump of course. I stood up as far as I
could, and jumped.

The Fallen Tempest

By: Andrew Mott
the cottage where ink and quill sat. A string of
light pierced through my stained windows,
leaving a trail of light and dust across my attic
bedroom. Then I felt something on my head. I
looked up. A drop of water fell through a
moderately sized hole in my roof, landing point
blank, right on my lower forehead. The drop
trickled down my face, and fell on the floor. I
sighed. The sagging roof of my cottage was not
doing very well, and hadnt at all lately as the
storms passed through. I picked up a hammer,
several planks of wood, and some nails.

A short while later, my low-hanging roof

had been repaired, I felt relieved. Presently I

stood in front of the window, my scarred hands
resting on the windowsill. I was watching the
growing storm that was right around the land
of the wild forest. It even reached the village. I
could only see through the one pair of rusted,
leather binoculars I had received from my
Looking back on it, it is hard to stop dwelling on father. I knew well that my house could
what had happened, how it affected me, and
probably withstand the storm, but I feared that
how it affected them. By them, I mean me, and

the forest could not stand it. The wind howled

the spirit theyre in. I had foreseen this, and

as I hear the cracking noise of my window

opposed the face of optimism for this event, or

panes holding back the terrible storm. I sat

at least now. Now, I could handle this situation

down at my desk, and blew a short breath onto

with ease. That does not matter. What matters

the burnt stub of a candle wick. It sputtered

is that I could not then.

back to life. I sat down at my old redwood desk,

pulled out the paper and started writing. I put a

I recall a stone-cold, breezy November

drop of ink onto my favorite quill, a long hollow

morning where I awoke to a whistling noise,

blade of a feather with a pointed tip. Which had

hearing the sound of a windstorm, howling and

landed on my head as I gardened in my

tearing through the forest in my backyard. I

backyard. I started the letter that I would send

slowly sat up, rubbing away the sleep I had

to the village, and my father therein, to warn

previously slept, glancing casually around.

them of the coming tempest.

Everything was in order in my large cottage in

the woods. All the furniture was in the same
place. My candle burnt to a stub on my desk; in

I never did have a chance to finish that letter.

Fathers of our Nation Art Collection

By: Natalie Hanagan
space shuttle touching down on an
unexplored planet, the infinite alien terrain
beckoning the universes explorers to
eradicate the word unknown from their
I have always indulged in art, from the time
i was a child with overly-colorful paintings
of very geometric cats on dangerously
spiky grass to the time I was further into
elementary school where I would doodle
action-packed scenes of stickmen dueling
with the no calculator symbol on my
math homework. In fifth grade I reached
my personal renaissance, and I became
quite proud of my ever growing talent. I
loved to draw eyes and portraits in simple
Ticonderoga pencils, and eventually I
picked up on more basic skills and
Every time my pencil touches down on the

improved greatly in the fifth grade year.

ordinary face of blank paper, yearning to be

Just as greatly, I have usually been

something as magnificent as it was when it

fascinated with history and would look

was a grand tree bristled with needles or

things up related to lessons I was taught in

armored in broad leaves, it feels like a

social studies class and pick up on lots of

facts. I felt that the forty-four leaders of our

The Interview With Mrs. Mercier

by: Zoe Clark and Sydney McDermott

Last year before school got out Mrs. Asquini retired.

Zoe & Sydney: When did you start singing?

So Bailey Johnson took over as our sub for the rest

of the year, but we had no idea who would be our

Mrs. Mercier: I have been singing as long as I can

permanent chorus teacher for our years to come,

remember. She says. I took vocal lessons when I

but September of 2014 we found out our chorus

was in 8th grade and all through high school. Also I

teacher for this year, (and our years to come) is

preformed at a wedding.

Mrs. Mercier. we dicided to get to know her. Here are

the things we found out.

Zoe & Sydney: What made you want to come here?

Zoe & Sydney: Have you ever had a teaching

Mrs. Mercier: My husband works in Wells so I

position before?

decided to work in the same area too. My dad is also

a teacher at Bonnie High School.

Mrs. Mercier: Yes I have taught chorus before for

the last three years of middle school in Sacopee

Zoe & Sydney: What made you want to have a

Vally. She replies

teaching career?

Zoe & Sydney: How does this position compare and

Mrs. Mercier: Well I love to sing and I love kids so

contrast with your other teaching position?

just put my two loves together and you have the best

Mrs. Mercier: Compare: Both Sacopee Valley, and

Wells, do honors festival and I am doing some of the

Students really enjoy Mrs. Mercier this year and the

same music as I did before.Mrs. Mercier replies

students of Wells, think we are the luckiest chorus

contrast: Im just teaching middle school not high

class and are so grateful that Mrs. Mericer decided

school too, and this year Im not teaching band.

to teach here.

Zoe & Sydney: What are your interests outside of

teaching chorus?
Mrs. Mercier: Well of course singing, gardening,
and making my own candles. I coached basketball
last year and I enjoyed it very much. I coached cross
country, and now I am currently teaching kids swim
lessons at Quest Fitness in Kennebunk.
Zoe & Sydney: Has this position made a difference in
your life? And how?
Mrs. Mercier: Yes it has because I dont have as
long as a drive as I did at Sacopee Valley. She tells
us. I had to drive an hour to work but now I only
have to drive ten minuets!

Mrs. Mercier
Photo taken by: Hannah Cottis

The Cabal
By: Kyle Stone
As we entered the atmosphere on Mars,

Then there was an eruption of gunfire as

we could see the dust storms every where,

the cabal started shooting at us. The cabal

and cities buried in sand. We were not here

started to charge toward us. The titan was

for those, we were here for the Exclusion

ready, smashing the ground, using the

Zone, a colony on Mars that was claimed by

powers the Traveler gave him to send the

an alien race called the Cabal. We had to

cabal flying in the air. The warlock was

land far away, because if we got close, they

ready for when they came back down,

would have shot us down within seconds.

sending a ball of energy toward them,

Better get going. I said. We started the

obliterating most of them. I ran forward,

long trek through the sand, about three

using one of my powers to teleport behind

miles away from our destination. The

them. I turned around, knife in my hand,

ancient, abandoned buildings gave a post-

and threw it at one. He grabbed his back

apocalyptic feeling. Then again, we live in a

and went down with a roar. As the Titan

post- apocalyptic world. I herd it wasnt

and Warlock kept firing, taking down

always like this. I herd we were once

dozens of cabal, I ran forward and


retrieved the knife. I then released a whole

bunch of red orbs into the air, and watched

Two and a half miles later, the sun started

as they chased after the remaining cabal

to set. Think we should wait until night?

and detonated when they hit them. It was

The warlock asked. Yeah. I said. Its better

over. Or I thought it was. A gladiator came.

to attack at night. Less cable are patrolling

then. A couple hours later, it was finally
dark. We started moving towards a small
Cabal camp, although to cable, small
involves two drop ships that carry 10 men
each with large machine guns mounted on
the sides, a large tank, and two buildings
the size of a large house, made out of a
metal as strong as tungsten. I waited. I
aimed down my scope, looking for a Cabal
patrol. One just happened to walk into my
sights. I took a shot. Almost every time,
think I would miss. Except hunters never
miss. The cabal collapsed with a scream as
oil spewed from his armor. Thats when the
other cabal noticed us.

Aranian Rebels
by: Kate Pinette


Sorry, Karissa! She exclaimed as

Fourteen year old rebel Karissa

she peered into my bedroom. Oh

Ryes stumbled into the bak lanes

of the capital building of Arania.
The Enforcers were right on her

No! I exclaimed. Minutes flew by

and I was still attempting to pick up

my! Your room is a mess! Clean it up the little shreds of paper. Another
right now before the Enforcers come knock came from the door.
to do their regular Sunday cleaning. Coming mom! I yelled. The door

tail, hunting her down for a Crime

she committed. Her breath caught Aww. I moaned at the thought of
the unemotional faces of the
in her throat as she tripped and
fell next to a waste disposer. Her

Enforcers in their perfectly ironed

knees were scraped and bruised

black suits and sunglasses. I

from the chopped up rock that was shivered. Come downstairs as soon
as youre done, my mom said, The
beneath her feet.

opened and an Enforcer was standing

in the doorway. My heart skipped a
beat and I froze. The Enforcer eyed
my messy room before locking his
gaze on my ripped drawings.
What are those? the Enforcer

asked, frost covering his tone. I knew

meal truck will deliver our breakfast I had made a mistake. Drawing is
Crimes werent common in Arania at 9:00. Okay. I said. I trudged
forbidden in Arania.
because of the totalitarian form of
Drawings. I said weakly.
government. The original United

glass hamper sat empty in the

States had more of a democracy,

corner of my room. I balled up all of

but rebels overthrew the

my scarlet shirts and denim jeans

government and for decades we

and tossed them into the hamper,

were in war. Then, a peace

missing almost all of the shots. I

agreement was held and our city

rose up from the ashes, but sadly
there is still war outside of our
cities barriers. No, no, no! She
whispered as she struggled to
stand up. Searing white-hot pain
shot through her whole body as a

The Enforcers cold hands wrapped

around my shoulders and yanked me

pulled my blinds up and looked at the backwards.
meak, grey sky. The neighborhoods
Hey! I snapped as I struggled

surrounding ours blurred together in against the brute strength, Let me

the shadows of our Aranias capitol
go! My mom burst through the door,
building. I stepped back and fiddled

her eyes wide.

with my wrinkled sheets and made a What is going on in here? My mom
weak attempt to make it look nice.I

syringe plunged into her neck. She grabbed the wall vacuum and quickly She committed a crime, maam. The
went over the black and scarlet tile
barely looked up and saw bright,
Enforcer said, his voice placid.
aqua eyes staring back at her that floor, cleaning up the dirt I tracked
What exactly is that crime? my
were full of guilt.

in. I glance in. I glanced up at the

Chapter 1

wall clock and figured I had about

Mom! I screamed through my

ten more minutes before the meal

bedroom door as i knocked

truck would arrive. I crept over to

rapidly, You locked me in again! my desk and pulled out one of the
drawers. The sketchbook slid quietly
Once again, my mother
accidentally locked me in my
bedroom by scanning her thumb
instead of mine. I could hear her

out and I barely caught it before the

Drawing, the Enforcer said,

Expression and rebellion are
common at this age, but the
punishment will still be very severe
for such a young female.

Mom, I started as I strained against

the ripped out papers fluttered to the the large men, Its okay, Ill be fine.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she

footsteps echo up the stairs and

then the faint hum of the security Some of the papers got clamped in
scanner. It beeped once and then the retracting drawers and ripped.
the door clicked open.

mom asked, her patience dwindling.

turned to face the Enforcer once


Aranian Rebels continued...

Where are you taking her? she


briefly at our sad, little neighborhood,

whispered softly, but her voice was

Physically disabilities?

almost always in the shadows of the

tinged with rage. There was silence .

Are you blind?

capitol building. I sighed and stepped

Where are you taking her! she

Excuse me?

into the sleek off-white hovercraft.


Nevermind. I said.

There were rows of white leather

To the rebellion camp, maam, in the I slung my school bag that was now
full of my few articles of clothing over
Warlands. he replied.

seats in the back of the craft, and an

illuminated cockpit that had

The Warlands! my mother sobbed,

my shoulder and exchanged a

flickering blue screens. I sat down

All she did was draw!

desperate glance from my mother

nervously in one of the back row

Listen. the Enforcer said as he

before scanning my thumb on the

seats and placed my school bag on the

stepped towards my mother and

wall screen and unlocking my

floor. The mini pod still rested in my

towered above her. You keep your

bedroom door. The Enforcer trotted

pocket, and I quietly slid it out of my

mouth shut or else youll need to head along behind me, his footsteps hard
to the Warlands with her. My mother on the tile floor.

pocket and scanned my thumb to

turn it on. The screen illuminated and

swallowed back another yell and

You can now have two minutes to

I started to swipe through the

nodded solemnly.

say your goodbyes before the


Pack your bag. the Enforcer said as hovercraft comes to pick you up. The My stomach started to drop and I
Enforcer said.
he turned to face me, No valuables
realized that we were taking off. I
Thank you. My mother whispered.
are allowed.
peered out of the sleek rectangular
No valuables! I screeched, So, that The Enforcer stepped into the
means I cant take my grandmothers kitchen, leaving my mom and I along

windows and saw that we were now

higher than the capitol building. My


in the den.

stomach flip-flopped as my eyes grew

No. The Enforcer said sternly. He

Be safe, okay? My mother said to

wide in terror. I looked away from the

released me and I stumbled forward

me, her voice thick with melancholy.

window, now realizing that I had a

before before catching myself. I

Okay. I said, I am coming back, I

fear of heights.

strode quietly towards my closet and promise. She stepped forward and
embraced me with a long hug.
scanned my thumb on the wall

We will arrive in Station Three-A in

one hour. The muffled voice informed

screen. It beeped and swung open.

Talk with me through the mini pod.

through the ceiling speakers. I

There were five pairs of solid scarlet

My mom whispered as she slipped

continued to swipe the applications,

tee-shirts and five pairs of denim

something small and cool into my

and the mini pod had no

pants hanging from the glass pole. I

jean pocket. I just nodded.

entertainment games, just basic

balled up the few articles of clothing

I am coming back. I said with

messaging and calling, along with a

and stuffed them into my school bag. I determination, I promise.

Your two minutes is up maam. The
scanned my thumb once again and

retina display screen and HD camera.

Probably an old model of the Apple

my closet swung shut.

Enforcer said as he stepped into the


Do you take any medicines? the

den, Karissa, the hovercraft is

Boredom washed through me and I

Enforcer said mechanically, as if he

waiting outside. I looked back at my

called up my scarlet sweatshirt and

has said it a thousand times.

mom and weakly smiled.

placed it on my shoulder, mimicking a

No. I grumbled. Need any

Love you. I said to her as the

pillow. My eyes fluttered shut and I


Enforcer quickly shut the door. I dont

dozed off.

think she heard me. I looked around


Turbulence shock me out of my

was about to flop again, but I

nervously looked through the

not-so-deep sleep. My eyelids shot

turned away from the window and

window, and saw just a very dark

open as the hovercraft rocked

got instant relief.

grey image. We were in the heart

back and forth, the engine

Excuse me, the voice muffled

of the storm now, zooming along.

humming loudly.

again, But we are about to head

Suddenly, the overhead lights

Whats going on! an Enforcer

through a storm, so please buckle

flickered and died out.

snapped as he headed into the

in and do not get up. I reached

People gasped and panic started

cockpit. I nervously looked out

my hand down and touched the

to spread.

the window and saw that we were

black cube that was hooked to the

The engine made an ear-splitting

over a vast, dry, desert-like

seat. The belt sprung up and


landscape. There were a few

clicked to the other magnetic end

And then we were falling,

white, puffy clouds, but the

of my seat, securing me in place.

majority of them were pitch-black

The craft rocked some more, and

and menacing.

then it was still. I

Storm. I whispered. My

To be continued ...

He Said, She Said

By: Katie Reidy


How Important Is Self

What he said...

What she said...

Well, I mean, in some things its important,

People worry too much about image

but in some things I dont really care. How

and social status. If youre not

you look, well everyone cares how they look,

somebody, youre a nobody. Its a sad

and who you hang out with doesnt matter

fact but a very true one. For example,

either as long as their you friends, but I do

in the lunchroom, there are two lines.

think some kids try and hang out with the

All the Popular Kids go to one of

Popular Kids

them, and in the other one there are

~Jaden Poulin

kids who arent so popular, but its

really sad how it matters what lunch
line you go to, or what table you sit at.
When really, its a lunch line and a
table. I feel like the reason it matters
so much is because we are junior high
students; its all about who you are
now. Everyone says to be yourself,
but then you come to school, and its
all about fitting in. Its sad.
~Delaney Bailey and Alex Chase

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