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Unit 3Causes of the American Revolution

Test Date: October 21, 2014

To help you study your test, I am providing you with a list of important ideas, vocabulary words, events
and people. If you can explain each of these items and why they are important, you are sure to get an
A on the test.
Vocabulary Terms and Concepts:
1. Mercantilism
2. Boycott
3. Civil disobedience
4. Patriot
5. Loyalist
6. Revolution
7. Militia
8. Grievance
9. Unalienable rights
British Laws and Policies
10. Navigation Acts
11. French & Indian War (Seven Years War)
12. Proclamation Line of 1763
13. Quartering Act
14. Stamp Act
15. Townshend Acts
16. Writs of Assistance
17. Tea Act
18. Intolerable Acts
19. Boston Massacre
20. Boston Tea Party
21. Battles of Lexington and Concord
22. Sons of Liberty
23. Samuel Adams
24. Crispus Attucks
25. King George III

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