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I believe that humans are merely the creation of an amazing and vastly unique God.

in fact are created in his image according to Genesis 1:26-27 Then God said, Let us make
mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds
in the sky, and over every living creature that moves along the ground. So God created mankind
in his own image, in the image of God he created them; Male and Female he created them. God
is made of three parts called the triune God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy
Spirit. He is not three individual persons, but the triune is a representation of his character. His
character is one that is so complex and unique that no one can understand it. However, God is
always Just, always Holy, always loving, all powerful, and all knowing. As I learn and grow
more and more I find that there is no way there can not be a God. The world is so complex in its
very details that there has to be a creator. Constantly I see science, archaeological studies and the
Bible proving that God exist and has been working and moving all throughout history.
I believe absolute truth is based on Gods word. If absolute truth did not exist, then how
can humanity judge good and evil? It cant. However, Absolute truth can be found in the bible, it
just needs to be searched out. The ultimate truth is that Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins,
so that even though we continue to sin, we have a way out. I personally think that religion is
crap. Religion just sets up rituals and rules that people must follow. However, there is no
relationship to God in it. It just seems more works based to me. On the other hand, I believe in
Christianity because it is about a relationship with God, not works based. In it I can learn and
grow in all components of my life. Christianity is absolutely true. There is no other religion out
there that is like it. It not only is unique, but it also has all sorts of evidence that supports it.
The universe was in fact created by God himself through his word. Genesis chapter one
explains. The world was created perfect. However, when sin entered the world, creation became

corrupt. Eventually it became so corrupt that a flood was sent to destroy the earth. However, God
was faithful and saved humanity through Noah and his sons. Looking at the world today I would
say that it is evil. Constantly evil is advertised to us on a daily basis. However, even though there
is an abundance of evil, there is also an abundance of good. God has not abandoned his people
on earth, but continues to strengthen them daily.
Humans are a representation of God. He created both male and female to show
different character traits of himself. God is loving and nurturing like a mother, but also
authoritative like a father. That is one reason marriage between a man and a woman is so special,
they join together as one. Humans were created good. Genesis 1:3a God saw all that he had
made, and it was very good. When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve humanity
became corrupt and broken. Humans are messed up, broken beings in need of a savior. The Bible
tells us in Romans 6:23 that For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord. Thankfully the story doesnt end there. God sent his son, Jesus, into the
world to save our broken souls. Through him we have life and life abundantly. (John 10:10b)
Through faith in Jesus Christ we can be saved.
I confidently stand on the word of God. In his word he explains what is good and what is
evil. It is through his word that humanity can judge good and evil. However, I believe that God
has founded basic moral qualities inside every human being. It is when humans become so
corrupt that individuals can no longer head to those standards deep inside.
Humans are placed on earth to glorify God through our lives. We are called to live a life
worthy of the cause of Christ and share his hope to every nation. He said to them, Go into all
the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15 I believe our purpose is clearly
characterized to us through the word of God. It gains meaning through the incredible stories of

those martyred for their faith in Christ. Although Christianity is being persecuted, the more it is
persecuted, the more it thrives. To a Christian, death is not as scary as it is to non-believers. After
death there will be righteous judgement. Those who have accepted Christ and their names are
written in the lamb's book of life will enter Heaven. Those who have not, will be sent to hell.
Some say that a loving God would never send anyone to Hell. However, they forget that God
gave man free will to choose and also he is a just and holy God. He can not have evil in his
presence. There is hope for believers that they will see fellow believers in Heaven again.
I strongly believe that Jesus is the son of God. He was not just some great prophet, but
the savior, sent to earth to save humans from their sin. He was fully God and fully man. He is
extremely important to the Christian faith story because only through him can humans be saved.
He is the fulfiller of prophecies and promises made by God to his people. In simple terms, Jesus
is the bridge between humans and God.
Now ive explained that I do not like the term religion, but Christianity is different. It is
not works based, or class based or something done just on Sundays. It is an ever growing,
intimate, relationship with Jesus Christ on a daily basis. I have grown up in a Christian family
where I have learned all about Jesus Christ and what he means. However, I firmly believe in
Jesus Christ as my savior not because my parents taught me, or because they do, but I believe
because of my own research and personal experience with Christ.
Hannah Sowers

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