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1st group :

Salmi Seprianti


Abdillah Adam S.




Fischer Projection - D, L System Haworth Structure

1. Fischer Projection
Molecule in nature is actually three-dimensional shape, but for ease of study, most of
the molecules described in terms of two dimensions. Structure is a two-dimensional
projection of a three-dimensional shape is called the Fischer.
Projection Discovered by a scientist named Emil Fischer (1852-1919) a
German organic chemist whose nation that received the Nobel Prize for chemistry in
1902 for his work on the chemical space (stereochemistry) and structural formula of
carbohydrates, using the projection formula to write the structural formula
In the Fischer projection of a carbohydrate, the carbon chain is described in a
vertical (upright) with the aldehyde or keto clusters are at the peak of the formula.

2. D, L System
In a Fisher projection of the sugar, the determination of D or L based on the
asymmetry of the carbon atom molecule penultimate, which is a C-5 at a aldohexoses.
As in the formula for D-glyceraldehyde, written hydroxyl cluster to the right
of the C-5 to show the shape of D from glucose. Enantiomers (mirror shadows
isomers) of D-glucose are L-glucose, which has the opposite configuration at each of
the four asymmetric centers.

3. Haworth Structure
Sir Walter Norman Haworth (1883-1950) an English chemist found, the glucose
molecules into the first five carbon atoms with oxygen atoms to form hexagonal rings.
Therefore, he proposed the formula is written as a form of carbohydrate structures
furan ring and piran ring.

Because the glucose ring of six similar to piran, then called the pyranose of
glucose; its called anomers and -D-glucopyranose. While, The glucose ring of five
similar to furan, then called furanosa of glucose.
In the structure of Haworth, form of sugar has a hydroxyl group that is
written below the anomeric carbon and forms of sugar has a hydroxyl group that is
written above the anomeric carbon

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