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It is always a pleasure the remind the fine people in the Engineering Workshop for

their sincere guidance I received to upload my practical as well as theoretical skills

in engineering.
Firstly I Would like to thank Prof. Guriqbal , |(|Head of Department , Mechanical
Engineering) for convincing me the fact Whatever a man can imagine that can be
achieved, treating me as a son of this own and guiding me to taste the real flavor
of Engineering .
I would also like to thank Mr.Ashwani Malik (Head of Department of R&D) for
the positive attitude he showed for my work , always allowing me to question him
and giving prompt replies for my uncertainties in all the fields including
educational, social and managerial to labour work. And I always great him for his
aspects of crew resource management who always said , I may be wrong
The Workshop Engineer Mr. Balaji, (Head of Protoshop) Head and all other
workmen are also greeted . I thank all the ILT trainees who underwent training
with me for the mutual support I received from them.
Finally I thanks to all other unnamed who helped me in various ways to have a
good training.
Knowledge is power and unity is strength.

Sunraj Singh

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