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Please inform the Usher if you wish the Rabbi to read a name

12 TEVET 5775 JANUARY 3, 2015

Betty Hyson Ellias
Morris Ginis
Ralph Goodman
Josef Grosman

David Albert Hazan

Henry Kaplan
Joseph Manishevitz
Harvey G. Snider

Bertha Friedman Zeff

13 TEVET 5775 JANUARY 4, 2015

Bernard Adelson
Maria Miriam Blank
Eva Friedgood
Sidonia Goldberg

Leon Kabiljo
Delphine Landau
Alex Samuels
Helen Weiner

Kate Weiner
Oscar Wolf

14 TEVET 5775 JANUARY 5, 2015

Herman Benstein
Renee Marcia Glanz
Sonia Jacobs
Ethel Lakind

Bettye Levy
Silvie Epstein Pergament
Eli Robinson
Harry Sosnick

Leo Straus
Stuart Winkelman

15 TEVET 5775 JANUARY 6, 2015

Walter L. Field
Karl Gutman
Moses Remer
Mabel Schmalberg

Lena Shapiro
Dorothy Sherman
Bernard N. Tucker
Sam Tukel

Julius Wallace

16 TEVET 5775 JANUARY 7, 2015

Morris D. Baker
Anna Berman
George Brody
Casper Brown

Mollie Cherrin
Albert Green
Ephrain F. Lyons
Harry Mendelson

Irwin Weingarten

17 TEVET 5775 JANUARY 8, 2015

Nathan Elkus
Ida Epstein
Rabbi Irwin Groner
Samuel Kersch

Craina Naomi K noll

Lucille C. Larky
Helen Lepofsky
Fredrick Mann

Lillian Libbie Rubenstein

Gerald Steinberg
Ilsa Straus

18 TEVET 5775 JANUARY 9, 2015

Ethel A. Chicorel
Irving Rollinger
William Rosman
C. Hertzel Silber

Robert Smith
Sophie Spiwak
Selden Tachna
Sherwin Tukel

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