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Evaluation and Quality Improvement Program (EQuIP) Accreditation

If your organisation intends to pursue accreditation through ACHS, please include ACHS on the Gap Assessment Selection Form, which is to be used to apply for a Gap
Assessment. Once you have submitted your application, the EQHS Accreditation Administrator will obtain a quote for the Gap Assessment.
The Standard


Type of Framework


Assessment Agency

Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS):


Whole of organisation.

Accreditation Period

Four year cycle with two visits per four year cycle.

Accreditation Process

Self-assessment documentation submitted followed by an accreditation review.

Expected duration of Assessment Site Visit and

number of Assessors

The length of the accreditation review and the number of certification surveyors involved are dependent on the size
and type of organisation being reviewed.

Review visits between Audits

Contact to request information on the implementation of required actions and 2 on-site visits during the accreditation


Telephone information and support.

Earliest Time to Achieve Accreditation

Two years.

Accreditation Assessors

Peer reviewers experienced staff from other accredited agencies within the health sector. Training in accreditation
assessments is usually provided. Peer reviewers are generally not required to be registered with a registration body.
Assessors are not remunerated other than for expenses.

Financial Benefits to Accredited Organisations

Recognition as an accredited organisation but no direct financial benefits.

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