Sub Lord Speaks

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The Importance of the Constellation and SUB - The


In offering even the least complicated judgment in KP Astrology, the
constellation needs consideration. The sign in which a planet is
posited is not very important. The house occupied by a planet
should be judged, taking into account the constellation in which the
planet is deposited. The role of the sign occupied by a planet is not
as important as that of the constellation. This factor is a major
deviation from the thinking in traditional Vedic astrology.
Guruji, Shri KSK, has given many examples in which, if a planet is in
the 12th bhaava, by traditional methods, it is said that it should
cause separation, loss, issue of cheque etc. But when actually
observed, there is reunion, gain, receipt of money etc. Guruji, in the
3rd Reader gives an example of a man, who was a close friend of his
for many years. The gentleman in fact had gains, fortune and
success during the periods of Saturn, Mars and Sun, which
according to the traditional system ought to have been bad as being
placed in the 12th bhaava. However, the gentleman had untoward
results during the periods of Venus posited in 11 and Ketu in 10!
According to the traditional system, Saturn and Sun ought to have
been worse, but they were beneficial. Venus and Mercury causing
Dharma-Karmaadhipati yoga in the chart should have given brilliant
results, but they proved bad! Guruji, exclaims that studying such
charts for many years alone opened his eyes. He observed that a
planet A offers the results of the house occupied by that planet B
which is the lord of the star wherein planet A is situated.
Again trouble arose when 2, 3 or 4 planets were found in the same
constellation. Guruji, Shri KSK, observed that, even those planets in
the same constellation gave sometimes diametrically opposite
results. This made him go further and divide each constellation into
9 SUBs as explained in an earlier article in this reference. Guruji,
proved through untiring research that planets occupying any one
constellation have connection with the bhaava occupied by the lord
of the constellation. These planets in that constellation were termed
as the "Significators" of the bhaava occupied by the constellation
lord. Then he further said that, even when a planet signifies a
bhaava, whether it offers good results or bad ones, depends on
which SUB division it is placed within that constellation. So, whether
the significator votes for the success or failure of the matter at
hand, depends on the ultimate judge - the SUB lord in whose sub
division the significator is deposited.

In order to judge whether the significator can do good or bad, one

should therefore, very logically judge, what the SUB lord himself
signifies. Because fundamentally, every planet gives the results of
the houses he signifies (that is the house occupied and houses
owned by the lord of the star in which the planet is placed), it is
quite but natural to consider that a planet having signification of
good houses or favorable bhaavas can only do well. Therefore, if the
SUB lord is a significator of good bhaavas (here good means
bhaavas favorable to the results at hand), then the matter comes
through, else it falls apart. This great discovery "crowned" Shri KSK
with success and he became the unquestioned Monarch, the real
Jyotish Marthand, who shed his luminous compassion on the scene
of Indian Astrology which was until then shrouded in the mediveal
Therefore, Guruji said that if a planet is the significator of the lagna
bhaava (is located in the constellation of a planet occupying the
lagna), it gives long life, success in attempts, helps maintain a good
and sound health, PROVIDED, the sub lord in whose sub division this
planet is deposited, is NOT the significator of 6, 8 or 12. If the sub
lord signifies 6 (is located in the constellation of a planet occupying
the sixth bhaava), he falls ill, if signifying 8, he meets with danger
and if signifying 12 one runs away or is imprisoned or hospitalized.
Thus, every planets results ultimately depend on the SUB LORD that is the lord of the sub division of the constellation in which the
significator planet is located. This is the true essence of
Krishnamurtipaddhati and the SUB LORD really SPEAKS! One should
only have the mind to listen with attention and have the clarity of
thought to understand what the SUB LORD has spoken.

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