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Standard I
Knowledge of
Danielson Domain 1B
Accomplished teachers of
world languages actively
acquire knowledge of their
students and draw on their
understanding of child and
adolescent development to
foster their students
competencies and
interests as individual
language learners



1. Periodic student
interest surveys.
2. Identify specific needs
and interest of each
3. Listen to students in
classroom discussions
and informal
4. Use cooperative
learning strategies
based on student levels,
interests and learning
5. Incorporate students
interests as a tool for
motivation and selfconfidence
6. Include students prior
knowledge of culture
and language.
7. Use materials and
activities that relate to
their developmental,
social and cognitive

Middle School students are in

the process of transition in
their lives. It is important to
know my students as
individuals while also
understanding the group
dynamic in each of my classes.
Through observation and
interaction I will know my
students as individuals to
determine what motivates
them. As an accomplished
Spanish teacher I need to
determine their prior
knowledge of the language and
culture and their attitude and
perceptions in order to create
lessons that engage my
students, address their various
levels of development,
proficiency in first language
and attitudes on acquiring a
second language.


Student work that reflects culture,

background and interests.
Reading material that reflects
different cultures and
backgrounds of students.
Videos that show diversity.
Student self-portrait with brief

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Standard II
Knowledge of
Danielson Domain 1A
Accomplished teachers of
world languages function
with a high degree of
proficiency in the
languages they teach.
They understand how
languages and cultures
are intimately linked,
understand the linguistic
elements of the languages
they teach, and draw on
this knowledge to set
attainable and worthwhile
learning goals for their

1. Read aloud to students

using original works.
2. Speak in target language
in the form of questions,
giving directions or
3. Demonstrate effective use
of language by writing in
target language.
4. Seek opportunities to use
language in oral, visual
and printed matter and
covering all modes of
5. Use students previous
knowledge of first
language to compare,
contrast and build new
language skills.
6. Use video and audio of
other native speakers
from various countries
and point to develop
language skills.

As an accomplished Spanish
teacher I need to demonstrate
to my students how the
language is used. I frequently
model after providing
instruction so that students are
clear of goals and expectations.
By having the students observe
me read, write and speak the
language they are more
confident and comfortable with
acquiring skills because they
have a sense of the language.
They can also observe how
language is used depending on
person one is speaking to, the
situation, or what I am reading.
As an accomplished Spanish
teacher I am always looking for
new methods of introducing
language skills and concepts to
help my students understand
and use the language.

Use TPR (Total Physical Response)

to help students interpret what I
am saying.
Read aloud (poery, jokes,
childrens books, magazines,
newspapers, short novels)
Watch videos in target language
and interpret.
Share stories of my past as a young
girl in Colombia. Use Spanish.
Speak in target language to give


Standard III
Knowledge of Culture
Danielson Domain 1A
As an integral part of
effective instruction in
world languages,
accomplished teachers
know and understand the
practices, products, and
perspectives of target
cultures and understand
how languages and
cultures are intimately

1. Expose students to Latin

cultures through activities,
projects, audio and video.
2. Web quest activities
3. Have a variety of samples
of artifacts and posters in
the classroom
4. Teach song and dance
5. Read aloud variety of
books, magazines and
6. Students research current
events in other countries.
7. Use internet

Students of language are

curious about other cultures
and how they compare to their
own. During the process of
acquiring the language I find
opportunities to expose my
students to the history,
geography and culture of
Spanish speaking countries. By
incorporating activities that
touch on culture they develop
and better understanding of the
diverse, and multicultural
world they live in. As a native
speaker I have the unique
opportunity to share my own
culture and experiences with
my students.

Web quest on a Spanish speaking

Create a restaurant with foods
common to Spanish speaking
Shopping scenario where students
go shopping in Spanish speaking
Create currency.
Graphic organizers including Venn
Diagrams to compare and Spanish
speaking country to U.S. and KWL

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Standard IV
Knowledge of
Language Acquisition

Danielson Domain:
Accomplished teachers of
world languages are
familiar with how students
acquire proficiency in
languages, understand
varied methodologies and
approaches used in the
teaching of languages,
and draw upon this
knowledge to design
instructional strategies
appropriate to their
instructional goals

Students need to be aware

of goals and expectations
for daily and overall
instructions. These are
posted daily on board: -What will learn today.
How will we use what we
have learned?
Whats next
Instructions for activities
should be clear and
concise. Periodically have
students explain
instructions, goals and
expectations to their peers
in their own words.
Modeling is key
Frequent and
continuously check for
understanding and adjust
instruction accordingly.
Students drive instruction

In a Foreign Language
classroom students acquire a
new language in different ways.
As an effective teacher I need to
use various strategies and
instructional methods to
introduce vocabulary and
grammar and allow my
students to process while being
mindful that they do so at
different rates.
UDL (Universal Design for
Learning) framework is a tool I
use frequently to ensure all
students have equal
opportunities to acquire
knowledge and have a choice of
options to express what they
have learned.

Formative Assessments in all skill

Collaborative Activities with some
use of technology
Summative Assessments to gauge
understanding in the form Quizzes
and test
Various Internet activities


Standard V
Fair and Equitable
Learning Environment
Danielson Domain 2:
The Classroom
Accomplished teachers of
world languages
demonstrate their
commitment to the
principles of equity,
strength through diversity,
and fairness. Teachers
welcome diverse learners
who represent our
multiracial, multilingual,
and multiethnic society
and create inclusive,
caring, challenging, and
stimulating classroom
environments in which all
students learn actively.

1. Establish a community of
learners that respect each
other and me through
2. Learn about and
incorporate student
backgrounds and
experiences in my
3. Create an environment
and set the tone where
students feel comfortable
taking risks.
4. Encourage support and
collaboration, fairness and
politeness among students
through example.
5. Create a stress-free
environment of learning
where all can participate.
6. Address student behaviors
on an individual basis.

We live in a multicultural
society that continues to grow
in its diversity of cultures,
religions and socioeconomic
status, among other factors. The
classroom in terms of diversity,
demographics and student
population is continuously
changing. It is important that
as an accomplished foreign
language teacher, I create an
inclusive, positive and
welcoming environment for all
my students. I start by getting
to know my students. I need to
always be mindful, during
instruction and assessments, of
how their culture, socioeconomic status and religious
backgrounds play a part in how
students learn. I make an effort
to include cross-cultural
activities in my lessons and
include teaching materials that
represent literature, art and
events from other cultures.

Establish a set of rules and

expectations. Have students be
actively involved.
Treat all students with equal
amount of respect so that they
know it is a fair and equitable
classroom environment.
Its important to make students
feel at ease and comfortable in the
classroom to optimize their
performance Establish an
environment that is exciting, fun
and interesting to the students.
Use music, song, dance, skits,
paired and group activities.
Opportunities to work
independently are also important
to enhance motivation,
engagement and expression.

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Standard VI
Designing Curriculum
and Planning
Danielson Domain:
Instruction 3A, 3B, 3C
Accomplished teachers of
world languages design
and deliver curriculum and
instruction that actively
and effectively engage
their students in language
learning and cultural
studies. They use a variety
of teaching strategies and
appropriate instructional
resources to help develop
students proficiency,
increase their knowledge,
strengthen their
understanding, and foster
their critical and creative
thinking. They work to
ensure that the
experiences students have
from one level to the next
are sequential, long-range,
and continuous, with the
goal that over a period of
years students move from
simple to sophisticated
use of languages.


1. Use UDL (Universal

Design Principles)
framework to ensure
all students have
equitable means of
expression and
2. Differentiate
activities based on
student abilities,
levels, learning
experiences and
3. Incorporate
multiple levels of
Blooms Taxonomy
for foreign language
in day-to-day
activities to
various multiple
Plan instruction but be
prepared to adjust
Partner students up to
practice, and get
immediate peer feedback.
Role play
Have students interview
one another
Writing activities
Peer editing

My students walk in the door

with limited vocabulary in
target language and usually
very little knowledge of Spanish
speaking cultures. When they
are in my classroom they will
learn the target language
starting from basics and
building on what has been
learned. In order to ensure
development I need to use the
target language during my
instruction to strengthen their
proficiency. I also need to
include authentic print,
auditory and visual materials.
When I plan instruction my
intent is to have my students
continuously develop in their
proficiency, and cultural
awareness. I also need to
collaborate with other teachers
on curriculum especially those
that are at the next level so that
I can ensure my students are on
the right track and their
progression to the next level is

Paired and whole group activities

Show various videos that students
can relate to in terms of culture
and developmental stage.
Students can make connections,
gather information, compare and
contrast, predict and summarize.
Writing activities such as: making
lists, cluster diagrams, graphic
organizers arranging ideas
Using drawings.
Reading strategies that include:
recognizing cognates, scanning,
making inferences, transitional
phrases making predictions and
inferences, who, what where and
why questions.
Culture activities: Describe people
and culture of other countries,
Venn diagram to list similarities
and differences, some specific
lessons on community, traveling,
holidays and celebrations, food,
clothing, shopping using currency
from Spanish speaking countries


Standard VII

Danielson Domain:
Instruction 3C 3D

Accomplished teachers of
world languages employ a
variety of assessment
strategies appropriate to
the curriculum and to the
learner and use
assessment results to
shape instruction, to
monitor student learning,
to assist students in
reflecting on their own
progress, and to report
student progress.

Spelling Bs in target
Unit tests.
Create an original
dialogue in target
Drawings with
descriptions in target
Listening activities
Speaking activities
Games or activities in class
or on internet
Activities that incorporate
real life situations (e.g.
ordering at a restaurant)

In the process of acquiring a

new language, students want
constant feedback on how they
are progressing because they
are motivated to learn a new
language and want to know
how they are doing. Unlike
other subjects, learning a target
language is something
completely new to them. As an
accomplished language teacher,
I need to give my students a
variety of assessments to
determine if my instruction is
effective, if I need to review or
re-teach. I need to vary the
manner in which I assess so
that I am addressing different
learning styles. I use UDL
principals and Blooms
Taxonomy in my instruction
and assessments. I will use a
variety of authentic, formative
and summative assessments to
determine where my students
are at a given point and will
adjust my instruction

Daily formative assessments in all

skill areas.
Unit tests
Internet activities
Research country/famous person
Writing samples

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Standard IX
Danielson Domain 4:
Accomplished teachers of
world languages
collaborate with
colleagues and contribute
to the improvement of
professional teaching and
learning communities and
to the advancement of
knowledge. They advocate
both within and beyond the
school for the inclusion of
all students in articulated
programs of instruction
that offer opportunities to
study multiple languages
from early childhood
through adolescence and
young adulthood.

1. Share, learn and

collaborate with teachers
in Foreign language
2. Participate actively in
planning curriculum and
common assessments that
can be analyzed.
3. Collaborate with
educators outside the
school at different grade
levels, and with educators
outside the district.
4. Be actively involved with
professional development
and more importantly
share with colleagues.
5. Promote Foreign
Language through
involvement in regional
and national associations.

The key to a successful teacher

is communication and
collaboration with other foreign
language teachers. It is through
the exchange of information
that we are able to effectively
work for our students. It is also
important for me to
communicate with colleagues in
other disciplines. Through
collaboration, whether it is in
the same school, the district,
conferences or the internet I am
able to exchange ideas and
promote education in world

Participated in pilot study for

Google Docs in 2013-2014 school
Member of the BLTT 2014-2015
Member of the DLTT 2014-2015
Will be part of a pilot study for
Google Classroom in the spring of
Active member of the Hudson
Valley GEG (Google for Education
Frequently attend on line
Webinars relating to education
and technology.

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