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The key priority for my government in the New Year is provision of better
healthcare services in a timely and efficient manner.
I have set aside 40 per cent of the budget or an equivalent of Kshs 1.2
billion for matters health. Currently we have 28 projects located in all
wards valued at Kshs 256 million. We have hired 472 new staff with 260 of
them being technical. These include nurses, clinical officers and laboratory
technicians. A special focus is on Kerugoya Hospital which is our main
County health facility. I have set aside Kshs 30 million for lab and
maternity equipment and Kshs 15 million for modern Digital X-Ray
machine for the hospital. I have also invited the Ethics and Anti-Corruption
Commission (EACC) to help us eliminate cases of theft of drugs in our
facilities. I urge all residents to cooperate in this and report any cases of
theft promptly.
Agriculture remains a top priority of my government because it is the
backbone of the countys economy and plays critical role in providing for
the livelihoods of the citizens. My other focus is on revenue collection. In
the New Year, we will install an Automated Revenue Collection which will
greatly improve revenue collection. This system will make use of modern
technological advances in payments like Mpesa, Airtel money and other
easy to use and convenient money transfer methods. Special focus will also
be on the cleanliness of our towns by buying more trucks to collect garbage.
All the other sectors will also receive undivided attention so that our county
develops in a wholesome manner.

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