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Flaccus is a Roman farmer. He works in the field.

Flaccus leads Argus into the field.

Argus doesnt help Flaccus but sleeps.
Quintus enters the field. The boy calls Argus but Argus doesnt hear; for he is sleeping.
Quintus helps his father
The next day Scintilla calls Quintus; she sends him to the field. Quintus carries food to
Flaccus; for Flaccus is working in the field and is tired. The boy hurries to the field; he leads
Argus with him. Soon Quintus enters the field; he sees Flaccus and calls. Flaccus hears his son
and walks to him; he sits on the ground and eats the food.
Flaccus Quintum laudat
Quintus returns home and greets Scintilla; he leads Argus into the garden and calls Horatia.
Horatia hurries into the garden; she is happy because Quintus is there.
Flaccus returns from the field; he is tired; he sits in the house and rests. Soon he says,
Quintus is a good boy. He stays in the field and helps me. Scintilla is happy, because Flaccus
is praising the boy. She prepares dinner quickly; when dinner is ready, she calls Horatia and
Quintus into the house. Quintus is happy because dinner is ready; he hurries into the house.

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