Scintilla Leads Flaccus and Her Daughter To The Fish Stall

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Quintus asks his friend, Why are you working in the field?

His friend answers, Im helping the farmer.

Quintus asks his friends, Why are you working in the field?
His friends answer, We are helping the farmers.
Scintilla asks Quintus, Why are you lying on the ground, Quintus?
Quintus answers, Im lying on the ground, because I am tired.
Quintus asks the girls, Why are you sitting in the garden, girls?
The girls answer, We are sitting in the garden, because we are tired.
Quintus asks Scintilla, What are you doing?
Scintilla answers, Im preparing dinner.
Horatia asks the boys, What are you doing, boys?
The boys answer, We are hurrying to school.
Market day
The next day Flaccus and Scintilla get up early; for it is market day. Flaccus carries a big sack
of wool; Scintilla puts the olives and figs in baskets. Horatia is sitting in the garden. Soon
Scintilla calls Horatia and says, What are you doing, Horatia? Are you ready? We are going to
the market place. Horatia answers, Im ready; Im coming at once. Flaccus carries the wool,
Scintilla the olives, Horatia the figs; they hurry to the market place.
When they arrive at the market place, many men and women are already there; there are stalls
through the whole market place. THe farmers shout and praise their wares. Some are selling
grapes, some wool, some figs. Flaccus leads Scintilla and his daughter to an empty place; they
put up a stall and put out their wares.
Soon his friends approach the stall and greet Flaccus; they look at the wool. Flaccus says,
The wool is good but not expensive. Im selling the whole sack for three denarii. His friends
say, You ask too much, Flaccus; Im giving two denariis. Flaccus agrees and hands over the
Meanwhile a woman approaches Scintilla and asks, How much are the olives? She answers,
Im selling the olives for one denarii. The woman buys the olives. Another woman approaches
and looks at the figs for a long time; Horatia asks, Why are you looking at the figs like that?
She says, Im looking at the figs because they are bad. Horatia is angry and answers, What do
you say? We dont sell bad figs. The figs are good. But the woman doesnt buy the figs.
Soon they sell all their wares. Scintilla is happy; she says, We sell all our wares; now Im
going to the fish stall.
Fabella: To the fish stall
Scintilla leads Flaccus and her daughter to the fish stall.
Flaccus: What are you doing, Scintilla? To where are you hurrying? Fish are expensive.
Scintilla: Im buying a good dinner. The fish are not very expensive.
Flaccus approaches the stall and looks at the fish for a long time.
Fisherman: What are you doing? Why are you looking at the fish like that?
Flaccus: The fish are bad, fisherman; they smell.
Fisherman: What are you saying? The fish dont smell; they are good.
Scintilla: Be quiet, Flaccus. The fish dont smell. Fisherman, how much are these fish?
Fisherman: Im selling the fish for one denarii.
Horatia: You ask too much, fisherman.
Scintilla: Be quiet, Horatia. He doesnt ask too much. Im buying the fish.
Scintilla hands over one denarii and receives the fish.

Horatia: Are we going home now? Im hungry.

Scintilla: We are going home. Soon we shall dine well.
Flaccus: We shall dine well, but how expensive will dinner be!
1. We help Flaccus.
2. Im hurrying to school.
3. He sees Quintus.
4. You wait in the road.
5. They are sleeping in the house.
6. Im running to the field.
7. We warn the boys.
8. Why are you sending the girls to school?
9. We are happy.
10. You are miserable.
1. puero fesso
2. magna casa
3. multis feminis
4. puella laeta
5. colonis miseris

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