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Biology 180 Exam 4 Student name: HUaeC Sagiera, 8 December 2014 io a 1. Consider the current and projected human population pyramids for Gambia and Sierra Leone. Males are on the left; females on the right; population numbers are given in thousands. 5 (7A a. In 2014, which country has the (on d Wiseos Lanna largest population? | 014 SieerAeOe J ». Compare and contrast population growth in 2014 in the two countries Vs. population growth in 2050 in the two countries Foe LOI +6 2OSO the pep AFSEUNLEOe aFROX Joallos, | inersy age class, Wheres yy L} Coamlori tive pop in agtc ages also nemase, but Mmuble mare Hamat intheolde age clasees and only" BOR ee ete tne oot ogee ial conse Researchers hypothesized that the incidence of infected deer mice A, its boenet Frage atest snemniote eapesee acy \\ inPortand tecorded the properton of deer ice inl were infected with ‘Sin Nombre virus in five different parks, as a function of rodent diversity, A study in Panama compared the density of infected deer mice in randomized plots ina were left alone (normal divers) versus Plots where most rodents other than deer mice had been removed {reduced diversity) tit) Vr Specie hero Portand stusy a. Ifthe researchers’ hypothesis is correct, state how humans would Zz benefit by preventing extinctions that reduce radent species diversity. Assume i aeeaon son clei by CEA ig extinchiv , (oder yecies, ANE UIA Feheadn hafiecond Hag the “lo of deerme e; Ud g i faced Wald decrease pag ult 4 mles Feqae Mangini oon Ry yale eA ornec fit (gotid tne, shown) is 0.999. What © does this mean? there ix a Stag cwrrelahwy setaren Yo der ie fea ea (fected and secre density Theres are taitttlally synitecuts Normal Reduced ejbebotonaton Ge mcacten monte hs waa? Se aoe Tre gevalue ss £0.08 se thedas 9 shitsfrally signiricant anata. cegntts anc aotat all libelyte Loe occured Ly chenea.. Z 4. Do the datain the ards suppor the researches! hypothesis or confit wi i? Explain your reasoning a ; Bothqa. hs 0 gent dcdton idk sy ue reseechers' Tn Portland a\ Spares ducers MAES Hue! 4Jo LACE MeE Mfectest 1S greatly Ceduced (ily trace Tp Parana, ye jerlices| duvet lots eerie a ch lr e. Which of the tWo studies do you find more convincing? Explain why. % Te PoAlan\strdy 45 mor® convencives becusge all te take. pots fam the Splotr Fallon a 1 cansiztert frend denanshadect ny A= 0.4% (us closets {) Whereas infie Panama shidy te. 2010 bars ace Vay lage o la ug Eseerns that Mumears ait Fwelow povton tie peducedtvertt enor bar almect egualy teebah gout an Panama study i ted deer moe I| S: ‘Single-celled photosynthetic organisms called dinoflagellates live in the tissues of reef-building corals. The corals Biology 180 Name 3. The food chain below and to the left shows some trophic relationships in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Kelp are marine algae that can reach heights of 35m, (125) rea a, Complete both graphs as bar charts that plot means and standard error (4 bars total : es = Sea otter $ 3 | 3 i é 2 Searchin i : Kelp £ inva hela lovers —_Hoh orca peiniere a yeelae foniiin pele ». Oreas occupy the highest trophic level inthis ecosystem. When they are abundant, how does their total biomass compare to the total biomass present in the other trophic levels in this ecosystem (consider all of the species present, otis Se5 ters, sea cine and Kelp? Expan yourreasoring, Thess bomosy Forces SHAE thon a lloras Rms ab lower tr ants atlaert level: 4 2 pyeundl £adaach bab lagertiion allerqannins at Lijher+ aia lex te ty : r sa Cah wohery « syv~ cheles ACQMORS w flax gyidead kale energy Gee To biomass fea Ny SUN ged biomass decreages, a5 ai f ao vs pig SO ak eae 3) c. When kelp are abundant, they form “forests” that Hiroe habitat br Hlndreds of efron bees. ih Conde ) ‘can orcas be considered a keystone species in this ecosystem, analogous to the role of walves in Yellowstone Park fr Sea stars on Tatoosh Isiand, Washington? 5, + OfCas are a UConttnan specks frawea \p very large. mga Es pregrat, v cohtol to ind (Kee fre YOURS anal cea ghurg, are a precefrtiat tire fy keep incheckeein' ("papules Here at ler tplrleaek] suc of Kelp \ oa Draw the fundamental niches indicated, for sea anemones that attach to rocks in intertidal habitats. (6 fee (Gots) a, Two closely related species . Two populations of the same species c. Two species that don't compete \ ‘of indivduals h 1% of individuals 6 of neviduals a me ——= —— ‘Mean water dept ‘Maan water depin ‘Mean waterdepit are not photosynthetic; they protect the dinoflagellates and provide them with nitrogen and CO. When photosynthesis is inhibited by high water temperature or prolonged darkness, however, the corals forcibly expel the Ginofageliates, Explain why expelling occurs, in terms of the fines of corals 9 Ulven ghotesy Mew iS astinbhated tLe f flagellates and Fue corals engege Lo (wuthral HH. relabiosalp, Le Amotlagell Aes cavity 4 he coral buds andthe cat vAmalagellat Fann inchosytliess & i {ting pitecon| h Mae yyrekso. Huwever wl Pesuneed 40. pax co Alte exe | thea mcflagella fey sic ; Mes z y pore calles Z { Als vl Ase g anh ince peat sparasig artalin te. Dbeite jetta adoantia® Ian pobsynthisn is Biology 180 Name 6. When a drought hit the island of Daphne Major in 1977, small 197 ereugnt seeds became rare. G. fortis with deep beaks survived best al iekere because they could crack large Tribulus fruits. In 1982, 2 Population of G. magnirostris arrived and began breeding on Daphne Major. G. magnirostris have much deeper beaks than G. fortis. Another extremely severe drought occurred in 2004, when both G. fortis and G. magnirostris were present. (018) *% of ncivduals bebe and one “after’) 208 run = b. Graph the distribution of beak depth in G, fortis just before and Just after the 2004 crought (Grew 2 curves; label one "vefore”)/ and one “after” cof naividuals c. Is character displacement an appropriate term to describe the response to either the 1977 or 2004 drought? Explain why or ae why not : ne =a yes Force 2004 Avo ight Mc Sie ty 2 Quldamenta! naler of € Fost Beak depth i fers tion ackeet as schastion presourr, an 6: facts, cheney coords ack 6 maqnirest, inbersge Grccomet dion ad S rath Gn thu exe reduieg beak size) 4) reduce competitin ise repunrees (ach) ne 4 CL Cy 7. Mycorrhizal fungi digest dead plant matter and harvest usable nitrogen (N). Rhizobia are bacteria tha San fe Nie Oo to usable forms such as NH. (901), ‘Organism More common in early | Explain or late successional habitats? (Circle one) : cathe hagi Conn ex Mycorrhizal fungi | “Early ate R eeehe ki Gan bases Us. Us $4. Th nod Veal, wh a cay PinRobra Six NingaN neath Rhizobia | GE tate Frise chagrin I dad aSKist in He Favet 9 \ 8. Researchers did an experiment where different numbers of species of mycorrhizal fungi, drawn at raridom from the same ool of 23 different species, were added to sterilized soll in study plots. The plots were then sown with the same num! same area). Based on data that you have analyzed in class and lab, prod the results by drawing scateplos nthe spaces provided. Include lines-ot best fi (6) ———- kethe tu corte seco NAW ESS. Mereorecs aa eehee {|< MEORS | aly Ahe plant bUNaK 9 adue d I, it Lovely AE TAMe omen toacertanpatt efure, te re The F dhosghaos mike SoA will 2 Pant biomass (9) foc vegth beutileed Aftereat oe SA ARRIEAE ace OF OCU coke oF specs pee We oto. sovf a4 Biology 180 Name 9. Consider the flow of energy through the trophic levels in an ecosystem, ‘a. 1000kg of grain (wheaticorn/rice) contains enough energy to feed 3 people for a year. But ‘suppose people got all of their energy from grain-fed animals, instead. It akes 3kg of grain to produce 1kg of edible animal product. In addition, kg of edible animal product contains half as much energy as 1kg of grain. If people ate only animal products, how many could be fed with 1000kg of grain? Note for part (b): Compared to land plants, marine algae have extremely short lifespans—most grow, reproduce, and get eaten quickly, The 1” Consumers in marine ecosystems have much longer lifespans than the algae. The efficiency of transfer from 1° producers to 1° consumers is also much higher in marine vs. terrestrial ecosystems, agoual uk 'b. On the two lines to the right, draw and label two “pyramids of \ produ in marine ecosystems: one that represents total annual 4 productivity, and a second that represents standing biomass—the (i epones ‘amount present at any one time. Label one graph “Annual production” and the other graph “Standing biomass.” On each graph, also label the bars representing 1° producers, 1° consumers”, 2° consumers*, and 3° consumers ond 0 wi 10. As the oceans warm, the frequency of upwelling is decreasing. 2 2)Mow ite mtcon npg mencnameNFPPEan > Wear NPP wl lecressg, siice coasHines are-tue habest NFP ya moc 7 upvc ong ic Bae process ly ub ported aM ») Is reduced upweling a positive or negative feedback on global warming? Explain, freduced upurlling § a igptiefeed back on gleeal worry Lecorie a9 « S, uguiclling deoteaees | fanny (eehscisar stat pai nutlienks ar hau 2 gastines naeoK i‘ on | | \__ Mtn the 1800s, sharptaled grouse were abundan! and occupied much of western Neth America, Now the ~)\ popuiation i smal action of the original size and agrenied into olted patches of remaining haba 2-H has he reucion oal popuatin se npc ove ood dverayin especies? Why?3 GCenelrdnt more damatnrall ts small fr pels § extnchua & alleles thus fetta genet lve hye » How a shana ceil ole tamenislnparing cae vee? Yn? 7, ‘Tatlalang ga pulatons clinates genta, leadta +» inbiced lay eat Ubrr Vonogentber ie popult ats Gy Pea eh re dNEFE «. Is inbreeding depression mote or less of a concern now than it was in the 1600s? Explain your seasoning a Turerdas depreaiuy ig mere, AF cdrcemnun ble frumars conf stuchiy taus Climinatag gen {Taw. AWasgh bob cle. 6: Balan hy orseuctg “wie corte uillAlihe copn@ors beta ee a ee Wishes genetics cy est cane arakagerele ANE Please turn your éxam in to your T.A. J WSS Pap Hing, (% (13905) each oy int 41a: Graton oe tween patches ot rose abit pay be benetisen 3 a Fiocervt

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