The Red Door 6mths Later

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The Red Door

Six Months Later

Chapter One

I was tied down, on a table, in the medical room. It was a
room for people with doctor fantasies and located toward the
back of The Red Door, although now the room had been redecorated
and looked like a spa. There were candles lit and music played
in the background. Lotions and body oils decorated the counters.
There were also pillows, feather ticklers, and an assortment of
silk scarves matching the ones that were restraining me.
Jesus! I often wonder how a girl as timid as what I was
became this sex-starved nympho. Really, who needs two men to
satisfy her? ME. Aurora Hammond James.

And thats the reason

Im here, tied down on this table. My men, Mitch Reed and Alex
James, arent satisfying me.
They can. Hell yes, they can, but they havent in too long.
The room was in the back of the club and completely blocked
off from viewers. Mitch had agreed to let Diana do a scene, but
he didnt know it was with me. After hearing one too many

complaints on how Mitch and Alex redirect every conversation

about sex, Diana became pissed and came up with a plan. We both
knew, since I had nearly lost the baby early in my pregnancy,
Mitch and Alex were scared. Even after we receiving the okay
sign, neither wanted to take the risk.
It had been three months since either man had entered me. I
was hormonal and turned on twenty-four seven.
Nude, with my arms and legs loosely tied open, and Dianas
hands rubbed and massaged the oil into my legs, working up to my
thighs. She was standing between my spread legs, looking me
over. I could see the desire in her eyes. She rubbed circles up
to the crease between my pussy and my thighs. She paid extra
special attention to that area. I shifted, moving closer to her
hands, but it was never enough.
She smiled down at me, Ari, Im in control and youll not
try to force my touch anywhere again or youll be punished.
Yes, Maam. I whimpered and wondered what kind of
punishment she was talking about. We had planned for her to play
until Mitch and Alex were notified by an informed Calvin to
check out this room. We hadnt planned to go past a small
massage, but laying here exposed to her, I could feel my desire
building. I also no longer cared that I had never been with a

woman. I was a pregnant woman with out of control hormones. I

needed to get off.
Diana grinned at me as she used her thumbs on the crease of
my thighs. She pulled back on that area, opening my pussy up to
her even more and leaned forward and blew.
Punishment or not I lifted my ass, nearly pushing my wet
pussy into her face. I moaned out my disappointment when it
didnt happen.
Youre being a bad girl, Ari. Going to have to punish you
for that. She walked over to the counter and picked up two
bullets attached to a remote. Grabbing a different bottle of oil
she walked back in between my legs. Popping the top on the oil,
she poured it directly onto my slit. It was cool, running down
over my heated center, through my ass cheeks, and onto the
table. I heard a buzzing noise as she turned on the bullets. She
immediately pushed one up in me. The other she rubbed back and
forth along my slit, wetting it before pushing it against my
bottom hole. She rubbed circles around the tight ring, pushing a
little harder each time until it slipped in. I had tightened
down, feeling the erotic tease of both but neither being enough.
Diana walked back to the counter and grabbed the feather and the
flogger. She came back but instead of standing between my legs
she stood beside me, facing the door.

Anytime now. She mouthed at me as she started running the

feather around my nipples. I moaned and raised myself up to the
feather, needing more friction. She removed and set it down
beside me and picked up the flogger. I told you that if you
tried to dictate my moves you would be punished.
She moved down, standing beside my hips and reached between
my legs. The vibrations picked up speed, and I moaned. The two
bullets pressure made me miss the feel of my men filling me
together. I heard a small whistle as the flogger hit the inside
of my thigh. It stung but wasnt painful. It was a reprimand,
one I enjoyed even more when a matching one landed on the inside
of my other thigh. I moaned out as she dragged the flogger up
over my center and walked back up to stand at my side.
She grabbed some more body oil and dripped drops down over
my breast, chest, and shoulders. Using her hands she massaged it

She leaned forward and licked a circle around my nipple

before taking it in her mouth and sucking hard. Mmm. This is

edible body oil. Its cinnamon and tastes delicious on your
skin. She spoke against me as she made her way up to my neck.
How you feeling? She whispered into my ear.
Turned on. I whispered back.
She laughed and feeling her breath against my neck when she
laughed caused goose bumps to break out over my skin.

We both heard Mitch before he got to the door and Daina

said to me, Ready?
I nodded and she covered my mouth as they walked in.

Chapter Two

Tonight was a shit night on top of many shit nights. I was
horny as hell and the only release in store for me came from
Of course it was my own doing. Ari had nearly lost the baby
and couldnt have sex for a while after what happened. When the
doctor gave her the all clear, I still couldnt. Every time, I
would think, What if.
What if the doctors wrong?
What if I break something?
What if I hurt the baby?
Yeah, I read those damn books and they all say everythings
fine, but I still cant bring myself to do it. I want to. Fuck
yeah I want to. I find myself staying away more and more to keep
from bending over the nearest flat surface and giving her the
hard fuck shes been begging for.
Alex is angry with me since I demanded he not touch her
either. He quit having sex with me too, saying if she couldnt

neither could we. Two fucking months of having my hand. I dont

remember a time when I had went without sex for two months. Not
since I lost my virginity. Luckily, Alex still wanted to play
with whips. I use his need for them and my need to release some
tension-taking it out on him. Diana has even had to step in and
call it quits a few times when I would have gone too far.
But tonight, she was busy in another room. Every red mark
Alexs nude body gained, I felt myself growing harder until I
could no longer stand it. I dropped the whip and undid my pants,
and spit on my hand, using it to coat my cock. I shoved in him
before he had a clue what was going on. His heat engulfed my
cock as he cried out and bucked.
I grabbed him around his throat and told him calmly,
Safeword if you need to but youre mine. You seem to have
forgotten that. I pulled nearly out and pushed back in.

reached around with my other hand, taking hold of his hard cock.
I felt the precum seeping from the head and smiled. He might
have not agreed, and he might not want it, but he fucking liked
My thrusts became quick short strokes. Each push and pull
was pumping his cock in my hand. I felt my balls draw up and
knew I was about to finish.
Youre not allowed to cum. I told him and released his
cock. I grabbed his hips, pumping a couple extra hard swift

pumps, then let go. I came, and came nearly becoming dizzy in
the process. I took a swift breath and walked around to stand in
front of Alex. He was beyond pissed. I knew if I released him he
would want to fight. I looked down at his hard cock, happy he
Is there anything you want, Alex? I looked back up into
his green eyes.
I waited as he stayed quiet. He hated this as much as he
loved it. We had played this game before to the point his precum
would soak his cock and balls. He had became more and more
comfortable with submitting in the club until it no longer
bothered him. He realized if the people in his life cared for
him at all, they would accept everything about him. Including
Oh, Alex dont be that way. You know you loved that as
much as I did. Tell me what you want. I waited again, and still
only received his anger.
I went down on my knees in front of him and saw the
displeasure turn into desire. I rarely put myself in this
position at the club. I loved his cock, the taste, the smooth
feel, the friction I felt when I let him fuck my mouth, but I
didnt do this in the club. I knew by getting on my knees he
would understand that I needed this. That taking his will from
him knowing he didnt want to give it or use his safeword on me,

this was my way of asking for forgiveness. I kept my eyes on him

as I swallowed his length. I tasted the sticky saltiness he was
coated with and reached up, cupping his balls. I raised my head,
completely releasing his cock and licked down the underside of
his length. I was just about to do it again when Calvin stepped
As hot of a show you two are putting on, I think you need
to handle whats going on in the medical room.
What the fuck, Calvin. Were in the middle of a scene and
youre interrupting. I yelled and noticed he was releasing
You know I would never do this unless it was something
major. Go. Calvin demanded before he turned and walked away.
I looked up at a now freed Alex and read the sinister
gleam on his face. He planned on getting payback. I grinned and
licked my lips. Tasted fucking good.

Then stood, buttoning my

pants against my once again hard cock and walked toward the
medical room. Diana was about to get her ass tore up.
What the fucks going on here? I yelled, pissed off as I
slung open the door. I halted immediately at the sight before
me. Ari, tied open and being played with by Diana.
Alex shoved by me, pulled out a vibrating toy and pushed
into her. Diana raised her mouth off of Aris and watched Alex
pull out and reenter her.

What the fuck do you think youre doing? Alex asked in a

hard tone as he kept up his unforgiving pace.
PushingyouintogivingmewhatIneed. Ari said and
quickly started moaning when Alex touched the bullet to her
You out! Now! I barked at Diana and came around the table
to Ari. You think you want this? You can handle this, handle
Yes Sir.
Both of us?
Please, Sir. Yes.
Safewords red. Use it if you need it. I bent forward and
kissed the bump on her belly, saying a silent prayer that
everything would be fine. And removed my clothes.
I walked up and untied her legs and then her arms.
Alex help her up and then lay down. Ari, I want you on top
of Alex, he needs your sweet touch. I watched as they changed
places and Ari climbed up.
She was so damn beautiful. Even six months pregnant she
looked fantastic. Her breast had filled out and I knew they were
sensitive. Just last week I caught her playing with herself in
the bathtub. She had one hand between her legs and the other
playing with her nipples.

Her ass had even gotten wider.

Watching her lean over Alex, ready to push down on him gave me
the perfect view.
How had I stayed away? I realized now this was a punishment
for all of us. And neglect. I had neglected both of them.
Ari sat down on Alexs cock and I saw the vibrating plug
was still in her ass. I smiled because I knew it would loosen
those tightened muscles enough to take me.
I glanced around seeing the changes and saw the oils. I
grabbed one and coated my hands.
Suck on her nipples, Alex. I want to take this slow. I
pushed Ari forward, making it easy for Alex to obey and massaged
the oils into her back. I added more and worked my way down to
her bottom.
Alex shifted a small amount and I heard something hit the
floor. I looked and saw a flogger and glanced back at Ari,
seeing her gorgeous ass.

I picked it up and rubbed her bottom

harder with my hand. She pushed back against it and moaned.

stepped back some to get a better angle and snapped the tails
against her ass and listened as she cried out. There were
several small beautiful red marks on her cheek. I angled myself
a little bit more and snapped it against the other cheek of her
ass, reddening it. She moaned, jerked up and leaned back to the
point that I knew she needed to feel me.

I stepped against her back and reached around her. I

pinched one nipple as my other hand traveled down her smooth
skin, over her rounded belly, to her clit. I kissed her shoulder
as she started riding Alex harder.
Alex, dont you fucking cum until I say. I watched as he
opened his mouth but cut him off, I want us both in her, all of
us cumming together.
Alex reached up, grabbed Aris hips and stopped her. I gave
Alex a cruel smile as I kept fingering Aris clit. She fought
against Alexs hold, sliding back and forth.
Fuck. Alex strained, fighting against cumming and I
stepped back, releasing Ari. Alex was breathing hard but I knew
from his face he hadnt cum.
I pushed Ari back over and pulled on the bottom drawer on
the table. It was a stepping pad. I stepped up and pulled the
plug out of her ass. I laid my hard cock between her cheeks and
squirted oil all over it and drenching her in the process. I
rubbed my cock up and down while I covered the top with my hand,
pushing my finger into her. I fucked my finger in and out of her
ass while rubbing my cock. I added another and listened to her
moan. When I put three in her, I spread them out, and watched as
Alex bit his lip. He could feel me too and wanted this.
Say red anytime, Ari. Not joking. We can both make love to
you without both of us being in there at once.

I know, and I will if I need to but everything so far

feels amazing.

She told me.

I pulled out my fingers and pushed in slowly. It was tight.

Tighter than anything I had ever remembered feeling. Alex and
Ari both moaned as I pulled out some and pushed completely in.
All three of us held still, enjoying the connection.
I reached around and rolled a nipple between my finger,
feeling her spasm on our cocks and smiled. Alex, play with her
clit. I want to make her cum without either of us moving. Ari
moaned at that as Alex licked his finger and moved it between
them. He was flat on his back and Ari was leaning over him
blocking my view. I couldnt see, but I knew from the tension in
her body when he started.
You feel so good. Im sorry Ive kept away. Im sorry I
pushed you to Diana for help. I just cant ever lose you. Alex
and Iwe cant make it without you.
I squeezed her breasts and rolled her nipples as I leaned
forward, sucking on her neck. Marking her. I missed seeing her
with my marks. Seeing her blush when she catches someone looking
at them.
I felt her tightening as her head tilted back and she
started cumming. A peachy flush spread over her chest when she
did. I pushed her forward and began my slow slides in and out. I
closed my eyes, knowing I was almost there, again. I felt Aris

orgasm building back up and my slow strokes became faster. I

grabbed her hips and yelled her name as I came, leaning my head
against the back of her neck. I was catching my breath when I
opened my eyes, to see Alexs angry ones staring back.
I raised up off of Ari, and helped her off the table and
off of Alex. It was then that I saw Alex was still hard. He
stood up, gave me a hard look, then bent down and kissed Ari.
He smiled as he helped her sit back on the table.
Thank you. This was exactly what we needed to get back
where we need to be.
She smiled and then saw his cock. You didnt cum, she
No, but Im going to and youre going to watch. Alex told
her and then turned to me, putting his back to Ari. I believe
you have a job to finish. He was beyond pissed off. Alex had
been mad, even angry at me quite a few times. Im a bastard so I
understand, but this was beyond that. I could tell he was having
to reign himself in.
Ask me. I said quietly, not ready to submit even knowing
what he was needing from me was way less than I should give.
What we have here in this room is worth way more than
anything else in our lives. Over the past few months, you took
advantage of the submission we freely give you. Tonight, you
almost lost it all.

I looked down, feeling my eyes water. I walked up to him

and leaned forward, putting my head on his chest. He didnt
touch me, he just stood there waiting. I took a deep breath and
stepped back.
I know Ive fucked up over the past few months. I also
know that its forgivable, but tonight. I I looked off and was
hating myself.
Alex grabbed my head and turned it to face him. To me. You
say it to me.
I fucked up beyond whats forgivable. I whispered. Im
Alex nodded. You fucked up but I could have safeworded.
No. I honestly doubt I will ever use it, but I would-if I
had to. You didnt hurt me, not physically. He told me
I took advantage of your trust.
You did.
May I finish what I started earlier? I dropped to my
knees in front of him. Ari was looking down at me from over his
shoulder, her arms around his waist.
I watched as Alex grounded his jaws and stared at me for a
while. I dont know, Sir. Is that what you want?

I leaned forward, taking his cock in my mouth for the

second time that night. But this time I could taste his and
Aris mixed flavors. I started licking up and down his cock and
his balls trying to get more of that flavor. I took his cock in
my mouth and looked up at him, relaxing and giving in. He
grabbed my head and pulled out before pushing back in, slowly.
His eyes were on his cock but Aris eyes were on mine. Her eyes
had tears glistening in them and I hated myself more for causing
I love watching my cock disappear in your mouth. Ari give
me your hands. He grabbed them putting one of her hands on the
base of his cock but keeping the other engulfed in his as he
grabbed my head again. He then started fucking my face, hard.
In and out, over and over. I had never submitted like this. I
have sucked but at my speed. I hadnt given this to anyone since
my training and it felt weird. Freeing. My eyes watered and I
felt my cock twitch like it wanted to harden for the third
fucking time that night.
Alex tightened his hands as he pulled me roughly against
Aris hand at the base of his cock and yelled my name as he
came. My still soft but twitching dick jerked. Alex kept me
there as I sucked and swallowed. When he released my head I
licked around, making sure I got everything and looked at him as
I stood. I kissed him, roughly wrapping my arms around him and

Ari. I pulled back kissing down his neck and to his shoulder. I
sucked until I knew he would have a mark matching Aris, then I
leaned over him, pulling her closer and kissed her over Alex;s
I love you. I told them both.
Mitch. Alex sounded a little choked up and I smiled at
Ari knowing that was as good as an I love you from him.
I love you, too, Mitch. And Alex. Ari told us.
Now, saying thatI want to go to the doctor tomorrow
No, I want to go and check. Give me this. And I want to
ask some questions. I need to be comfortable, please. I looked
at both of them.
Alex said, I agree. And I watched Ari roll her eyes.
I made an appointment already, knowing you would pull some
shit. She smarted off.
Good, with a mouth like you have Ill be asking about
spankings and crops.
I watched as she smiled huge, heard Alex laughing, and
knew the doctor was going to be getting an ear full.

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