Age and Gender-CVD Risks

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CVD Risk Factors:

Age and Gender

By Iris

Risk of death as a result of CVD is higher in
men than in women
A man under 60 has a 1/50
chance of suffering a heart
attack, while and equally
healthy woman has a 1/100

National Heart, Lung and Blood


The older you are the higher your risk of
death as a result of CVD
In 2004, 341 twenty five to
thirty four year olds died,
while 19,783
64-74 year olds did

Annual number of Americans having diagnosed

heart attack by age and sex (ARIC: 19872000).
Source: Extrapolated from rates in the NHLBIs
ARIC surveillance study, 19872000.

Although in general, fewer women die

as a reuslt of CVDs when yougner, by
the time they reach 75-84 they have a
very similar mortality rates to men. In
85+ women more of them are dying as
a result of CVD. (Info Table 1.2 Page 25)


As you become older your arteries
become less elastic and weaker as a
result of work over time meaning
they are more susceptible to

Scientists suggest oestrogen protects women
for death as a result of CVD, but this is more
speculative than hard proof. Women are
generally healthier and have better lifestyles
meaning they have better hearts.

Institute for
Health and



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