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Course Syllabus

English 9 College Prep

Mrs. Corsetti, Instructor
415-897-5517 ex 522
Welcome to Freshman English!
English 9 is a pivotal course that aims to provide a firm foundation for your future literary and
linguistic success in high school and beyond. You will revisit basic grammar skills as well as
further develop your writing skills.
Our classroom environment will be supportive and respectful. You should expect me to be fully
prepared and sincerely happy to teach each day of the class. You should expect me to see you
not as a grade point average, nor as a member of any group, but as an individual with real
strengths and occasional problems. You can also expect that I will return your written work with
thoughtful comments as quickly as possible, and that I will be open to your comments, questions,
and suggestions. I will do my best to make this a class you enjoy.
In turn, I will expect much the same from you: that you are in your seats ready to work at the
bell, with all your materials with you and negativity left at the door, that you treat one another and
me with respect and good humor, and that you approach all your assignments with a positive
attitude, completing them on time and to the best of your ability. Your attitude toward your
classmates is especially important to me. I expect this to be a thoughtful classroom in both
senses of the word: filled with thought, and kind and considerate.
Course Content
The curriculum is based on the California State Standards for ELA 9. For access to the full text
of the standards, go to
Throughout the year, we will be working on enhancing your critical thinking, reading, and
writing skills. You will learn to write in many forms including narrative, expository, and
descriptive. In addition, you will explore the writing process by researching, creating rough
drafts, and revising your work.
Spring Semester

Strengthen students reading and writing skills

Teach students to analyze and argue for their own interpretations of literature
Give students strategies to produce analytical and cohesive essays
Build valuable skills in language arts, critical thinking, and oral and written expression
Increase students appreciation for reading and writing in general

Novels/Units will include: Romeo and Juliet, Freshman Research Project (FRP), To Kill a

Emphasis: reading comprehension, analysis of texts in terms of

character development, themes, and, literary/rhetorical devices (imagery,
symbolism, metaphors, etc), essay construction, research basics and MLA
Materials Needed
You need a thick spiral notebook which you will bring to class daily. Additionally, students will
set up a account and access the class the website regularly.
Progress Reporting
Grades shall be reported at the end of each progress reporting period for all students. Progress
reports will be mailed home and/or accessible to parents online approximately every five/six
weeks. Whenever a student falls below a C- after the second Progress Report for either semester,
the teacher shall arrange a conference with the students parent/guardian and/or send a written
report. (Board Policy 5121). I update Aeries weekly.
Classroom Policies
Grading will be done on a point system. During the second semester the breakdown is as follows:
Freshmen Research Paper (FRP)20%; Essays (in-class timed writing and formal essays) 25%;
Collaboration/Projects 15%; Homework(including annotation, vocabulary, grammar, reading
comprehension) 20%; Final Exam 20%
*I will accept late essays and projects for up to one day after the due date. You will be marked
down one full grade for late work. I will not accept nightly homework assignments late.
Final Grading: Please note that I DO NOT round grades.
Homework/Student Responsibilities
Nightly homework will not be complicated, and it usually consists of reading, annotating and
answering questions from your study guide, or working on vocabulary definitions and sentences.
You will have more than one day to complete drafts, essays and projects. The whiteboard will be
updated daily with upcoming due dates/nightly homework and the calendar can be found under
English 9CP on my website. I also expect that you will be engaged during class and honor the
following rules: 1) No food in class 2) no use of electronic devices (unless authorized by me) and
3) no outside work from other classes
Extra Credit
Extra credit is not a substitute for regular assignments and activities. However, from time to
time, students may be offered extra credit opportunities.
Classroom Tardiness
Do not be late; to do so is irresponsible. When the bell rings, be in your seat, ready to write on
the journal topic. Dont be in the process of sharpening your pencil, borrowing paper, or
socializing. If you are not ready at the bell you will lose credit from your participation grade.
Novato High School policy will be followed in regard to consequences for tardiness.
Keys to Success
1. Come to class prepared notebook, pen, required text
2. Check class website daily for calendar, class updates, handouts and more
3. Always have a positive attitude and initiate contact with me as needed

In order for me to know that you have read this information and have shared it with those
responsible for you, please complete and return this page to me, and keep the others for your
THIS SHEET DUEfor pointsby Friday, January 9th
Your name: __________________________________________Period_____________
Address: ______________________________________________ Zip_____________
Parent or Guardians name: ______________________________________________
At what phone number can s/he be reached? (_____)____________________ What time?
Alternate number: (_____)__________________ What time? ____________________
Students e-mail address:
Parent/Guardians e-mail address:
Please sign the following:
I have read, and I understand the information contained in this syllabus:
Student: ______________________________________________Date:_____________

Parent/Guardian: ______________________________________Date:_____________

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