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Good Morning
Students need to put their bags in their cubbies
and coats in the hallway.
Choose lunch on sheet.
Look on lunch sheet and ask students who is
absent. Write absent next to their name. You
may choose lunch for those that dont choose
themselves. (Usually I choose the 1st one.)
Have Manuel take down to office.


PE/MusicThe students will have Music.

As soon as they line up and are quiet, they may
go to music.


ComputersThey will walk back at 9:00. If you want to pick

them up at lab 1 across from the office, that is


Recess- (On Music days)

They may use the bathroom & get drinks


Math Whole GroupThey will be working on Mid Module 3 test.

They may use their spiral notes if they

They will need privacy folders at the tables
that are full of students. ASK MONTANA
where they are and to pass them out.
Students may take as long as they need on
the test. (If they dont finish by 11, they
can stop.)
Students MUST sit quiet during and after
the test. They may read or draw silently. If
any of the students refuse to follow this
rule and become a disruption, they can be
sent to the office.
Mrs. Cazares should come in some during this
time, as may our new Sped teacher.

Math Small Group- You may use this time for

the students to continue to test if necessary.
Mrs. Barnthouse will come in!
If the students ALL get finished with the test,
they can do IXL on their iPads. (The iPads are in
the safe by the outside door. Ask Manuel to help
unlock the safe. :-)


****The students may tell you they have DARE
essays to work on, but tell them I said they can
Today, we are going to write a persuasive essay
from a turkeys point of view trying to convince

people not to eat him at Thanksgiving this year.

PeopleMrs. Rosales
(next door)

Thank you so much for being in my classroom

today!!! I greatly appreciate you being here!!



Ms. Angela Parrish

Brodie, Harold,
Bow, Montana,

Extra Advice: This is a class FULL of talkers! You can do anything you
need to keep them in wraps. Any students that are following directions
or being quiet you can give paw punches to. The paw punch should be on
my desk in the small black basket. (If any of them get a full card, just
tell them to wait and show me later!) If you have any issues, write down
their names below, and I will deal with it when I get back.

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