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given a sorted aray and a number find out the no of numbers which are greater th

en the given numnber

1. Given an integer array of size N, which has only values 0's and 1's. sort the
array. For this program also write the main for scanf/printf and actual logic i
n function
2. Given an integer array of size N, write a function to return the Maximum and
Minimum values of the array.
3. Given an array of size N, and two index inputs I and J, remove all elements f
rom I to J (both inclusive) in the array. return the same array to main
4. Given an unsorted integer array of length N, find the maximum chain of -ve nu
mbers in the array. example: input: 1 -2 -3 6 -4 -2 -1 14 2 14 output is 3 (-4 2 -1 3 elements chain)
1. Given a string,
2. given a string,
3. given a string,
4. givne a string,
5. given a string,
6. given a string,
7. givne a string,
8. given a string,
J are inputs

return the Kth index in a string

return the length of the string
return the number of consonants and vowels in the given strin


first word of the string

Kth index from the end of the string
last word in the string
number of words in the string
substring from i to J where i and

given two stirngs of different sizes

print the characters that are same w.r.t their index
1. Print all +ve numbers starting from 1 in increments of the last two number s
sum you got in the sequence. the sequence starts with 1,1. 1,1,3, 7, 17, 41.....
print till 1000 numbers
2. given two strings, find the words that are common to both the strings
3. given two numbers as strings, find the max number out of the two.
4. given an array which is sorted and another array unsorted, find whether both
arrays have same elements without sorting the second array
5. given an unsorted array, find out the continuous triplet (3-set) whose sum is
maximum in the array.
6. given an array of words, find all palindrome words in that array.
1.Given a string as an input remove all the spaces
2.Given a string reverse the words
3.Given a string as input include only one space
4.Given number covert it into string
5.Given a string with many words count the frequency of given word using recursi
on with string length
6.Transpose of a matrix

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