Treatment Plan

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Treatment Plan for Nar Barker

Social Worker: Elizabeth Gamarra

Client: Yar Bak
Problem List (10 total):
Problem 1: Inability to maintain sovereignty due to her urge to drink and consume
Alcohol within her daily schedule/routine.
As Evidenced by: The client faces problems with her finances. She uses her
childrens credit cards and checks to purchase and consume alcohol.
As Evidenced by: The clients diet has come to consisting junk food and
sometimes, skips meals.
As Evidenced by: The clines personal hygiene has come to deteriorate on a
regular basis.
Problem 2: Negative traumatic Flashbacks pertaining to family, representing violence.
As Evidenced by: The clients childhood memories, drifting towards violent
suicidal thoughts when drinking.
As Evidenced by: The clients anger Rating Scale score of 90 from a 100 scale.
As evidenced by: Lack of family support and Nars feelings of emptiness within
her family network unit.
Problem 3: Alcohol (physiological) Withdraw symptoms.
As evidence by: The inability to re-new her drivers license due to vision
problems with age presented.
As evidenced by: Medical history shows liver complications and possible surgery.
As evidenced by: Physical deterioration when the client has intercourse with
As evidenced by: Tolerance is manifested.
Problem 4: Depression is presented.
As evidenced by: Loss of energy and motivation to go to her gym and yoga class.
As evidenced by: Weight Loss is below 130 lbs.

As evidenced by: Feelings of worthless and guilt when referring to family harmony and
marriage dynamics.
Problem 5: Alcohol negatively impacts Nars social life.
As Evidenced by: Nar is not able to mingle or communicate effectively in family
As Evidenced by: Isolation from her friends and neighbors when invited to community
As Evidenced by: Friends that she describes as close are also facing Alcohol issues of
dependency and the overcoming motivation varies.
Problem 6: Nar displays mood swings of anger and a frustrated attitude.
As Evidenced by: She presents anger in the assessment in regards to her mothers
controlling behavior and boyfriends controlling attitude.
As Evidence by: Nars Psychological withdrawal symptoms.
As Evidence by: Nars attitude with her grandchildren displays anger to a certain extent.
Problem 7: Nars economic bankruptcy situation lack of money.
As Evidenced by: Nars credit history contains several late fees and she has come to the
point of possibly loosing her home.
As Evidence by: She has been fired several times due to attendance issues and behavior- a
total of 20 absences and 30 late starts to work.
As Evidenced by: Shoplifting at local stores.
Problem 8: Minimization/Justification.
As Evidenced by: Through self-reports She has addressed that the DUIs she has
received are because the police are out to get her.
As Evidence by: Nar has come to address that she does not want to live forever, and
that everyone ultimately dies. Therefore, she should live life to the fullest with what she
likes to consume, Alcohol.
As Evidence by: When she speaks about her bills and finances, she comes to saying that
everyone has debt and paying late is reasonable.
Problem 9: Nar has come to struggle with her self-care routine.

As Evidenced by: The client has come to admit that she self-medicates herself with
prescription drugs.
As Evidence by: Lack of personal hygiene specifically with delaying showering, and
changing clothiers on a regular basis.
As Evidence by: Nar has stopped going to her Monday reading clubs of which says used
to be a very soothing experience.
Problem 10: Legal issues.
As Evidenced by: DUIs she has received.
As Evidence by: Shoplifting history.
As Evidence by: Speeding tickets in the freeway.
Goals, Objectives, & Interventions
Goal A: The client will develop a more realistic competent finance management skill(s).
Objective 1:

The client will attend financial workshops given by the Pete Suazo
organization and will identify good constructive recommendations she
learned by this upcoming Monday, November 3, 2014.
Intervention: Assign the client to write a list of 3-5 learning experiences
and tips that constitutes a positive financial management system.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra

Objective 2:

The client will develop a list in regards to her needs and desires
necessary for finance management skills by November 1, 2014
Intervention: Assign the client to write a bullet point list of 5-10 desires
and needs she would have when purchasing an item(s) and furthermore,
a log of the struggles or barriers she faced when categorizing the content.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra

Goal B: The client will implement a reflective exercise in her daily routine in regards to
the flashbacks she experiences.
Objective 1:

The client will implement and adopt a journal entry exercise in

congruence to her feelings rated on a scale and will share this journal log
with the counselor when meeting.

Intervention: Assign the client the homework of creating a journal in

which she is able to scale her flashbacks on a scale 1 to 100 and take this
opportunity to also implement the journal content to be written on a 3rd
person style.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra
Objective 2:

The client will practice the 12 steps of AA and potentially attend these
meetings every other Saturday.
Intervention: The client will strive to share 2-3 times in this group of when
she attempted to stop drinking and relapsed.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra

Goal C: The client will learn about the consequences to drinking through staying more
active in doctor check ups.
Objective 1:

The client will set up a doctors appointment a month from now, in

relation to her liver disease and be able to comprehend and assimilate the
contributing factors of Alcohol by October 30th, 2014.
Intervention: Physician will examine the client and proceed to prescribing
medications regarding her liver disease in particular and side effects, both
physical and psychological will be monitored.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra

Goal D: The client will initiate a healthy diet and consequently, gain appropriate weight.
Objective 1:

The client will develop a grocery list once a week

Intervention: Have the client share this list and compare it to the criteria a
balanced meal would consist of. Then, proceed with encourage the
purchase of these items in correlation to her budget.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra

Goal E: The client will be able to re-build a relationship with family & friends through
assertive communication.
Objective 1:

The client will initiate the process/step of contacting a family member by

November 10th, 2014

Intervention: Assign the client the assignment of writing to her family,

either individually or in a group context, in regards to how alcohol use has
come to affect the relationship dynamics. Furthermore, if appropriate,
encourage her to share.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra
Objective 2:

The client at a proceeding point will openly verbalize that she has an
understanding of the problem, with Alcohol that she is facing around the
proceeding family reunion by December 1, 2014
Intervention: In a co-joint session with some few specific family members
she chooses, prior to this family reunion, have the client share her hurt
angry feelings openly and take this opportunity to possibly implementing a
constructive conduct family contract.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra

Goal F: The client will develop the ability to use her anger in a positive constructive
reflective manner.
Objective 1:

The client will attend a violence group once a week and reflect on that
experience when counselor meets with her.
Intervention: Refer the client to an Anger Management group workshop
and help him make the first appointment
Intervention: Assign the client to keep an updated angry log of feelings
that provoke stress and angry impulses or thoughts. Then proceed to
helping him use a measuring scale of 1-10.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra

Goal G: The client will be able to recognize legal consequences of her manifested
Objective 1:

The client will have the opportunity of role playing two situations along
the lines of shoplifting in where she acts assertively by October 25th, 2014.
Intervention: Have the client share 2-3 skills and reflective realization that
came out of this role-playing exercise.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra

Goal H: The client will be able to create awareness and differentiate the scales of
consequences and behavior due to minimization presented.
Objective 1:

The client will be able to cope with uncomfortable feelings by learning

and adopting various unique coping mechanisms, other than minimization.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra

Goal I: The client will commit to implementing new behaviors in her daily routine for
positive reinforcement.
Objective 1:

The client will compromise to taking a shower at least every other day,
walk once a week, and attempt positive self-talk when appropriate.
Intervention: The counselor will help and assist client in relation to
signing up for recreational therapy.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra

Goal J: The client will develop the ability to acknowledge the limits and consequences to
her speeding in the freeway and the codependency existing with that.
Objective 1:

The client will develop and practice new behaviors in regards to speeding
and take this opportunity to discuss the co-dependency of her adopted son
by December 5, 2014.
Intervention: In a session in which her adopted son and her could come
together in, help the client discuss her problems with speeding and how
codependency with him (son) relates to her substance abuse.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra

Objective 2:

The client will initiate reading and annotating a drivers guidance booklet.
Intervention: The client will utilize the knowledge gathered from the
implementation of reading a drivers booklet and will proceed with the
exercise of tape recording herself about driving cautions & limits existing
(of which became more aware of). Furthermore, encourage her to listen
and incorporate this recording in her car routine as she drives.
*Responsible Professional: Elizabeth Gamarra

Goals & Quotes from the Bio/Psycho/Social History that helped implement the
following Goals:
Goal A: I want to learn how to not spend so much on alcohol despite everybody does
Goal B: These flashbacks are scary and I want to handle them better.
Goal C: I should go more often to the doctor.
Goal D: I want to eat a more balanced meal despite Alcohol fills me up.
Goal E: I want to have something in common with my family to talk about.
Goal F: I do not want to be very violent as alcohol is present in my system, I can not
manage my anger.
Goal G: I shoplift and I do not even realize it because me and alcohol are in a serious
love/hate relationship.
Goal H: I am like every other person, I drink because according to my situation, it is
reasonable and no big deal.
Goal I: I dont fell motivated to take a shower and I do not feel good under my skin.
Goal J: Speeding comes natural for me, I want to stop that because it is really affecting
the possibility of driving again but it is not as important because one of my adopted son
bails me out.

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