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Cchaptor29 | Current Produced Magnetic Fields For the clement din Fig. 29-23, the law of Biot and Savart (Eq. 29-1) tells us that the magnetic field at We also have istance ris ap = He ids sin in By = dB cos a. Combining these two relations, we obtain aloo ads (29.28) By 4a Figure 29-23 shows that r and a are related to each other. Let us express each in terms of the variable z, the distance between point P and the center of the loop. ‘The relations are and ra Nire (29-29) (29:30) Substituting Eqs. 29-29 and 29-30 into Eq, 29-28, we find poiR Bs = aR + a 4 Note that i, R,and z have the same values for all elements ds around the loop; so when we integrate this equation, we find that ui Fa + 2? Ja or, because J ds is simply the circumference 27R of the loop, Hol ARE + A B(z) ‘This is Eq. 29-26, the relation we sought to prove. REVIEW & SUMMARY ‘The Biot-Savart Law The magnetic field set up by acur- rent-carrying conductor can be found from the BiotSavart Taw. This law asserts that the contribution di to the field pro- duced by a current-length clement /d¥ at a point P located a distance r from the current element is ids xi a = i (Biot-Savartiaw). 29.3) Here fis a unit vector that points from the element toward P. “The quantity jo,called the permeability constant, has the value Aa 10-7 VA = 1.26 X 10°F T= mA. Magnetic Field of a Long Straight Wire For a long straight wire carrying a current i, the Biot-Savart law gives, for the magnitude of the magnetic feld at a perpendicular distance R from the wire, oo straight wite) Me B= $2 Congsteigh wie. @. Magnetic Field of a Circular Are The magnitude of tt magnetic field at the center of a circular arc, of radius R an central angle ¢ (in radians),carrying current iis Haid Bak (tcenterofcircularare). 29 Force Between Parallel Currents Parallel wires carr ing currents in the same direction attract each other, where parallel wires carrying currents in opposite directions rer ‘cach other. The magnitude of the force on a length L of eith wok a 2nd * @ i,LB, sin 90° 3) ‘where d isthe wire separation, and i, and i, are the currents in the wires Ampere’s Law Ampere’slaw states that PB-dr= pole Amped). (2814 ‘The lino integral in this equation is evaluated around a closed, loop called an Amperian loop. The current /is the net current encircled by the loop. For some current distributions, Eq, 20-14 is easier to use than Eq. 29-3 to caleulate the magnetic, field due to the currents. Fields of a Solenoid and a Toroid Inside a long sole- noid carsying current i at points not near its ends, the magni- tude B ofthe magnetic field is JESTIONS Questions B (29.28) oin (ideal solenoi), where 1 is the number of turns per unit length. At a point inside a toroid, the magnitude B of the magnetic field is (orig), po tat goa On where 1 is the distance from the center of the toroid to the point Field of a Magnetic Dipole The magnetic field pro- duced by a current-carrying coil, which is a magnetic dipole, at a point P located a distance z along the coils perpendicular central axsis parallel to the axis and is given by (20-27) where 7 is the dipole moment of the coil. This equation applies only when z is much greater than the dimensions of the col 1. Figure 29-24 shows four arrangements in which long parallel wires carry equal currents directly into or out of the page at the corners of identical squares. Rank the arrange: ‘ments according to the magnitude of the net magnetic field at the center of the square, greatest firs. e FIG. 29.24 Question 1 2 Figure 29-25 shows cross. —s——@——9-— sections of two long straight = P wires; the left-hand wire carries 1G, 29.25 Question2. current, directly out of the page. Ifthe net magnetic field due to the two currents is to be zero at point P, (a) should the direction of current is in the right-hand wire be directly into or out of the page and (b) should i; be greater than, less than, or equal to? 3. Figure 29-26 shows three circuits consisting of straight radial lengths and concentric circular ares (either half- or (quartercircles of radi r, 2r, and 37). The circuits carry the same current, Rank them according to the magnitude of the ‘magnetic field produced at the center of curvature (the dot), greatest ist a eN @ o @ FIG.29.26 Question3. 4 Figure 29.27 represents a DPhiye — of four electrons eat a ite Ba, carrying caren! The four vez Tools have the same maga te; velo Bis dreted into te pee earned SY at the same distance (rom the a wise, a are electrons 3 and 4 Rank tbe electrons socording to the magnitude ofthe mage neti foreeson them duet curent greatest fst 3 Fue 2928 Show thee ie VU ing of wo radlal iets and vo o o concentric circu: lar ares, one of ra- to dius rand the other of radius R > r-The circuits have the same current through them and the same angle between the two radial lengths. Rank the circuits according to the magnitude of the net magnetic field at the center, greatest first, FIG. 29.27 Question 4, FIG.29.28 Question. 6 Figure 29-29 shows four arrangements in which long, () —e—e- © oe (0) —@—@— ee — (9 «o_o — 1) @—_9_@ _# _e— FIG. 29.29 Question 6. Chapter 29 | Current-Produced Magnetic Fields parallel, equally spaced wires carry equal currents directly into or out of the page. Rank the arrangements according to the magnitude of the net force on the central wire due to the currents in the other wires greatest first. 7 Figure 29-30 shows three arrangements of three long straight wires carrying equal currents directly into or out of the page. (a) Rank the arrangements according to the mag- nitude of the net force on wire A due to the currents in the other wires, greatest first. (b) In arrangement 3, is the angle between the net force on wire A and the dashed Tine equal to, less than, or more than 45°? FIG. 29.30 Question, 8 Figure 29-31 shows four identical currents / and five Amperian paths (a through e) encircling them. Rank the paths according to the value of § B-dS taken in the directions shown, most postive frst. @ od ft « o f>—te Ois B, maxi ‘mum? (b) If i =3mA, what is the value of that maximum? ‘What is the direction (into or out of the page) of (¢)i, and (4) is? em i) o FIG, 29.45 Problem 14, #015 A wire with current / = 300 A is shown in Fig. 29-46. ‘Two semi-infinite straight sections, both tangent to the same circle, are connected by a circular arc that has a central angle @ Chapter 29 | Curent Produced Magnetic Fields ‘and runs along the circumference of the circle. The arc and the two straight sections all lie in the same 2048 we snk Problem 15. they create a net magnetic field B. (a) To what value of x must you der to rotate B counterclockwise ‘axis to rotate B by 30° back to its ne ee eae em that the wire is nor long.) What is Wend22. FIG. 29.47 Problem 16 mom Sa #618 Equation 29-4 gives the magnitude B of the magnetic field set up by a current in an infinitely long straight wire, at a point P at perpendicular distance R from the wire. Suppose. that point P is actually at perpendicular distance R from the midpoint ofa wire with a finite length L, Using Eq.29-4 to cal- ‘culate B then resulls ina certain percentage error. What value must the ratio L/R exceed if the percentage error isto be less than 1.00%? That is what LR gives (B from Fg. 29-4) ~ (B actual) ‘Beate (100%) = 1.00% #019 In Fig. 29-49, four long straight wires are perpendicular to the page, and their eross see- 2 Menta simu aige pt ecttcn, ToT Edin pp nee Pan Sand cch wire carries 20. In unit-vector” notation, What is the net magnetic field at the square’s FIG. 29-49 center? $5 Problems 19,36,and #20. In Fig. 29-50, two concentric circular loops of wire carrying current in the same di- rection lie in the same plane. Loop 1 has radius 1.50cm and carries 4.00 mA. Loop 2 has radius 2.50 em and carries 6.00 mA. Loop 2 is to be rotated about a diameter while the net magnetic field B set up by the TSE? {wo loops at their common cen- FIG. 29.50 Problem 20. 39, ter is measured, Through what angle must loop 2 be rotated so that the magnitude of that net field is 100 aT? @® boa. #21 In Fig. 29-48, point P; is at perpendicular distance R 25.1 em from one end of straight wire of length L = 136m carrying current i = 0.693 A. (Note that the wire is not long.) ‘What is the magnitude of the magnetic field at P,? sm #22 In Fig. 29-51a, wire 1 consists ofa circular are and two radial lengths; it carties current jy = 0.50 A in the direction indicated, Wire 2, shown in cross section, is long, straight, and perpendicular to the plane of the figure. Its distance from the center of the arc is equal to the radius of the arc, and it carries a current i that can be varied. The two currents set up ‘a net magnetic field B at the center of the arc. Figure 29-S1b sives the square of the field's magnitude B? plotted versus the square of the current #, The vertical scale is set by B2 = 10.0 x 10-™T2, What angle is subtended by the are? 0074) # as ® FIG.2951 Problem 22. 23. Figure 29-52 shows two current segments. The lover Segment carries current iy 040 A and includes a circular ae with radius 5.0em, angle 180", and center point P. The upper segment cartis current is 2, and includes a crear are with radius 4.0¢m, angle 120° and the same center point P. ‘What are the (a) magnitude and (b) direction ofthe net mag nec field B at P forthe indicated current directions? What ate the (c) magnitude and (d) direction of B if iis reversed? smaller concentric. semicircle, and two radial straight lengths, ® allin the same plane. Figure 29-. F16.2962. Problem2A 53a shows the arrangement but isnot drawn to scale, The magnitude ofthe magnetic eld pro- diced at the center of curvature 4725 i The smaller semi- ciel is then fipped over (rotated) until the loop is again en tirely in the same plane (Fig. 29-536). The magnetic field produced at the (samc) center Of curvature now has magnitude | Fic. 2952 Problem 23, 24 A current is set up ina wire loop consisting of a semi- 15.75 iT, and its direction is re~ versed, What is the radius of the smaller semicircle? 25 In Fig 29-54, two long straight wires (shown in cross | section) carry currents i, = 30.0 mA and f= 40.0mA directly FIG. 29.54 Problem? out of the page. They are equal distances from the origi, there they set up m magnetic field H.'To what value most current Be changed in otder vo rotate B 200° clockwise? +26 Figure 29.550 shows two wires each carving a current. Wire 1 consists of a circular ae of rads R and two radial lengths. anes current = 2.0 Ain the direction incited Wire 2 is long and straight; it carries a current i; that can be varied; and itis at distance R2 trom the center ofthe are The het magnetic field B due to the two curents is measured at the centr of curvature of the are. Figure 29-5 i a plot of the component of B in the direction perpendicular to the figure as function of current i The horizontal scale i set by ig=1.00 A. What ithe angle subtended bythe are? @ » i |e ae ke @ © FIG.29.55 Problem26, 27 One long wire lies along an x axis and carries a current ‘of 30 A in the positive x direction. A second long wire is per- ppendicular to the xy plane, passes through the point (0,4.0 m, (0), and carries a eurrent of 40 A in the positive z direction What isthe magnitude of the resulting magnetic field at the point (0,2.0 m,0)? #28 In Fig. 29-56, part of @ long insulated wire carrying cur- rent i= 5.78mA is bent into @ circular section of radius R= 1.89 m. In unit-vector notation, ‘what is the magnetic field at the center of curvature C ifthe cir- cular section (a) lies in the plane ofthe page as shown and (b) is perpendicular to the plane of the page after being rotated ‘90° counterclockwise as indicated? ° FIG. 29.56 Problem 28, #929. Figure 29-57 shows two ‘ery long straight wires (in cross section) that each carry a cur- rent of 4.00 directly out of the page. Distance d; = 600m tnd distance dy = 4.00 m, What is the magnitude of the net mag- netic field at point P, wiich lies ‘on a perpencicular bisector to the wires? FIG. 29.57 Problem 29. 30 The current-carrying wire loop in Fig. 29-S8a lies all, in one plane and consists of a semicircle of radius 10.0em, a smaller semicircle with the same center, and two radial lengths. The smaller semicircle is rotated out of that plane by angle 6, until itis perpendicular to the plane (Fig. 29-586), Figure 29.58 gives the magnitude of the net magnetic field at Problems the center of curvature versus angle @. The vertical scale i set by B, = 10.0 wT and By =12.0 wT. What is the radius of the smaller semicircle? 3 Bua oeaaain/aumeix/2| 8 (130) © cy FiG.29.58 Problem 30. 31 Figure 29.59 shows @ ‘ross section of a long thin ribbon ‘of width w= 491m that iscarry- |» ing a uniformly distributed total | current i= 4.61 1A into the page. Inumnit-vectornotation,whatisthe 16, 29.89 Problem 31. rmagnetcfield B at point Pin the plane of the ribbon at a distance d = 2.16em from its edge? (Hint: Imagine the ribbon as being constructed from many long, thin,parallelwires) ssa uw 32 Figure 29.6) shows, in ‘ross section, two long straight Wires held against aplastic eylin- ‘er of radius 20. em. Wire | car- Fies current f= 60.0mA out of the page and is fixed in place at the left side of the eylinder. Wire 2 carries current i= 400mA ‘out ofthe page and can be moved around the cylinder. At what (postive) angle 6, should wire 2 be positioned such that, a the ori- gin, the net magnetic field due to the two currents has magnitude s00nT? I 33 In Fig. 29-61, length ais 7 4.7em (short) and current iis 13 ‘A. What are the (2) magnitude and (b) direetion (into oF out of * the page) of the magnetic field at | point P? 34 Two long straight thin ‘wires with current lie against an ‘equally long plastic cylinder, at radius R = 20.0.em from the cylinders central axis, Figure 29.62a shows, in cross section, the cylinder and wire 1 but not wire 2. With wire 2 fixed in place, wire 1 is moved around the eylinder, from angle 0 to angle 6, = 180°, through the frst and second quadrants of the xy coordinate system. The net magnetic field B at the center of the cylinder is measured as a funetion of 6. Figure FIG.29.60 Problem 32, ne -4P FIG.29-61 Problem 33. Chapter 29 | Current-Produced Mognetic Fields 29-626 gives the x component B, ofthat field asa function of (the vertical scale is set by B,, = 6.0 wT), and Fig, 9-62e fives the y component B, (the vertical scale set by B,, = 40, 1D). (2) At what angle 68 wite 2 located? What ae the (0) size and (0 drection (into or out ofthe page) ofthe current in wize 1 and the () size and) diretion ofthe eurent in wie 2? By ~ Bum) oF 80 9080 @ 6 o © FIG. 29-62 Problem 34. sec. 29-3 Force Between Two Parallel Currents #35 Figure 29-63 shows wire 1 in cross section; the wire is long and straight, carries a current of 4.00 mA out of the page, and is at distance dy = 2.40.em from a surface. Wire 2, which is parallel to wire 1 and also long, is at horizontal distance d; = 5.00 cm from wire 1 and carries a ‘current of 680 mA into the page. What is the x component of the ‘magnetic force per unit length on Wire 2due towire 1? 55m FIG. 29.63 Problem 35, #636 In Fig.29-49, four long straight wires are perpendicular to the page, and their cross sections form a square of edge length a = 8.50 cm. Each wire carries 15.0 A, and all the cur- rents are out of the page. In unit-vector notation, what is the ‘net magnetic force per meter of wire length on wire 1? +937. In Fig. 29-64, five long parallel wires in an.xy plane are separated by distance d = 500 cm. The currents into the page are i = 2.00 Ais = 0.250 A, i= 4.00 A, and is = 2.00 A; the cur: rent out of the page is fy = 4.00 ‘A. What is the magnitude of the net force per unit length acting on wite 3 due to the currents in the other wires? @ #638 In Fig. 29-64, five long parallel wires in an xy plane are 3 7 fede dbe dala) FIG. 29.64 Problems 37 ‘and38 separated by distance d = 8.0 om have lengths of 100 m,and terry ental eurtents of 300 A out ofthe page Each wie tperlences a magnetic force due to the othe wes In i Sector notation, wha i the net magnetic foes on (a) Wie 1 (b) wire 2, (c) wire 3, (d) wire 4,and (e) wire 5? 39 InFig29-49,four ong straight wre are perpendicular {othe page, and thelr eros sections form a sduare of edge length a= 13.5 em, Each wie aries 7.50 A. andthe curents are out ofthe page in wires 1 and 4 ad int the page in wire 2and3.Inunivecor notation wha s the net gael fore permeterofwirelngiton ited? @ 40 Figure 29-64 shows in res section, three cutent carrying vies that are long. stright, and parallel to one another, Wires Land 2 are fixed in place onan taxi with teparation dire has a current of 0780 A but the econ of the current isnot given, Wie 3, with current of 0250 A out ofthe page, can be moved along the x axis tothe ight ot Wie 2, As wie 3s move, the magnitude ofthe nt magpie force Kon wire 2 due tothe curentsin ites 1 and3 change ‘he y component ofthat free iF andthe vale per Unit Iengih of wie 2is Fy Figure 29-68 gies FL vers the Poston x of wire. The’ plot as an asymptote FL = m7 uNim as» The horontl seal et By = 120 cin What ae the () size and ()detion (ito Orca ofthe page) ofthe curreatin wire 2? By/La (uN /m) tem) @ 0 FIG.29465 Problem 40. 41 In Fig. 29-66, a long straight wire carries a current 4 i = 3004 and a rectangular loop carries current fg = 200 0 fw A.Take @ = 1,00 em, 6 = 8.00 em, and L = 30.0em, In unit- vector notation, what is the 7 net force on the loop due to. > cS sec.29-4 Ampere's Law i) = +42. Figure 29-67 shows two —— closed paths wrapped around two conducting loops carrying 16-29-66 Problem 41 currents i, = 5.0. and 3.0 A. What is the value of the a ; integral § B-d¥ for (a) path os Land (b) path 2? imo | *43 Each of the eight con- ‘ductors in Fig, 29-68 carries 2.0 ‘A of current into or out of the page. Two paths are indicated PH FIG. 2967 Problem 42. for the line integral § B-ds. What is the value of the inte gral for (a) path 1 and (b) path 2 ss +44 Eight wires cut the page perpendicularly at the points shown in Fig 29-69. wire la- beled with the integer k (k 1,2,..-,8) caries the eurrent ki, where i=450mA. For those wires with odd f, the current is out of the page; for those with even k.itis into the page. Evaluate § B-d¥ along the closed path in the direc tion show, *45 Figure 29-70 shows a cross section across a diame- ter of a long cylindrical con- ductor of radius a= 2.00em carrying uniform current 170 A. What is the mag- nitude of the current’s magnetic field at radial distance (a) 0, (b) 1.00.em, (c) 2.00 em (wire's surface), and (4) 400 em? +46 In a particular region there is a uniform current density of 15 Ali in the positive z direction. What isthe value of § B ds when that line integral i cal: culated along the three straight-line seg- rents from (x,y, 2) coordinates (4d, 0,0) t0 (4d, 3d, 0) t0 (0,0, 0) to (4d, 0,0), where d = 20 cm? +47 The current density 7 inside a long, solid, cylindrical Wire of radius @ = 3.1 mm isin the direction of the central axis, and its magnitude varies linearly with radial distance from the axis according to J = Joyrla, where Jy = 310 Alm’, Find the magnitude of the magnetic field at (a) r= 0,(b) r= a2,and(c)r =a, "48 In Fig. 29-71, a long circular pipe with outside radius R=26em carries a (uniformly distributed) current i= 8.00 mA into the page. A wire runs parallel to the pipe at a distance of | Wireo- 3.00R from center to center, Find the (a) magnitude and (b) direction (into fr out of the page) of the current in the wire such that the net magnetic field at point P has the same magni- tude as the net magnetic field at the center of the pipe but isin the oppo- site direction sec. 29-5 Solenoids and Toroids #49 A 200-tura solenoid having a Pipe length of 25 em and a diameter of 10 com carries a current of 0.29. Caleulate the magnitude of the mag- netic field B insde the solenoid, FIG. 29.69 Problem 44. FIG. 29.70 Problem 45, FIG. 29.71 Problem 48. +50. A solenoid 1.30 m long and 2.60 cm in diameter carries current of 18.0 A. The magnetic field inside the solenoid is, 23,0 m9. Find the length ofthe wire forming the solenoid, Probleme #51 A toroid having a square cross section, 5.00cm on 4 side, and an inner radius of 15.0 cm has Stuns and carries, current of 0.800 A. (It is made up of a square solenoid— instead of a round one asin Fig, 29-17 —bent into a doughnut shape.) What is the magnetic field inside the toroid at (a) the inner radius and (b) the outer radius? #52 _A solenoid that is 95.0 em long has a radius of 2.00 em and a winding of 1200 turns; it carries a current of 3.60 A. Calculate the magnitude of the magnetic field inside the solenoid #953. A long solenoid with 100 turmsfem and a radius of 7.00 em carries a current of 20.0 mA. A current of 6.00 A. exists in a straight conductor located along the central axis of the solenoid. (a) At what radial distance from the axis will the direction of the resulting magnetic field be at 450° to the axial direction? (b) What is the magnitude of the magnetic field there? ssi nw www #54 An clectron is shot into one end of a solenoid. As it enters the uniform magnetic field within the solenoid, its speed is 800 mis and its velocity vector makes an angle of 30° withthe central axis of the solenoid. The solenoid carries, 40 A and has 8000 turns along its length. How many revolu- tions does the electron make along its helical path within the solenoid by the time it emerges from the solenoid’s opposite end? (In a real solenoid, where the field is not uniform at the two ends, the number of revolutions would be slightly less than the answer here.) #85. A long solenoid has 100 turns‘em and carries current An electron moves within the solenoid in a circle of radius 2.30 cm perpendicular to the solenoid axis. The speed of the electron is 0.0460¢ (c = speed of light). Find the current jin the solenoid sec. 29-6 A Current-Carrying Coil as a Magnetic Dipole 56 Figure 29-72a shows a, length of wire carrying a current 4 Gand bent into a circular coil of ‘one turn, In Fig, 29-726 the same Tength of wire has been bent to ive a coil of two turns, each of half the original radius. (a) If B, and B, are the magnitudes of the ‘magnetic fields at the centers of w a the two coils, what is the ratio FIG.29-72 Problem 56. Bs(B,? (b) What is the ratio ‘4s! 0f the dipole moment magnitudes of the coils? #57 What is the magnitude of the magnetic dipole moment sof the solenoid described in Problem 49? $5m °38 Fine 3.73 shows an , ( 0 i a arrangement known as a Helmholtz coil. It consists of FIG.29-73 Problems 58 ‘and 86, two circular coaxial coils, each ‘of 200 turns and radius R = 25.0, cm, separated by a distance The two coils carry equal cur- rents = 12.2mA in the same direction. Find the magnitude of the net magnetic field at P, mid way between the coils chapter 29 | Curent Produced Magnetic Fields +59 A student makes a short electromagnet by winding 340 turns of wire around a wooden cylinder of diameter d = 50 em. The coils connected to battery producing a current ‘of 40 A in the wire. (a) Whats the magnitude ofthe magnetic dipole moment of this device? (b) At what axial distance = 5 a will the magnetic eld have the magnitude 5.0 wT (approx: imately one-tenth that of Earth's magnetic field)? $5 Y 56.2 mA is set up in a loop FIG, 29-74 Problem 60. having two radial lengths and two semicircles of radii a= 5.72em and b = 936m with a ‘common center P, What are the (a) magnitude and (6) di rection (into or out of the page) ofthe magnetic eld at P and the (c) magnitude and (3) direction of the loop’s mas- neti dipole moment? +61 In Fig, 29-75, a conduc- , tor carries 60. along the closed path abcdefgha running along 8 of the 12 edges of a cue of edge length 10cm. (a) Taking the path to be a combi- nation of three square current oops (befeb, abgha,and cdf), find the net magnetic moment ofthe path in unit-vector nota tion. (b) What isthe magnitude othe net magnetic field at the xyz coordinate of (0,501.0)? e062 In Fig 29-16, two circular loops, with different cur Tents but the same radius of 40cm, are centered on ay axis. ‘They ae initially separated by distance = 30 em, with loop 2 positioned atthe origin of the axis The currents inthe to oops produce a net magnetic field at the origin, with y com- ponent B,- That component is to be measured as loop 2 is Eradually moved inthe postive direction of the y axis Figure 30-766 gives B, as a function of the position y of loop 2. The curve approaches an asymptote of B, = 7.20 iT as y=. The hnorizontal sale is set by y,= 10.0 em. What are (a) current in loop {and (b) current isin oop 2? FIG.29.75 Problem 61. 3,400) 40 sem) @ o FIG, 29-76 Problem 62. 163A circular loop of radius 12 cm carries a current of 15, ‘A.A fat coil of radius 0.82 em, having, 50 turns and a current (of 13 A. is concentric with the loop. The plane of the loop is, perpendicular to the plane of the coil.Assume the loop’s mag neti field is uniform across the coil. What is the magnitude of (a) the magnetic field produced by the loop at its center ‘and (b) the torque on the coil due to the loop? ‘Additional Problems 64 Figure 29-77 shows a Closed loop with current = 4H 2.00 A. The loop consists of a hale-citle of radius 400 m, two quartercircles each of radius 200 m, and three radial straight wires. What isthe magnitude of the net magnetic field at the common center of the circular sections? 65. Figure 29-78 shows across section of 2 Tong ciindrical conductor of radius a = 4.00 em containing a long cylindrical hole of radius B= 1.50.m. The central axes of the eylinder and hole are parallel and are distance d= 2.00 em apart; current 525 A is uniformly distributed over the tinted area. (a) What isthe magnitude of the magnetic fld at the center of the hole? (b) Discuss the two special cases B =0andd=0 66 The magnitude of the magnetic feld 88.0 em from the axis of «Tong straight wire is 7.30 cT. What isthe current in the wire? 67 Three long wires are paral- lelto.a z axis,and each carries a " current of 10 A in the positive 2 direction, Their points of inersection with the xy plane form an equilateral triangle with sides of $0 em, as shown in Fig 29-79. A. fourth wire (wire B) passes through the midpoint ofthe base ofthe tr angle and is parallel to the other three wires Ifthe net magnetic force on wire ais zero, what are the (a) size and (b) direction (+2 or ~2) ofthe eur rent in wire b? 68 Figure 29-80 shows, in} cross section, two Tong parallel wires spaced by distance d = ., 1000 em; each carries 100 A, out of the page in wire 1. Point Pis 1 / on a perpendicular bisector of the line connecting the wires In unit-vector notation, what is the net magnetic eld at Pit the current in wire 2 (a) out of thy page and (b) nto the page? 69 A 10-gauge bare copper wire (2.6mm in diameter) ca! tarry a current of 50 A without overheating. For this curen! ‘what is the magnitude of the magnetic field at the surface the wire? 70 Along vertical wire caries an unknown current. Coat ‘vith the wie ia long, thin, cylindrical conducting surface the FIG. 29.77 Problem 64, FIG. 29.78 Problem 65. FIG.29-79 Problem 67. FIG. 29.80 Problem 68, carries a current of 30 mA upward. The cylindrical surface has 4 radius of 3.0 mim. Ifthe magnitude of the magnetic field at ‘ point 5.0 mm from the wite is 1.0 nT, what are the (a) size and (b) direction of the eurrent inthe wire? 71 Figure 29.81 shows a wire segment of length As = 3.0m, centered at the oriin, carrying current = 200 inthe positive y direction (as part of some com- plete circuit). To calculate the magnitude of the magnetic feld B produced by the segment at a point several meters from the origin, we can use B = (io/4n)i As (sin @)r? as the Biot Savart law. This is because rand 0 are essentially constant over the segment. Calculate B (in unit-vector notation) at the (&, y, 2) coordinates (a) (0, 0, 50m), (b) (0, 60m, 0), (© (70im,7.0m,0),and (d) (~30m,—40m,0). 55m 72 In Fig 29-82, a closed loop caries current i= 200mA. The 4 loop consists of two radial straight wires and two concentric circular ares of radii 200m and 400m. The angle @ is mit rad What are the (a) magnitude and or, (6) dieecton (into oF out of the page) ofthe net magnetic field at the center of curvature P? FIG.29.81 Problem 71 5-29-82 Problem 72 73 A ovlindrcal cable of ra- dius 800 mm carries a current of 25.0 A, uniformly spread ‘over its cross-sectional area. At what distance from the center ‘ofthe wire is there a point within the wize where the magnetic fleld magnitude is 0.100 mT? 74 A long wire carrying 100. is perpendicular to the ‘magnetic field lines ofa uniform magnetic field of magnitude SOmvf. At what distance from the wire is the net magnetic field equal t zero? 75 Two wires both of length L, ae formed into circle and ‘square, and each carries current i, Show that the square produces a greater magnetic fed at its center than the circle produces at its enter. 76 A long straight wire caries @ current of S0 A. An elec tron, traveling at 0 X 107 mis is S:0cm from the wire, What is the magnitude of the magnetic force on the eleeteon ifthe electron velocity is directed (a) toward the wire, (b) parallel to the wire in the diroction ofthe current, and (c) perpendicular to the two directions defined by a4 (@and(by? e 77 tn unit-xector notation, a/4 [| what is the magnetic fleld at point P in Fig. 2983 if i= 10 ‘A and a= 80cm? (Note that } the wires ate not long.) $8i 78 Figure 29.84 shows, in cross section, two long parallel wires spaced by distance d = 18.6¢m. Each carries 423 A, FIG. 29.83 Problem 77, Problems EE ‘out ofthe page in wire 1 and into the page in wire 2. In unit-vector notation, what is the magnetic field at point P at distance R= 342em? 79. Figure 2985 shows a cross section of an infinite conducting sheet caring a cure per unit length of the curent emerges perpendicularly cut of the pege (6) Use the Biot-Savart law and symmetry to show that for al points P above the sheet and all points P below it the magnetic field B is parallel to the Sheet and directed as shown. (B) Use Ampere’ lato prove that B= JypAatal points Pand Ps FIG. 29-84 Problem 78, FIG, 29.85 Problem 79. 80. Two long wires le in an xy plane, and each caries a cur- rent inthe positive direction of the x axis Wire Lis ty = 100 em and carries 600 A; wire 28 aty ~ 5.00 em and caries 100 ‘A.(a) Inunit-vector notation whats the net magnetic field B at the origin? (b) At what value of y does B= 02 (e) Ifthe current in wire 1s reversed, at what vale ofy does B = 0? 81 Figure 29.86 shows a cross section of a hollow cylindrical conductor of radii a and b, carrying 2 uniformly distributed current i. (a) Show that the magnetic field magnitude B(r) for the radial distance rin the range a.(e) Test these expressions for all the special cases that occur to you. (f) Assume that a= 20cm, b= 180m, ¢ ‘00cm, and i= 120A and plot the function B(r) over th range 0 << 3m. FIG. 29-90 Problem 93,

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