Aussie Army Combat-Manual MGO#1 1942-Oct

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Notified in G.O.’s Dated 31st Octaber, 1942 THIS DOCUMENT MUST NOT FALL INTO ENEMY HANDS ARMY ORDNANCE MEMORANDUM (AUSTRALIA) No. | OCTOBER, 1942 DISTRIBUTION Ady., L-H.Q. _ _ oe we wee vee ae . 6 L.H.Q.— “G”" Branch es ne me eg ms 8 co Pre 10 AM Branch ee ee HO *©Q” Branch “MGO” Branch eae ws H.Q. Army, Corps, Div. Bde., N.G. Force and NT. Force (cach) .. 6 H.Q. L. of C. Area... ee ase oe so oon oy eee: 6 3 1 ! Bn. or Equivalent Unit =... Other Units AA.O.C, Officers a wee ae L.H.Q., A.A.O.C. School one ae oe wee a we ws L. of C. Area Trg. Depots (AA.O.C.) 0 eee ee 0 The objects of this publication are : SECURITY. September, 42. AUSTRALIAN ARMY ORDNANCE MEMORANDUM, No, (a) To promulgate general information regarding new equipment where normally such informatién is only received by units which operate the equipment. For inscance, information regarding new ammunition is normally only promulgated to the artillery, yet other arms of the service should know the tactical characteristics. 'b) To promulgate changes in organization, etc, In the Ordnance Service PB 8 8 which should be known outside that Service. CONTENTS Maintenance and Repair of Equipment... sss Tank Ord.Wkshop Coys, wees Bicycles (Aust.), No 4.00 oe Repair of Bicycles = Mobile Laundry and Forward Decontamination Units Armour Piercing Projectiles... one Anchoring of Firing Platforms for Field Guns... Grenades, Self Igniting, Phosphorus wea Effect of .303-in. amn. against Aircraft 9... se Grenade Hand or .303-in. Rifle, No. 36, M. Mk. 1 Ordnance M.L. 3-in. Mortar, Mk. Il—Long Range Charges Prefabricated Portable Storehouses (Armco Type) Army Ordnance Memorandum I, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF EQUIPMENT |. Preventive Maintenance of equipment, weapons, vehicles, etc., is the function of the operating personnel of the units, and it is the responsibility of the C.O. of the unit to ensure that it is adequately effected. Preventive maintenance includes cleaning, lubricating, care and preservation, custody, proper tightening of bolts, nuts, etc, including the replacement of split pins and locking devices. 2. Corrective Maintenance includes inspection, repair, modification, recovery and reclamation, and is dealt with by the Mechanical Engineering Branch of the Ordnance Service. The first principle of such service is that repairs are to be effected as near as possible to the point at which the damage or defect arises, conditioned by the technical personnel and equipment available. Mechanical maintenance is organized in four echelons of repair and re- covery as follows : (a) (i) First echelon repairs comprise those which can be effected by unit tradesmen and by L.A.D’s. with the hand tools and spare parts at their disposal, without detriment to the operational requirements of the unit. They consist primarily of replacement of readily accessible components of fast-wearing nature not involving major disassembly. The senior representative of the Mechanical Engincer- ing Branch with the formation will prescribe the time limit for any one job, including modifications, effected by an L.A.D. having regard to the tactical situation then existing. (ii) Units are primarily responsible for the first echelon repair and maintenance of their equipment. (iii) Unit artificers, tradesmen—and Light Aid Detachments when allotted to units—are provided to carry out maintenance, technical inspections and first echelon repair of unit equipment. (iv) The first echelon repair (and recovery) for units or detachments which have no L.A.D. or workshop section attached, will be allotted to an L.A.D. as arranged by the senior representative of the Mechanical Engineering Branch with the formation. (v) Where an L.A.D. is attached, the O.C., L.A.D., will be responsible to the C.O. of the unit for the co-ordination of all first echelon repair other than that of signal equipment. He will supervise and will allot work to the tradesmen of the unit and L.A.D. in accord- ance with their respective qualifications and equipment. (vi) The ©.€,, L.A.D., Is directly at the disposal of the C.O, of the unit in the same way as isthe R.M.O. The C.O. will make utmost use of the services and technical advice of the O.C., L.A.D., in all matters appertaining to the mechanical condition of his equipment. (vil) The unit Transport Officer, where such is provided on establish ment, will be responsible to the C.O. for the care, proper use and preservation of vehicles. He will keep the O.C,, L.A.D., advised of all defects in vehicles which come under his notice, He will not be responsible for repairs, except should an emergency arise in the absence of the O.C., L.A.D. 5 ) Where equipments or vehicles are detached for duty with other units, they will become the responsibility of the units to which they are attached, (ix) Repair requisitions will not be submitted to an L.A.D. for first echelon repairs. If deemed necessary by the C.O. of the unit, the LAD, will give a temporary receipt for equipment received for repair. (x) A vehicle when evacuated for first,echelon repairs will be accom- panied by its driver, who will remain with the vehicle and assist in its repair as directed by the L.A.D. He will drive the vehicle on return to its unit, (xi) First echelon repairs of A.A.S.C. M.T. vehicles, will be carried out by the A.AS.C, workshops. (xii) First echelon repair of signal equipment will be carried out by the personnel of “ M '' or Technical Maintenance Section of the signal unit of the formation. 'b) Second Echelon Repairs comprise repair and modification of complete D: P P P equipments, including limited stripping ; replacement of defective assemblies by new or reconditioned ones ; repairs to assemblies or components involving limited machining when such work does not delay the repair of complete equipments in the workshop. (i) Divisional OrdnanceWorkshops, Brigade Group Ordnance Work- shops, A.A. workshops sections and certain Area OrdnanceWork- shops are provided for the second echelon repair of all equipment, including signals equipment but not A.AS.C. M.T. vehicles. (li) Second echelon repair (and recovery) of A.AS.C. M.T. vehicles, will be carried out by A.A.S.C.Workshops. (ili) Except where impracticable, the O.C., L.A.D., will be the authority for the evacuation to second echelon workshops of vehicles and equipment requiring second echelon repair. (Iv) The appropriate workshop to undertake the second echelon repairs of units will be nominated by the senior representative of the Mechanical Engineering Branch with the formation. (v) The O.C., L.A.D., will maintain a close liaison with the workshop responsible for his unit's second echelon repair. (vi) A vehicle when evacuated for second echelon repair will be accom- panied by its driver, who will remain with the vehicle and assist with its repair as directed by the C.O. of the workshop. He will drive the vehicle on return to its unit, (vil) The extent of repairs or modifications to be effected in second echelon workshops will be prescribed by the senior representative of the Mechanical Engineering Branch with the formation, having regard to the tactical situation then existing. (viil) Repair requisitions will not be submitted for second echelon repairs but, if necessary, a temporary receipt will be given by a second echelon workshop for equipment received for repair, (©) Third Echelon Repairs comprise such repairs to complete equipments as are beyond second echelon (but which do not involve complete over. haul or rebuilding), re-conditioning of major unit assemblies and repairs to assemblies by extensive replacement of individual components but not requiring major machining, and modifications to equipments or components. 6 (i) Army Ordnance Workshops, Armoured CorpsWorkshops (Divis- ional Sections), Advanced Ordnance Workshops and L. of C. Area Workshops are provided to effect third echelon repairs. (li) The flow of work to third echelon workshops will be controlled by A.D.O.S. (E) concerned in co-operation with the senior repre~ sentative of the Mechanical Engineering Branch in L. of C. Areas concerned. (iii) Repair requisition A.A.F., F.3A, in triplicate, will be submitted for third echelon repair. One copy which will be returned to the unit will serve as a receipt for stores received for repair, one copy will be returned with the repaired store, and one copy will be filed by the workshop. (iv) When equipment is evacuated through second echelon workshops for third echelon, the second echelon workshop will submit the repair requisition on behalf of the unit, (v) Work will be received into third echelon workshops for repair, if necessary, without repair requisition, in which case the third echelon workshop will make out a repair requisition on behalf of the unit requiring the repair. (d) Fourth Echelon Repairs comprise complete overhaul and rebuilding of equipments and assemblies, together with complete reconditioning of components, and all modifications to equipments, including those of a major nature which cannot be effected in forward echelons. () Base Ordnance Workshops, Tank Ordnance Workshops, Advanced Ordnance Workshops and L. of C. Area Workshops are provided for fourth echelon repairs. (ii) Co-ordination of fourth echelon repair is arranged by C.O.M.E Base Ordnance Workshops in co-operation with the senior repre- sentatives of the Mechanical Engineering Branch with formations and L. of C. Areas concerned. (ili) Repair requisition A.A.F., F.3A. as in (c) (iil), is required for fourth echelon repairs, or alternatively, A.A.F., F.3 may be used (iv) Equipment evacuated from Ordnance depots to fourth echelon workshops for repair may be transferred on A.B. 108, when the workshop will prepare a repair requisition for internal record purposes, if the Ordnance Depot does not render a repair requisi- tion A.A.F., F.3 or F.3A, vide (d) (iii), above. 3. Recovery and Evacuation will, at all times, be undertaken in accord- ance with a plan published by the H.Q. of a formation or Area specifying loca- tion of recovery posts and methods of contact to be employed. In general, a particular echelon of recovery is responsible for the recovery of equipments from areas forward to the next echelon and evacuation, for repair, to the cor- Fesponding echelon workshop. Equipment remains the responsibility of the unit until it is properly received by the recovery organization of the Mechanical Engineering Branch. (a) First Echelon Recovery is the collection of repairable equipment, rendered unusable in forward areas of operation, to specific recovery posts. This includes the clearing of roads of derelict equipment. (i) First echelon recovery posts will be established in as reasonably secure locations in the forward areas as the tactical situation Z permits; units and L.A.D's. will evacuate equipment requiring repair to such points. These posts will be manned by LAD. or A.A.S.C. workshop personnel in the case of A.A.S:C. vehicles. (li) When unit resources are insufficient for such evacuation, a signal will be sent to the nearest recovery post giving the following information :— Unit. Map location of equipment and any directions which might assist location. Type of equipment. Brief description of damage or difficulty, or indication that repairs can be effected on site, giving requirements. Means required to effect recovery. (iii) At first echelon recovery posts assessment will be made as to requirements of further evacuation. (6) Second Echelon Recovery is the movement of repairable equipment from first echelon recovery posts to second echelon workshops and the recovery of such repairable equipment as is rendered unusable, or has been left in the area between first echelon recovery posts and second echelon workshops. (i) Second echelon recovery will be effected by second echelon Ordnance Workshops, or A.A.S.C. Workshops in the case of AAS.C. vehicles. (ii) Second echelon recovery posts will be located near second echelon workshops or on the forward L. of C. as required. (c) Third Echelon Recovery is the movement of equipment from second echelon workshops or recovery posts to third echelon workshops. (i) Third echelon recovery will be effected by third echelon Ordnance Workshops using the equipment provided in their recovery sections or the purpose. (ii) Alternatively, the normal transport facilities on the L. of C. may be used for third echelon evacuation. (4) Fourth Echelon Recovery is the movement of equipment requiring fourth echelon workshop service from the operational area to base areas. (i) Fourth Echelon Recovery is, in general, effected by employment of the L. of C. transport facilities. (ii) Certain static workshops have recovery sections for the recovery of equipment rendered unusable in base areas, and for handling equipment to and from the L. of C. transportation facilities. () (i) All Equipments Evacuated for Repair will always be complete with all tools and accessories accounted as forming part of such equip- ment, All assemblies evacuated will be complete with all com. ponents forming part of such assemblies, i.e:, assemblies will not be robbed of components In order to augment stocks of such com. ponents in more forward echelons. (li) In any echelon, repairs or recovery will, when necessary, include those which are normally effected in a forward echelon. 8 4. Inspection— (a) Inspection covers— (i) The determination of the serviceability of equipment for opera- tional purposes and recording a “sentence.’” (ii) Ensuring chat equipment is receiving adequate care and preventive maintenance. (ili) Specifying the extent of repairs required to equipment and the echelon in which repairs are to be effected. (iv) Ensuring that, in workshops, the facilities are adequate within the authorized scales. (b) Inspection is to be directed towards ensuring the efficiency of the Mechanical Engineering Branch. This depends primarily on— (i) Arresting wear and damage in the early stages. (ii) A plentiful supply of spare parts. In all echelons, O.M.E’s. and Workshop Officers will inspect and sentence equipment and components. They will ensure that the consumption of spare parts is controlled and the utmost economy achieved. 5. Reclamation consists of restoring worn or damaged component parts to serviceable condition by such processes as building up, deposition, welding, etc. This work will normally be done in bulk under Base Ordnance Workshop arrangements, but simple processes may be carried out in all echelons when considered to be desirable by the senior representative of the Mechanical Engineering Branch with the formation or L. of C. Area concerned. 6. Workshop Accounting and Procedure (a) The initial quantities of spare parts to be held by L.A.D's. in accord- with authorized scales will be obtained from the appropriate Ordnance Depot in accordance with instructions contained in the scales publications. (b) Replacement of L.A.D. stocks will be obtained by the submission of indents to the Ordnance Field Park section which has been appointed to serve them. (©) All issues or expenditure of stores by L.A.D’s. will be supported by receipted issue vouchers (which may be on A.A.F. 21, A.A.F. 29 or 29 or A.B. 108 or, indeed, in time of stress, on any piece of paper). (@) Field Workshops will obtain their requirements of spare parts and non- expendable stores by the submission to the appropriate Ordnance Field Park of demands on A.A.F. 29A or A.B. 108. (e) Advanced Ordnance Workshops, Base Ordnance Workshops and Area Ordnance Workshops will hold stocks of material and components found to be required, and will obtain such supplies by the submission of indents on the appropriate Ordnance Depot in accordance with instructions from the senior representative of the Ordnance Service wich the L. of C. Area concerned. Stocks held will not be in excess of one month’s requirements. Stores expended will be accounted for by receipted issue vouchers on A.A.F. 21, A.A.F. 29 or 29A or A.B. 108 submitted, within the workshops, for stores required. (f) L.A.D's. and Ordnance Workshops will maintain workshop journals which will record, against job numbers allocated for all work handled, the designation of the equipment, etc., the nature of the work executed, 9 thedates “in and out,’ j.e., the dates the job was received into and left the workshop, and such other technical information as may be required, (g) Examinations of Ordnance will be recorded on Army Form G.875, accompanied by Army Form G.901, when any measurements, additional to those normally reported on the G.875, are required. In the case of mortars, examinations will be reported on Army Form G.875A. The original and one copy of each of the forms used for examination of Ordnance will be forwarded direct to the Director of Mechanical Maintenance at L.H.Q. by the senior representative of the Mechanical Engineering Branch with the army in the field or L. of C. Area concerned. 2, TANK ORDNANCE WORKSHOPS COMPANIES. Tank Ordnance Workshops are being established in various areas through- out Australia, These are part of the Base Ordnance Workshop. Their functions are to carry out fourth echelon repairs to tanks and complete over- haul of damaged tank assemblies. 3, BICYCLES (AUST.) No. 4 Sufficient bicycle components have been recovered by the Army from Refugee ships to build approximately 3500 bicycles which will be known as Bicycles (Aust.), No. 4. A specification to cover the building of Bicycles (Aust.) No. 4, suitable for Army purposes from components on Refugee ships has been approved. 1000 are, at present, being built, and a contract for 2500 is in the course of preparation. 4, REPAIR OF BICYCLES Arrangements are in hand to set up 4th Echelon bicycle repair workshops at Base Ordnance Workshop and | Advanced Ordnance Workshop. These workshops will be equipped completely to re-build bicycles. It is expected that the shop at Base Ordnance Workshop will be functioning in approximately four weeks from present date and, in | Advanced Ordnance Workshop, on completion of proposed S.A. and M.G. repair workshop building. 5. MOBILE LAUNDRY AND FORWARD DECONTAMINATION UNITS Mobile Laundry and Decontamination equipment of Australian pattern will be available shortly for issue to units in the field. Each equipment is designed for operation as a Divisional unit, and carries a personnel of three (3) Officers and 118 O.R’s,, AA.O.C. The function of the unit is— (a) To provide modern and efficient facilities for washing shirts, under- clothes, socks, towels, and hospital linen, as required for all troops in one Division, once per week. This output is based upon an operational period of 16 hours per day and 6 days per week. (b) Decontamination, when necessary, of protective clothing and boots, up to I5 per cent. casualties in one Division, in a working day of 18 hours. (c) Decontamination, including de-odorisation of battledress, shirts, underclothes, towels, socks, and web equipment, up to 3 per cent. casualties in one Division, in a working day of 18 hours. 2. Each Laundry is composed of nine 4wheeled trailers for the towin of each of which a suitable lorry is provided. All necessary laundry machinery is permanently fixed in position on the various trailers, and the normal working 10 spaces in the craiters, cogetner with the Docies ot the towing lorries, are utiised during transport for stowage of the decontamination apparatus, unit stores and other gear. The trailers are arranged as follows :— (2) Washing Machinery Trailers. Four trailers, utilised for the washing process, each equipped with the following :— One—Rotary washing machine, electrically-driven, having a capacity of 100 Ib. dry weight of clothes per hour. One—26-in. centrifugal hydro extractor, electrically-driven, capable of extracting 20 per cent. of the moisture from 150 Ib, wet weight of clothes per hour. One—Soap and soda dissolver, in which the requisite soap solution is made up for use as required. (b) Boiler and Feed Water Trailers. Two low-loading boiler trailers, each carrying :— One—Vertical fire tube boiler arranged for oil or solid fuel firing, capable of evaporating 750 Ib. of water per hour at 120 Ib. per sq. in. working pressure. One—Water supply centrifugal pump, electrically driven, One—Water circulation centrifugal pump, electrically driven, One—Calorifier. One—Set of storage tanks for oil fuel, hot water and cold water. (c) Generator and Drying Tumbler Trailers. Two generator and drying tumbler trailers, each equipped with :— One—25-KVA, 3-phase, 415-volt, 50-cycle generating set driven by a Ford V-8 petrol engine. Two—Electrically-driven vertical drying tumblers of the steam- heated type, each capable of handling 100 Ib. dry weight of clothes per hour. (d) Drying Room Trailer. One drying room trailer, carrying an clectrically-driven drying machine of the continuous type. This machine is, in effect, a large metal chamber through which the washed articles are conveyed upon an endless chain, and through which air is drawn by electrically-driven fans, The temperature of the air is regulated by steam heaters interposed in the inlet ducts, and the speed of the conveyor chain may be regulated to provide for a longer or shorter drying time as required. 3. All trailers are complete with integral piping for steam, hot water, and cold water services, together with all necessary electric wiring and fittings. To facilitate coupling up of the various services on site, flexible connections are provided for linking up the various trailers. In this respect, provision has been made for interchangeability of trailers when assembled to form a working unit. By lowering the side and end boards of adjacent and contiguous trailers, gangways are formed along which trolley baskets loaded with cloching may be passed from one machine to another. The layout of machines and trailers has been arranged to provide an even flow of materials through. the laundry, the direction of flow being from washing machine to hydro-extractor, to drying tumbler, thence to the drying room, after which the articles are sorted and packed for return to their units. _4. The nine trailers are designed for formation on site into a compact unit occupying a space approximately 60-ft. x 80-ft. for which a reasonably level site must be selected, close to a suitable water supply. The plant is so designed as to permit of its division into two separate sections, each complete with boiler, generating set, two washing machines, two hydro-extractors and two drying tumblers. Under such circumstances the continuous drying machine is allocated to either section as circumstances may dictate. By this means, the services of the Laundry may be more widely dispersed according to requirements of units or conditions of water supply. It should be noted that each complete laundry requires approximately 20,000 gallons of water per 16-hour working day. Waste water is piped away to settling and chemical treatment tanks, whence after treatment, it is disposed of by pumping either into any suitable existing draining system or the stream from which fresh water is pumped. Disposal of waste water is a matter which should, upon all occasions, be dis- cussed with the appropriate Field Hygiene authorities. 5. The decontamination equipment accompanies and forms part of the Mobile Laundry Unit, It can, however, be set up and operated indepen- dently in the field. The decontamination process consists, essentially, of boiling the con- taminated articles in a chemical solution for a suitable time. For this purpose fourteen open tanks are provided, each fitted with a removable wire basket into which the contaminated articles are loaded. The baskets are lifted into the tanks by means of small travelling jib cranes. Heat for the decontamination process is supplied by petrol burners associ- ated with each tank, and a portable petrol-engine driven pump is utilised to maintain water supply to the tanks. It will be seen that the apparatus is virtually independent of the laundry, although use will be made of the latter for drying, and in certain cases, washing contaminated articles. In order to avoid inter- ference with laundry operation and to avoid the danger of contaminating clean clothes, ordinary laundry processes will be suspended while decon- tamination is in progress. It is worthy of note that the equipment of these units is of Australian design and manufacture throughout. Various factors have militated against early production of mobile laundries, not the least of which has been the shortage of various materials and equipment which have been allocated to munitions projects of higher priority. Non-availabilicy of suitable trailers has also con- tributed to the delay in production. Two static laundries have, however, been delivered, and reports have indicated their extreme usefulness in the field. Components for further laundries are now coming forward at a satisfactory rate, and erection of several units will proceed immediately. It is anticipated, therefore, chat all laundry units will receive a full issue of this technical equip. ment in the near future. It is probable that certain units, in the first instance, will be issued with the laundry plant without trailers. In this event the plant should be erected locally under suitable cover. When trailers are available, local arrangements will be necessary for the Installation of the plant on the vehicles. 6 ARMOUR PIERCING PROJECTILES I. The following projectiles have been introduced into the Land Service during the past 2 or ¢ years, chiefly for use agalnst eanks + (a) Shot Armour Piercing, e.g., Shot Q.F. 2-pr. for Marks IX and X Guns. Shot Semi-Armour Piercing, i.¢., Shot Q.F., 3.7-in., S.A.P. 12 2. Shell Armour Piercing has been in the Sérvice for many years, but is usually confined to employment against Armoured Ships in Coast Defences, eg., Shell B.L., A.P. with Cap, 9.2-in, Gun. 3. The essential differences between Armour Piercing Projectiles and Semi-Armour Piercing Projectiles are :— (a) In the case of an A.P. Shell everything is subordinated to its piercing qualities and the bursting charge Is fixed at che maximum quantity of ex- plosive which can be used after providing for the necessary piercing qualifications, The $.A.P. Shell on the other hand is one witha much lower piercing performance, but has a higher explosive charge. Therefore, although the S.A.P. Shell will not successfully attack armour to the extent of an Armour Piercing Shell, its explosive effect is much greater. The S.A.P. Shell is very suitable for attack on lightly armoured vessels, {b) Shot A.P. and Shot S.A.P. follow these lines. A.P. Shot has the highest possible piercing performance which is obtainable under present manufacture, and is made of high grade alloy steel with a complicated series of heat treatments. S.A.P. Shot on the other hand is made of ordinary medium carbon shell steel which is readily obtainable and only needs rudimentary heat treatments. The performance of S.A.P. Shot is at least 50 per cent. below that of A.P. Shot, but it is quite satisfactory for use against light armour and at the same time it is easy and cheap to produce. 4, A.P. Shot is painted black and has a white tip on the nose followed by a white ring. When the shot carries a filled tracer, the space between the white ring and the tip is filled by a red ring. 5. S.A.P. Shot is also painted black and has a white tip only, beneath which a red ring will be painted if it carries a filled tracer. 7. ANCHORING OF FIRING PLATFORMS FOR FIELD GUNS The firing platform has been designed to meet the conflicting require- ments of minimum weight and maximum strength with the result that con- tinuous heavy firing in soft ground will sometimes cause buckling. Further- more, when firing at low angles of elevation such as is done in open sight shoot- ing against tanks, there is a tendency for the platform to keep moving back- wards in any but the firmest ground. This means interference with the drill and delay in firing, whilst ifthe ground gives a good holding at all, the rear of the platform will dig into the earth and cover the track ; in such ground also the weight of the carriage causes that portion of the track under the wheels to dig down deeply, raising the platform out of the ground at the front and rear, and it is at these points, of course, where resistance to the backward movement is applied. These difficulties will be accentuated by the recent approval to use super charge for anti-tank shooting, because of the increased stress incurred. To assist in meeting these difficulties, all platforms are now being fitted with an improved anchoring device. This consists of six (6) angle iron pickets with each platform. These pickets are placed through guides which will be welded to the platform and these guides are so designed that whilst the pickets can slide freely through them, such pickets must always be at right angles to the base of the platform. Guides will be additional to the six (6) small lugs already forming portion of each platform, but these lugs are of little value in soft ground, where, of course, anchoring is most required. As the small iron pins cut into the earth, they merely turn over in soft ground and usually pull out ina few rounds. The pickets are separate from the platform and a suitable place of carriage Is in the frone tray of the gun trailer. They can be put on any time after the un is in action, and need not all be used. - There is no necessity for them in 13 good ground, but it will usually be found chat better shooting is obtained by their se insuch a case. The platform can be lifted off the pickets without removing them from the ground; but, even in the hardest earth, they can be fitted in a few seconds as the shock of recoil of the gun must naturally always loosen them a little on firing. In trials carried out recently on some poor ground, five rounds ‘on the platform without any anchoring caused a rearward movement of five Pas, and the platform became temporarily severely buckled ; with ehe anchoring pickets the measured movement was only one inch. It will be found that steadiness of the platform has a great effect on the steadiness of laying and rapidity of aimed firing with a resultant increase in the percentage of hits. 8. GRENADES, SELF-IGNITING, PHOSPHORUS. This grenade is, in point of fact, a perfected ‘* Molotov Cockrail,’’ in that the means of ignition are self-contained. The grenade, which is self-igniting, consists of a short-necked half-pint glass bottle containing yellow phosphorus, water, benzine or naptha and rubber, with a free space of 10 per cent. sealed with a plain red crown cork. The crude rubber, a two-inch strip, gradually dissolves during storage, rendering the contents tacky and, therefore, assists it to adhere to the object at which the grenade is directed. The weight of the grenade, filled, is 14 Ibs. Action When the glass is shattered, instantaneous ignition takes place, and a dense cloud of choking fumes (phosphorus pentoxide and sulphur dioxide) is liberated. Care must be taken to observe the direction of the wind to avoid hindering our own troops. The service respirator AG is proof against the fumes, but the smoke Is all-obscuring. When throwing these grenades, it must be remembered that it needs a sharp contact with a hard surface to shatter the glass and so ignite the contents. Thrown. against a tank the glass will break and the grenade ignite, but thrown along a tarmac road, the grenade rolls on toa standstill without breaking ; there- fore, it does not ignite and could easily be thrown back. Grenades are NOT TO BE SHAKEN before throwing. The filling of the grenade separates in store into two layers. This is correct. Shaking the grenade will coat the drops of liquid phosphorus with the rubber benzine solution, hence delaying the ignition thereof. On no account are the crown seals to be removed from the bottles. Packing 20 Grenades are packed in 2 box, F.10I. Weight of package filled = 50-Ib. The box is stained Service brown and stencilled in yellow :— S.LP, GRENADES FRAGILE GLASS dowd LON 0G HIGHLY INFLAMMABLE HANDLE WITH CARE Printed label on the inside of the lid (printed in red) :— DO NOT SHAKE BEFORE USE. 14 Top painted. red ork" —.-. Air space 10% ~~ Grude smoked rubber ~~ Benzine, Water wit BNORs auletiins GRENADES, SELF-IGNITING, PHOSPHORUS Care in Handling and Detection of Leakages. It should be noted that although this grenade does not contain explosives, it is filled with a highly inflammable mixture. Great care must, therefore, be exercised in handling these grenades whether in storage or in transit. Small quantities of grenades, such as those on unit charge, should be stored in brick, concrete or sandbagged shelcers or underground. The packages must be protected from the weather, since rusting of the crown corks ‘may cause leaks and, therefore, subsequent fires. Bulk storage of grenades in Ammunition Depots is permissible provided that the necessary safety precautions can be observed. It should, however, be noted that, owing to the fire risk inseparable from these grenades, and the very large and persistent volume of smoke resulting from any fire, a separate dump or depot for large quantities of SJLP. grenades is always preferable when circumstances permit. Safety distances should be as shown in the following tables, the distances given being for stacks fully protected from fire. Where this not the case, the distances should be doubled. Stacks should be kept as small as practicable. “A"'—for S.1.P. Grenades in small quantities. Distance from other No. of $.I.P, Grenades | Distance from other | types of Ammunition or in Stack. Stacks of S.I.P. Grenades, | from Public Roads, | Buildings, etc. 1000 | 15 yards 50 yards 400 | raan 40°, 200 or less | 10. 3 ow B for S.LP. Grenades in bulk. 10,000 50 yards 350 yards 4000 0° i 250 7, 2000 3 | 200 Firefighting appliances should be available and an ample water supply adjacent. Occasional breakages of grenade bottles may occur. Such accidents will be prevented by the careful handling of the crates containing these grenades. A considerable time may elapse before the contents of a bottle which cracks in its case give rise to a fire, but all concerned with the handling of these grenades will be taught that a leakage can readily be detected by the smell of garlic (phosphorus) or of benzine given off by the escaping liquid. It must be borne in mind that the package will be contaminated with phosphorus and will eventually catch fire. The package will, therefore, be burnt to avoid further risk. The firing of one grenade in a box or of several in a stack of boxes is not likely to produce a fire which could not be attacked by normal methods. Burn- ing material will not be projected very far, although adjacent grenades in a stack may burst. A grenade igniting In an open box will not be likely to project burning material for more than 40 yards. It has been found that the most satisfactory method of dealing with a fire of this nature is by water from a hose. The liquid phosphorus, however, will ignite again when it has dried, hence tt should be covered with wet sand and removed. 16 The contamination of the skin by the yellow phosphorus liquid may result in serious burns. Therefore, personnel employed fighting fires of this nature must wear protective gauntlets, preferably rubber, eye-shields and rubber boots. Owing to the fact that burning grenades produce dense smoke which is not dangerous but is corrosive and unpleasant, firefighters should wear smoke- helmets or service respirators when dealing with a fire within a building. First Aid Treatment of Phosphorus Burns Phosphorus burns may rastft from the action of S.LP. grenades, and it is essential that in such cases first aid treatment should be carried out immediately. The following first aid treatment of phosphorus burns should be brought to the notice of all ranks. (1) Immediately immerse the affected part in, water. (2) If sufficient water is not available, soak the first field dressing and apply it. (3) Particles of phosphorus embedded in the skin should be removed under water. (4) Oils or greasy dressing will in no circumstances be used. Method of Treatment of Phosphorus Burns Wash the burn immediately with a solution of sodium carbonate, 2 table- spoonfuls to a pint of water. This treatment neutralises any phosphoric acid formed as a result of the combustion of the phosphorus and partially destroys any free phosphorus present, To free the burn from all traces of phosphorus, wash with I per cent. solution of copper sulphate. Copper sulphate combines with any free phosphorus, forming copper phosphide thus preventing further ignition. Remove the resulting dark coloured deposit with the aid of forceps and thoroughly wash with water containing a little antiseptic boric acid or phenodine. For extensive burns the use of ultra-violet radiation is very effective, If an ultra-violet lamp is available, dry the affected part and give | to [1 minutes’ exposure to the light at about 2 feet away. Then apply strips of lint soaked in Picric acid solution each day for 3 to 4 days and continue dressing with boric ointment as for ordinary burns. Before each re-dressing wash with boric acid lotion or phenodine in tepid water until the wound Is quite clean. Phosphorus burns suppurate much more than ordinary burns. For healing, period is usually about three to four weeks, 9. EFFECT OF .30}-1NCH AMMUNITION AGAINST AIRCRAFT Modern fighting aircraft are constructed with certain portions of the body armoured. However, the armour at present carried by enemy aircraft is dis- posed primarily to guard against fire from other aircraft. In general, therefore, it is not situated underneath the plane except for the protection of the seats for the bomb-aimers and the pilots. From a consideration of the power of the bullet, the small extent of the armour underneath the plane and the fact that the side armour will generally be at an oblique angle to fire from the ground, it is of little use employing -303-inch A.P. ammunition against aircraft. In addition, it is an established fact that when hitting something which is NOT armoured, the damage done by -303-inch A.P. is less than that resulting from a hit by a Mk. VII ball bullet. The reason is that the A.P. bullet has a steel envelope and a non-deform- able core, It, therefore, either retains its shape, making a clean hole, or, if Severe obstruction is met, the envelope strips off and the core goes on. The core is only 0.25-inch in diameter and, being of A.P. steel, does not deform but 7 makes a clean hole also. The Mk. VII ball bullet has 2 comparativery sow envelope of cupro-nickel and a soft lead core. When striking the light metal sheeting of aeroplanes, the whole bullet deforms and makes a jagged tear or the bullet may break up and make more than one hole. In regard to tracer ammunition, the effect is similar to the Mk. VII ball. It should be noted, however, that the tracer bullet is lighter than the Mk. VII ball, and the tracer portion is apt to separate from the remainder of the bullet when a hard object is struck. This frequently gives rise to the impression that the bullets are bouncing off the plane. This is far from being the truth, in fact this apparent bouncing off of tracer is an excellent indication that the plane is being hit. It should be realized by all troops that, because an enemy plane continues on its way apparently unharmed, it does not mean that damage has not been done. If holes are made in the wings or petrol tank, these must be repaired. Broken stays and electrical connections must be replaced. All this means work to be done by the enemy. This requires men, spare parts and, above all— TIME. Aircraft which have been severely shot up by .303-inch S.A.A., even if they have been capable of arriving at their base, may be kept on the ground for days at a time before being sufficiently serviceable to take the air again for operational purposes. 10. GRENADE HAND OR .303-INCH RIFLE No. 36M, MK. I. In the past the No. 36M grenade was used both as a hand grenade and as a rifle grenade. This grenade was fitted with a detonator, with a seven seconds delay, that is, detonation of grenade filling took place approximately 7 seconds after the grenade left the hand or discharger-cup. Although this seven seconds’ delay proved quite satisfactory when the grenade was discharged at relatively long ranges from the rifle, it was not altogether suitable for throwing by hand. in July, 1940, therefore, a“ hand ’’ grenade with a 4 seconds’ delay detonator was introduced into the service. This grenade is identical with the No. 36M ‘rifle " grenade except that a4 seconds’ delay detonator is used in lieu of the 7 seconds" and no gas check plate Is provided with the grenade. The designation of the two types of grenade is -— (1) Grenade Hand or .303-in. Rifle, No. 36M, Mk. | (for use as rifle grenade). Q) Grenade Hand or .303-in. Rifle, No. 36M, Mk. I (for use as hand grenade). All concerned should be fully conversant with the following particulars of differentiation between the two types :— Detonators Detonators, Mk. Il, Ill and Ill (Aust), are 7 seconds’ delay type, and are for use with rifle grenades only. The safety fuze is yellow coloured, but this may in poor light appear white, due to the presence of white chalk. Detonators Mk. V and V (Aust), are 4 seconds’ delay type, and are for use with hand grenades only. The safety fuze is white and a rubber band is placed around the bend in the safety fuze. Both types of detonators are issued in the same pattern cylinder. How- ever, a label is fixed to each cylinder showing the mark of detonator packed and whether it is of 7 or 4 seconds’ delay. 18 Packing (a) Rifle Grenades : The method of packing is as heretofore :— 12 Grenades. 12 Gas checks, I Key base plug. 14 Cartridges, .303-in. Ballistite H, in tinned plate box. 12 Detonators, No. 36M Grenade, in a tinned plate cylinder, the detonators being either Mk. Il, Ill or Ill (Aust). In a Box, G.5 or G.36, distinctively marked as follows :— On Both ends—‘* No. 36M Rifle.”” On Both sides—‘* 12 Grenades, Rifle, No. 36M, Mk. I.”’ “© 12 Detonators, Lot No., Filler, Date.’” “14 Cartridges, Filler, Date.’ On Lid—"*7 SECS.”* (b) Hand Grenades The method of packing is :— 12 Grenades ; 1 Key base plug; 12 Detonators, No. 36M Grenade, in a tinned plate cylinder, the detonators being either Mk. V or V (Aust). In a Box G.5 or G.36, distinctively marked as follows :— On Both ends—'' No. 36M Hand."” On Both sides—‘‘ 12 Grenades, hand, No. 36M, Mk. ‘* 12 Detonators, Lot No., Filler, Date.’” On Lid—‘* 4 SECS."” ll. ORDNANCE, M.L. 3-IN. MORTAR, MK. Il, LONG RANGE CHARGES In an effort to obtain longer range with the 3-in, mortar, experiments have been carried out in England in adding (a) three additional secondaries, and (b) six additional secondaries. Considerable success has been obtained with the smaller charge, and this gives a maximum range of 1970 yards. The larger charge is not being proceeded with at present, due to the dangerous expansion caused at the fier end of the barrel in continued firing. With both charges, there is some danger of broken baseplates, and in this respect care must be taken to get an even bedding for the plate. Steps are being taken to have the standard baseplate strengthened to obviate the risk of Brace It should be noted that the use of an increased number of secondaries only applies to the MK. Il mortar and NOT to the MK. I. The additional secondaries are fitted alongside the existing ones by means of an extra coil spring. The method of packing, issue and attachment of additional secondaries will be described in the next Memorandum. Attached you will find two Appendices. Appendix ‘A is a Range Table for Long Range Charge (9 secondaries). Appendix “‘B" gives you a table showing what range on the Charge 2 scale of your sight to employ to obtain 19 the necessary angle of elevation tor the respecuve Lung nage Gimige <—-- This will serve as 2 guide to obviate the necessity of using a clinometer. The information it contains could be quite easily transferred to. your muzzle covers as a table where it would be always available to No. I for reference. This can be done in ink, or by wetting the leather, writing the table'on with a pencil and then going over the writing with a burning glass, using the rays of the sun 12. PREFABRICATED PORTABLE STOREHOUSES (ARMCO TYPE) To overcome problems relating to the time, labour, and material required in constructing storehouses for Ordnance Stores at Advanced Ordnance Depots, whose sites or capacity may be changed from time to time to meet operational moves, various types of prefabricated storehouses have been suggested An example is given below :— These huts follow the design of the Nissen hut used in France in the War 1914-18, being semi-cylindrical in shape with vertical end walls. The huts are being constructed of dimensions as follows :—length, 100 ft. ; width, 40 ft.; central height, 20 ft. The semi-cylinder containing walls and roof which forms the body of the hut, is supported by 21 arched ribs or principals, set at 5-ft. centres. These principals are built up each of eight (8) chordal members each 8 ft. 6 in. in length, these members are of 3/16-in. mild steel, die-pressed toa trough-shaped section, one end of each member being set over for a length of almost 8-in., providing a lap for bolting and a suitable deflection to carry the next succeeding chordal member in its position around the semi-circle. The ground ends of principals rest upon, and are bolted to, pressed steel longitudinal stringers. The bay, at each end of the building, is cross-braced by tension members of If in. x {§ in. x 4 in. angle iron. Purlins of 4-in. by 2-in. timber are laid longitudinally being bolted to 4-in. brackets which project from the principals. The purlins are set at approximately 3-fe. centres, and carry the sheeting, which is of corrugated black mild steel of 24-gauge, in 9-ft. sheets, curved to 20-ft. radius. Lighting is provided by eight (8) glazed skylights, installed in 9-ft. sheets, similarly curved, which can be set uniformly in suitable positions among the like-size sheets of the roofing. End walls are framed with composite frame-work of light steel sections and timber, with double-leaf traffic doors in 10-ft. by |0-ft. openings in both walls. Ventilation is by louvres, and/or shutters, in the end walls. Flooring is not provided for in the fabrication of the huts. Provision and nature of floors will be a matter for local decision. 20 APPENDIX “A.” INCREASED RANGE—O.MLL,, 3-in. MORTAR, MK. Il. To obviate the use of Clinometer when firing Long Range Charge :— Using Long | _Using Long if the Target | Range Charge | If the Target | Range Charge is Range (Yds.)| set sights at | is Range (Yds.)] sec sights at 1300 +1025 1970 Charge 2 1 Charnes Zz. 650 S10 1325 / 1050 675 525 1350 | 1075 700 ‘550 1375 1100 ns 575 1400 1125 750 600 1425 1150 15 25 1450 F150 800 +625 1475 175 825 650 1500 1200 850 675 1525, 1225, 875 700 1350 1250 900 Bs 1575, 1278 25 475 i600 = || 1300 950 750 1625 +1300 975, 715 1650 1325 1000 800, 1675 1350 1025 825 1700 1375 1050 +825, 1725 1400 1075 850 1750 1428 1100 875. 1775 1450 1125, —300 1800 147s 1150 +900 1825 1500 75, 925 1850 1525 1200, 950 1875 1550 1225 975 1300 1573 1250 1000 1925 | 1575 1275 —1025 1950 | | | 2 MLL. Sin, MORTAR I Primary of 95 Grains Ballistite, plus Charge 9 Secondaries of 100 grains N.C.Y. APPENDIX "'B.” Time of | Time of Range Elevation Flight | Range Elevation | Flight Yards Deg. Mia. Secs. Yards. Deg. Min. | Secs. 650 a) 234 | 1400 ee st | 265 675 79 36 33 1425 6 23 | (64 700 7% 12 283 1450 6 St | 263 RS 2 48 232 | 1475 6 18 262 750 7% 4 | 282 1300 & 4 | (Bt 715 m0 | Bt 1525 & 12 | 260 800 7 3% 281 1350 a 37 25.9 825 7 12 | 280 is7s 6 0 | 257 850, 7% 48 280 1600 a 2 | 26 875 % 14 a9 1625 6 | 284 900 3 9 79 1650 él 0 253 925 7% 34 | 7B 1675 6 16 25.1 950 7% 9 | wa | 1700 59 30 249 975, wo | WT 725 5 41 247 000 4 18 76 1750 a ae 1025 2B 33 | we 1775 56 50 : 1050 B % | ws 1800 546 | 1075 B 2 | ws | 195 S436 1100 A 3% | wh 1850 519 1125 n 9 3 1875 51 54 1150 nm 2 73 1900 50 20 1175 nos 72 | 1925 #8 35 1200 70 47 m1 1950 4% 38 1225 7 19 mI 1970 5 0 1250 6 51 70 1275 @ 2B 6.9 1300 6 54 26.8 1325 eB 25 26.7 1350 a 55 26: 1375 a 26.6 | 50 per cent. probability zones. The data available is scanty, but the following results have been realized at Range and accuracy trials. 50 per cent. zones NOTES

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