Taytayan 2013 10

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Bringing Christ into the Marketplace and Winning the Marketplace for Christ


Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals

Mactan Chapter

Cebu Hosts Senior Leaders Retreat

Message for the
"What good is
it to profess
faith without
practicing it?"
Special points of
20th Chapter
Anniversary - Oct

120 senior leaders from

BCBP chapters nationwide
gathered in Cebu for the
first ever Senior Leaders
Retreat/Workshop at EcoTech Center, Lahug last
September 13 to 15.
The goal of the retreat/
workshop is to develop
a policy frameworks for
the roles of the Senior
Leaders in helping the
community develop its full
Senior leaders are past
chapter heads who completed their tenure of

The Senior Leaders of BCBP

service and former Man

-Com members.
The Senior Leaders
went through several
reflections and focused

group discussions (FGD)

on topics about mentoring, mission work, and
social advocacies. ReContinued in page 2...

Bogo Outreach Celebrates 12th Anniversary

Inside this issue:

Chapter visits Gasa
sa Gugma

20th Anniversary
Schedule of Activities

On September 14, 2013

BCBP Bogo Outreach began
its 12th anniversary celebration at St. Vincent Parish
Church for the 8:30 Holy
Eucharist with Fr. Divino
From the Holy Mass, the
members gathered at the
Bogo and Mactan Leaders leading the toast for BCBP Bgo
church grounds and released
balloons and 12 sky lanterns
The group then pro- Roger and sister Mila
representing its 12 years of
ceeded to North Lucmayon from Talisay
existence as an outreach.
Homes for the grand
breakfast where Judge
Continued in page 2...

Charity is your investment in heaven. And what matters in this investment is not how much you
give, but your attitude in giving.


Page 2

Cebu Hosts ...(continued from page 1)

The senior leaders in focused group discussion

Fr. Ramon Ofredo officiated the

Mass for the Tatangs

The logo of the

Tatang (Senior

Tatang Louie Morales

sults of the discussions were

presented to the whole body
by each groups representative.
The ideas, concerns, recommendations, and action plans,

Mactan Music Ministry served

during the Holy Mass

were ably synthesized by Joey

Abellana, director for leadership
Louie Morales formally revealed that the senior leaders
will now be addressed as
Tatang which represents wisdom and keepers of tradition.
A theme song composed for the
Tatangs, adapted from a song of
Florante, was sung by all. A specially designed logo for the Tatang was presented by Bro.
All the Tatangs made the commitment to serve and were
prayed over for empowerment
at the end of the retreat.
God bless to all the Tatangs!

Bogo Outreach ...(continued from page 1)

The anniversary theme

The anniversary Breakast and shares (inset)

Sending off balloons and sky lanterns

City Chapter shared their life

After a sumptuous and lively
lunch fellowship, part 2 of the
program showcased the singing
and dancing talents of Bogo Outreach members. Lady sharer Mila
Lucmayon even shared her singing talent by rendering an upbeat
number which the crowd sang
Brothers and sisters from
Mactan who graced the occasion,
agreed that the outreach is living
up to its 12th anniversary theme:
Living a Joyful, Fulfilling and
Challenging Community Life.

Group photo after the Holy Mass

Each day is an offering of love, a gift only God can deliver, and the way we use each shining hour is our gift of thanks to the giver.

Page 3

O c t ob e r 2 0 1 3

Chapter Members Visit Gasa sa Gugma

A special social action activity gathered a good number of
chapter members in the afternoon of September 7, 2013 to
support AMD Nelson Dauz and
other September birthday celebrants who celebrated their
special day with the patients of
Gasa sa Gugma.
Gasa sa Gugma is an hospice for the elderly and abandoned located at Brgy. Panagdait, Mabolo, Cebu City. It is
under the able management of
the Sisters of Charity.
While the patients enjoyed
the delicious food served to
them, members of the music
ministry rendered OPM songs
from the 50s and the 60s intended to bring back old

BCBP Mactan members serving the patients

In return, a singer composer patient sung to the

group songs which he composed while staying at the

Mactan Couples Serve in Consolacion BCMR

Servant leaders of Mactan
had a great time orienting
themselves to the new BCMR
venue of Consolacion chapter
where they serve as speakers
for the weekend marriage
The Santo Nino Spirituality
Center situated at the hilltop
of Tulo-tulo, Consolacion is a
fitting venue for the activity.
Far from the busy city life, the
serene surroundings of the
place offer the needed silence
for participating couples to
commune with each other and
with God.

The participants

The venue: Sto. Nio Spirituality Center, Tolo-Tolo, Consolacion

Happiness cant be found at the end of the road. Its truly experienced along the way. So take not
for granted each moment of your life and find reasons to be happy each day .


Page 4


Worship and Music

Jun Yap - Music Minstry Head

Jun Yap

3 Keys for an effective and successful WORSHIP

1. Understand what it means to worship
Worship brings us into Gods presence
When we worship, we are acknowledging :
His power
His dominion over all things (seen and unseen)
He is worthy of our praises
Worship is an act of surrender
Worship is showing our devotion to Him
Worship is also saying that we love Him
Worship transforms us, empower us, liberates us, and renews us in the image
of our creator.
2. Spiritual preparation for worship
Starts with the way we live our day-to-day life
Practicing stillness
Staying alert to God
In prayer, invite God to teach us to worship in spirit and truth
Nurturing expectancy
Creating time and space to prepare oneself for the worship experience.
3. Dynamic preparation in community worship
Participate fully and joyfully in the singing and praising
Focus on God
Help and enable others to do the same
Help maintain a worship atmosphere before and during the assembly
Come to the worship with a thankful and a joyful heart
Common Forms of Praise and Worship
Loud praising
Singing in tongues
Praying in tongues
Soft praising
Silence - adoration
Worship singing
Litany of praises

If what you see by the eye doesnt please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart. Because
the heart can see beauty and love more than the eyes can ever wonder .

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20TH Year of Mission Service to the Family

27th Sunday in ordinary time. Luke 17, 5 - 10
Fr. Martin Okafor-Ilozue CSSp - BCBP Mactan BCLP19

Fr. Martin

Faith comes with struggles and temptations

which try to deceive
us thanks to the
community (BCBP) we
have remained steadfast
and have outlived most
of our trials.


ONE WHO SERVES, as we look back to the past twenty years almost every member of the BCBP would have served in one position or another and would have
recognized the grace obtained from such service at work in our lives. Mission is
service and it is evidenced in the Brotherhood, the call to service that we will hear
on Sunday from our Lord Jesus Christ, reminds of who we are, servants not just to
the Lord but to our brothers and sisters. This service is done in love and full of
Faith is a gift of God, given freely for our holiness and salvation. With our services in the community and bringing Christ to the market places, our evil intentions are purified hence becoming holy as our heavenly Father is, in that way perfectly fitting into the attitude of those waiting for salvation of the Lord to come,
for Faith grows when we act and live in faith.
Those who have faith realize that everything they receive is grace. This is a fact
of our life, not by our power but by the Lords doing that we grow in faith and
prosper in life of holiness through service. Belonging to the Lord should humble us
as we can only boast of the goodness of Christ, not our good deeds, for in themselves they are nothing, their meaning only come with Christ Jesus.
Faith comes with struggles and temptations which try to deceive us. In the first
reading, Prophet Habakkuk nearly faltered in his faith in Yahweh with the prevalence occurrence of violence and ruins in his days that he almost abandoned the
Lord. You can recollect how many times we have come to that point in life believing that surely God is so distant from us because of the many trials and temptations that come our way. But thanks to the community (BCBP) we have remained
steadfast and have outlived most of our trials. This cannot be possible without the
faith that is within, a sustainable faith that makes us not to be coward as St. Paul
tells Timothy in the second reading, the greatest gift of the Spirit to us.
20 years may be long, but a twenty year person is still young adult and lacks
experience of the world and the desired wisdom to take on life. Let us be humble
enough to continue in our BCBP family allowing ourselves to be open to the
promptings of the Holy Spirit, that will teach us everything and lead us to our
heavenly Jerusalem.
Ad multos annos mga kuyas ug ates!

Kind hearts are the garden, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are the flowers, kind deeds are
the fruits. May you enjoy the beautiful garden of life.


Page 6

20th Chapter Anniversary Program of Activities

Friday - October 11, 2013
Praise and Worship Assembly
: 7:30 pm
Venue : St. Therese Chapel
IAU, Lapu-Lapu City
Saturday - October 12, 2013
Venue: Crown Regency Suites, Mactan
8:00 am - Registration
9:00 am - Holy Mass: Bishop Emilio Boy Bataclan
10:30 am - a. Sharing
1. Mayong Rodriguez, Ormoc Chapter
2. Boloy Mendoza, Zamboanga Chapter
3. Alex Mendoza, Bogo Outreach
b. Giving of Award to Honest Employees
12:00 nn - L U N C H
1:30 pm - Fellowship and Presentations

Of Feasts and Celebrations

Nery Gula

October is among the

months of the year full
of feasts and celebrations.
The first week alone is
packed with feast of
popular saints and devotions. October begins
with the feast day of St.
Therese of Lisieux,
closely followed by the
feast of the Guardian
Angels, (Oct 2), St. Francis of Assisi (Oct 4) from
whom Pope Francis got
his Papal name and Oct.
7 the feast of the Lady of
the Holy Rosary.
For Mactan chapter
October is a celebration

month. It brings back the

membership to the beginnings of the chapter.
It was also in the month
of October, October 28,
1995 to be exact, when
Mactan crossed the seas to
open its first outreach in
Ormoc. Ormoc is on its
18th strong and blessed
years of existence.
As BCBP Mactan celebrates its anniversary year
after year, many beautiful
and happy memories are
made, recalled and remembered. It also missed the
many brothers and sisters
who have come and left
while acknowledging those

who have come and

While the chapter
prepares for its 20th
anniversary, members are
bustling and engrossed
with perfecting their
presentations. Unity and
friendship is built in the
The same vigor and
enthusiasm is what we
need to see in our members as we forge ahead
with the evangelization
thrust of the Brotherhood.
Happy Anniversary!

Let us cherish the moment when were empty but happy, tired but inspired, down but smiling, feeling lost but living for a cause; Life is a gift.

O c tob er 2 0 1 3

Page 7

"An example I often use to illustrate the reality of vanity, is this: look
at the peacock; it's beautiful if you look at it from the front. But if you
look at it from behind, you discover the truth... Whoever gives in to
such self-absorbed vanity has huge misery hiding inside them.
Pope Francis

One great form of wealth is kindness. It cant be diminished no matter how much you give. It increases the more its shared.

Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals

Our Vision: Bringing Christ into the Marketplace and

Winning the Marketplace for Christ
The BCBP is a community of like-minded Christian Businessmen
and Professionals who have consciously decided to band together
to bring about the transformation of the marketplace.

Mactan Chapter

Chapter Head: Guy Ceniza




Venue: Crown Regency Suites
Weekly Schedule: Saturday 7:30 - 10:00 AM
1st Wk: Mens
2nd Wk: Joint (Mens & Ladies)
3rd Wk: Mens
4th Wk: Simultaneous (Mens & Ladies)
Contact Person: Leo Legara, Mobile: 09068876336

September Breakfast Sharers

Dodong Alde (September 7)
BCBP Balamban

Sim & Emmie Lanaria (September 14)

BCBP Mandaue
the BCBP challenged my beliefs and priorities in life and opened my eyes on things
that really mattered.
Lindy Alfar (September 21)
BCBP Talisay
God is only a prayer away He manifests Himself by putting people
in the right place at the right time.

Bill Granert (September 28)

BCBP Cebu Central
My only regret is that Eugene
did not call us sooner so that we
were members of the BCBP
when our kids were still at

Vimla Condor (September 28)

BCBP Cebu South
I've seen what the Brotherhood did to
Chads life and his relationship to our
God. So without any hesitation I attended the breakfast fellowship at BCBP

Some plants grow best in the sun; others do well in the shade. Remember that God puts us where we
grow best and give us good people to grow with.

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