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into cells
Week 5, Session 2
Virology I: How viruses work
Prof. V. Racaniello

Entry into cells

2009 ASM Press

The cytoplasm is
Movement of large
protein complexes
will not occur by
2009 ASM Press

Movement inside cells of uncoated virions,

genomes, messages, an>-genomes, and viral
protein complexes requires cellular transport
2009 ASM Press

2009 ASM Press

Movement of endosomes

XVIVO ScienEc AnimaEon hIp://

2009 ASM Press

Images from Principles of Virology

2009 American Society for Microbiology
Are used with permission
No further reproducEon or distribuEon is permiIed
without the prior wriIen permission of the
American Society for Microbiology

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