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mostly space
o quantum mechanics
o wave/particle duality
o not at fixed distances
o quantum numbers describe orbitals

Electromagnetic spectrum

used frequently in chemistry as a measuring tool (NMR)

Quantum Theory & Experiment

o h = 6.626 x 10-34 J s
o v = frequency
e = h c/

Photoelectric effect

Photon interacts with electron on a surface and tries to eject it

If Ephoton > EThreshold e- are ejected with EK
De Broglie formula
o = h/mu
=h/p p = momentum

Thomsons electron diffraction experiment

radiation and object spacing are similar

x-rays = 100pm
e- diffraction similar to x-ray diffraction through metal foil

Quantum numbers

n = orbital energy level

o distance from nucleus
o n = 1, 2, 3
s = orbital angular momentum
o shape of orbital
o l = 0, 1, 2, 3 n-1
o l = 0 (s-orbital) l = 1 (p-orbital) l = 2 (d-orbital) l = 3 (f-orbital)
m = magnetic quantum number
o describes orientation
o m = -l 0 +l

Hydrogen vs. Multi-electron atom

H subshells all have same energy level

Multi-electron subshells are not all the same

Electrons moving in atoms

Lyman series electrons moving back to n = 1

Balmer series electrons drop to n = 2
o Visible light emitted

H Atom energy changes

N = 1 e- in ground state
N>1 e- in excited state
N= e- is ionized

Ionization of energy

Photo electric effect

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