Case Study On Madonna's Business Strategy

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Madonna Case Study in Business Strategy

QUESTION 1: Describe and explain the strategy being followed by Madonna in terms of the
explanation of competitive strategy given in Chapter 5.
ANSWER: Theoretically defined, competitive strategy is a kind of strategy that is concerned
with how a strategic business unit achieves competitive advantage in its domain of activity.
The definition speaks how a business unit obtains its edge over the others. So from here, we will
start by reviewing how Madonna obtains that so called edge over the other artists in her genre.
Madonna has always been a crowd favorite. With her authentic style and passion for her art she
achieved a booming career even herself never thought she could achieve. Impersonating various
roles through music demanded by time (80s, 90s and beyond), our group thinks that Madonna is
simply following a fundamental business concept her being adaptable to change. But thats not
all it, Madonna combined that concept with her own touch of differentiation and made it her
own so that the trend would follow her making herself the market leader.
In our conclusion therefore, Madonna followed a kind of strategy wherein she would make
herself open to changes demanded by the passage of time but never let those changes take over
her style hence consolidating the trend with her own touch of differentiation making her different
and the best among the rest.

QUESTION 2: Why has she experienced sustained success over three decades?
ANSWER: As stated in our answer in question # 1, our group thinks that Madonna sustained her
career and being at her best because she has this unique ability to adapt to the changes demanded
by time. She simply sustained her success until now because she understands how the law of
change and complexity works in which no image is constant therefore she must adapt.

QUESTION 3: Can Madonna sustain her success?

ANSWER: Definitely. She has that so called Brand already, therefore no matter what she
does, it will definitely be accepted by her fans or even so, it will be hard to reject her. In our
opinion no one can stop Madonna because she knows what she is doing and so far as we can see
her ability to adapt still prevails in her personality. Given this facts, we can conclude that she can
sustain success and the only thing that can stop her now is her will and her incrementing age.

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