Constitution of Pakistan of 1962

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Constitution Of Pakistan Of 1962

President Ayub khan:

In January 1962, the cabinet finally approved the text of the new constitution. It was
promulgated by President Ayub Khan on 1st March 1962 and finally came into effect on June 8,
1962. The constitution contained 250 articles divided into 12 parts and 3 shedules.

1: Written Constitution:
This was a written constitution.

2: Rigid Constitution:
The rigid constitution can only be amended through a particular process. If an amendment to
the constitution is passed by at least two-thirds majority to the Parliament then it becomes a
part of law after authentication by the President.

3: Islamic Provisions:
The constitution of 1962 declared that the Sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to the
Almighty Allah alone, and the authority exercisable by the people is sacred trust.

4: Federal System:
The constitution provided for federal system with the principles of parity between East Pakistan
and West Pakistan. Both the provinces would run their separate provincial governments.

5: Uni-Cameral Legislature:
The central legislature had one house known as the National Assembly. There were 156
members of National Assembly. The equality between the two wings was maintained in it.

6: Presidential Form Of Government:

The constitution provided Presidential form of Government, as opposed to the parliamentary
system under the 1956 constitution. The President who must be a Muslim not less than 35
years of age and qualified for the election as a member of National Assembly was to be elected
indirectly by an Electoral College in accordance with provisions outlined in the constitution

7: Elections of President:
The President was to be elected by an Electoral College formed by not less than 80,000 Basic
Democrats, equally distributed between the two provinces. Under the constitution of 1962, if
the number of candidates for election to the office of President exceeds three, the speaker of
National Assembly was to convene a joint session of the members of the National and the
Provincial Assemblies to select only three candidates for election. The remaining candidates
would not be eligible.

8: Powers of President:
The term of President was 5 years to act as head of state as well as Chief Executive-solely
responsible for countrys administration. Governor and Ministers was appointed and removed
by him. President was not empowered to dissolve the Assembly except at the cost of his office

9: Impeachment and Removal of the President:

On a charge of violating the constitution or gross misconduct the President might be
impeached by the National Assembly for which one-third of the total members of the National
Assembly must give written notice to the Speaker for the removal of the President.

10: Restrictions of the President:

The President was not allowed to hold any office of profit in the service of Pakistan but was not
prevented from holding or managing private property.

11: Role of Judiciary:

The Judiciary was responsible for the interpretation of laws and executive orders in the light of
the principles embodied in the constitution.

12: Languages:
Urdu and Bengali were recognized as National languages.

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