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A Teaching Testament

I am here to turn teenagers into professionals

Not just to lecture and conduct tutorials
I am here to influence lives
Not just to transmit facts and figures
I am here to ask and encourage questions Not just to give the
I am here to stimulate thinking
Not just to share what I have prepared
I am here to motivate students' interest in the subject
Not just to cover the syllabus
I am here to understand the students' learning problems
Not just to evaluate their performance
I am here to encourage students to take personal responsibility
for their own learning
Not just to call for active participation and doing tutorials
I am here to facilitate group discussions and synergy
Not just to share my knowledge, skills and experiences
I am here to provide opportunities for personal reflections,
deep learning and applications
Not just to give out handout notes and project assignments
I am here to invite students to discover new learning
Not just to call out names and take their attendances
I am here to be a mentor, friend and guide, a role model,
and coach and their cheerleader
I am here because I want to touch young lives, expand their
lift their spirits and deepen their values
I do this so as to build a better society, a better world for all of
I am here because the opportunity is NOW
Henry Tio
Nge Ann Polythecnic

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