2014.09 FCG Minutes

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Fairview Community Garden Meeting Minutes

8 September 2014
5 in attendance:
Vanessa Hanel
Lynda Howes
Adrian Buckley
Dave Eisenbart
Katie Morrison
1) Plant Share
- Lynda, Dave, Adrian, Katie and Jodi can attend the plant share
- Lynda has put ads in the Co-op and Acadia Rec Centre
- Katie or Vanessa to share on facebook
- Lynda to send out poster and details to the whole list
- Lynda to bring post it notes to give people a number when they enter. This is the order
people will chose their plants.
- Dave can bring tables and tents
- Katie to check for plastic tablecloths
- Overflow plants Adrian may be able to find a place for them. Would be better to use
them in the community if possible. Ask Janet at CalHort what they do with extras. Ask
Guy if we can plant some extras in Flavelle Park where some shrubs have died.
2) Open House
- Lynda to update the info board
- Lynda to get big poster printed of map
- Lynda handed out 22 resident handout sheets.
- Vanessa to get FCA to advertise on facebook.
- Katie will compile concerns responses and create a sheet of the most common concerns
and how we address them
- Dave has 3 tents. One from Jonathon Denis, 2 from FCA.
- Katie to make slideshow of other gardens and bring laptop. Adrian to also bring laptop.
- Lynda to create board signs for the road
- Katie to bring newsletter sign-up sheet.
- Group to show up at 9:30 for setup.
- Katie to bring camera for facebook, blog and newsletter updates.
3) Location
- Dave to check with Yvonne re: emails from concerned residents.
- Current quote from arena on installing tap is $6500 but they will be getting a few qotes.

4) Newsletter
- Katie to write article for next newsletter on plant share and open house.

5) Fundraising and budget

- Stacey to finish budget with water quote
- Adrian to check if Guys email of approval is sufficient for the application or if we need a
formal letter
- Include everything we want in the first application rather than doing subsequent
applications in the future.
- Stacey to run budget by the group one finished
- Run budget by CalHort to see if they think we have missed anything.
6) Next Meeting
- Meet at Acadia Garden at 7pm on October 1rst to look at their garden.
- Official meeting will start at 7:30 at Cravings.

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