2014.08 FCG Minutes

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Fairview Community Garden Meeting

August 6, 2014, 7:30pm

Flavelle Park

Location and Design:

Dave updated that we are awaiting a quote on water tap - we have asked the arena, Bruce
(manager) has contacted plumber, but waiting for him to come in to do an estimate
City is in support of the baseball diamond site, but awaiting some of our details confirmed to
give final approval
Also should consider electrical source also coming from rink? May have uses for this down the
road - Dave to talk with Bruce about this.
Fundraising and Finance
Stacey - Preliminary budget for initial raised beds and forested area nearly completed and will be
sent out soon
- letter for AGLC will also be written up soon
- charitable status - we are not an official charity but a non-profit, so less eligible for many grant
Fall plant sharing ideally middle of September? Would be best to be in conjunction with the
open house
August 23rd is newsletter deadline September 12th is Festival & Film night, agreed on
September 20th; ideally have it at the diamond site,
Ask for anyone who has plants to donate, swap or have our volunteers help out?
Communication and Outreach
Next article for next Fairview in Focus announce site, open house date
Info sheet for site neighbours final revisions, distribute late August - Lynda is working on this,
will distribute as well
Open house choose September date - September 20th likely
Mini curb garden, timeline and budget
Waiting on a response from IDA regarding budget
Tasks to complete City of Calgary application
FCA update from Dave - playground build Aug 14-17, Film Night September 12th - please
invite anyone you know!

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