2014.11 FCG Minutes

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Fairview Community Garden Meeting Minutes

November 5, 2014
Brent, Vanessa, Katie, Dave, Lynda, Trudy

Updates of each sub-group/committee tasks

Location and Design

Meeting with Guy and potential location options

Feedback provided by people in the immediate area - some objections/concerns, Guy was surprised of numbers
coming forward, consider other sites on the diamond, consider making the diamond a minors only field with the
garden in the outfield
There was further discussion about the site, but again, the baseball diamond site is most favoured

Communication and Outreach

Meeting with Kim from Le Roi opportunities for partnering

Postponed to next meeting

Winter friend-raising event

Previous movie and plant share - consider January, possible speaker? seed sale fundraiser? think of possibilities
for next meeting; plan for another movie night in January - will choose a date at Decembers meeting

Response to neighbour concerns and letter

No additional concerns came forward from the open letter published

Next newsletter article

Fundraising and Finance

Casino application can we do this now?

Stacey working on this - should get this in as soon as possible
Need letter of support from City


Next steps for application completion

Vanessa and Katie to gather all pieces together to finish application; awaiting letter from IDA and Fairview Arena
Dave gave brief update from the FCA

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