Department of Computer Science and Engg and Information Technology

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Sipna College of Engg and Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engg and Information Technology

Embedded System Design (2KMEF3)
Question Bank
1. Describe Generalized Block digraam of embedded system?
2. List the features of RTOS?
3. Describe Queues, Mail Boxes, treads?
4. Describe Interprcoess communication Mechanism?
5. Explain Task scheduling Mechanism?
6. Compare the Various PIC family
7. Describe the Architecture of PIC 18XX Family?
8. Describe the file structure of PIC family?
9. Describe Timer section of PIC 18XX family?
10.Compare Atmel, AVR, ARM and PIC microcontrollers?
11.Describe the various interrupt of PIC 18XX family?
12.WAP to the addition of two 8-bit no for PIC family processor?
13.Describe any three branch instruction of PIC 18xx Family?
14.Write C program for PIC18 family to toggle all bits of Port-B continuously?
15.Describe various data types in C supported by PIC18XX?
16.Interface ADC/DAC with PIC18XX and write a program to read analog input?
17.Describe the Instruction decfsz, incfsz?
18.Describe the concept of clock driven scheduling?
19.Explain the mechanism to improve average general response time of periodic
20.Describe the conept of sporadic job scheduling?
21.Describe the conept of static job scheduling?
22.Explain the comparisons between Fixed Priority and Dynamic priority algorithm?
23.Describe the RM/DM algorithm?
24.Describe the various scedulibility test/
25.Explain maximum scduleable utilization concept?
26.Explain APeriodic Job priority driven system?
27.Explain Sporadic Job priority driven system?
28.Explain soft timings constraints?
29.Describe sporadic servers Mechanism?
30. Describe Deferrable servers Mechanism?

Dr. P.R. Deshmukh

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