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Meaning of elah :

Service, worshiped or adored (to love something intensely, to like someone or something very much)--he was or became confounded or perplexed (1. Filled with confusion or bewilderment; puzzled. 2. Full of
complications or difficulty; involved) and unable to see his right course---he was or became vehemently
(expression of intense and forceful feeling) impatient or affected with vehement grief or he manifested
vehement grief and agitation---he betook himself to him by reason of fright or fear or preservation (the
guarding of something from danger, harm, or injury), seeking protection----he sought, or asked aid or
succcour (1. help or assistance, esp in time of difficulty. 2. a person or thing, 1 : relief; also : aid, help 2 :
something that furnishes relief) ... -he betook himself to him for refuge, protection or preservation-He
granted him refuge, protected him, preserved, saved, rescued or liberated him; aided or succoured, him
or delivered him from evil: he rendered him safe and secure---he remained ,stayed ,adobe or dwelt in
the place---he devoted himself to religious services, applied himself to the act of devotion---mankind
years toward him who is thus called (seeking protection or aid) in their wants and humble themselves to
him in their affliction, like as every infant yearns towards its mother

Index for Tafseer Mazharee :


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