Test Engleza Clasa3a

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Test paper
1) Complete the sentences with Like/ Dont like
a. I. cook in the living-room.
b. I play with a doll.
c. I write in English.
d. Ising a song.
e. I talk with my cousin.
2) Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
a. The dog is(sub) the table.
b. The fridge is ..(langa) the TV.
c. The book is.(pe) the desk.
d. The cat is(in spatele) the chair.
e. The car is .(in fata) the car.
f. The ball is.(intre) the bed and the armchair.
3) Write the numbers. E.g. 2-two










4) Use the article a/an

a. ...house
b. ...apple
c. ice-cream
e.book and orange

5) Read and choose the correct form:

e.g. There is/are a table in the kitchen.
a. He are/is living in a big house.
b. This is my/ I room.
c. There is/are two books on the desk.
d. It am/is/are a good dog. It/ His name is Grivei.
e. She is singing with she/her sister.
f. He is cooking in the kitchen. Her/His grandmother is helping.
g. Their/ They mother is beautiful.
h. What are/ is you doing?
i. They am/are/is tall but I are/is/am little.
j. Tom and Mark is/are friends. They is/are playing with our/we cousin.
6) Choose the right colour.
The sky is
A bear is
The sun is
An apple is
The milk is


7) Translate:
a. Este mama ta in sufragerie?
b.Eu merg la scoala cu sora ei.
c. Catelul meu este fericit. El nu este in bucatarie.
e. Cine este acest baiat?
f. Cat este ceasul ?

8) What time is it? Write the correct hours.

11: 003:451:54
8:2012:1510:309) Translate:
a) In dormitorul meu este un dulap verde.

b) Fotoliul nostru este in sufragerie.

c) Creionul lui este in penar.

d) Unde este frigiderul?

e) Cuptorul lor este nou.

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