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Problem 01

The angle of intersection of a circular curve is 45 30' and its

radius is 198.17 m. PC is at Sta. 0 + 700. Compute the right
angle offset from Sta. 0 + 736.58 on the curve to tangent
through PC.

2.98 m


3.37 m


3.09 m


3.87 m

Board Problem
The angle of intersection of a circular curve is
36 30'. Compute the radius if the external
distance is 12.02 m.
1. 203.74 m
2. 253.72 m
3. 226.94 m
4. 214.67 m

Length of curve from PC to A:

Problem 03
Given the following elements of a circular
curve: middle ordinate = 2 m; length of long
chord = 70 m. Find its degree of curve, use arc
1. 4.5
2. 5.3
3. 2.9
4. 3.7

Angle subtended by arc s from the center of the curve:

Length of offset x:

[ B ] answer

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