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Rule of Thirds/ Columns - We can see that the

Task 3 Analysis of Contents Page

rule of thirds had been used as the contents for the

magazine has been sectioned into three columns,
however, the middle column features the main
articles of the magazine so it is bigger than the rest of
the columns.

An image has been used however it is not exactly

clear which article it is related to as there are no page
number by it and it is in the middle of two cover lines.
The shot type used is a medium long shot as you can
see almost the whole body. There is also no border
around the image, which shows that once again, the
magazine has broken away from codes and
conventions. A border around the image makes it look
neat and helps it stand out amongst the text.

Sub-Headings- The contents page has many subheadings to show the separate sections of the
magazine, for example, Reviews. There is also a subheading under the main image.

Page numbers- Page numbers have been used next

to all the articles. This is so that people can get to a
specific article quickly without having to go through
the whole magazine. For example, we can see that
Posters are on page 33, if the page numbers were
not there, it would take people longer to find things.

Target Audience- We know that the target

audience for this specific edition of the magazine
would be males aged between 16-25 because of the
artists featured, for example, Liam Gallagher. We
also know the genre is alternative rock.

Dateline- The dateline is at the top of the

page, under the masthead, so it can easily
be seen. However, the issue number is not
there, it usually is.

Editorial Letter- An editorial letter is a letter that the

editor of the magazine writes to the audience. It
makes the magazine more human. This magazine has
broken away from codes and conventions as there is
no editorial letter. This could imply that there is no
connection between the editor and the magazines

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