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“Origami Museum! _ ANIMALS by Akira Yoshizawa Fa Origami Museum! ! ANIMALS by Akira Yoshizawa Translated by Hiroko Ichivama and Mary Kiyono) Published by Kamakura Shobo Publishing Co., Ltd., Fokyo, Japan Overseas Distributors Japan Publicatious Trading Go., Lid. P.O Box 5030 Tokya Internarional, Tokyo, Japan Diitnbutor Untten States: Kodansha International /USA, Led. through Farrar, Sirus & Girone, 19 Union Square West, New York 10008. Cawapa: Fitzhenty & Woitesice Lid. 195 Allstate Parkway, Markham, Ontario LUR 1'T8, BRUSH Isues: Premier Book Marketing Lid, 1 Gower Street, London WCIL GHA. EUROPRAN CONIINEN': European Book Service PRD, Strijkviertel 65, S434 PK De Mecrn, The Netherlands. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZRALAND: Bookivise International, 54 Crittenden Road, Findon, South Australia 3023. Tre Far East AND JAPAN: Japan Publications Trading Co, Led., 1-2-1, Sarugaku-cho, Chiyodackn, Tokyo 101 ISBN 0.87010-737-6 1907 by Akira Yoshizawa All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form without che written permission of the publisher. Second printing: July 1989 Printed in Japan’ PREFACE It gives me the utmost joy to create figures which are not only beautiful but are heart-warming and endear themselves to people. Every diagram introduced in this book was born out of my longing for many years to do this Creative Origami with tree expression, which | admire most, begins by working with limitless lines and results in the production of the most beautiful figures which perfectly match the given theme. These folding lines must follow the laws of nature. The theme of this book is animals; therefore it is necessary tor everyone of us to get acquainted with animals and observe them carefully in order to bring liveliness to the folded objects. Here, | have tried to fold paper more freely and creatively combining planes and folding lines most effectively. In this way, each person can produce something uniqua out of plain papar and one’s own creativity becomes tangible and alive, in Japan, origami of the past was a repetitious copying, simply folding the same subjects exactly as others did. In such a way, there was no creativity in the works. In 1958, there was exhibit of my works in Europe presented by Dr.Gershon Legman Through the exhibition my works wera introduced to many nations of the world as a completely new art of paper work. Since then, more and more people have become interested in and understand origami. | believe that origami carries the message of peace to everyone in the world in the coming ?1st century. | sincerely hope that origami can bring each one ot you joy, at the same time can reach every corner of the world Akiva Yoshizawa President of International Origami Society September 1986 “ENDLESS JOY AND WONDER” Itis a source of great delight to know thal in recent years the art of origami has spread throughout America, Europe and many other countries of the world. itis more than fifty years since | first became enchanted with origami. | then saw, through Mr. Yoshizawa’s books, that unbelievably beautiful, life-like objects could be created from a combina- tion of folding lines and planes on a simple piece of paper. At the same time, it filled me with a sense ot endless joy and wonder. Since that beginning, | came to know Mr. Yoshizawa through years ot correspondence and finally, in 1959, | was able to meet him in person Mr.Yoshizawa, the gifted master of origami, who excels others by tar. has created artistic ngenious, heart-warming creatures and figures in abundance. | am so happy that there is now a book in English so thal you will be able 10 not only discover the great joy of origami put will receive an insight into the natural scientific and philosophical knowledge which underlies all his work Iig the desire of Master Yoshizawa thal origami enthusiasts will share his hope that this creative art will be correctly introduced to others I myself continue to value oreative origami, to spréad the knowledge of it because I am convinéed that it is meant to enrich everyone, everywhere. Fictvan Offperktecer Lillian Oppenheimer Founder and Director The Origami Center of America October 1986 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE - "ENDLESS JOY AND WONDER” SYMBOLS OF FOLDING BUTTERFLY TADPOLE JUMPING FROG 2 SNAIL CICADA CRAB GRASSHOPPER JUMPING ORIGAMI DRAGONFLY - WHALE AND FISH LOBSTER HERMIT CRAB. TURTLE BIRD ++ FLYING DOVE PENGUIN cROW - Mountain fold oO Valley told MOTHER CROW AND BABIES DUCK FAMILY === ~ coceoeat OWL DOVE +++ cow » RABBIT RACCOON The Drummer « SNAKE DRAGON + MOUSE TIGER GIRATTE, GORILLA GIANT PANDA FACE OF DOG ++ PUPPY IGUANODON FLEPHANT ++ ABOUT THE AUTHOR + SYMBOLS OF FOLDING cs @ Fold toward right side: Fold toward wang sie Rolled fold Mountain told Pushin Pull out or push in “00 a. => —> tif the instructions are the same for several forms, the repetitious paris are deleted, » When diagrams are sufficient, instruc tions are omitted ® Tre dagrammagrifed Fight wef Gu0ve sotty oe Ee — Center tine NOTE: + The symbols only shown on the exte + Wo used symbols ABC plus OO a rior surtaves and others whan necessary 10 mark the corners and surfaces + In the small areas of the diagrams, the folding lines are extendad. If you match your paper to the comers it will make it easiet 1Or to fold a figure, BUTTERFLY With a sheet of paper and a bit of free time, you can enjoy creating endless beauly and joy. Paper for origami can pe found In abundance all around us in innumerable textures and ypes. In Creative Origami the paper is not cut or pasted but is simply folded and the lines and refraction express the beauty of nature, deliant or sorrow. .lust as there is an endless variaty of paper, 80 are there any numbor of themes you can choose from, However, unless you first become familiar with the basic folds, you cannot fold frecly ; only then will you gradually be able to step [urther into the world of creative art After the ong cold winter, spring has come. Flowers bloom in the tields and putterities it among them enjoying their sweet scent. What a pleasure it would be if you could write a poom or fold a piece of paper to express the joy of spring, Select your paper so thal Ihe color and texture will mateh the fragility of butterilies. Stick folded butterflies on the wall or make a mobile with them. — cone Finish E F = t + t | U 1 Uso a square sheet of paper Folo al the point ot "4 of tno sheet, Then fold tin hall (fou cary use a rectan- Gute sheet wina 3 allo") E 6 £ ® ® 1 Adjust tne Mood ‘ard’ booy by. folding om the mountain 2 Fala | 6 anwar as ang vally Tots arrows indicate « : Wy iatovin Make a Bloat ara Rook ign the body Open as in diagram 4 Maik Re ating eo ay foles, reiald asm Slagram bush dnwn ba'0 YP Fold in erder ot. 2 and ec For € 6 . ® OQ. 8 toc &D aie Push the downward comers in 4 Fol cach part QQ as ations mdiale Pull 8 ou of ihe wsige 2 ties line 2 making it 4 2 Bring B down trom B Ihe mountain tine between G 8H. bola » exiar poe CA) Pineh as in), then fold in direciion ch Make oyes by folcing small corners of A Fold and D- Inward mountain ine ari them out at the val to make the foe OSA @ Sh. tod Y Fold a square piece of na ea fim ioid @8 0 Inaction at tne @ furn B inside 9) Fol m vor for ol A, tne fold pat’ of B Irom mountain line in chaoe of fated TADPOLE | grew up in the country and | often used to walk baretootedt on the paths between the rice ticlds Many times, | found tadpoles swimming in the streams ‘oF in the irrigation water A smell tadpole looking like a black ink spot wilh a tiny tatl soon grows to the size of a lima bean, Then, rear legs sprout near the tail and forelegs later appear. Finally, there is a baby irog, a perfect minialure of its parent, hopping around ali over ihe place When a baby frog hears footsteps, it quickly jumps into the stream and hides itself, leaving behind only the sound of a faint ‘splash’. IN| was quick encugh, | could catch a tiny frog in my hand, When | slowly opened my fingers. I would find it looking up at me in surmise, Yes, remember my childhood days very well Hore then is a tadpole. Alter you lear now to make il, why vont you make many mora? You can use small sheets of gray paper and arrange them as if they are swimming ina pond

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