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WAR DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL TM 11-487 ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT WAR DEPARTMENT 2 OCTOBER 1944 RESTRICTED. oissewmanon oF restecteo Marre ‘The informotion contained in restricted documents ond the essentiol choracteristics of resivicied materiel may be given to any person known to be in the service of the United Stores and to persons of undoubted loyalty and discretion who are cooperating in Gover: ‘ment work, but will not be communicated to the public or to the press except by ovthorized miltory public relations ogencies. (See ‘ito por. 28, AR 380-5, 15 Mor 1944.) 3c aR DEPARTGNT, WASHINGTON 25, D.c., 2 CCTOREE 1944. ‘TM 11-487, Electrical Communication Systems Bquipment, is published for the informetion end guidance of sll concerned. [A. G. 300.7 (12 Sep 44).] BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: = C. MARSHALL, Caler of Stare. OFFICIAL: 7. A. ULIO, uajor General, ‘The Adjutant General. BoA, 12 (3); Io 5, 11,755 (6). (For explanation of symbols, see Mu Z1-6.) Purpose Scope References to ‘ABLE OF conrers GRAPTER 1 - PURPOSE aD SCOPE Other Menuels Ordering of Wer Department Publications Section I General Tatroductii TILUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS Section IT Problens Tilust: tens Planali rating Syat oa Protles 1 - Spirel-four Syste Dingren or Seeeaernee areas eee Splrei-rour Ceble, Carrier Telephone legraph and Associated zquipment Summary of Rqulpeent for Telephone me Protlen 2 Four-chanael Radio Relay Carrier ‘Communication Systen Diagram of Four-chennel Radio Relay Carrier ‘for Four-channel Radio ‘Communt Sumaery of ‘System Probles 5 - ties aidetiated in Peregree 207 ‘Tecticel Open Wire Carrier Tele- phone and Telegraph Syaten Diggran of Open Wire Carrier Telephone soi Summary, of Bguipment for Open Wire Carrier fone riinerratea in Paragrept S588 oe freer Es 7 Te oieaeoaaes a eal ‘System Illustrated 5 Probien 4° Fixed Plast Open Wire Communication ree ‘Fixed Plant 0; Wire Communicati: re cation mi Sfaten aa Sumaary of Packaged Bqulpment for Fixed Plent ‘Wire Communication System Illustrated in Paragraph 213 Probles 5° tion of DC Telegraph BER ESSSSah & BRE Circuits at Junction of Fixed Plant end ‘Tactical Carrier ‘Of Intersonnection of DeC Tel Circuits at Junction of Fixed Plant ead Tecticel Carrier Systex Summaty of Tolerant, Bgsipmont for Protien - Fuuastasted 15 Pemerers ~ (Gee parsgrepha 10LL, 102s ena 1315) Problen 6 - Fixed Plast Multiple Switchboard Plan for Fixed Plent Comaon Battery, Multiple ‘Switchboard Sanple Sei tehboard Orde Retinete of Weights and Volumes @f Cestral Section 11 ‘Terephote Syatan'Cospertaone Goapation of Means of Obtaining Four, or Circuits Legreph comparisod cf Meccs of Oresining Pour Tele phone Ci: Feuits - 100 Miles Comperi: Circuits - 100 Miles i" Tor 100-Mile Pour-chennel Radio ‘Assumed ‘in Paragraph 224 sn Of Means of Obtaining 16 Telephone BREERBR BEG E EG E a9 REERRSS ur Section I Section Ir Section IIT Section IV Section I Section II wire Systens Dumary of Materiel Requiremeats for 100- Mile Tectical Carrier Systens Using Telephone Terninel Set fo-ei-( Sumnery of Materiel Requirensats for 300- Mile Systens Using Plant Open Wire Tings end Bquipeest SGAPTRR 3 - TELEPIONE STATION wqUIPwErT Generel rscrspGane and Receivers Eero eee felephone Transmitters (ere oa Deseription and Stcck muabere Mere Characterieti trope sepeae Preeaty . Recelvers = Description and stock Muabere Tele} Receiv phoee Receiver Response Frequesey ‘Telephone Sete Generel Headsets - Description and Stock Numbers Heed end Chest = Description and ‘Stock Nuabers Chest Sets - Description and Stock Numbers Handsets - Description and Stock Munters ‘Telephones Generel rorTelemonee ~ Description ant Stock tuabers. peekers: Loudspeekers - Deseription end Stock Numbers GUAPTER § = TELEPHONE CRNTRALS General Description ‘Scoeret ‘Telephone Switchboard Pusdeneatel Features Switenboard Working Linits ‘Testtourds and Test Cabinets Monitoring, Observing and Recording Facilities Tactical Telephoae Switchbosrds end Central Office Sets ‘Adapter Plug U-4/oT Mogaato Saitenboards ‘sed Common Battery Switehtoerts Teagtns of Station Line Wire end Cubie for ‘Various Switenbosrd Transaission end Working Linits Tectical Telephoas ovitenboaris and Central ‘Office Sete ~ Bquipmeat Det Tecticel Telephone Sviterboards and Central Office Sets ~ Deseri: ‘Tactical Telephoae Swit 00 Ceatral Office Sets - Working Limits in Ohms Tactical Telephone Switenboards and Central ‘Office Sete ~ Transaission Losses in DS ‘st, 1000 Cyeies ‘Tectical Telephone Switentoard and Centred Office Sets - Stock Mumbers and Logistical Date gee eases 2 OB OF i m2 me a3 ma Be a7 EES 888 88688 s & £ a ae S88 Peeee eee a ‘TASLE OF cowrmeTS (Cont' Section III Pixed Plant Telephone Switehboards ‘General Single Position Switentocrds dultiple Switentocras Fixed Plone Single Position Te1ephons Sritehtoarés ~ Equipment Date Fixed Plant Single Position Telephone rired Plant, Single Foettion Telepto, Single 20 Seitentoaids ~ Working Lisits if Oba Fixed Plant, Single Position Telephone ‘Seitchtoards -“Treneniseica Losses in DB et 1000 cycles Fired Plant, Single Position Telephone ‘Seitehbostds aad Associeted Bqulpeest — ‘Stock Munbere end Logisticel Dete Fited Pleat wiltiple Telephone Gvitehtoerds - Beuipeeat Date Wied Plant Multiple Telephone Quitehboerds ~ Pigel Flnot Multiple Telephose dvitehtoarde e a = Worting tintts te ones Fixed Pleat Multiple Telephone Gwitchboards - ‘Siesmeianion Lonsce in bs at 1000 Gyeieg Fixed Pleat Multiple Telephone Seiten ‘nd Associated Bguipment = Logistical Dete Section IV Test Cabinets end Testtourds ‘Generel. Test Cabinets end Testboerds - Deseription Test Cabinets, and ‘Stock Munbere end Logisticel Dets Section ¥ — wonitoring, Observing and'Recording Fuctlities ai Oba + and Recording Facilities ~ woaitoring, Observing ng Monitoring, Observing, and Recording Pecilities - ‘Stock Numbers and Logiaticel Data CuAPTER S - POPTASLE Types OF Rulpnent Be iaformstioe Centers - Desoription Be Information centers - Stoo Numbers and Woetstisel Date CHAPTER 6 - WIRE AND CABLE AND —COMSTMUCTION INPORMATION Section I General ‘Introduetion Section IT Open Wire Lines General Storm Loading Bare Wires aid Wire Messenger - Physicel ‘Data and Stock Mondera ‘Trensission Date on Open Wire Lines Neteriels for Coastmetion Of Tactical TES" root opens, Light ‘Store Loeding * eTapane, Light ‘Store Meteriela for Codatraction of Tactical Open Wire Lines with Rount Poles, 150-foct Spans, Heevy Storm Loading Arees BRSSESEREER FE 2 § 8 &8 888 103 103 108 109 109 108 410 a ne us Section 127 Section IV Section v u Section VII TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'4.) Meteriais for Construction of Tecticel ‘Open Wire Lines with Pound Poles, 200- foot Spans, Medium Storm Losding Arees Materials for Construction of Opea Wire Lines for Fixed Plent, 150-root Spans, ‘Al Storm Loading Areas Open Wire Lines - Shipping Date Field Wires end Field Cables “General ee es st reeset re eee 4 Wires and Cebles - Physical Dete end reo a cee aris SE neti o ptt cs See Ses came enw ee acta ae tac cos ed tien - stk Btn li oae cae tenting evecare Zquipmeat - Description ap et aie meeeey es ste iene Peal ie ane Ste eee ot beta tail ee ‘Lines = 150-foot Spene ~ 411 Storm Load! ‘Arees = Leed Sleeves for 30 Led Sleeves for Bridge Spilces Materials for Splicing Leed-covered Cables Gonatruction Time end Information on Poles General Zstinsted Tine Required for Work Operations Rates of Field Wire Construction Dimessions of Round Poles (American Standard) Weigats of Round Poles (American Standard) Dimensions end Weights of 2x 4 and 4x4 Lumber Supports (Anericen Stentard) Construction Zuipnent, Venicies snd Tucks Wire and Cable Plecing and Recovering ‘Equipment - Description end Stock Numbers Special @ Trucks end Traliers for Line ‘Construction end Melatenance Ltae Construction Tool Byuipmeat Lend-covered Cable Splicer's Tool Bquimment Valeanizing Equipment for Rubber-covared Cables Line ‘Tools and Materials Sutaarine Cable Subssrine Cable for Tactical Jee Subesrine Ceble for Fixed Plant Subaerine Cebles - Physicel Dete ant Stock Wumbers: BE & BEE Es ERE 20 882 2 & & BASSE SEE Hiropees Cette Loediag systens ~ Dat Typitel Biropesn Loaded Gables = Approxinate 000-eyele Loss per Mile (1608 Meters) ys Nomiasi Impedance Type of Coll Loeded Cable Circuits in Intersetional Telephone Facilities Stendard Loading Syatens Systens for Repester Sections in Taternationsl Telephone Cireuits United States Loading Systens Loading Systens Commonly used in the United ‘Stetes oF america Lead-covered Eatrance end Intersediete Cables in Open Wire LinwComnonly Used in the United States of Americe Section Ir Existing Sutmerine (Undersee) Cables Geaere. Paper- insulated Tel Cables Papercinsulated Gudied Sutssrize Cables - British Isles Loaded Paper-insuleted Spiral-four Sutmerine Cables - German-nede Gutte-Perche, Belate, Paragutte and Rubber insuleted tel Losded Multicore GutterPerehe Sutearine Telegrapt Cab ere) es Buropesn Ceble Mep GHAPTEG 6 — ELNOTAIGAL PROTECTIVE EQUIMGOT Generar zrotector Blocks - Description ead Stock Musbers Puses for Telephone Lines - Description and ‘Stock Mumbers Eget Colle - Deseription ant Stock Maabars ‘Telephone Protectors for One Pair of Wire - ‘Deseription and Stock Numbers ‘Teminels for Protecting Smell Owitehboards and ‘Telephones Served by Lead-covered Cables - Deseription ‘Terminals for Protecting Sell Switehboards and ‘Teleptgnee Served by Lead-covered Cables - hisbers aed Lngtaticel Bete Gebie Protectors - Destription eat, 3tock Numbers Cable Terminals with Protection - Pole Mounted - Description Cable Tersinels with Protection - Pole Mounted - ‘Stock Numbers and Logisticel Date Main Trane Protection for Larger Sitehtoarts - Deseription Main Frase Protection for Larger Switehtosrds - ‘Stock Munbel end Logistical Dete Reneereh = Enge, 82 g #8 88 2 no m ne i me ao 8 m8 2288 8 & 82 8 187 ler 147 148 1a 155 ass 156 1s? 158 aso 159 ise 280 261 263 iss 165 165 166 167 16? 70 General tactics! Byitpeest ‘Coeral Descriptive Information Stock Runbera ané Logistical Data oF Brulrest Foquirenea ts Tote: Faopectete cnd‘iice. Eeuipeest Tectiea Deseriptisn Woice Frequency Bquipeest - ie Pape Bales tote Carrier Telephone Equipment - Tactical - Description ‘Telepione Lite Trensuission Sete - Tactical - Telephone Line Trananisaton Zquimment ° 2 = Peitionl = stsek Bnreers anl ingherinal ticki ounary’of Zqulpeest Rezuired 207 6-¥ire ‘Garsier Operation over Spirai-four Cetle or pen of Byuipeent Requires for 2-wire ‘Cerrier Operation over Open Wire Usiag Converter CP4-(] Sunsary of Bquipeest Required for 2uire ‘Gerrier Operation over Open Wire Using Carrier Hybrid CFT Fixed Plant Equipment General Descriptive Information Stock ‘end Logistical Date Volos Frequency Telepbone Equizment ~ Fixed Plant - Deseription Toles aut Fixed eee page Dele carrier Telephone Bquipasnt - Fixed Plant Description tu Cabinets for Telephone Line Trans Slasion Bouipeent - Fixed Flant - Description Telephone Line Transmission Bquipnent - Fired ‘Plast - Stock fusbers end Logistical Dete Selection of Bquiment Selection of Packaged Telephone Transatesic: Hauipmeat — Fixed Plant ~ Bivipseat r Clreuit Selection of Telephone Line Transntasion Byipsest - Fired Plant - Comscn Bquifment Required per Office Examples of Use of Pecksged Bqu! pent H Catrigr Peckaged Bauipmest oa & Tine ‘Open Wi © Carrier Pecksged Zquipeent on & Single c Ot'p Garrist Packaged Byxipant on Two Open Wire Pairs SHAPIER 19 > TELIGRATE BUIPMINT General Introduction ‘Telegraph and Teletypewriter Tactical Zquipment General Descriptive Zaformtion Steck Munbere end Logisticel Date Srerwire Telegraph Zqutpaent - Tectica1 a a Sescrhpeinne ee £283 8 g288 8 £ o17 TABLE OF COWTENPS (Cont*d.) Carrier Telegraph Equipment - Tactical - Description , Teletyperiter Zyutpeest - Tectice) - ae Sete - Tactical - Component Telograph and Teletypeeriter Bquipeent — geSetFen* steak Wlabars eat a uogiatical Telegraph and Tet ter Sets - Tactical - ‘Stock Numbers and Logistical Data Point-to-Point Teletypewriter Circuit (Weutral Line Transmission) -Tactical Equipment Diggran of @ Point-to-Point Tactical Tele ‘typewriter Circuit (Neutral Line Transmission) Poiat-to-Poiat Teletypewriter Cireuit (Polerential snd Two-Peth Polar Line Trens- Dieern of a PolntstorSoine tactical Teletype ofa. ‘WFiter Cireult (Polarentiel and Two-Path Polar Line Trananission) - Tactical Bquipeent “is iter Switching Network - Tactical Diagram of @ Teletypewriter Switching Network - Tactical Baul pest Dee Loop Conn for Telegraph Terminal ‘CF-2-8 (Carrier) - Tecticel Eguipeat Diggran of Coanections for D-c Loops of ‘Telegraph Terminal CF-25 (Carrier) - Tactical Equipment Section IIT Telegraph and Teletypewriter Fixed Plant Bquipeant Seeeeigve Zanes ‘iad Logiatical pata Titustrations Degline Telegraph Byuipeeat ~ Fixed Peat ~ Dose: Carrier Telegraph Equipment - Fixed Pleat - ‘Description pewriter and Automatic Morse Code [Fast = Fixed Pleat ~ Description Seater Teletypeyriter Equipment - ° iter and Automatic ‘Morse Code Equipment - Fixed Pleat - Diggren of Packaged Telegraph qutpment o= oteletype Terninal and Signal Ceater of 4 Radioteletype Terminal and ‘Telegraph end Teletypewriter Testing Zquipmat, ‘Took Byuipmeat and Teletypewriver Supplies ‘Teletypewriter Supplies - Tectical and Fixed Plant - Deseription and Stock Numbers 201 201s ro1s 1017 2018 1019 1020 102 ozs 10 2025 2027 1028 1030 082 2032 1036 B88 GG REE E BS BEBE ‘TABLE OF @} (contra,) Faregreph Pago. GHAPTEE 12 - FACSDOLE SqUIPoorT Generel net 251 ‘Tepe Pacsinile Bquipaent RO-Se-B roe ZL Facsintle Bquipment RO-120 ics 252 Faesiaile Set AN/TX0-1 ios 251 Facsiaile Bqutpsent - Description 110s 252 Pacainile Bquinmeat - Stock Numbers and Logistical Date 2106 237 Expendable Supplies nor 257 ‘SSAPTER 12 ~ Powe squinene Section I Generel ‘Scope and Use 2201 259 Section IZ Engine Driven Generator Sets Generel az0a a8 Daseription of Tactical Sneine Generator Sets 2203 a0 Stock Numbers end Logiaticel Dete for ~ Tactical Bngine Generator Sets 1204 28 Bescription of Fixed Plant Bnaine Generator Sets 2209 258 Stock Nunbers and Logiaticsl Data for Fixed Plant Sneine Generator Sets 1208 ae Bngine Generator Sets - Tacticel - Description azo? 200 Gagine Generator Sets - Tactical - Arranged by Copacits, 1208 206 Magine Generator Sets - Tecticel - Steck Rumbers and Logiatical Data 1209 265 Mngine Generator Seta - Fixed Plant - Desert pion iio 268 Engine Generator Sets - Fixed Plant - ‘Arranged by Capsciti. aaa 273 Mugine Goneretor Sete - Pixed Plant - Stock Munters and Logistical Date aziz ars Section III Rectifiers ‘Gonorel 2223 27 Rectifiers - Desert ption aie 270 Reotitiers - Stock Bumters and Lost stical Date oe unt 12s 262 Section IY Power ta ‘Ganarel iare 204 Heine bguipscnt ~ Stock Runtere and = | es - ers Logistic! Date ais 287 Section ¥ —-Betteries Lead Storege Batteries iz9 2e7 Dry Battorios 1220 287 ‘Lead Storage Batteries - Description leat 29 Lead Storege Batteries - Stock Munters nd Logi stical Date laze 208 Blectrolyte (Sulphuric Aci) 2ees 204 Battery Teraine! Adapter ieee 206 Dry Batveries - Description - Single Unit Types 1225, 295 Dry Batteries - Description - Multiple Unit i ‘see Type0 Dry Batteries - Stock Munters end Commerciel ‘Equivalents aza7 00 Section WI Section 1 Section IT Section IIT Section Iv Section ¥ Section ¥I Section VII Section 1 Section 17 TASLE_OF CONTENTS (Coat Comereiel Power Services Generel Distribution Power Distribution Dete - Foreign Countries ‘and Cities Power Distribution Dete for Cansta - ‘Breakdown by Provinces (McGrew Central Station Directory ~ 1936) Power Distribution Date for Aleska - ‘Breakdown by Cities SHARIED 13 = MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES Generel ‘Scope intenance: System of Meintensnce Maintenance Perta ~ Supply Plan Refationsll of Steet Supply Catelog to ‘Supply Plan jeseripticn and Stock Numbers Maintenance Bquipsents ~ Descriptio: Maintenance Bquipments - Stock Numbers end teal Date. ipaents and Tool Sets - Deseription feet el Brulpeente Stock Munters end Topistiess ‘Test Bquipsents 01 Brut pen Test Biuipoente and Test Packages ~ Deseription woe a = Stoo Mabers end eat Sete and Tost Instruments - Description ‘Teat Sete - Stock Numbers and Logistical Date Cross Reference Date ‘General Gross Heference Table of Melatensne end Test Bquipaents, and Test Seta HAPTER 14 - RADIO EqUTPumUT General ‘Tat roduction » Tool Phot ‘Tectical Radio Seta for Ground Use Generel Radio Sets - Deseription Hidto'Sete = Stoct Huabera and Logistical cata Remote Goatrol Equtpaeat Radio gets for Ground Use - Tactical - ‘Descriptive end Techaisel Det Frequency Coverage of Tactical Hadio Sets Tor Ground Use Ground, Transportable Radio sets - Stock Numbers ‘and Logistical Dete - Tactical Vebleule® tadie sets, ~ steak Mmbers and ER OE RE aso. 1303 1303, 2308, 1307 138, 1203 imo imi amg ams ine ams 1316, img ims ins 1320 110 wan wz ee gee g # a Bee Bob 88 88 ¢ 28 8 ae g eee eg BGS § 3 s2888 88 4 Section rrr paragraph Air Treasportable Radio Sets - Stock Mumbers and Logistical Date - Tactical 14s Ground, Mobile Radio sets - Stock Numbers snd ‘Logistical Date ~ Tactical aane Remote Control Equipment far Redio Sets - ‘Tactical ~ Description 141s Remote Control Equipment - Tactical - Stock aumbers and Logistical Data ane Fixed pleat Radio fguipeent Generel a7 Command Radio Sets ~ Description ale Gommaad Radio Sets - stock Logistical Date nals ‘Section Regio Sets - Description 1420 Airways Section Redio Sets - Stock humbers and 3 Logistical Dats aezn Transaltting Zquipment Comoaly Used by Command ea eee ean ea tateeeeeaes aes [pment Commonly Used by Comand Commusicatloa Service -( Redio Trensnitter BC-365-| Redie Granenitver S0-447-{ } end Remote Control Unit ie? Radio Set SoR- 261 10KW Trensnitting ef Radio. Anpli [poent (unne22 6 Xa! Radio Sinaclteer (orses witeless PRLS )) Redio Trensmitter (Presa Wireless ary » ‘Radio Tranamitter (Press Wireless 901-( )) Single Side Band Transmitter (Western Electric Co. De186000) Diversity Receiver AN/FRR=3 Radio Receiver 20-77%-( | [Henmerlund Saper Pro) Diversity (Scbuteig] Mixing Unit \@ Side Band Receiver (Western Electric Co. D-99945) Badio ‘transaiteer 20-315 Radio Transmitter Peart ’ Power Amplifier 20-340-{ Radio Transaiveer Bo-40L Baio Tranaaitter 20-460 Radio Tranaaitter s0-010 Radio Sresaaitter Bo-ea2 Radio Transmitter BC-1100-( } Radio Transmitting Zquipment RO-52-( ) Radio Transmitter T-4/FnC & T-5/PRC Instelletion Radio Transmitter (alrerert Accessories Corp. S008) Radio Transmitter (Collins Sata) ReGio Trenamitter (Federel FT-300) Radio Trenanitter io Americen Airways 12ACK-2) Radic irenacittcr (Pen American Airweya Power mplifier (Pan Acerican Airways BPA~50) Radio Trensmitter (Press Wireless Py-10L7) Redio Trenanitter (Tesco 250-030) Redio Trenamitter (Temeo 1000-AG-Cw) Redio Trenamitter (Western leetric ‘American Airways 40T¥A) | D-151249 or Pan ae 420 420 421 aan 422 423 423 423 428 4c4 425 425 425 436 436 ar 437 axe 430 430 ase 445 a7 449 49 451 451 451 401 459 450 453 460 Pe ittitttt ity isis 1517 1518 1519 1sz3 1525, BERBER 1534 1535, 1536 ii 8 Ee # (Cont: Radio Transaitter (wileox 96-A) Four Bacio Transaitters (wiloox #60) (with Modulator 504 and Rectirier Radio Trenauitter (wiles 96-Z00-( ) } Radio Receiver (Federal 12047) Radio Recelver (Halltcrafters $-22-2) Radio Receiver (Hallicrafters 5-27) Radio Recelver 4W/GRR-3 (Hallicrafvers Si-z6) Radio Receiver (iallicrafters $-29) Radio Recaiver (Hallicrafters 5-36) Radio Recelver AV/GAR-2 (Wational NC-200-48C) Radio Recelver (National HR) Radio Receiver (Wilcox OWS) Radio Receiver (wilcox OwS-D) Radio Receiver (Wilcox ¥3) Radio Recetver and Tranaaitter (Collins 18-9) (Navy Radio Receiver and Trananitter (Jefferson 350A) Radio Recelver and Tranenitter (Link SOURS) Radio Set type lave (Link) Radio Set Type 1505 (Link) Radio Recet ver and Transultter (wotorola 7ATR-2SiM and FuTR-5Oza) Tranenitt ing Hortzontel Rhonble antenna Franakitting Jowblet Astana ermediate Froqu: en Receiving Sorisoava: fhoabic.axtenue Double Doublet Receiving snteane Douaie Cage antenna Ingulated Tower antenna T Cage Antenna fave antenna 420 480 al ee 4s 483, 486 485 485 3s Par. 101-108 CHAPTER 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 201. FUNPOGE. This aanual grovides de- ot as fixed plant euutpnent. | This bes Seriptive matter and deta on the Deon dons for convenience end is not in electrical end physical characteristics Of coamunioation systems equipment, to- gether with Signel Corps stock aumbers and logistics] data, which will be of value in plenning complete communication systens. “The material contained herein is loteaded for use primerily by starr Signal officers and communication organ- izotions under their technical control. 202, OPE. Fie Rtoval is civided into 14 ohep- ‘feliow 1. Purpose and Scope 2. Tlustretive Probiess 3. Telephone Station Zquipaent 4. Telephone Centrals 3. Portable AWS Informstion Centers 6. Wire and Cable and Construction Tnforaation 7. Buropssn and United States Cables and Loading Systens 8. Electrical Protective Equipment 9. Telephone Line Transaission Eoulpnent Telegraph Bquipasnt Facaiaiie Equipment Power quipuent Maintenance Supplies Radio Hquipuent (1) In general the gets in esch chap- teF eve beon arranged ia tebular fora, eech table being listed es o paregraph, Most of the chepters are sections, saerein ore to photogrephs which folios’ he ables, tleld' of" ue, “aptaten- sgce cqetpmest, lystcel cheracterietios slectricsl chnfacteristics, references to fechaioal Manunis, aad other pertin- ect taforation. 18) Geher tables contain the stock nunbers of the equipmest end the logie- tieel Geta. ‘The logistical date in= clude the voight of the heaviest package, the totel weight, the totel cubierl con teat end the total ship tons of the sjulpaeat packed for export. bata are o given for the weight ead cubical content of the equipment removed fron ite export pecking case. These cata nay ‘be of value in determining depot storage Feguirenente nnd trenspore needed £0 more additional tables and illustrative drawings ere given, These are provided es « guide to ssure that the proper equipment and an edequete amount will be requisitioned for the particular communication system which it is planned to estsdlish, S. In genera) the equipment hes been classified either as tacticel equipment tended to give e sharp line of denarce- tion between tactical and fixed plent glace some equipsent may serve well in both forward and rear aress. In the caso of the more complicated communication systems, It aey be neceseery to obteln engineering advice and assistance fron the Aray Communications Service of the Office of the Chief Signal officer. 45, Ruploal protieas sre eiven which outline a aethod for determining the equipment required for complete systeas. In addition, representative radio and wire telephone trensaission systexs ore conpared from the standpoint of the quantities of aaterisl required, . Some information is 9180 given oon- osFhing coumerciel cable Tecklities wicn Bey be found in the United States end in Buropean countries, since # generel knowledge of the cherecteristics of these ceble systens aay be found useful in case plans ere asde to utilize then, , This samuel provides inforastion ooTy on electricel communication equip- nent used for ground communication sys- ‘teas. It does not give informstion on equipment such as direction finders and radar, except for the ground communica- tion @quipment associated with thea. a a prio ‘a knowledge of systeas on- gineoring snd of tho genere] types and Quantities of communication equly Pequired for a particular job. {nforns- ‘ion concerning these autters may be found in the foLlo Publications: ti) the ti -<80, Blestrieny Connun! tion Systens Engineering (2) my 1h b0e2, “Appifestion or ized Plent Telephone ‘Telegraph Packaged Byulpaea "Sones bine (2) dog, Logisticel Penning anc (a) W'LoEs10, Bete orticers rieie Meoual ~‘orgsaizerion, Tecnnical fee! (s) rie pets iiiseion, functions, and nal ‘Coasuniegtious in Ganerel to) ru fitz0, orgentzations eat Op feretion® Savene Compe, ATay Sheater of operations’ end (7) mw 24-8 Sienel coazunicetion (@) Mid 24-16 Redio Communication bi Mererance to also made in tho wri ous’ chapters to other techaical manuals and instruction books which epply to Speol fie systeas cf equipasct 2104. ORDERING OF WAR DEPARDENT PUBLICA- eal Mawel War Department publications aay be re quisitioned from the various headquarters which are listed a8 distributing agencies, ‘This information is covered in MM Z1-6, “List of Publications for Training*. This Page Intentionally Blank Par. 201-208 CHAPTER 2 ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS Section r ‘General 22. REESE &. his chapter provides illustrations of the use of the material given in this manuel in plensing ground commusteation systens. b. Problems fllustrating the use of the este in ordering equipeest for wire and Fedo ground conmustortion systens ere Sven in section IT. In these probiens TEE Geased! thet ine orftcer,Soing te planing Leted the euetoeer’ fore and bes reached certate conclusions sto the generel type of communication cquipenat Fequired: systens are given in section III. comparisons may be made by employing the neteriel given in subsequent chapters of ‘the manual. Section 11 Problens Illustrating Systens Fleneing m2. gE. i. li the following parsgrephe problens are elven stich tllustfste sone of the Soee‘or the materiel given fe the manuel. In ell of these exenplea it 1s escunea thet the cireults hee bees engineered aad that, the of ordering setimtiog the Seats, "D: Froblens ere included wnich eaploy ul" sollowing facilities: (1) Sptret four esble with cerrier telephone ana eloereph camloats. (2) pour Bhaasel radio with carrier telephone md telegraph teraios2 (3) Open wire with tactical carrier jephone sod telegraph tersinaie, (a) open wire with packaged telephone (3) tnearsonseet ion ef are telegraph yonnees fea 6 re *) Sireuite et function of tactical Sed fixed plost carrier systens. (e) Telephone ewitentoardes jephone end telesraph facilities = julred between the two main offices A and B and certain outlying point’ From engineering considerations it Ddeee detarained that these will be telephone system with terninels st or- fices A and B. At these offices certain of the telegraph chanoele ere extended to, outy! ee over the stapler oir gut of ‘ing telephone feciiities. It is assumed thet the spiral-four cable Detween Offices A and ‘Aistance of 100 miles, is to be buried with en aver- ge of ong seriel road crossing per etrung ‘esseoger, b, The elreuite provided by the Ley- out ‘shown in paragraph 204 are as fol- a. Cerrier Telephone Channel Carrier Telephone ‘Chennel Carrier Telephone ‘with the exception of thet required fof the outside plant, Le itemized in parsgraph 204. The equi . Tae .t required to obteta witeTfecffitles, a jpaeot end equipment for thie pertioular lsyout ts also listed. Ia addition to velegraph equipments including apares Par. 203 kes hgten frm omens 0 an 2, Scien rece a Bois phste Unies tate ee with existing telegraph Seees Fepesting colls for simplex isting sbcies atts Becta sts ess Sete ee Sapete femora cepecs SP serene Garesunee beepers aie ‘dunmarizes the equip- aft Fogelred ror the eatire project. summary gives the stoct sunbers of ‘Ettverloce’tfous cor ordering purpoces fogether with essential logistical in- formation. | The equiptent, walents, Volumes, etc. shown in parmgra) Should not be cosfuaed altnesiaiuar date contained in TM 11-2002, wet She equipment and cable’ for spirel-four aysten, including depot SEeSuteed is thie" paregrajn Sovebee communication aysten involving circuits Ep outlying orrices end telegraph feciii- the Las = l00-mile spiral-four syatens 4 Spare cable ip essumed tobe ofdered for the installation and no depot spares ere included. Par. 204 omg, 2 Ray Wapaso = F3GIO 33380 vam asso Par. £05 23. = Pom sraTem LuUsTRATED 4 mips - i. : sue Mise trupmtanies Eezest (0) r:aphoue Seigmet tne parnrec 01 2 Belasnoneterntsal ont ae-ici)— gomcantt ) Fpesuer a Tests | geet} & 0 Regeréertenet Sane 3 Rismtuee'cont Sah sate (2! raiagrase Betjeeee (see paragramee 1515, 1012, 1013 as 1519) +9kk epeater Set Tool? Peletzpenritar Set E297=4 Teletyperiter Sot BIA ‘Teletypecritar TOPE ‘eet Sot T5-8/T0 Peet Set Lelak (3) Spare Meuimeat (S00 obaptere 9, 10 Telepbane Tewioel CFoi-k Bapewter CFs Mingiog Syuigaes 2-L02—1 | ‘Telagragt Turmlenl OPE Teletypeeriter Set KERok Powe tit Fete ) wt Eevee sta ae Ehipet .8HE zxere0 Seuss’ ene Seseas raat cases ime 10 ae ow seesconhe sass o a ? E tls ge RB vol oe Wes +8 ‘Power Watt PBsei4el ) Rectitler Beast } ete Reutzment Bertes ‘331 Lumber, Toasted 47 24 218" Baeble dasemdy 00858, /é wt "Fer fowl Ooess cebhe Asmebiy Contes abie ste ones ‘Uekt, weskine 2/8" x40" ot Chips demtaed ~ Tearay Tayccies oe agent oot Pei, drive werlie 2 Malt, eoreee vine, 32a loere, co, fer 108 ay vire teritens) ‘tale, 200 ata, Grate 4. ite ‘Mannicitumpeer. for Sw Torr, eco mater, lens 8 wih as saeue SRE Glare wee ass E g Ie Ie ib E BOR ee bi BE EE & ve 1 HEE Bt. ESue 88 Soom. wire, bax cuss Grete, fis die. (42.00. Byes, ATES) ace Chet, Feel, tao Balt 3260 Tanger, cable, fr 20-208 per Gat Ape, O36 0 cheap, Sendend for crassa Teeray teyscit. or eyual = ‘Total ovteite Plant inom 196,000 ‘Total Retire Projeat 147,700 147,900 & 5 e . HH A EE| bE| peqetrad 1m oonsaetion with apiral-roer ingtaliation, Tee fleld wire shoe Spermarese S04 te euthying offlewe te aot ineliiet tx thia table, at it (Seemes alreasy to plate. 208. PROBLEM 2 = FOUR CHANNEL RADIO ey ‘velegreph Teotliti between the two main Offices A and B ‘are required and certain outlying points. From engineering considerations it bas Deon determined thet these will be vided a2 shown in paragraph 207. 13 figure shows « 4-channel syst using spirei-four carrier tele- phone equipment, AN/EROWS radio termine] equipmént and Ai/TRC-4 redio relay equipment operating over = dis= tance of approximately 100 atlee Detween Office A and Ortice B. Redo gffices by Ceblé Ascenblies 00. Redio relay sets are indicsted at § Pointe slong the route between the Fadio terminal set torily depen: pris marily upon the cheracter of the ter= rain between the reéic transmitters and receivers and the choice of antenna docetions. A sistance of 20 nites ts jd here ‘merely as an exsuple.) It ‘agsuned that for one of the links (between 2 radio relay sets) the situation requires thst amplifier equipment be used to increase the trananitted power. A voloe-frequency carrier telegraph system is operated ever one channel of the carrier tele= phone aysten with terminals at foes Asnd 8, At these offices certain of the telegraph channels are axtended to outlying points over the simpler elroulte of existing telephone feetliti be The circuits provided by the Aeyout shown in peragreph 207 ere a2 follows. = es oes Bon cals PushLjnies yet ae ee 1 EP Seis Ais Set ree Se a, ence regen ame 1 ear Senses, Seas rie «Pe OST, suspler co Brieting a nt required to obtain ‘the axeeption of fron itemized in paregraph 207. The equ; SS*Tistea fob sesh oftice unter the betas Ange of Telephone Equipment end Telegraph Equipment and for each raéio link terminal or repester. Certain spare equipment a ned for this particular layout is al- so Listed. Tate ‘addition to the sapere equipment furniabed as conponents of AN/TRC. AN/TROw4 ‘ds fhe radio oauipeest information ts ebteined from chapter 14. Data on the carrier telephone and telezraph equir= nents are obtained from chapters 9 and 10 respectively, which elso give suggest= a4 spare equipment. In addttion to the rier equipment repeating coils for simplexing the existing telephone cir= cults are required (chapter 8), The spare power equipment is meat requ! This summary gives the s the various {tens for ordering purposes, together with esseatiel logistical tn Formation: The spare eculjmeat Listed is in addition to the spare equl furalshed as componente of i ES tot Tae Gate, recu: fais are ghtaised dice anabters'e 30"ae"and fas 1 ‘Teephone Bqutmect (see paragraps $10) 2 ‘Telepbone Terminal Set ‘Teel-( } 4 Ringer Set Tome-( | 6 Repeating Coil C-lél ‘Telegraph Bouigment (See paragrazbs 1010, 1011 ant 13i6) ‘Telegraph Terminal set ‘T-ea-( ) Repeater set Tole ‘Deletypewriter Set EE~97-8 Teletypeeriter Set ELos-4 ‘Teletypewriver Ti~-2 ‘Test Sets 1S-2/7 ‘S Madto Rguipment (See parecraph 1410) Regio Terminal Set aw/To-5 Eedio Relay Set A2/Ta>=t 2 Amplifier Equipment ANABA-1 Qapie (See yerngreph 614) kf q ; A | a sestst ole epeest she 20 cane const (on reel De-15 1/4 mile per reel} 4 Canke assemtiy 02-354 2+ Spare Equipment? (See chapters 6, ‘Telephone Teminal CF-ina Einging Equismest EE-10L-A ‘Telegraph Terminal C¥-2-B Teletyzewriter Set EE-So-A ‘Power Gait FE-7S-( ) FE OUT TE 10, 12 and 14) i a a a a 2 me Amplifier Equipent AX/TAL ‘3906-1 Cable Assentiy 00-388 Aslase. asians (Ge reed DBeis 1/e mite er reel) 2 Cable assembly 00-356 ‘3600 I Mo 70 7 #0 ‘Rectifier Unit RA-az~( ) 408-83 “ 1086 3800 ‘rota a1 at Se pace a8 ee Spon wire using CP-1sk tersishis wite GFr4-(.} converters and cF-s-( } repeat ore. Fan i e peeter at Office B which is 90 alles frou Office A. Peir two is equipped with tho carrier systeas, one with terninels et Office A end Office 5 and the other with terainals et Office 5 and Office C. Bach pair 18 composited for 10 DC tel . One composite circult of ach pair is used for a-c signaling in ‘Connection with supervision of the car- rler telephone systens. The other com- posite cireult oa eneh pair provides tel fiter circuits between Office Avand Ottice 5 and. between Office Band Office C, respectively. Teletypewriters are connected directly to the repeeters St the ends of these circuits. pi tae equipannt required for each offices, intiuding suggested & see ere) po} crosseras, heroes ete., 8 Outlined Grill bo needea for. the Sise'tfne: “me talepboce eqiipaent fe" julred is selected from chapter 9, the Geiegraph equipsest fron chapter 10 end Ee Spare poner equlpenet fron chapter ‘G+ Paragraph 211 gives e sumery of the equipsent required for the entire project ant includes stock susters end jogistical date, the information for (8 table is drawn from appropriate tebuler dete in the above chepters. Per, 210 1d09 8 391550 8 391440 “WSIS WAVEOETAL CNV GNOUERTAL BALGAVO WHIM NAD AO WVEOVIG “OTS oF PEN WIRE CARRIER TELEPHONE AND TELBORAPH SYSTBI ‘eezo se eo oo ma olse Aso 3. Ey ‘380 weet (2) Telegrepe Byuipment (See peregreps 1010, 1OlL and 1318) ‘Set To-ze-( azarae 3 ato 170 % © Repeater Set 7-18 uns seo isa ea a © Teletypewriter 1-7-8 (ere. ma-2 3200 Loo a6 0 3) Test Set atensros wo aD ot 8 3 Test Set TH18Sk sls 25 ss, uM e (3) Spare Equipaent (See chapters 9, 10 ant 12) 3° Telephone Teminei CP-1-k 46262 ams (ars im a 3 Converter CF-t=( couse 0 os 3 2 Remeter cFote( } ast08 3a, o is ‘3 Ringing zyutpeect eli) email a 2a a 6 AL Telegraph Terminal Cr-2-8 «azauen moo a 2 3 Repeater Set To-15 aus fS wse ry 20 3 Teletyperriter T=7=8 | omen Oe RSe a real Sie 1 tute encom fr, EEE ‘Seep uacuess oosrance SER tren ‘swe0. COMMUNITY A | 220. (ATCHBOARD ORDER. ‘B- General. A complete common battery, aanually operated, multiple switchboard ‘and all associated equipment should be furnished. This should be a 10 position combined local and long distance switch- doard having 280 subscriber comson bat~ tery lines, 75 magneto lines and 79 B. Enginaerice Date. Any one of, the following comercial types of multiple switchboarda, mage up of single post- tion sections, will meet tese require- Kellogg Switchboard No. 1600 Swi toh— ‘and Supply Co. board Stromberg-Carlson Co. Wo. 18 Switch- voard Westem Electric Co. No. 11 Switoh- board (This is determined by referring to the inforastion contained in parsernphs 425 and 424.) ‘The awitchboard should be in one Line. ‘The direction of growth should be left to right. ‘The terminal end opereting roas should ‘be on one floor and the erea lable is 26" by 29". The ceiling hoight should te 9° or more. (This in- forsetion should be provided when avablabie)= Par. 220-225 g. Summary of Equi) Combined position Common battery subscribers line ‘equipments Common battery subscribers line multiple Mogneto line equipments for ‘Tong distance lines to operate Line and busy lamps Magneto line multiple for long distance lines = ‘Two-way trunk equipments, local’ ‘Two-way trunk multiple, local Interposition trunk equipments Tnterpoettion trunk, answering Jacks Office and miscellancous trunk multiple HES Eitan at Wa SSE Bie ee ae i en Wes Lamp caps for No. 11 board Sahat Wndoy Seloy ee cor ROGER eats! Siariesin Senta spe Sverre om Sn ar iti : eamiate ttn purists Sis nS alse wes nt Required. and long distance Hbg.2 scsus a EBs ees strips, with gepacity for 1010 outside pais 2 Relay racks required Power plant 43 required Cable rack 28 required Operators’ telephone sets 25 Operators’ chairs 2 A complete set of spare parts for estimated one year’s operation A complete set of installing tools ‘and miscellaneous equipment A complete set of maintenance tools 6 complete sete of installing and maintenance instructions “tne positions should be arranged for dialing. Srnirty of the two-way trunks should be errenged to terminate on subscriberst Line cirouits in the commercial dial office; these trunks should take into account the type of cord circuits pro- vided. The remaining 45 two-way trunks should be ar: ‘to terminate on subseribers' line cireuits in the com- mercial manual common battery office; ‘these trunks should take into account the type of cord circuits provided. Ringing om both cords is desirable, if available. ‘ie =A" type MOF*s are not available, "BM type should be provided. 222. ESTATE OF WEIGHTS AXD VOLIMES CF CENTRAL ELE EQUTST Weight - Ibe. Yolume Packed for | Export ship Srivenboard et on. 15,900 sro 18,900 70 24.3 11,800 60 16.5 Seetghts and volumes from paragraph 427. Seetion IIT ‘Telephone Systen Comparisons 222. GENERAL. ‘This section gives certain general logistic comparisons between a radio relay system and various types. of wire plant. It also gives comparative data on various types of wire telephone systens. 223. IN OF MEANS OF OBTAINING “SUCTEEN, TECRPHONE CIE wpha_224 and 225 show com parisons of installation tines, volunes and wolgnts of material, and other factors for the radio system employing Radic Terminal Sete 3, Radio Re— lay Sets AN/TRC-4 and Telephone Terminal Sets TC-21-( ), and for various wire line aystens, They’ epply to lo0-mile cireuit langths} paragraph 224 covering the case of four tolephone channels, end paragraph 225, sixtesn telephone chanel. In paregreph 224 the lightest availeble ‘types of wire construction are assumed. Some figures are given also for wire~ system equipment slone, to apply to the case where tho outside plant is essuxed ‘to be already availab! quency telegraph my be used with oar or fhe above syovens, but is not ‘the figures. the egiipment assumed in the radio system is given in pare- graph 226, and additional informa tion on the wire systems is given in pare- graphs 227, 226 and 229. "D Tt will be seen that the outside plant forms the bulk of the required weight, volume and construction time for ine plant, seounat for other elreult feagthe than 100 mites. (wi trenmission capabilities of the” respective systens) the figures for the wire systens including outside plant can bo approximately estimated by scaling the Figures up or down from the 100-mile Values. Interpolation can also be used In some cases to obtain approximate estimates for other numbers of telephone shannels obtained in stated ways; care is nocded here, however, since for ox- ample it takes essentially as much plant to obtain two telephone channels from a four-chamiel radio or wire sys— tea as it does to obtain four channels. ‘Phe data on weight and shipping space are based on what appoar to be Feasonable assumptions as to repeater However, ‘systens dister in their features and Capebil- ities, so thet the assumptions used In the eémparison may not hold in many cases. For exaaple, the equipaent for the radio systems 13 based on repeater spacings of 25 miles, which is estinated Par. 225-224 to be what would be needed to take care of moderately unfavorable situations. However, where sites with suitable ele- vations oan be obtained for the radio sets so that paths which are substan- tially line-of-sight can be obtained for longer distances, repeater spacings the smount of equipment required by a considerable porcentage. Similarly, wire systems Ray encounter terrain Recessitating the use of routes such longer than the air line distance, in qui pment neoded dotwoon be increased Ta an cvercall comparioos; the transmission aspects and terrain Rents of tho partioular systens, and the general features of radio vs. wire clr cults, as discussed in TM 11-436, should flso be considered, as well as the re- lative dependability of the various types of plant. 224, COMPARISON OF MEANS OF OBTAINING FOUR TELEPHONE CIROUITS - 100 MILES Mow Light Open-tire® Rriating Opon-Wire wate Suited for 30-KE Car packaged rior Operation’ ico frequency Garrior Type ¢ terminal -55-{ ) Carrier Fopeaters Wntl-| ) snd Vetoes _ aaso® z s 400 2 u 290 3 8 ess ar ao seo eo S28 “pows act include serial rond crospings: see Paragraph 228, note by “sanpented on existing pole Linc Sele teeta using = 4 ttaber xppertan “openwire not included ia the figarve. without moasongar wire or 1asco pole. With acasonger wire, fig~ ‘yee would bo approzimtely an follows: 700 eatimated san-dava for installa ‘aale-way fo regular. poles, ‘cotinated san-days for iastallatios; 155 hip’ tous ons 90 ate Saat + Figures "SS tons ‘between aucceas: “Includes set-up time only, with mon and material at sites. includes gurveying and staking tho route, delivering material fron’ dumps along the soute, placing flee + beating aod clenaing up nqo0d on commarc inl crows and conditions or on Signal Corpe ostimtes from field trials in the WS Jungle or other difficult terrain not covered. "yor wire circuite, man days, ship tons and carrying woight for inside plant are negligible compared to those for outside plant, and total carrying weight ia practically aa Large as ahipping wolgst. Carrying waight 1a loss export packing except in case Of packaged oquipaoat, far which no other pecking 1s provided. Jone ship ton ta figured at 40 cubic fect. Rxport mcking included. “Does not include all the muterial for ‘complete 100-nile systems", which include depot spares, ete. Par. 225-225 ——Stes ___ stinated man-days for installation’ Ship tons for plant seelaajag working Carrying weight, ‘tonat OF Means OF 40 Carrier on meh on four buried spire! sables* _ e4oe 300 Carrier on Tactical Open Wire Carrier (te-21 & 10-35) on 4 peir 080 6-5 wire Sists 000 aes 3 4" x4" 20° Poles, Spaces 200° 1470® 460° 425 590 300 460 on 4 pair “thas 30' Poles Spaced 150° 2150¢ 1280 1020 “does not include serial road crossings; see paragraph 228, note b. PIncludes set-up time only, with men and material at sites. Includes surveying and staking the route, delivering material from dumps along the route, plecing cable and’ burying connectors or erect ing open wire line, d vesting and cleaning up. 4pased on commercial crews and conditions or on Signal Corps estimates. snip tons and carrying weight for wire circuits are controlled pri- marily by outside plant. One ship ton is figured at 40 cu. ft. Does not include all the material for “complete 100-mile systems", which include pot spares, etc. 2940 ©2380 1760 ©1080 735 475 140 95 25975 19650 It is assumed thet no Auplifier 1 or associated equipment is used, and that each telephone terminal is at the same location eo its associated radio terminal. #8 3 Bl. sak louse oar ures on shipping re- quirenents for sevorel. types of wire (ispnone systens are elven in pere= graphs 220 and. 220. Those date may bo Stet where it 1s necessary to mie rough estiaates, without considering Getatis of specific layouts. b Paragraph 229 applies to 100-mile ‘rier syatens set up by moans of tactical squipeent on spirai-four cable or open-wire. Peregraph 229 covers Zype'C carrior and repestered. wal Frequency aystenn eet up by paca equipment on open wire. Heures co nov include teleereph equip ment. ‘tho shipping requirenents and con- struction tines are for averege condi tions as defined by notes associated with the tables. if ito known thet Yho conditions will be éifferent from those assumed, the data will not apply without correétion. Such other condi~ tions might be jungle construction, ifficult terrein, heavy storm loading areas, availability of different sizes of wite or poles, ste. An over-all com parison of the various systems. ehoulé Riclude, in addition to the information given hare, the relative merits of each System frome trensmission standpoint (ds Giscussed in 11-486) the mili- tary conditions and other elrewstances affecting specific situations. 4. A comparison of the Type C carrier and repeatered volce-frequency figures {a peregraph 220 will chow that there 10 ‘very inrge saving in material and con Struction effort per elreuit when carrier is used. While the figures ere Par. 227 civye for 500-atle ersten, the om. yn remains favorable to the use of carrier for extremely short elreults also. In generel Type H carrier will be used on offshoot routes to provide an extre circuit or two; it is not covered in the table because the develop- mont of a route will seldom be based on Type H alone. However, anticipation of the requirements for Type H systems is desirable in planning. Volce-frequency carrier telegraph eireuits mey be operated over any of ‘the wire or radio telephone circuits. However, only the carrier telegraph systens which use different frequen- eles for opposite directional trans- mission, such as those employing Carrier ‘Telegraph Terainela CF-2-( ), ‘Should be applied to repeatered valco cireults, or carrier systems operated’on a balanced two-wire basis. Carrier telegraph systems which use ‘the same telegraph frequencies for each direction of transmission can te applied to clrouits operated on a four-wire or an equivalent four-wire basis, Additional d-c channels can be obtained over the wire systen es follows: two simplex circuits (one of thom being restricted in length Af used for telegraph) per spiral- four cable, two simplex circuits per ‘wo pairs Of open wire used for four-wire carrier and two composited Selesreph circuits per pair of open wire used for the balanced two-1 ‘nd equivalent four-wire systems. ‘Those d-c channels may be used for 4c telegraph and signaling circuits. wren] 2 gag] 8 ge ag] 2g “amoo] 9 se 3g * aa3g) ° 88 fa] 39 vtes| a ggg] 9 3298] 3g a ee aa) Sh). ‘ammo! 4 SB ag wautpacats® Cable oF Wire, Crossams, Hantmare, ote.%f ‘Total witaout Poles Poles, Guys, Anchors, ete. a #8 89 38 i i i i *| * apgg] 4 8 gg] 9g He : i mt | vewel] © ag geld] an gala} gg] etd : an [simul Hh int mae E I [rae seedpeceeliie Ebi i i i fed Pewee] op..] aera] gy th i Heli Hse) © sega] a ot gg] 9g iil lu aul *yeisd yas court ct setod eeneryy ‘OTs Wieser! w peony syumerinber ‘Terxesmt vexya OWT !3005 OT Peowds seTol 3005 OF ‘L BEETDD seeeve Tre uy mxwrsore wid qWye somsey, syenttnbe sem0d ‘epnteuy sou seop nq “eTocs pou supmiyabe Puyeey Lreessoet sopnTotry convo yous uy zeuedor equ} TemreyT T Jo om somnesy, ost ous oovs ose owes ores SoTod WITH oxst e80T0d INOWITH sez oa Te cores aTeR Ieee pray gree gow = seen sotod uate, Teor, vse ove ovse Ors Ove = OF. pfo*o1e ‘saoyouy ‘sing ‘seTor bey Iss sz a9 soz SeTor INONITA TROL ou oe ‘sez oe one ‘eraaproy ‘smressoiD ‘ort t s * ‘q 2uemdpnby a 9505 sage SoTOd UITM THIOL, ose vse yroto1e ‘szoqouy ‘sino ‘seTos gis a2 seTod InoWITM THO; as see 7 OrUMpIOH ‘suxvssoID oxy * z qavemitnby ¥ 2 T st 8 * SaTRoITO oUOUTOTOL Jo oN ¥ 2 Tt ¥ 2 = Sayed Srtm edo Jo *oN persis om pie = ayer you uo sepiseo 5 SOzT sxorvedey fouewbeag eoyon Furs pus sx03vedey Aowerbozg ootoa SursQ This Page Intentionally Blank CHAPTER 3 ‘TELEPHONE STATION RQULPARNT Section 1 General File ‘cnapter gives information on the vaFious types of telephone equipment which are used to convert sound (voice) to elec trical energy and vice versa. This equip- ment is known as *telephone station equipment™ and includes micro- phones (telephone transmitters), receiv- ers, headsets, head and chest ssts, chest ‘sets, handsets, telephones and loud- ‘b. Practically all of these items ex- cept telephones require auxiliary equip- ment to make them suitable for two way conversation over a telephone system. In general telephones are equipped with suitable signaling arrangements, a coil for separating the talking and Listening paths, and means for obtaining @-< power for the microphone. Sound powered tele- phone equipment operates without coil or ‘Dattery and, in the case of Handset TS-10, may be used’without signaling equipment. ‘@+ The information given in this chap- vided as follows. Section IT characteristics of microphones and receivers, section III covers head- sets, head and chest sets, chest sets and handsets. Section IV and’V cover tele- Phones and loudspeakers respectively. 4. The export weights of the items Listed in this chapter have not been in- cluded as the equijments are mall and probably would not be packed individually. Section II Microphones and Receivers 302, ‘Tho selection of the vari- ous of telephone equipment is controlled largely by the for which and the eqiipment with which it is to be used. Since the microphone and receiver to a great extent are the major factors in indicating the primary elec~ trical characteristics of telephone equipment, information of this type has ‘been included in this section. (Telephone Transmitters) pes may be divided into two efficient magnetic type (TS-10), 40 to 50 db more sensitive than ‘pes Of magnetic microphones which ‘Therefore the carbon micro- magnetic type microphone in spite of the fact that It may have. a considerable Gount of honlitear distortion; ite re- sponse frequanay characteristic dependa somewhat upon the level of sound pressure applied; in some casea ita efficiency 12, affected by a change in angular position; and it generates a certain anount of “burning noise” between the earbon eranules. ys isroptoues intended for use in oxygen masks are designed to have a ris- ing’ response characteriatic conplonent= phone combination is essentially flat. + Microphones such as the T=45 are of the differential type having both sides of the diaphraga open to the sound field. Hence, when placed in a sound field orig- inating from a source at some distance, the aii ‘does not roact and when placed close to the talker's lips the difference in pressure applied to the ‘two sides of the diaphrage causes the instrument to operate. The performance of this instrument in high ambient noise fields is therefore dependent on wearing it ta the yr position. ‘4. Paragraph S04 gives the stock mm- bera and descriptions of microphones including pertinent electrical charac of high ambient noise so that ‘holds the microphone very close and talks louder than nor= ition of the microphone in 8 fixed at about 1* from the receiver is held to in general, the user talks Under conditions of ‘the. . ‘pos: aot i Lips when » and "normal manner. Microphone T-i7 delivers approx- ly the same output as Handset Ts-9-(_), whereas with equal spocch in- att: the to. mal, the the the ear, ine use, pute the’output of the T-17 would be from 15 ab lower than that of the Too ( Je ‘Tho curves in paragraph 305 show response frequency oharacteris— ‘the various microphones listed paragraph SOL. the relative ous microphones at different fre- Quomies in the speech trangission Yana. Tiago etfs tion which is arbitra: ‘the| 10. rily located in the general neighborhood of the curve for the microphone in Handset Ts-9-( ). “y¥a wnsks woorpHY oFT@na Ut pom “PAE aTea-oy-eesd qyEH eTPUNY UO euoGdor RE ety voRTHD 7 ow ou os (psestee (Hse *2-90e-49S PLE q-908-¥0S 298 Ore Jo 4RL “THEE 9G YeOND JO ATRL “SeLONIMIEIS «IE fT se scorer goa “evertns Pom zeq~tOS Mes oro TATA pom sxeVE usMkxO — 9d—ar By om 303 SEa-ON CUOGOIOTH TOMOT ACT WML; oTyouHE efoTIWE GT-Td a oF poor WHT WHEL svepT-HOS 295 oTPRE 50. 3NZ “NOTA ATD2-o4-s00ad maTA PURI TaOP BT euowdeNTE e443 vORTOD - - eee oF gootes ad soon soos unos? 103 cL Peowrder mee ouoysrevay paw opus xeTnsINeA Due aIRIOATE BAIA Porn “E5T-R PHUGIION PUN PoqDwTIY BPUPIOO TIA oooydxoo" Uy eoEee UE erTm gz -euoMloLoTE Worm edk VEreNT UOT — TET ost ee JORSTER ( om *1s{-8S 1G OHNE JO WME “EIE GeTA ZO yexo8sg vo peyunon euoyloroys ody wogrts eunglete; TeSIEMND —GOI-Id ZO - u ° OF = Peeotez (Hea “sts POU YLT-SH MOE 299RD PUY PEO Jo qTeM ‘ouomforoTE uORIHD OIE ° ervey seen “ont “YeT-HS MIeG OTP Jo Hed “euomioroTE aK; tours) SIE y Karon 09 (west (hren “sup quomdyaby, Suy3ueg ponog Jo 7xe{ -uoysuedons Joordyoous Joy pure WIE ‘Burmon UT Tors Taw eFeye o2 wIyA euONOIOTE ody reEDOPTOD - - = = - = # restos te EL eoowdoroTH 41-5 sovoyloroym oon ote Lee HOTU #108 OTPUE MOTIeA Jo 4IRI *PaINIRIOdes ROT 0 Doon LOUA wox5 JO Tekomes 03M TTEON 0% 69C-N ZWADD OTIUNT pegweZy Septet *ygg-an euomdotorn Xeum weBixe ody woqres sfotimg T62-1d a 2 oe oostaz | toa *66}-#08 PEE COS-HOS “66e-HOS S105 OTPRE sya peea wove aima-or~swead wre eoowdorors (pepere | MOON PTeTee BF Jou puvse) peaunom pangs Zo proy peey ods Thos Putaom Tommy FE 6 ™ —oootz aos Jonata ( Jot seston yoerame sory Zia wt earyaredo, vaio eos ov) oy 20 em w top cron svowlaioyw yy enyouyyee ‘woqsmp gu Joe poo TIT - Cy vere: om *2¥G-WOE PEE ZaN-HOE Fes OTP TATA pee seemngeredees MoT 48 poen ueya 38053 Jo Teoter eyegTTIONS 1 6OO-R T0KOD OTIqeS POvETr SPIO exew wePKCO ORI By eon 305 pow ye07 ooE-ON suowlaIOTR sTyeuTm shoTime ELIE =o a or ook gs Yanez be *To-ENY euowlorope £4 peourtoy TERY oo seTES ot “ou ouoglozsyn Lamy 04 ZETTET! 30K *46T-HOE 499 OTPeH Jo 42m *UOaTAs aTe-op-ererd TTA eTPENY Ge euCRMoKOTH OL UND EM ZO nu ° o ~ (epee (ree er 5 Ce a eae “Set “Oi Ow oe (peaowes 69¢-N 30009) TO-W-GNY ouONdorOTH ‘GOs TUNOTA Sb-L ouoydoroym *90C muNOTa = oe be (69¢-M 2es09 43Tm) { J-0S-h suoudosoym “ZOE aUNDTa ( )-e-1 Suondozoym “Sos aUNDIa OT-SL IespIvH “60g gHNOTE VERSUS AN ARBITRARY REFERENCE CONDITION EFFICIENCY IN 11 Ww vir E 06 306 400 500 600 800 1000 2060 3000 4000 FREQUENCY INN CYCLES PER SECOND ‘T-27 (Carpon) Unit of T8-9-(),a1s0 1-26, T-28-( ), 1-35, T36-( }, T-88-( ) (Carbon) 45 (Carbon, 1p) AuB-M-Cl (Cerbon, oxygen mask) ‘T-S4-A and T-44-( ) (Magnetic, oxygen maak) ‘7-50 (Moving Coil) Unit of TS-10 (Sound Powered) Par. 306-307 306, TELEPHONE RECEIVERS. at ‘Fesolvers described in chapter nay be divided into threo categories namely, the resonant magnetic type in wich the’ diaphrage 19 undampod and claxped at the edge; the compensated Gagnetic type in which the dlapirag= 13 Gmsped and free to nove at the edge; and ‘the erystal type. B. Resonant magnetic receivers ara ost miftable for the reception of tone tole~ graph signals where tho resonant. peak of the receiver matches the frequency of the tone. In the resonant magnetic receiver ("sound powered") where an armature drives the diaphragm, the peak in the response characteristic a much less severe than in'the conventional type where there is to mechanical comection betwoon the dia Dhraga and the pole pieces, with this type of receiver greater efficiency is obtained without introducing an excessive amount of frequency distortion. ALL sound powered units, headsets and micro~ Phones are designed to withstand the high Pressures to which they are exposed dur= ing gun tire. ‘S, Oomponsated magnetic receivers are most suitable for the reception of speech son. = on ly t i i as they reproduce equally well the more important frequencies in the speech transaission band. 4. Crystal receivers wiile compact, Light in weight, and have a wide fre- quoney response, have limited use in military installations because the type of crystals used in them are easily @maged by high temperatures. Only one headset employing crystal receivers 1s available. One headset omploying a crystal recoiver in listed in pare- eraph 310. ‘@- Tho curves in paragraph 308 show the relative response frequency character istics of the telephone receivers listed 4m paragraph 307. They indicate for the Gitferent recoivers the variation of sound power output with frequency. They do not Recessarily represent the relative over- all efficiencies of the various receivers, particularly in those cases where oo Curve is shown as represeatative of two or more receivers. The efficiencies are shown in db rolutive to a reference con- Gition wolch is arbitrarily located in the general neighborhood of the curve for the Feceiver in liandset TS-9-( ). Romrks, TL — Compensated mynatic (coutrolied daaped ‘@iapnregm) type unit. Used in Handact 73-9. 1 Redonaat menetic (undaaped clamped dia phregn) type, part of Headset Pll. Most ‘suitable for reception of tone telegraph. T — Siatlar to Ref except for details of ear piece. Part of Headsets Fl2, P16, P18, P20 and P21. T Similar electrically to R-2-A except lower iapedance. Part of Headset 15-20 furnished with Telegraph Set T-5-A or T-5-B type. T Similar electrically to R-2-a except lower impedance. Part of Headest P13. I Similar electrically to R2A except lower iapedance. Used with Cushion Mo=162. Part, of Headsots M23, W-18, WS-22-( ) and me( ). 1 Similar to R-2-A except cap mde for use with Cushion Mi-114 furaished separately. Part of Hendoets Pld, and B19. TL Compensated mngpet (controlled damped diaphraga) type unit in metal or plastic Wuipped with Cushion MO-114, Part Of Head am! Chest Set ES-17-A, Most suite able for reception of specch. 1 Similar to R~21 except for impedance and ot equipped with cushion. Part of Head fend Cheat Set H5-19-A. Par. 307-309 Reap. Approx, Freq. ‘Shown Inped- Bfficiency Char ‘Type Sick in| ance DB vs act. Be 2 ia® Gms amt tp-9 Pere308 | __Rewmrxe ReSont} eBeOSO( } SSB TIT —Compunsated mmotic (controLied damped @taphrage) hearing aif size plastic cased receiver with ear Insert M-300, Part of Headeot 13-30-( }. 0-H 282051 sa mo IY Componsated menetic (controlled damped @iapuraga) type unit in plastic ease. Unually used with Cushion M0-162. Effi (ency poorer than Haniset TS-# but re- produées «1000 cycle broader Yand. Pert of Headsets H-So-( ) and 5-58, Ualt of ami10f JA 30300 #10 ¥ —-Resomat mmgnetic, amature driven Bandoct to diaphrage type. ileceiver unit of sound ‘m0 11200 powered Budeet T3-10. Kfflelency about IO dy better than that of Handeot TT ‘bat poorer specch fidelity. Dott of aps Yl = 3800 ° TX Similar to unit of Mandeet 18-9 except Bandoet ‘for impedance. EFFICIENCY IN db VERSUS AN z - = a z 3 8 aw 3 z & e & e ry = > & < e 5 a @ < +15/- - L = +10 —— T +5 a m_|_| oF— a Xr —_—_|_] | = -10 - | 1 ~15 J 200 300 400 500600 800 1000 2000 3000 4000 FREQUENCY IN CYCLES PER SECOND F BAS, olge Be, Beit) RS, Bis end RIS (regonans eeguetic) HE Unis of 77-9, cise RAL, and R22 (compensated magnetic! TH 8°36-{') Yoompensa ved signotic) TY ANB-Hi-1 {compensated magnetic) V Unit of TS-10 (sound powered} Section 111 described in section TI, and are used ‘Telephone Sets with radio sets, telephénes, test equip Bout and aa operator sets at telephone . This section gives infor- switchboards. Descriptive aatter and Eation ‘on heedseta, herd and cheat tock numbers for these headsets, head set: chest sets; and handscts, ‘Tose, Sg cheat, Sete eaploy the alcrophones and receivers S¢°,s8 ou" 18 pareerapée Sto, “Shi, Tespectively- ir. SLO 30 30d YS-OE ereg WiasPoTeS Zo 428d +0078 201 orears jeaye Qok SS~LE wre on a eT sagesoat9 305 Go-GH 4a pue eon punasd sos (z0mz0zever; © eopaToRT MONTE WEED Weraa) WOs-do BOD PUR ( )-Oc~GH Aa peowTGe “veTOTTEA Faas 20 Panex? pas asaiolye Uy owqdresmy pus oypEr Tuya e609 TY TT ‘peo *29T-OM ewIEEND EITM 3wepNEY ZOATODeT eTANCG — «ITA “OWN HEME zt 008 we sta ota ~A1180 copsenta emwe wis peo, *veepeen anayeoes erated rH zy ons - voury Y-9t-sH seo ope ATA poen *Z9T-OM mmDTUEND Tite seepEe” soATeSe. OTR sem coms = 0008 vem seere soa seqynezyo qu0s0353p omy wo LTevcoueyTaRyS wo euoered oma 304 *O9~1i IUTd 07 woTIee TT poro0to: ‘wepeen wove Jo 3} eae epTEgpEEG omy Uo exeAfooor Tas osu zs oe EH we see-tg Ota 205 pepaco wWeore TI-s seepeeR 03 STINTS mH sr 6 cove Wee ozeaz ora syrt-on wmrmeng qITA PeLETDS a6eoxe GI-E ieepeeT oF sUTTNT: ‘sori Para 03 pepsco rdesxe yI-d Veeeo OF FETINIS 7S UH SUE core ST st6az ora *eo-td MUTE JOS pepsco adesxe gT-d IeUPROR OF AUTIMS OES HHH COTE corn wee eteaz ora scoT-uos 205 orpeu Jo 47eX “Rico Joosdseyea pue soduCT TTA Patdynbe ydeore zI- 0 ZUTTEIS “yoepveq amayooor o[qned OBIS HEH TE z coz EU TESTE w “611s ya O6T-HOE ‘6aT-IS HOS OHM 20 28g “YIT-ON SweTGeRD TITA yOepHO sOATeORS eTAMOT —OZ-US EH SE z eo viese, wrea *PUT-om Huorgeng tA reepHEY ZeATOeE eTaNOT ORS OTE TOU z ot ozta ste srstay sta *yummovrdex oe pon 0 fea gt-a YoepeeH “oem oyyer soz oepRey soAyeoer eTENOG OFS EH S~1d i eae are se308 ospes Tesoive yo 4204 we peqerumg *20ep0eq soAyeoes eTANCT §—O-IS TH o~H z 4 coors zu owe rteaz Trea aT OR TOO SRA a ROT on ung pug ody 009 “oN _wittey yg Jo | Ok, ody wwonieg Suid "p30 . 810 sonar Wwomtynby 803 fa ots OFPWL Jo 144s *yeeD¥eH TeATeORS eddy TWA #TANOT - - = op00y eng = ve uo vert aft“ 000 ote, econ ao eh ste Osean oun g eS ocean o-1a we Jrormar ora aes pososog vm oom oz orate wens = vig POST arm onan ver t 0008 ven ere Yezeaa (sors erred uy Jo 12g “YTT“ON MuOTHENN HTH IWePEeY eAyoDes eTGNOG LIOR "HON GE-TE —«@_—=B/T=B_——(0000 vem = ( )agoma (| aaman ToT 22S Set ee fan pod. (see cou _eitiey og ge wy ci wos dk Og~SH 39spReH ‘ate ginora 9T-a yospuey ‘Te sunore Ui-a yospeor cole aunora 40 -OS-sH 19speeH “oT mUNOIE Cr- squsweduerzy 2uppIoD *( )-OS-SH yespweH ‘OTS gHNOTE 9402 379NIS. 4no—WVE Hm 4no-T1ve Hie g¥02 379NIS 3ONVO3ar MOT JONVaREM- MO SDNVaaanI HOI 3ONVORdAI HOW ; J i eas es seve j- &- + O- Par. S10 eC-SH tespReH ‘etc minolta ( )-te-sH sespec ‘ets minora 45 Por. S12 6T-SH 49S 480m PuUE pesH “Ooze aURDLE Y-4I-SH 295 YSeND PUB PEOH “sIC MINOLA Jeo wo TTR go ooueyoNpUT cuq suoGloIOTE oy I0uUR, *( rowan eermen mm Gat 195 289m fa peowTdo *Kroreredos pousTUINS { J-og-x suondosoyy 30 Té3—7a Bata orupommos9e 04 plod gat poddTnbo Wun 4wa~ 02 PorseUIOD HTT-OM EUOTEEND MITE Iespeeq JeATo00r aTQnOT Par. Siz CHEST SETS ~ DESCRIPTION AND STOCK NUMEERS. Chest Unit Show “tora ——~=CMleropioas Type stock in Type length Plug ype Rees Bo. Me. Figs Moe Fes ioe Moy Ome Remar Dl WUT zl FS 6 FLOG Similar 75 Used with double receiver Headset 1S-30-{ ) to unit with car Inserts M-300, Press-to-talk ewiteh of B om chest plate. leadset HS~S0-( ) oniered ‘sqparately. ‘TD-1 plus WS-30-{ ) replaces HB-L9-A. Replaced by T=L-te Din - = B25d G6 FASS Similar 75 Similar to TH excopt microphone 1s connected to unit ‘to witch block by cori and plug to porait or Bo substitution of Microphone T-45. Replaces Di. De Ware - 585 10 PLM Siniler 75 Similar to TO except equippel with longer wo uit cord, ™D-2 plus Headset H-50-{ ) which is or B39 ondered separately Toplices HI-17-A. Replaced by Tok men - = Bed 10 PLSB Gimiler 75 Similar to T-1-a except longer cont. Replaces to unit De. TS wars sez THs 10 FEB 145 60 Por use with es mask. Lip Microphone T45 or ‘throat Microphone T-S0-{ ) ant Headset 1W3-30-{ ) ordered separately. Press-to-talk teh on chest plate. TDS plus HS-SO{ ) replaces 1B-27-{ ). mo - 323 TEL = FEGBA T4560 Chest Unit equipped with preas-to-talk snitoh Fk and jacks for microphone and headset. Line cord teraimates in separate plugs for micro Phone and receiver. Headset and aicroptone Ordered separately > - - Tee - F6Bd TH45 60 Sinilar to sot T-4 oxopt oguipped with Poa ‘transformer to raise impedance of bendsst nection to 0000 ole. Used with vobioalar and aircraft radio, leadaet end microphone ontered separately. a Zk Q FIGURE 521. Chest Set TD-l FIGURE S22. Chost Sot TD-3 FIGURE S25. Chest Sot TD-4 Par. 313 Rewarks 3. = PION AND STOCK NUMBERS . Stom Prose Cora Type" stock in totale = Conat 110. Con> Bo, Mo. Yigg = _Sulteh © _Yt._ ductor TeS() amos ) son reo ° 3 TSA0- ) amio{ ) 309 to ‘ 2 mut) wa) - Yoo ‘ ‘ met jamie) - Yoo ° 3 Teas ) mest} 5 ‘ ue) meet) - 0 (mst) - Tos ype 7 Yes Mary Cote a1/2 Fs i oH Hy Handset for telephone we, molded handle ia which ar: mounted switch, receiver unit, soi tranamitter unit. Inter- Changeable as ansenbly. Parte not all interchangeable with various makes. Part of Tolo- phone meet}. ‘Two sound powered units con nected in parallel mountet in Dandie. Impedance of sot 350 Yo 600 cas. Fart of Tele- Phone TP-3 and Reel Equipment au. Handset for raiic use, molded bendle in which are mounted prese-to-talk ewitch, trans sitter and receiver unite, Interchmgosble as assembly, parts not interchangeable with varisus makes. Cord equipped with built in BF coil. Part Of Radio Sets SGR-196 snd SaLS43., Sintter to 15-9-( ) equipped with bamger to engege switen= book. Used with bat not part of Telephone Bex KE-91. Statler to but not inter changeable with Bandost TLl-( }, bas 750 otm 1/2 W resistor assenbled in handle. Part of Radio Sets Sa-509, SGL-810, SCLE09( ) and sacaot ). Similar to 15-3 ) except without eelteh and cord to ave receiver and transmitter clreuite inlopentent. Part (of Radio Set ScR-561- Similar to but not inter cangeable with T13-( ), eee different aeiteh and) Fesistor ts anitted. Part of Radio Set ScR-300, Similar to 73-10-( ) except impedance 380 obas and witch in handle connects doth units to Line cord, For ulectrical characteristics of alcraphone and receiver units of these handeets see parseraphs 304 and 307. Section IV ‘Telephones + GENERAL. ‘&. Tis section gives information com cerning the various types of telephones namely, locel battery, conmon battery, ‘and sound powered. ‘The impedence characteristics of the sets have also beon included as an aid in deter: the trenmission losses which are whon the tole- phones are bridged on working lin g- Tho transmission characteristics of Telephone K&-8-( } also apply to the Par. 34-315 operators telephone in many tactical aswitchboards as essentially the same telephone circuit is employed. 4. Where conditions meke it desirable to use sound ‘telephones because of failure of batteries either Tele TRS may be used or Handset TS-10-( } may be connected to terminals R and Li of Telephone EE-6-( ). Under emergency condi tiona of dry battery failure Tele phone TP-3 or Handset TS-10-( ) may be Used by magneto switchboard operators. On Switchtoards BD-71 and BD-?2 Hand et TS-10-() should be connected to the A and B multiple binding posts in the rear of the board. 315. - [ON_AND STOCK NUMBERS. ‘hom -fficteney Impedance Ref. ype Btock im VKH 8-| at Bos Mo. __Yige Frans, Bese me-O-() apsoos{) 324 00900 /éae apo. 25 1000 eps? _Mawer mw 47 eto 735% mw Li-ss3 #10 600 {0 MH 11-2068 550 (30 me 11-450 Field telephone; weighs 9,5 Ibs; local battery; leather or canvas carrying case, Fingsr; hant generator, ringing range 5000-obe Line with leakage re- ‘sistance of 1000 lms, 2000 otms on Lines equipped with tro repeating Coils O-161; holding bridge provides stgmling to comon battery sviteh- doaris; antisidetone circuit; Haniset q-S-('}; trameaitter current supplied by two Batteries BA-30 (not included) ‘on connections to either angneto or ‘common battery boats. Wall mounted telephone box; comon bat ‘tery; ringer; bani gmerator for sig- naling magneto lines; antisitetone cim ‘cult; Baniget TS-12-( ) used with but ot part of HE-91; tranmitter current obtained from central office battery. ‘Telephone Box KE-91 mounted tn wooten box for outioor use. Box ordered soyemtely. ‘Telephone Box HE-91 mounted in metal case for outdoor use, Bor ordered separately. Field telephone; weighs @ Ibs; leather (or canvas carrying case; souni powered (optional); antiaidetone eireuit. See fw 11-496 for tranmission loss on Lines of appreciable resistance. Includes anplifiors in transmitting ant receiving paths. See paragraph 905. ‘“Iepedance into Line terminals of telezhone, Where two values fare given the first represents the coniition where the prese= tontalk owitch is not operated, that is, the microphone cir cuit ts open a Par. S15 pa X < couran tent FIGURE S24. Telephone HE-8-( ) FIGURE S25. Telephone Box EE-91 FIGURE 326. ‘Telephone TP-6 Section V Loudspeakers 316. GEmERAL. Par. 316-317 b. When operated from microphones or telephones all of these loudspeakers will require specch amplifiers Tor satistac- tory operation. Any amplifier with Whe Youdepeakers Listed in paragraph Teasonably good response frequency char- s27'may be found useful in cae way local acteristic and capable of delivering 10 communication cireuits to individuals or to 15 db above 1 ailliwtt should be sat- to small groups oF peopl latactory. 3A. LOUDSPEAKERS ~ DESCRIPTION AND STOGK NIMHERS. Saown Input Type Stock in Imposance Mo. Woe _Fig. ohms Deseription 6c35, - 4" clectro~dynamic permanent ungnet type speaker Unit. Part of Radio Recel wor BC-60S. 1s-2 exesce © 6" electro~aynamic permanent angnet type speaker unit in walnut cabinet. ighs 4.5 lbs, Part of Radio Equipment RC-13. 226503,1 327 9000-6 electro~dynuaic permanent mgnet type speaker unit inclosed in @ Steel box, over-all dimensions 8-1/4" x 8-1/4" x 5-1/4", weighs 9 lbs, with an impotanee mtehing treasformer, Uses but does not include 4-foot Cora CD-267 with Radio Receiver Bo=Si2 of 2-foot Cord CD-S71 with Radio Recelver BO-16¥." Part of Radlo Sets SOR-29>A and SOR-2O-B. 18-6 ocaso | - 4* olectro-dynamic, permanent mgnet type speaker Unit mounted with inffie and hora. Part of Public Address System PA-4. 226910-7 Sea 4000-«—=«4* oloctro~dynomle, permanent menet type speaker unit with input transformer mounted in rectangular steel case, S-foot cord with Plug PL-SS. Used with but not part of Radio Set Sc-20e-("). 18-9 6c49 - 280. Stmflnr to L5-3 except lower impedance input trens- former. 18-11 6051 = 250s Similar to 18-7 except lower impedance input trans- FIOURE 327. c~ former. Loudspeaker 18-3 FIGURE 328, Loudspeaker 15-7 49 This Page Intentionally Blank Section 1 General Description 2. . This chapter includes Pertinent data on telephone switch boards and the associated equipment that makes up telephone centra 2; test cabi- nets and teatboanis for telephone central applications; and fixed plant monitoring observing and recoriing facilities. are for common battery lines only and Tor common batts but can serve a der of magneto lines. No strictly. Jong distance switchboards are included. No LIMITS. ‘a. The owitel ‘wor? faite shown are the maximum conductor loop fogiayenees pormionitie sor signaling ‘and supervision) in the ste~ tion lites ant trans coumectias the ‘telephones and the switchboards. They are approximate in some cases. “These inits are based on American type tele- phones (such as Telephone TP-6) and contral offices, assuming the resist- ‘ance of each telephone to be about 100 ohms and the resistance of the central office battery supply circuits ‘tw be about 50 ohms with 24 volts and 400 ohms with 48 volts. These linits may be different for foreign types of telephones or central offices having Par. 401-405 higher resistances in the trananitters ‘contral office circuits, as dis- oussed in TM 11-486 "Electrical Comsunt- cation Systems, Engineering.” The trans- mission losses due to central office equipment in a connection are listed. ‘The working limits and transmission losses are taken from information fur- nished by the mamifacturers. These may be used in connection with engineering studies and are for a ‘conditions. Variations in the electrical character- istics of different pieces of apparatus such as occur in commercial production may occasionally produce losses somewhat @ifrerent fros those Listed. Paragraph 409 shows for various aufichtoast working Linitey in ches, the corresponding limits in allowable lengths of various types of wire and cable. Data are also given which indicate the lengths of various types of wire and cable which provide transmission losses of 2, 4, 6 and 15 db. The length of line permis- Sible for telephones connected to a switchboard is limited by either resist- ance or transaission loss. The date of paragraph 409 will indicate, in say in- dividual case, whether resistance or ‘transmission is the limiting rector. |+ TESTBOARDS. Ap propriate testing equipment is required in order to maintain central Office equipsent. Available types with their electrical end physical characteristics are listed in this chapter. 495. OpSERyING 7 Fmation on mo: toring 0! and recording equip- meats is included. ‘The ismue of Fecording oquipaeat is restricted and Tequesta for it should be coordinated through AST, OCSigo, SPSLP, indicating the use and'necessity. 5. Section IT Tactical Telephoae Switchboards ‘end Central Office Seta 406. ADAPTER PLUG U=4, ‘Tis is « newly Seyelopee TmyHieal osabioed gluse Jeck and neon glow lamp, shown in figure 401, for attachment toe meneto tele- phose line, It indicates ringing signals by silent visusl aigoal. It mas plugo end sockets errenged 30 thet two or more lines can be connected by inserting the, plugs of one unit into the jacks of another, ‘The functions of a switchboard BD-9, BD-11 or SB-5( )/PT including con- feredce connections, cun be performed with equipment of very mich less weight by attaching the units to five or six Lines thet center at one point and using @ Telephone EB-8-( ) for talking and ringing other stations, See 7 SID 61. S21: BAER ERIN, Bee oh is vec in paragraph suo egae eeegatpie wire ke PE cee Hibs Aibas ta ciel Sif egtaete seat mete Rsecond switehboard of the see type cen Coat De et yas Seite fariae wid SESiOy a Sar emit TR, eee ie, Hien Gres ce suits Hh ine actin ruta Scent Senne SEES un St these switchboards have simplex coils in~ eluded in them for providing simplex tel- egraph circuits over mgneto telephone station lines, and for phantom ciroult use as described in Basic Field Manual Fu 24-5, 408, (NED WAGNETO AND COMMON BATTERY Si iris aed mgheto and common battery ewftchbosrds are components of Telephone Central Office sets. The common battery lines in those have lamps in series with the line, without line releys. ‘The lamp Jacks aré in the multiple essociated with The line multiple Jacks, Ordinarily only one line lamp per line is used. connec ‘ions betwoen components of a set are mde with rubber insulated cables which have plug and jack terminals that permi| connecting the'units of a set without the use of soldering irons, The power re quired to operate these sets {s about 1.75 kva ot 115V a-0, 50 or 60 cycles. ‘by, These Telephone Central Office Sots oaf’be installed in less than six hours by orew of twelve men. ‘The layout of Telephone Central Office Sets Tol and 7-10 should be as show in figures 410 and 412 respectively; otherwise the cable g- Switehboards BD-80-A, BD-89, BD-110 end some BD=120 have non~lockedin ring off end rering lamp oignal supervision for mugneto lines and two-way ringdown trunks waich frequently results in short rering signals being overlooked. FIOURE 401. Adopter Plug U-4/oT Par. 409 409. ENOTES of STATION LINE WIRE AND CABLE FOR VARIOUS SWITCHBOARD TEANSUISSION ‘Thousand Peet Nonlonded Wires (wet, ‘Vista Paper Insulated nas ee ae oe et) Working Limits Galv. 408 40% HAsO Cc Fo sr ss Siti nun negiiaue we ee. 30 2,0 S45 G2 10,0 Oe 2 29 63 Sed LS 5 32 52 97 15,6 0,7 sins st 20,046 8S 100 41 7.0 123 20,8 0,9 15.3 13,3 61 St aes Bel 10,5 15.4 26,0 142 18.9 16.7 1.7 08 150 G1 10,5 18,5 S12 1,3 2. 9.2 175 TL IBS BG 364 1,6 26.5 23,3 10.7 200 Bl 1s, 27 416 [LS 30.3 26.7 12S 225 1 15,8 277 46,8 | 2.0 S41 30,0_ 13.8 (Lint 250 2102 17.6 30.9 52,0] 2,2 133 275 ae S40 Ste | 24 ‘800 122 5 87 ms 15.8 on7 29 350 2 2.8 31 375 13.3 Tel 303 400 263 3.2 [36 “0 18,5 93.6 | 4,0 ‘00 20,3 row | 4,5 580 224 aa | 4.9 600 4 ese [5.5 0 264 185,35 [5.8 wo 2a>)_ 27, 145.7 | 6.2 750 Limit) 30,5 156.2 [6.7 ‘800 5 1664 [702 830 5 176.9 _|7.6 900 36.6 hens 8,0 350 197.5 1000 1100 11200 1300 1400 4ab) 11800 2000 Ol 4,7 11,0 35,0 6.6 17.0 G@d/aile (wot) 0,37 0,51 0.25 0.8 6,50 2,00 1,20 1,70 G/L fe (wot) 07.0505 OS 12S OLS OSE OSE av/aiie 0.73 1.08 1.79 of te O14 0.39 0.34 component HT ey 220 taoyaeg wos [WIP ao Teo Serye ony Ye PATASTS eoTy Selageoe Te Oy Soptomme ay Pecdpeap ale Sears ROSES Pew OTe as oe a ner pt on pera eee ees srworeteee ‘error eet asuTIa peN TTR HAT tae Z eOToUG s001370 Terme Loom ee wre [HTP 50 TWEE saT# 04 yoemmOD 04 poem oq SES INIT aTeRT ep fem omptoys Ammons aameasea 03 Poon oa eS FAOSTS SUPT OFM case vat carey terse sqron caroe paper oem vom oem cent eer upc uaa TUSRNT Tee Teen Teown Teer eon 3 oot = or Ne ee ce ° a Vs zr ve sd on at ee ee : Ko Baro aegis dan ec ‘side “yd a eueoved store atieonen“Wormd)eseny mtenl © depp donmdc dupes “aseng earn sommd sick “a an Saye = = : pores aah aoe my coy anmamy gmaanemng ou “ka Beene “Semone Rept Byres Steet “Sores Dead sea Bee oO oe ee eet Noe fanaa = me Ce = a saane sbuiogg “Tis = vies “a Took (som ram er en ee) eg aro Sem fot oem ae oo auron SS eee = ee eed = aa em Sem = Few “sed saead “3° we el et at = ena a : - - - ° - viben erte0 £20 = - = ° = ety steers 2 = z : t soeg anda ae mex on aor mx mr ‘soy Dayanos) = ove = fea wom erred ek ox - o ° s +90 “700 ot ot e = £ t t Soa se pad TRE x = x i Hs DomOR RADON RIDOCLOR puecwm pmeemg -enfiaal “op Ee : = eg ee so : " = poba and Tents Tee = < orem sd sons “oon o on 7 Seog sed “yt "oD % 2 us ng ot 2 = seog dod “yr “ae & oe eon odo To 410 Per. 24-08 psBoquoTTAS “908 MANOTE PT-Cd PavoagozTMs “POR HANOI 88 Par, 610 (vorqwossy) 2-Ob B19§ 901350 TwIIHED eNCYdaTSL mL “GOP HANDTA Par. 410 $-0n 905 @oTssO TexsUED etroUdeTOS “oop HUROLE Par. 410 ator 285 CoTsZO TAIIUED CLONdeTEL “OTY aUNOTA Par. 410 SL-3d 5 (Petqwessy) T-oL 29S e0TJJ0 TexiueD enna oL3ag— 9he8 euoudetes * TT» sunoTa 59 {PoTAwssY) DT-9L 20S 9953550 TwxINED ouONdeTOL -ZTH WINDTA my sat one | a0 08-01 288 woFsZ0 TexyueD eoNdeTEZ “TY MUNDI ONTLNTHE STHL LY STEVIIVAY OLOHE Ox (aT GWTTCHBOARD nD-9. momocord awitehtoard with fibre carrying Field or camp Sase, total weight about 20 pounds, packed. Telophone HE-8-( ), ordered Seperetely, 15 used, for opetetor set, end for ringing on lines. Trunks to Other switchboerds must. be of the ring- down type. Night clara bells WE 7I" or Buzzer 4C1707B operating on two Batteries HA-23, mounted externally end ordered separctely. Two Suitchboards BD-9 can be used together to double capacity. Line drop acts as ring-off or rering drop Obsolete ~ no longer procured. Replaced by SB-3(_)/Pr. (2) SWITCHBOARD BD-12. Same as Sh ae SEE an secre Siete ore" SEPSASUULIT Soyeiea gt: op solete - no longer procured, replaced by Sito IS: "estas Sarl cea (3) SWITCHBOARD BD-14. Field or camp meal aE elena oe Set manieis orale, ia oe Te aig ome Zam, packed. Telescopic legs. Can be used Bee let fe Sait See Be tanto earns ee git Sama ie ber ae hg ea ae ESS tel cat TE: Shae gets ae Operetor'a heed receiver ent brecket enerciee eine tete wm Searing are Sacer ace Pica ttt Sle a (4) SWITCHBOARD BD-71. Field or camp meer ea ie RIP cugere cease ine Eeiscepr ae cic lne eit sa Telescopic legs. Totel weight about 46 selcote ee amici ant i, enh rely eles te Be hatches cnet Sp, vaste otitis or seiak Saks eat teenie tte See tebe Sie aie HON Tam ethers aie Grain tanh feit ter Hip creel" Blt ae switehboerds must be of the ringdown type. Simplex coils provided on two Sie fats Sue Wher peer Hist risers" Daas ume Eibiats Sent “ae Se Fat STs Se ee ator for ringing, elso operetor's head iB a hey omens ree (3 talking and 3 night alern), ha sterie (5) SWITCHBOARD BD-72. Same Switch see st eels Sales Se eer ntcsen era ite ni near, Es atic sgh ay Pere e Se ee ‘wo Switehbosrds HD-72 ca: gether to double capacity. (6) SerTcH=0ARD SB-5( j/pr. Yield or camp sonocord switchboard with case and moisture proof Beg BO-169. Weight abour 11,5 pounds, packed. Telephone KE-é-( ) parstely, is used for opers- yt and for ringing on lines. Trunks to other switchboards must be of the ringdown type. Two Switchboards SB-5( in be used together to double capecity. Line drop acts as ring- off or rering drop. Replaces BD-9. ‘b. Central Office Sets. ts Te-2. Aray Corps, or other heedquarters complete transportable single position magneto end common battery centrel office aet shipped in trunk type carrying cases. Mein component io Switchboard BD-89 which 1'@ two-panel ponmltiple posi- Ton. Total weight 19 about 2900 pounds, packed and the largest unit is 22-1/2" x 59-1/2" x 47-1/4" and weighs about 400 pounds, packed. A grouping Key ia pro- Vided go that two awitehboards can be operated side by side by one attendant. ere used as trunk signals and e130 {a series with tho line and without line 7S on common battery lines. Drops "0 used on magneto lines. Cord circuits “Universal” (1.8. cen connect mag eto Lines to comin battery lines), bridged impedence, series condenser’ type be used to- re with separate supervisory naps for front fend back cords end a third ianp for meg- hoto lino and ringiown trunk supervision which does not lock in; rings on front cord only. Uses magneto lines as two-way ‘Trunks to manual and are two-way, designed to terminate on subscriber's line circuits at the distant office and are ringdown incoming end sutomatic out going. With diel offices that reverse ‘the line wnen the called perty answers, these trunks will extinguish the cord lamp at that time and relight it when the hang up. With some manuel central of- fices the marginal difference between the Line relay current and the cord circuit current will operate the cord supervisory lamp when operator at distant office anawers or releases. Otherwise the op- erator mat depend for supervision on the one lamp of the cord that is connected to the local line. One diel cord. Five jack conference circuit. Two “thru® circuits consisting of two Jocks each, for loop- ing e circuit thru this switchboard and provide for testing it in either direc- tion. Three “line” circuits consisting of one jack each which are simply ti ring end sleeve carried out to terminals, in any desired purpose. Rubber flexible cables connect component ports. Includes Main distributing frame Cabinet BX-79 which hes spece for but does not include simplex coils; Batteries BB-46 for 24V; Power unit PE-75-( }; power Panel BD-96; e-c power distrivution Cabinet BE-75; Rectifior RA-36; 1 chair; 2 operator's head and chest seta; com necting cables; Maintenance Equipment Us-6 (Mise. items but no spare parts); wire chief's test set, Cabinet BR-70-B and Tool Kquipment TH-44. (2) CHNTRAL OFFICE SET TC-4. Division or other hesdquarters non-miltiple mag neto central office of which Switchboard BD-96 is the sain component and which is @ portable single position housed in a steel cabinet which acts as its base when in use and as a shipping case for trans- portation. Weight about 590 Packed, of which largest package is'15" x 22" x 27" weighing 225 pounds. Cord cir cuits are ring-thru type with one ringoff or rering drop; rings on both cords. Hand generator in switchboard for emer gency ringing current. One dial cord, Six Jack conference circuit. Simplex coils for any eight lines for telegraph or phantom use. Includes Panel BD-97 which is a main distributing Trane unit, ‘equipped with hign potential and sneak current arresters wired to binding posts for incoming lines; six Batteries BA-30; head and chest set; rubber covered flexible cables to connect com poneat parts; Maintenance Equipment ME-LL which includes tools, a few miscellaneous items and some spare’parts. Panel BD-97 includes Telering to furnish ringing cur- rent if 115V e-c, 90 or 60 cycle power is available. Converter M-222 operating on two Batteries BA-25 can be used if a-c is not available but aust be ordered seperately. Grouping key permits two adjacent switchtoards to be operated by one attendant. Your drop signal trunks provide connection to manual or diul com non battery control offices. Magneto lines can be used for teminating two-way ingdown trunks. Cover of switchboard jerves as operator's chair. (3) CENTRAL OFFICE SET 70-12. Army Air Force squedron or other headquarters Ronmuitiple magneto central office, of which Switchboard BD-91 is the main component and which is portable single position housed in a steel cabinet which Sets as its base when In use ond as a hipping case for transportation. Weight about 525 pounds packed, of which the largest package is 17" x 18" x 25" weighing atout 225 pounds. Cord cir cuits are ring-thru type with one ring- off or rering drop. Hand generator in switehboord for emergency ringing cur- rent. One dial cord. Four jack con- ference circuit. Simplex coils on four lines for telegraph or phantom use. In- cludes operator's head and chest sev, Maintenance Equipsent ME-30 which in” ¢ludes tools, a few miscellaneous itens but no spare’ parts; and Telering to fur- nish ringing current if 115V a-c 50 or 60 cycle power is available. Grouping key peraits two adjacent switchboards to be operated by one attendant. Line ruses and gap arresters are mounted in rear of switchboard and binding posts on this ‘equipment serves as main distributing Par. 411 frame, Drop signal trunks provide connec- tion to manual or diel common battery central offices designed to terainate there on subscriber's line circuit: Magneto Lines can be used for terminating ‘two-way ringdown trunks. Cover of awite board serves as operator's chair. (4) CENTRAL OFFICE SET 70-1. ‘Army or other headquarters complete transportable multiple typo magneto and common battery central office set shipped in carrying cases enclosing the majority of its com ponents, of which three Switchboards BD-60-A"are the main components. Total weight about 10,600 pounds, ‘packet for Largest package is 86-3/4" SSi/4+ x a53/or'and weighs avout 900 pounds, packed for export. Two panel positions; can be used in groups of 1 to © in one lineup. Multiple jacks are Series cut-off type which obviates cut off relays on common battery line cir- cuits. Lamps are used as trunk signals and ia series with the line and without the use of "line" relays on common bat- tery lines. Drops are used on the mag- neto lines. Magneto lines may be used for terminating two-way ringdown trunks. Cord circuits are “Universal® (i.e. can connect magneto Lines to common battery Lines), bridged impedance, series con~ denser'type with separate’ lenps on front and back cords for supervision on common battery lines and a third lamp for mug- aeto line and ringdowa trunk supervision which does not lock in; rings on front cord only. ‘Trunks to manual and dial common battery central offices are two way, designed to terminate on subscriber's line eireuits at the distant office and are ringdown incoming and automatic out- going. With dial offices that reverse the line wnen the called party answers, these trunks will extinguish the cord lamp at that time and relight it when they hang up. With some manual central offices the marginal difference between the line relay curreat and the cord cir cuit current will operate the cord super visory laap when operator at distant of- fice answers or releases. Otherwise the operator must depend for supervision on ‘the one lamp of the cord that is connectat to the local line. Hand generator on each position for mergency ringing powex Special jacks are provided on each posi- tion wiich permit a second operator using @ Telephone EE-§-( ) to assist in handlicg trafric on a position, A grouping key on each position transrers the cord circuits to an adjacent position operator's cir- cuit. One dini cord and one 10 jack con- ference circuit per position. Rubber covered flexible cables connect component parts. These switchboards may be oper ated in multiple with Switenboards AD-LL0 but the trunks are different and cannot be bridged, and the Switchboards BD-110 must be on’a raised platfora 10 in. high to bring key shelves to sane level as Switchboard BD-80-A. Includes one cross- connecting Frame Mé-19 for each swi tehboat Par. 411 position installed, (each of which tor- Zinates 100 lines with s carton block arrester end a heat coll for each line wire apd binding poste for terminating Field ines; the Line binding posta are Connected t2 another set of Cinding posts to wich cross connections can be at tached to run to a third set of binding posts where the connecting cables to the Switchboard position attach); Four batteries Be-46 for 48V; Powar Unit FE-75-(—}; powar Panel BD-90; Reatitior RA-36; test’ and power distribution Cabinet BE-72; 3 operator's chaira; 6 operator's head ent cheat sets; connect- ‘the cords (cables); cable racks; Main tenance Bauipeont Me-4 (mise items but mo spare parts); wire chief's teat set, Cabinet BE-70-("}; and Tool Zqui pment TE44-( J. Roptl: by 70-20. (5) cmireaL OFFICE SEP T0-5. Con- sists of the edditional equipmont neces Sary to make two Telephone Central OF- fice Sete from « single Telephone Central Office Set To-1 or To-10, or three sets from two. Particularly iseful in moving a contral office set from one location to nother, placing one or two positions in Service at the new location while keep- ing the remainder working at the old lo- cation, Includes Batteries a> Rectifier RA-36, power Panel BD-90; test end power distribution Cabinet BE-72; end necessary maintenance tools, racks, ete. Replaces ty fata-1-( 5. (6) CRIreAL OFFICE SET Ea: ary or other headquarters complete transport able multiple type segneto and coamon dattery central office sot in which the three Switchboards BD-110 difter from the Switehtoards BD-60-A in being trunk type with handles and which require no packing casos. Trunk type carrying cases afe used for the majority of the other components. Total weight about 10600 pounds, packed for export. The largest Package is 36-3/4" x 26-1/2" x 72" and Weighs about 900 pounds packed for ox- Br te Positions can be used groups of 1 to'6 positions in one Line-up. Multiple Jacks are series cut-off type whieh obviates cut-off re- lays on common battery Lines. Lamps ere trust signais end in’ series with the line and without the use of "Line™ relays on comaon battery lines. Drops are used on the magneto lines. Gord cir ‘can connect condenser type with separate lamps on front and back cords for supervision on comon bat ‘Lines anda third lamp for nato and ringdown trunk supervis which does not lock in; gives one lamp supervision on trunk connections to matual or diel common battery offices, rings on front cord only, Uses magneto Lines ag two-way ringdown trunks. Trunks to manual and dial common battery contral offices are two-way, designed to termin- ate on subscriber's line circuits at the Aistant office and sre ringdows incoming and automatic outaping. These trunks do not give supervision on cords connected to then, therefore the operator sat, de- pend fof supervision on the lamp of the cord that is connected to the local line. Hand gonoretor on each position for emergency ringing power. Special Jacks are provided on each position wilei par- Rit & second operator, using a Telephone HB-0-("} to ansist in handling traffic on ® position. A grouping key on each position transfers the cord circuits to ‘an adjacont position operator's cireult. One dial cord and one 10 line conference ciroult per position. Rubber covered flexible cables connect component parts. These switentoards aay be Operated in multiple with Switehboards BD-80-A but the trunks are different and cannot be bridged and the Switchtoards BD-110 must be on a raised platform 10 in. nigh to bring Key shelves to same level as Switchboard BD-60-A. Includes one cross connecting Prane AE19 for each switen board position installed (each of which terminates 100 lines with a carbon block arrester and a heat coil for each line “ire and binding posts for terminating field lines, with line binding posts con Rected to aimther aot of binting posts to which efoss connections can be attached to run to a third set of bind- ing posta where the connecting cables to the switchboard position attach); cabl racks; four batter: Powor Unit PE-75-( ); power, Rectitier RA-36; 3 operator's chaira; 6 operator's head and chest sets; con necting cords (cables); wire chier'a test + Cabinet BE-70-(); Maintenance Raulpmont WG-4 (misc. itans but no parts); and Tool Equipment TE-44-( }. Hopi," ny 70-20; (2) CHVTRAL OFFICE SET 70-20. Army or other headquarters complete trans- portable multiple type magneto and com on battery central office set in which ‘the three Gwitehbosrds BD-120 like Switehboard BD-110, are truak type with handles end which Foquire to cases. ‘carrying casos for He‘nisority rity of the other components jaitions to whieh « fourth Seivehtoare soe120 cen be added in one ine-up, The three position complete sot is designed so that each component plete Tose, than 750 pounds, exelusive of the power plant. Yecks Series cutvort type which obvistes eut- Off relays on common battery lines. Lamps aro used in series with the line ‘end without the use of "line" relays oa gommpn dettery Lise; | Drops are used on freaks and sagneto lines. "Magneto down trunks. "cord eiroulte aye . yersal* ('e- an comioct magneto Linea t Sommon ines}. jampe on front and beck cords ia provide supervision en common sel ts echira Yeap’for goalockl a Ting-ort and Ferig or Line end ringiows trek inf ctnora have adrop. Rings an frost cord only. Trunks to manual end diel common battery central offices ere two-wsy, designed to terainate on subscriber: Line eireuits et the distant office and are ringdown incoming and automatic out- going, operating the cord supervisory amp when operator at distant ofrice answers or relosses. Hand generator on euch position ior emergency ringing power. A splitting key divides the cord circuits into two groups end permits two operators to work one position. A heating unit is {in base of each position. A grouping key on each position transfers the cord cir- cuits to en adjacent position operator's circuit; one dial cord and one 10 jack conference circuit per position. itubber covered rlexible cebles with spade ter- minals connect component parts. These Switohboards cannot be used in multiple with Switchboards BD-80-A of Telephone Par. 411-412 Central Office Set TC-1 or Switehboards BD-110 of Telephone Central Orrice Sot TC-10, Includes one cross connecting ‘ram "Mu-64-( ) for each switchboard position installed ( minates 75 lines with Tester and a heet coil for each line wire and binding posts for terminating field Lines; the line binding posts are con- nected to another set of binding posts to which cross connections can be attached to run to a third set or binding posts where the connecting cords to tho switeh- board position attaches}: Cable racks; Four Batteries BE-46 for 48V; power Panel BD-152-( ): power Unit PE-75-( 5 Rectifier RA-91-( }; connecting cables, 3 operator's chairs, 6 operator's head end chest sets; Meiitenance Bquip- ment ME-63-(_}3 end Tool Equipment TR-44-( }. Replaces TC-1 and TC-10. 28, Barer, pememme errromnnatos Am OFA ofr ina seDe ‘Teleptoe -B 3000 #000 1000 200 5,000 %00 leas 15,000 500 leas 10,000 entra han Litt than Lintt, Office Sete of distant: of diss otriee™ ort ‘Telephoss Tt, s900 2000 1000 300 less 300 le0s Contra. waz ‘than Litt oem Limit, Offiee sete of distant of distast, eeriee? orfiee? ‘Teleptoe T= 13000 8900 1000 500 10,000 Limit of 30,000 Limit of 10,000 Central, ‘aiatase aiatent, Ofrice sets cortices cortices? ‘Telephone == O-10 3000 000 1000 £00 10,000 Limit of Leatt of Cont ral a atatant Office sete orries" oftice? Telghoe = 10-2 Central office One repeating coll provided at each end of loop for simplex telegraph or phantom circuit use, © the Limits referred to are the working intts in terms of sudan conductor loop resistance to comon lattery telephones, of the dia tant office to which the tactical switchboard is to be comected. Added Lonaee Due t0 SS ‘Aided ae;Lime tag Line meg Line fu Bach CB Line CB Line to Tak to Rik ‘ering a wetted Line rusk Oat o'Line _rrume_ wom Qpatat ont Homenelature Settenboards 5-3 SD-14, Beas Se tyr mimes 20.3 mans FFs oat Mimene Tos Ram ho Grice sete telghoce 1 Oat amet Serie ot meistom TOI Oat dame Site at Tigtee w20 meer Grice owe os ot La o7 o7 os 1.0 os Lr Ls 30 5 30 OF 15 30 a 0 BS Oe “mopeat cotls provided in mento loops for simplex telegraph or phantom circuit we. AND CENTRAL OFFICE SETS - STOCK NUMBERS oo 210396 Section TIT Fixed Plant Telephone Switehboards FPR Ric sn cnapter 2, ene use of comercial switchboards rather than Army portable switchboards has proven satisfactory. Headquarters have remained at one location long enough and ere large enough to justify commersial installations. PSI type switchboards can be noel sf she sealer ontizing beet quarters and connected to the switchboards which operate os tandem and long distance switchboards for thes. Trunk circuit usage thereby is more economical and efficient. ‘The operating advanteges are fester servic Ralntensnce and perscanel, ‘Tactical suitehtoards are thus freed for use where ‘pood of installation and mobility aro required. B+ Fixed plant telephone oxi tchboards ere comercial types. They are less capable of handling in shipment than the tactical switchboards. Carrying eases are not provided. They ore fur- aished through the Army Communications Service on specific order. Both single ition and mltiple switchboards are juded in the list that can be fur nished. The particular mamifacture fur mished will depend upon availability. The single position switchboards listed include sone that will serve nagneto ‘telephone lines only; some that Serve common battery lines only; some that will serve both Kinds of lines; and somo that have lines that can bo readily converted from magneto to common battery. Tho mltiple switchboards primarily aro for common battery lines but can provide for @ small number of magneto line ter- minations; | Bquipment for dial service 3. tral offices. their stock iumber followed by the phrase “and associated equipment stock sumber shown in the logistical date is for the switchboard position only. In general, these switchboards include or ‘They should be ordered by 1" because the Eruake ual tle Lincs,’ Somtrers’betterios and charging equipment are located else- ‘3B. The associated equipment which will bo furnished with the single po- sition switohboards consists of the fol- lowing itens: main distributing frene, wall typo, with five terminal strips - 25 pair, and five protector groups - 20 pair, on fanning strips; 35 foot No. 22 gauge, 101 pair lead covered switchtoard cable; and an operator's chair, 17-21 Anch:'and a wire chief's test cabinet Par. 415-417 when specified. Installation equipment and tod1 equipment will not be furnished with the magneto switchtoards. It is as— sumed that tho installer will heve avail able the necessary amall tools required for installations of this type. Dry cell batteries for the operator's telephone, the night alera circuit and the wire chief's test cabinet should be obtained locally. ‘The associated equipment which will be furnished with the common battery. single position switehboards consists of the following itess: power panel in— eluding 20-cyole ringing motor-generator, stetic converter or vibrator; main dis- ‘tributing frame; 24V. storage battery; electrolyte; operator's chair, 17 to 21 inches; operator's hoad end chest sats, 1000 feet No. 20 gauge cross-connecting wire; 200 feat No. 14 gauge rubber covered ground wire, two pipe ground oda; 50 fest No. 2b gauge 101 pair lead covered switchboard cable; 50 feet No. 22 gauge 26 pair lead covered switchboard cable; and a Cabinet BE-70-() (wire chief's test set) if required. Instel- lation equipment consisting of twine,’ ote. for isolated instellations where in the Judgment of the Army Communications Ser- ‘vice the installation forees will not have then. This also applies to tool equipment for the installation work on one position switehboards. 417. MULTIPLE SHITCHROARDS. ‘Tho comsoreial typo miltiple switch- doards end easociated equipaont (bat~ tories, frames, power units, test cabings, etc.) are of the type which require con- siderable instelietion effort for placing them, end for placing end terminating the Recoasery wires and cables. Both manual and dial equipments ere listed. The use and installation of these awitchboarda is ‘They are for service in eroas comprising several hundred common bat- ‘ory or dial telephonm and they also eon serve e small mumbor of magneto tole- phones. The megneto lines have drops in Some switchboards and lamp signals in others. Common battery lines in the menual switchboards are the newer types ‘with line lamps associated with the line Jacks in the mltiple and have no ‘Jecks. Comson battery lines ‘that do not have line relsys to control the line lamps, have the line lamps in series with tho line. In this case the current flow through the locel telephone Lights the line laaps when the receiver is taken off the hook and as the leaps on a line are in parallel, the use of several lamps reaices the’ permissible Length of line. Line lamps can be placed oF reaoved in the several appearances in ‘the switchboard, as required to proper- ly distribute the traffic. The switch- doards have trunk circuit oquipment available to most most of the conditions 67 Par. 417 required in the switching center networks. ‘Theso include ringiown and common battery trunks thet terminate on subscriber's Lines et the distant office. Suggested floor plans for some of these switching Centers are shown, but these may be varied to mest the situations encountered in available space, for operating and terainel rooms. Detailed installing in- structions ere furnished with each Job. ‘They ere listed approximstely in the order of their capecity in number of ling dy Agtoclated equlment consisting of asin distributing franes, relay racks, cable racks, and power plant will be furnished unless otherwise ordered. All the multiple switchboards except the Automatic Electric Co. No. 119 type re- quire 115¥, single phase, 50-60 cycle power to operate charging and ringing equipment. The 119 type requires 220V, three phase, 50-60 cycle power. ‘S. The associated equipsont that will bo furnished consists of the following (mich is for typical 200 line, three position multiple switchboard and is in Sddition to the switchboard positions): rectirier; race equipment consisting or Jacks; lamps; caps; designation strips; ahort multiple cable; cable separators for the first and second appearance of 200 lines; 500 feet 22 gouge 20 pair switchboard cable; 500 feet 22 gouge 40 pair switehbosrd cable; power panel ‘equipped with pole changer and essoci- eted transformer; trunk reley rack wired ‘and equipped for’20 common battery or ial trunks and 20 magneto trunks, 10 information trunks; cord test; fuse alarm end fuse pilot; line relay reck wired and equipped for 200 comon bat- tery lines; common equipment consisting of a cable turning section and two end Sections; 60 fest of cable rack; one lot Of installation equipment (nella, screws Polte, mts, cleaps, wire, cable, tape, twine, vernish, solder, booswax, otc.) ? one tool equipment (consisting of brace end bits, drills, sows, files, punches, hammers, level, plunb tob, plane, square, chisel, ‘wrenches, scissors, knife, screw Pliers, torch, furnace, solder ing coppers, pareffin, pot, dipper, thermometer, stencil iit, brush, electric soldering ifon, otc.); main distri butis frame, consisting of threo verticals wit for one years operation, together with drawings end specifications covering the instelletion.. When ordering additions to existing multiple switchboards, reference should be given in the order’ to the requisition number of the basic installation. Rotinates of time required to install multiple switenboerds ere ei Approximate Approxinate " Bhortoat Totel Hours _Insvellavion Positions of Work Interval - Days 3 500 4 ‘ 230 3 5 1200 é 10 2500 : 15 4000 a 20 000 18 23 000 18 i |! i i [jdve i ‘ “ ey ee mM “thi ey per mise at | Ld ou a Ltd te ee [! Bae coe a Lj foe id + ge - ih: Va it ‘ Fy is. ita ye of i be a ja oie : squirm parva ert nascern | I; sil duh i felt Hie mh i qt, inh didi! Hs ily ‘ dl ; sill! aki dul! see { e oul. 4 are it gd oiilsi Hod ii Par, 423 fia... thd Wey da dome 7 i en ‘in hla ‘lta i E i ig 3 Peek daa da u : Mei F ih [ i list a i i La “ z ia 2 i. i dit 2 i i Pe n.d da db: teal dia ch iat “ tool baad ie a : i... Anh dina. da ite ail a jliis yi ii i ee HAH Par. 423 (209 £tédng ¥ prvoquoatas #80T Tox) (+00 Suyamioagnmom oFz300TE Taz0H) Bawoqgo3taS OOR-9 “ON “czb THNOLE Wels OOTL = PIVOQUOITMS OOOT “ON “bzy TUNOIA (109 ofz300Ts oT; emoynY) UeTd JOOTA - PXVOQNOITAS GIT “OM “OZF THNOLE Par. 423 (+09 oyx300TH wxeReeM) OTA s0OTd = pawoayoatas gt ‘ON “Ay MUNOTA *auoewdtnde xeTnoy zed Jos Jeoye wyP UVTE AOOT 0} T0JOI SooURIWOTO UMBTUTD sod *; spexyz exw esemo TIV ‘ezemyxoxdde exe[ ] syeyoe1q UT UACYS cUOTEUONTG « (-o9 92907 wzoaeon) “ae MANOA paVOAYO TAG ZT “ON par, 423 (+09 eyaa90Tz wxe1s04) (109 otzx90tz uwx03s04) Weld JooTg - prBoqusITAS ¥oOS “OM “OFF HuNOLA Prooqyaitas Ycoo ‘ou “6zy ZUNSTd bytes pL pe feed H | fe | | | | Ly re (+09 wostrop-9.0qu01S) PawoqyoyiMs ST “ON “Ich ZaNDlZ (‘09 wostzep-zequons) (09 £tddng 9 pxs0quos tas 3d0TTOX) PISOQTSI TMS GT “ON “For BUNDIZ Pre0qyoytms OOST-ZI “ON “Sty TUNIILA (09 £1ddng @ prvoquoatas BZoTTSx) Por, 423 Leaps roars (109 ofz3001g waez80m) Weld LOOTd - PXWOUNSITNS TI “ON “Ze HMIOLA PHwoquo3TaS TT “ON “ogy SUNOLE 1 relay dial switchboard with the uipaent mounted on ? ft. frames Sttendant’s position is providea 200 lines installed. A wire chief cabinet is also provided. he equipment of the switchboard consists of a basic Gait of" 200 Lines to which one or tw 100 Line additions can be added, which makes 400 Lines ‘the maximum Line capacity. The attondant's cabinet hese jack on éach ial line, for establisning connec tons. ‘It is not recommended for une outside of the Zone of the Interior. . Switenbonrd Ho. 6-609. (Kellone swhicl ‘Supply co) Thin ta Samual switchboard with subscriber coumon battery cord circuit, ‘The: cireuits give one lasp supervision on Salis from local linea to, two-way ring Gown trunks. Switehing of tara calla from one two-wey Fingdown truak % another 2 not posible; the trunks do not give the necessary rering fenture- These switohboards are 20 longer being rocured. Pre, Switchboard No. 119-600 Line. An cont (aiitouatYo Electric Co.) Tala te a step-by-step dial switchboard with the equipment mounted on ? ft., 6 in. frames. One or two 400 line units can be added which makes 1400 lines the maximus Lin Capacity. The attendant's cabinet has a deck on each dial line for establishing Connections. Bach 600 line basic unit. tion attendant's cabinet and wire ch! test desk. Lt io not recomended for use outeide of the Zone of the Interior. - Swi tahboard No. 12. {1 Electric Co., Inc.) This is @ manual gvdtohboard with *Universal” cord oi cuits. Tt is designed for growth of positions from left to right only. The magneto trunk circuits may be usod inter changeably for magneto local lines or ‘two-way Tingdown trunks. Fifteen cord cireuits per position ia normal but an ‘additional one on ench end may de added ‘king a total of 17. Two lever type gare located in the middle of each position key shelf. These are for night alarm release, grouping, monitoring and master ringing. By means of the moster ringing key, party line service can be given.’ Line relays if used mount in the Tear of the awitchboard sections in unite ‘Of 14 which require for wiring to tho last Jack appearance of the lines. The number that can be installed is limited to siz units (84 relays) per position. ‘Te “Universal” cord cireuite provide nonlocked~in ringoff and rering simals Tor magneto lines and two-way ringdow trunke. ‘This signal is on @ third lamp in each cord circuit which te mounted in the face of the switchboard in front of Par. 424 the cord pair to which It is associated. Switching of thru calls from one two-way Fingdown trank to another is possible with the Universal cord elroult Switehtourd No. 60, nigserio Core Troe) Tere ts © man switchboard with PRY type core circuits. ‘These are retardation coil and condense? type which fumigh talking battery to each telephone line separately on local to local connections or on tie trunk calls and with which the talking battery cones from the distant common battery central office to the local line when connected to central office trunks. limits the length of the local lines ‘Tis Line loop between the telephone and its battery supply on such trunk connections. ‘The trunks ere for teraination on sub- soribers Lines in manual or dial comon battery offices and are ringdown incoming ‘and automatic outgoing. Switching of thru calls from one trunk to another is not possible with these PAX type cord ciroults, Therefore, the service is Limited to local, out and in traffic. Lines and trunks have lomp signals. Line relays if used are mounted in the rear of the sections and are cabled to the end section for connection to the last jack appearance of the lines. Only one Jeck panel is equipped in the head and root sections. ‘The trunk and tie line relays mount in'the sections. The distributing frases are enclosed in casings at the head of the awitchboard which line up with the switonboard. Floor. type self Supporting distributing frazes are avail- able but if used require a cable turning section at the head of the switchboard Tine up- £. Switchboard No. 19. (Strombere- cottSe te Pate cta manuel wet toh board with subseribers comion battery cord ciroults which give one lamp su| Vision ex cells to ciaysoms trunks Switching of thra calls from one two-way ‘trunk to another is not possible; trunks 40 not give, the necessary rering feature. ‘tehboard No. 1600. (Kelloss eviction sal OOTY Co.) ‘Tale fe 0 anual switehboard with subscribers comion battery cord circuits, which give one lap supervision on connéctions to ringdown trunks. Switehing of thru calls from one two-way trunk to another is not possible; the trunks do not give the necessary rering feature. h. Switchboard 12-1600. (Kelloge suitehboard jupply Co.) The de- scription of the No. 1600 switchboard the preceding paragraph ala0 covers this awl tonboard. ‘i. Switchboard No. 119-1200 Line. (Aitomects Electric Te. TELS aul tot board is the same as the one described in he, except that it is larger in local line Capacity and has additions) ‘types of outdial trunks and has a six Par. 424 position attendant's cabinet. Bach 1200 Line basic unit 1s complete with two 100 ‘ampere diverter-pole generators and two 390 watt dynanotors for 20 cycle ringing, and wire ohief's tost cabinot. Tt fi not Fecommended for use outside of the Zone of the Interior. - 18. (Stromberg ‘tmanual switeh— common battery type cord circuits which give one lasp supervision on connections to ringdown trunks. Switching of thru calls from one two-way ringdown trunk to another is not possible because the trunks do not give the necessary rering feature. Kk. Switchboard No. 2800. (Kellogg switchboard and Supply Co-) This is a manual switchboard with subscriber's common battery cord circuits which give one lamp supervision on connec- tions to ringdown trunks. Switching of thru calls from one ringdown trunk to another 1s not possible because the ‘trunks do not give the necessary rering featus Switchboard No. 11. (Western glsetrto ne. ‘ie 1s @ manual switchboard with subscriber's common battery type cord ciroults which require ‘two-way ringdown trunk equipment, de~ signed to provide rering signals. Switohing of thm calls from one two-way Tingdown trunk to another is possible because the trunks give the necessary rering feature. 2800 Nesters Elec. 1 “one repeating cotl provided at ach ent of Loop for simplex telegraph or phaston eizeuit uso. “Yor Lines without Line relays ant with oaly ‘two lamps per Line. “mis figure is the miximus and my be excocded depending on type of trunk. “Local telephone Lines that are not to be com nected tom distant central office trunk my be operated with maximum conductor resistances, 5 follows: Lines with Line relays 1535 ches Lines without Line relays, to 20 lupe 400 ome - = three 20 "215 ohms ad = four 20 * 125 otme ijt iat i I 4 Hr ii Avernge Losses Caused by Byutpment peestetere ae eee eatectarer SE teasiiee ch ine tre Worth lec. 000{pial) 2.9" 1.6% ‘Sritenboard Commection sated Lonsen iieg. Cine Weg-Line tme.Line CB Line CB Line C5 Line ‘ue to te 2 2 Line cotrum tie Seuss Risin eniae 2% Os 30 2P Le 23 oo Kelloes 6-200 Auto. Hlee. 119(Dia1) Western Elec, 12 Western Elec. 605A (PSX) 0.8 one 8 om 1.6 ua Stromberg- 15 Carlson melioge 1600 Telloes 12-1600 Strembers- 18 Carlson Talloge ‘2800 ‘Western Elec. 12 0.8 Oe or 5 or 23 25 Le “ 7 ‘fuitn repent colls in mensto Limes, (coe coll provided at ‘each end of loop for simplex telegraph or phantom circuit without monitoring coil. a2 Par. 427-428 422, PUXND PLANT MULTIPLE TELEPHONE SWTTCHBOARDS AND ASSOCIATID BquiPueyeT - Booked for sxport Monenetavure a fe Packeges Lbs. Total Cu. Ft. Ship Tons® North Elec. 1000 (Dial) 22141 for 100L 1235 for 100L 3.9 ata oa sesi for 100, S24 for 100L ean Kelloge 6-800 7500 for 3Pos.* 480 for 3 Pos.* 12.0 ‘Auto, Elec, Aig>(Diel) 143 39200 for 600L 2346 for 600L 58.6 aaa faa $9 11986 for 400. 718 fer 400L = Ms Western Elec. ord 7900 for 3 Pos’ 460 for 3 Pos. 12,0 Westero Elec. 605A (PBK) 8700 for 4 Pos. $50 for 4 Pos. 13,7 seroaberg as 7800 for 3 Pos, 400 for 3 Pos, 12.0 cere Kelloge 1600 7500 for 3 Pos. 480 for 5 Pos. 12.0 Kellogg 12-1600 7900 for 3 Pos. 480 for 3 Pos.4 suto.Elec, lis? 160 60000 for 1200L 4000 for 1200L pt a 35958 for 400.718 for 4001 Stromberg 18 1900 tor 5 Pos! 460 tor 3 Poa.t core Kellogg 2800 7500 for 3 Pos.4 480 for 3 Pos,* 12,0 Western Bloc, 1 7800 for 5 Pos. 430 for 9 Pos, 11.0 A ship ton equals 40 cu. ft. signal Corps Contract W-257-SC-4894, DP-42-7-548 and ‘Automatic Electric Company Salen Orders 7507-A to Hy Tom g tov. signal Corps Contract W-267-SC-4094, DP-42-T-548 and ‘Aulouatic Electtic Goapany Seles Oriers 7807-3 and P, plan @ to Y. “weight and cubic contents of 3 position switchboards tnd“associaved eqripeent' are estinateds Aad 1200 Tbs ind 70 ex. ft- for each udded position end associated Squipeent. Section 1¥ troubles on lines end in equipment Test Cabinets and Testboards a2. SE. Test cabinets and testboards are de- vices for use in telephone switehing com tera or in the field by testboard atteni- ants, wire chiefs, line repairmen, and meintenance forces. These men should be provided with test equipment and tele~ Phones to enable them to test and anal- yze the circuits for grounds, shorts, crosses, and opens, and thereby clear units. A Wheatstone bridge is desirable to locate troubles. In the majority of cases where conditions permit, the test fin will first saxo 'e celking’ and sing ing test when a trouble is reported, gectignalize the location of the fault. This Will enable him to tura the faulty ciroult over to the proper maintenance ma for anelyzing, locating end clearing ‘the troubl .« Description of these test cabinets and testboords are given In paragraph 429 and stock numbers, shipping weights ‘nd dimensions am covered 1a paragraph 4504 “eet Jo tzu soaser TrauN OTqUT TBAT 40g swoy;spaco Suyznzodo uy yuomdynte 30; ey moGs oTS, “pexowiun 3uemipnte 50 30m #F UROUE 3UPIOR, “eouonderes seme 00'S 04 re pue opreoa — ‘poqnamto am Lu Sena Te TOT ok mA aT “emo ¢ eonogdeoTes 103 BRO 0008 ‘HP wr Tre 09 pew apswog apy 05 dn sasnanon 6 Eazt ae ~aettae Trw 0g Ae? Of sMemTOR HRO-DO0"DoT eae Saar samme Sree TT = ‘een Forres pow FarxTNS seyeazeo area Sey VEsoEoX 90 eTTROR ‘eu 2 > suogd ere; 498" ¢ “OET ‘uyxeE 203 peptaosd exe stro 199 s05 karowten xerduts 09 30% ydeoxe Yesn99-x ‘Suyprou = Supany ‘e8ptaq ence owns OF} ST GYCOII-K “BeDTII0 gym, oxtnbex Tra = =; ou HITE ENOSoE T-0 ‘S858, Uy S7TNOITO oTAso Zz0Ns PUT spreoquestas £03 ae Te PTOTS ‘ezya wedo FuyayequyeE “709 domo Touts oF BRO-000°OOT UITH ‘203 sqaeqmng “kqédne £20930q stt09 seouowieye; — sueom 9 03 SAND COOT ‘Treo Azp peuyeywDo jTee Tite (6-1 worzuredo "3Tm OO, ITE PUR SprvoquolTAS *3070™ HIO-900T 308 2085) eSptza onysieegl Pre dm yee ‘stt0o cyeuden Texts of ata SEN 000'09-05 ‘20,9MMETTTTE~3TOA “308 SuOUdeTeS 6c299-x weqe ez = xeTéETe soucmdeTs3 4293300 ‘oD Pepue-Inqd sopatoul “eucTyTOOT og'g'M OX uZ/T-GZ MOUITA TROT OF PUN epTUOg saxedeeyttt# OSt-0 POXTS JOs PrCqISe3 PeyUMON FOOT OCOT-TT ML oF a¥/O-U9 GAS ~UOVTAS ITV OF ATE? OL 'O“P W3TOA OST-0 OFF aaa =, ees yepmor ‘somnaber sornaeed Sayaeen FF, wor;onx3eur ‘WSTOM | PUTTWURTS poe BUTTS 2 ae) Per, 429 Gye090-x zo v¥eo99-x Yesoeo-x ( )-0e-a0 Pxvog orIU0D PUL 280] “OPF SUNDA ayun 280% STIAON “6ey TENOTE aouyauy “ech THNDTE Section ¥ Monitoring, Observing and Recording Facilities . GENERAL. The equipment described in parserajh 452 hae been provided for SS maitecing so oommeretal or features: phone cirouits. The esseatial Of this equipasnt are monitoring meats which introduce only s negligible transmission loss on the circuit, an ar Per. 431 reageaeat waereby the observer may inter- Fupt conversstion aad talk to either of the users individually without inverter ing with the clroult signaling oF su vision, and means for aki Soaversetion over the ciroult. ‘Tae equlp- eat is designed for use in telephone Pulldings wach beve commercial telephone Sentral offices or fixed plant Army owitenboards. Stock auabere, welghte and volumes of these equipments are given in pareeraph 433. 97 tliae Daal il! i i Hud tal i lig aia aban ee ve HAs i el el aie ah ee i lt i il ishits (pli it a 4 if ij 338 i 4 231 ee ahi sal ay mf ii: Ds file, HE ital 1H, fe aha eq 3 g 2 i i 4 g i g i Mod ils a 8 z 2 euadpsoved OTF wee prog core are sucionriect Sot yesedo yea eqsol oreds om “aotstdae SepsoyFuOR ony WP INERT Og JO OTE euyr om wo parnswen 8A o¢- STeyeaprosd (a) poe dv gu acy se syaset 30 SounTon weeds fo) *(v) smear ‘Purpemoes Jo eTaudty *aeyvedepnoT 20 Sexemraee espeeg © somite wo yovaturg “MTS 30 wie summege pe oot e00 503 eats PuYpso;e! “95a Z/T-2 — -paNOC ¥ TePOH aowosyaon ie Areqemprondde eppaasd exons INOS CTT oem ‘wovaounfuco ‘yex}u0e eEBTOA fuwmEyUE ‘TaruCe eofok oz woTyeNIS 438A STT uy cowyenrd © [eam emye doyeaime ‘euog ——-ay #uyyered seers w2/t-

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