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Culture, traditions in La Paz

In Bolivia there are too many different kinds of tradition. For example, talking about food we have:

La Paz is well known due to its typical dish called Plato Paceo. The ingredients of this
dish are: potatoes, beans, corn and beef.
Plato Paceo is always present in alasitas, in the celebrations in honor of La Paz, for
example July 16th and October 20th
Carnival in La Paz is one of the most notorious festivities in Bolivia. Thousands of dancers
through the streets of the city, with traditional costumes and surrounded by many water
games and mixture, flour and others.
The Pepino is a typical character in the carnival. He is dressed with a colorful costume,
adorned with bells and his face is covered with a mask that gives him anonymity to his
antics, he always is hitting with "matasuegras" to have fun . He brings bags containing,
whistles, flour and water to sp-ray the spectators and participants of this great party.

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