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106* CONGRESS THE SCORECARD. 2 g meicass are alking increasingly abou issues of impor BY eee este ian, gay, bisema and rancgendee ee i: Aron kitchen ables and around ofc waser cools, prope are engaged in dialogue about hae cms, sme e © Sex muatriage and military service — about basic equal rights for our community in the new milleaniuns, = ‘On Now 7, Americans wil elect 2 new president and a ew ‘Congest: Many rces could be quite close, meaning cata small umber of votes could make the dilleence — just a few votes in _ afew sats and congresionaldsvics will iflaence the end "pole This yeas, more han eve sin, gy, bisewsl and rang gendered American long with our alls, ends, Families sad covwotken could fctorhewilyintheousome, The Haina Rights Campzign was so provide yo with the infomation you need 1 he an informed voter. Use thir corer {evalu your senators and tepresematve, Contact them of ‘isues that are citi @ you. Most important gx involved to sleet fie-minded Congres. IN PERSPECTIVE je Novis the time ta let your voce be heard aS i REPRESENTATIVES OF HOUSE 106" CONGRESS THE VOTES 1 EMPLOYMENT NON-DISCRIMINATION ACT, H.R. 2355 (CO-SPONSORSHIP) A435 members of the House of Repesnttves were shed 0 co-sponsor legistaion inoue June 24, 1999, thar would prohibit an-gay dsiminaion in che workplice, At the cad of the 10Gls Congres H.R 2555 had 172 cospocsors Derocas 15: Republians 16 Independent = 1 2) HATE CRIMES PREVENTION ACT, H.R. 1082 (CO-SPONSORSHIP) ZAISS membes of the Hose were shad tn co sponsor legion indus Mah 11, 1999, tht would ‘rtrd federal usiadiction ove seriou, viol hue cdimes commited because of rel or peeved seis of ‘entation, gender and diablry when other jarafctons will not or canoe act. A the end af fhe 106th Congo, HR 1082 had 192 co-sponsors Demers 17; Republicans 21; ledependet = 3) NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY Represnuatnes nee asked fo volantaiy adap a written policy Frei congresomal fis inctig dat sonal orientation s noe a Fitri this empuyiment decks. A vol of 262 precnatves have adopr a nondirnacatica poly: Demons 188; Republicans - 73; ladependene- 1. 44) SOUDER AMENDMENT TO H.R. 1501 (Gp Jane 17, 199, the House consered an amendment offered by Rep. Mark Souder, Rnd, shat would have unersined educations) programe degn eo prevet hate eines i public schools by pubiting she Alrcopmene of curiculuns addrsing sigay vlene and peje. The House defeated this amendment bya woe of 210 vo 216. Eig acpeaceacives did not vow: Democrat - 36 yall 72 ao; Republics - 174 Yeu bo rakpendent- no, HRC wpposed hi amendment. '5) NADLER AMENDMENT TO H.R. 1691 Gn fly 15, £999, Rep. Jeold Nadler. D-N.Y, ntoducal an amendment designed ca corer svous Aer with H.R. (692, the Religious Liberty Proscion Ac, hu shestened eo pte cil igh agaist ance EPA would have prohibed govemesene fom caforcing i thc subsanslly burden a peor eigious bli ules tha lew nas sary sara tv et + compeling goverment incr. The very high Eg stand could hresten eaorcment af hard-won lights aw. The House defeated his amendment by tore of 190 19234, Ten represents did noe vote: Democrats» 174 ys!30 nos Republicans» 19 yes!204 nes Independent 1 ys HRC supported this amendment. (6) LARGENT AMENDMENT 10 H.R. 2387 Rep. See Laren, OAS, incensed hie sande eo che acl yar 2000 Dis of Calbia appro ons bl shat would peabib oops Washing eo lated by blo ar marae fom iy adoping hil This serene failed uly 29, 1998, by a wove of 213 40 25. Five repreentatves didnot vote ‘Democrats 30 ys/178 no: Republicans - 13 ye/36 no, Independent: {HRC opposed wie amendiment. REPRESENTATIVES OF HOUSE 106" CONGRESS THE VOTES 7) NADLER/CROWLEY/SHAYS AMENDMENT TO H.R. 2684 Regs Jeld Nadlen D-NY. Joseph Crowley, ONY, and Chstopher Shays, R.Conn. offre an arent trast the Veteran Ala, Housing and Liban Development appropriation bil chat would have restored [BO oils cst ad ben cu from the Housing Opportunies For People Wi AIDS program. The HOPWA Simendotenepased Sepe 8, 199 bya vote of 212 9 207, Fourteen repasenratves did not wore: Democrats ~ {gD peut no Republicans yes 18 no Indepedene- 1 yes HRC suppored this amendment '8) GRAHAM MOTION TO INSTRUCT TO H.R. 4205 Gn sept 13,20, Rep Lindsay Crabam, KSC, — ip a9 stem wo deal ote on meaning ace tes Teldaten introduced amovion wo intsct Hose confer onthe Depa of Defense authorization bil ‘Beda nohing to aves the fue of hate woke Tae mon fel imp that the reise Serae-posal isc Comes Prevention Ac is oncontcuina,aad atacad she undelyng bass of all exing federal cit ie Gahan motion filed 196 to 227. Ten teresenatves didnot ve: Demooars «19 ye 187 ne Republican 176 yes39 no Independents «| yall na, HRC opposed this noon. 9) CONYERS MOTION TO INSTRUCT TO H.R. 4205 Reps Joa Caryers D-MGch, and Barey Fran, D-Mas. eed a non-binding motion wo inset House Deparment of Defcnse authorization soaftees ta acept the Sens pased, Kenaedy-Smith hte etimes renin See soi 7 inthe Senate) The Kenny Seh hate cfm amendment woald al rea oe pes ‘Shut teuul oncnaton, gender and ahi 0 eng lw and zomove she overly burdensome restiton Srledcal insolent in blping vest and proscute hac crimen. The Conjss marian pase Sept. 13, Tho, by a vove of 242 10 19% Nine epreuttives dad ot vote: Demers ~ 190 yes! 1? no: Republicans - it yl 17 no Indepenients- ye) no. HRC supported sis modon. 10) SOUDER AMENDMENT TO H.R. 4942 ese 1a, 200, the Horse of Repent paved an ancndeentieoduced by Rep. Mark Soot, Rel fhe Gould probit loeally ised lands in Workington, D.Cy ftom boing used to operste + (naling: pgm. Neale cachangs pngits ate semcaly proven 10 educe HIV asmision who veaiog drug use, The amendment puned by 4 vote of 239 co ISI. Fourteen representatives {ES not ne: Democrats «42 yex 160 no; Republicans ~ 196 yex!20 no: ndependems ~¢ yet 90 TRC opposed his amendnen Along paras aang tered rose, he Homan Rights Capa ki teste Hore te vin af oe baton to reborce te Roan Whe CARE set (4807) bese of ply cones oer etn pont app ne mesh ne pave of skin but che wb 10 ida Howe cponar- Shp ti aing ide DELEGATES Bocas dcleites do nue weprsent ase, they doar have voting pesleges on the loro he Howse Homes they can co-sponsor egision AMERICAN SAMOR neo eee zl DISTRICT OF COWMBIA eee ‘ouan Garwnd ube Dae puesto wico. en banCAin Ds 2 ‘vizant istANOS Sinatoen Soe 8 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘ARIZONA sei CAUFORNIA, i Toepan ie 3 Ow Boog 4 Bee ‘covonavo ‘Supported HRC position Did norsupport HRC’ positon @ Did not vot conneencur bea ale ett 6 eee v8 tees bam eee aio nos reo wees {iat ESS Lees 2 Soi Boos 3 fee S288 3 ican 3 Se eeeesoee [np 82, ap. ty Sra re herent :See PN or 2 Rew wenruexe Lousiana 4 et Coat a) eietEeiea Biche MaRYUAND 4 Sm em) massacnustris 3 tin hem 15 Ripon paca ig Beat kant ‘munnesora wisissPet 288s 3a8 «© Supporesd HRC’ position prey NEBRASKA 2 Te Lae 3 meas NEVADA 2 Gibson) ews Mass 5 Rikon tage Sota token ; Eee sero ete ap (Or ee ‘Nines Antony) series {6 Semen B Miner. ‘So een cee Did ave support HRC’ position sees : - : seeee 38 23 eess bel safes «© Did nor vote NoRni DAKOTA ‘ono 5 ieee ore al zeae oxutoua oncaon 1 Mees) i ronen NODE ISLAND sourmrcasouna joc sow oncore wast teeeceecenee vos, 1 Eo tae Sees 15 fed Ho 3 Geen Geet 3 Mathew ran es om 8 ‘vennont ‘irana SG Monies ema eae wasancron ‘sare 5 SE Stef + thee west vito. . . prrreernrnrer ry 2 ‘wisconsin 2 Wronine. ‘9 Supported HRC postion = Did noc suppor ie sesecteced Sossssscess o 338533se85 3 seks e838e SfSs.538385 & HRC’ position ¢ Did nor vore SENATE 106" CONGRESS THE VOTES 1) EMPLOYMENT NON-DISCRIMINATION ACT, 5. 1276 (CO-SPONSORSHIP) AILI00 member of she Senate were atl 2 ca spec iin needed are 2, 1999, tht would peo ‘bic ancigay csceimination in che workplace AI he end ofthe 106th Congres. 5. 1276 had 37 cosponsors Democrats 34: Rebbe 3. 2) HATE CRIMES PREVENTION ACT, 5. 622 (CO-SPONSORSHIP) AML 100 raembers of the Sena wer askew corsponorlaiation intraduced March (6, (999, that would ‘xtord federal jriadicoon over serio, olen bate xix commit beau oF aloe perceive sul fntation, gender and diabily when ocherjuradicoons will not or cannot sc. At he end of the 106ch Congress, $622 had 42 cosponsors Democrars- 36: Republicans 6, 3) RYAN WHITE CARE ACT, 5. 2311 (CO-SPONSORSHIP) Members af ve Snace wer ath ro cosponsor legion inceduced March 29,2000, shat wou! rxucho- tine she Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act. The CARE Act has sllowed HIV-poscve poop ive lrger, Reale es and ecponnts the at and mos ct dictionary foe «tal inscxment in eating invent HIV and AIDS. Arche end ofthe 10th Congres the CARE Act tad 52 cosponsors: Democrats - 34; Republicans 18 4) NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY Seouors mere ash 9 volumarly dope 3 writen policy for thei congressional fis icing that sex oreneacion neta her in hee employment decsions. Atul af 66 sensors have adopaal x om disc raion poy: Demorae- 42; Repub 24 5) HARKIN AMENDMENT 10 S. 1692 Sin Tom Haskin, Dlowa,ofed an aimendonentexpsing she sense of Congest refi the 1973 oe "Rede decion a creating an imporaneconational right we aevrion shit shoud he inti, His amendment aro pase on O21, 1998, by a vre of $1 1047 low seats di aot votck Democras = 43 yo? no Republicans #45 9, HRC suppor hie amerea. (6) HATCH AMENDMENT TO $. 2549 (On june 20,2000, So. Onin Hach, R-Les,ofeed an inate hate cies amendment ro the fc year 2001 defense authoriaion Bll The Hach amendment filed to adic problene with ensing lw fled seknowlege he ctl ole of he fale yonesnent in expning tas xe an aed rade mes Based onthe vii sent wrientation, bly or gender Thi amendment nervy pase 5010 19. One Senator dd or vor: Democrat 7 ys/43 nos Republicans 8 es6 no. HRC opted this ansendment, 7) KENNEDY-SMITH AMENDMENT TO 5. 2549 Sen. Ewan! Kennedy, D-Mas, and Gordan Smith, RO, nsadacd om jue 20 Preston Ac ame he Lal Law Enforce Eahaaceriens Ac, sat aeadne 10d fal pat 2001 defonteaurhosiason bl. The Kennedy Sigh amendment would exend baie bute crime pects 0 ah Arsrcts in ll communis by alding eal ot pececied eel osenaion, pnd and dito the copeee conered and by removing che Federally protected acy equtemene Ths amendmen was oerwbelmigy Spproved 87 to (2. One wenater did got vote: Demecrats (4 yall nov Republians~ 13 ye/3} ne HRC suppor thie mendene 0, he Hate Ces SENATE Pan Snnea” ME sa SEE ene connteneut Heese) Pe fob Satie ‘ouvo umes ops ace ‘om Pith cxa ‘Sarna Sani See inc massacnusers er hn) mewioan nesora 1 Supported HRC postion 0 seesege i cee eee v6 ee o eeeeee ‘a sessss monerana erway Nevin. Sean a we ba ew sc¥ eek ater Shgpao ‘Shimer ChetsiDh orm eaouna ‘ean oh) NORTH DAKOTA Bim ie ‘nscon or Peotone) rn ee ‘fost wasHTon skate son Ritter) pn bebe sed idl noe support HRC position fee as : : € Did not vote HUMAN RIGHTS cameason,

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