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Snoofs Design Document

Jeremiah Warm

Warm 1

Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Concept ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
World............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Beginning ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Ending ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Goal ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Reward ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Failure.............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Content ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Title Screen ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Level Selection Screen .................................................................................................................................. 5
Options Screen .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Game Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Pause Screen ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Credits Screen ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Win Screen ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Mechanics and Systems ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Modes .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Placement ................................................................................................................................................... 7

Warm 2

Simulate ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Pizza Placement, Removal, and Alteration ................................................................................................ 7
Placement ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Selection ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Movement .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Snoof Movement ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Pizza Eating ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Pizza Smelling............................................................................................................................................ 8
Hazards ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Wall ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Sand............................................................................................................................................................. 9
River ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
Anti-pizza ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Scoring ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
Tutorial............................................................................................................................................................ 9
User Interface...............................................................................................................................................10
Volume Meter..........................................................................................................................................10
Pizza Manipulation .................................................................................................................................10

Warm 3

Snoofs is a casual puzzle game for mobile devices which focuses on the management of a
single resource in order to complete physics based challenges. The player must place pizzas with
varying sizes into the level in a way that guides a creature called a snoof from the top of a level to
the bottom. In order for the player to be successful they must navigate various obstacles in the level
and ultimately lead the snoof into a forest.

Each level is set in a grassy clearing. The level can have a variety of different elements that
change how a snoof navigates the environment and what dangers they face on the way to the
bottom. The atmosphere of the world is always sunny and bright creating a happy feeling.

Each level begins with an environment displayed that the player must navigate. The player
always begins each level with a full toppings meter, the amount of toppings in the meter that causes
it to display as full depends on the level.

The level ends when the snoof has stopped running. The simulation ends when the snoof is
no longer moving. If the player has gotten the snoof into the forest then they win, if not they lose.

Warm 4

The goal of Snoofs is to get a creature called a snoof around or through various hazards in
order to reach the bottom of a level.

The player is rewarded both when they beat a level and during the level itself. When the
player beats a level they are rewarded through the action alone as well as by unlocking the next level
if they have not already done so. They are also rewarded at the end of level by being able to earn
points and up to three stars: one for completing the level, one for completing it with at least one less
pizza then they were given, and one for saving more than a quarter of their pizza volume. During
the gameplay the player is rewarded visually by getting to watch the snoof run down the hill and eat
pizzas all while getting through or past hazards.

The player can fail in two different ways. The first is if they do not get the snoof to the
bottom of the level. If this happens the player must press the redo button. The other way a player
can fail is if they are attempting to get all three stars or beat their high score on a level and do not.
While the player has still beaten the level they have failed a personal goal. If the player realizes that
either of these situations are about to occur they can stop the simulation and try again.

Warm 5

The game consists of a title screen, a level selection screen, an options screen, a game screen,
a pause screen, a credits screen, and a win screen.

Title Screen
The Title Screen is the screen that is displayed when the game is started. It has buttons to
navigate to the options screen, the credits screen, and the level selection screen.

Level Selection Screen

The Level Selection Screen allows the player to select a level to play. It also shows the player
what levels they have yet to unlock and how well theyve done on the levels they have beaten. It has
buttons to navigate to each level as well as a button to go back to the Title Screen.

Options Screen
The Options Screen allows the player to turn the music and sounds effects on and off. It
contains a button to navigate to the screen that the player was at before navigating to the Options

Game Screen
The Game Screen is where the player plays the game. It contains a meter to show how many
pizzas the player has to place, how much volume they have for the pizzas, all elements in the current
level, a play button, and a pause button, and the level number. When the play button is pressed the

Warm 6

snoof begins to run. The pause button does not work in simulation mode while the play button
turns into a redo button.

Pause Screen
The Pause Screen allows the player to navigate to other screens from the Game Screen. It
contains relevant information about the level such as the players high score, the number of stars the
player has previously earned on this level, and the level number. It also contains a button to navigate
back to the game, to the Level Selection Screen and to the Options Screen.

Credits Screen
The Credits Screen shows the player how worked on what part of the game. It contains this
information as well as a button to go back to the title screen.

Win Screen
If the player completes the level this screen appears showing them how many stars and what
score they earned as well as why. The screen also contains buttons to go to the next level, restart the
current level, and go back to the Level Selection Screen.

Mechanics and Systems

There are two modes during gameplay each which serves a unique purpose.

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The placement mode is what every level starts in. During this mode the player can place,
remove, add to, and move pizzas. This mode also allows the display of the play and pause button.
The snoof stands in its starting position and does not begin to run until the player presses the play

Simulate mode begins when the player presses the play button. During this mode the snoof
begins to run through the level. The player cannot affect the level in any way while Simulate mode is
active. At this point the go button becomes a redo button. If the player presses the stop button all
pizzas and the snoof will return to their pre-simulation spots and sizes and the player will re-enter
Placement mode.

Pizza Placement, Removal, and Alteration

The player has the ability to both place and remove pizzas from the level until they have
used up all of their available volume and have placed the maximum number of pizzas.

The player can place pizzas anywhere on the level that will affect the snoofs direction and
trajectory during simulate mode. The player places a pizza by touching the screen in the desired

The player can select a pizza and manipulate it. Here they can change its size by using a
slider that appears when a pizza is selected or remove it with a delete button that appears. Deleting

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the pizza puts the volume of the pizza back into the toppings bar. Moving the slider also affects the
volume bar.

The player can move any pizza that has been placed by touching the pizza and moving their
finger. The pizza will move wherever their finger moves assuming it is not onto a hazard and is
within the bounds of the level.

Snoof Movement
When the play button is pressed the snoof will begin to run.

Pizza Eating
If the snoof gets close enough to a pizza it will eat the pizza greatly increasing its velocity in
that direction.

Pizza Smelling
If the snoof enters the range of the pizzas smell it will begin to turn toward the pizza.
However, the snoof will not eat the pizza unless it gets close enough. This change in velocity is only
a small percentage of the change that happens when the snoof eats the pizza.

Hazards impede the snoof as it runs down the hill.

A wall is a small stone wall that has been built in the clearing. If the snoof hits this wall it will
stop the snoofs run.

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Sand is an area in the level that is covered in lots of sand. This causes the snoof to lose speed
and possibly stop moving causing it to not be able to reach the bottom.

A river is a small but fast moving body of water that drags the snoof in one direction. Rivers
flow horizontal left or right across the level.

Anti-pizza is old pizza that has gone bad. When the snoof smells this pizza it will move away
from it.

A player is scored each level based on how much volume they used to get the snoof to the
bottom of the level and how many pizzas they used. The less volume and pizzas they use the better
they score. This score is indicated by a counter on the win screen.

There is tutorial each time the player encounters a new element. These tutorials appear as
overlays on the level that appear each time the level is opened and can be dismissed by doing what
the tutorial tells the player to do. The tutorial displays the element to the player by overlaying
pictographic examples of the element and what it does along with a short sentence if necessary.

Warm 10

User Interface
Volume Meter
The Volume Meter is an active display of how much volume the player has left to enlarge
pizzas. As the player places and alters the size of pizzas the meter will go up and down accordingly.
When the meter reaches the bottom the player has no more volume and cannot resize or place any
pizzas. To the left of the meter there is a counter which displays the current number of pizzas in the
level and how many pizzas are allowed in the level. The player cannot place more pizzas than are
allowed in the level; this number depends on the level.

Pizza Manipulation
Pizza manipulation gui appears when the player selects a pizza. It consists of a red delete
button and a slider on a vertical bar. The vertical bar has a large and a small pizza at the top and
bottom of it respectively. Moving the slider will change the size of pizza.

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