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"Do nat consider i proof just becouse its written in books, f a ar ho il cece wth MS {ongue wil not hese to do the same Wi) AS “it is thus necessary 10 examine al things according 10 ther essence, t0 infer fom every ‘Specks such tus and we eta propestont 2 may asst us In the Solution oF metaphyseal protien, "A th i appcabe to the nae ocutes of man. Thore's a consierabieaference Between ‘ne person and. another regarding these faculties, 25 vl knownto plesoohers ‘How indicials of the same species surpass ‘each atar in these snsations andi oer Cody ‘eal is uriersaly known, but tere st 2 ‘her, and their power cannot extend 10 every stance or ta very aegree. ‘Further, dere are Dings of which the mind understands ane par, but remains ignorant of the ‘other; and when man sabe fo comprehend certain ‘things, does not flow that he must be ble to comprehend eventing. Db not imagine that what we have sai of the Insulieney of our understanding an of ts lite ‘extn i an assordon founded orf onthe Bie: for Dhlosopes tense assert the same, and perectly Undestond it = without having regard to any ‘lgen or eion. Teach thy tongue to say 1 do not ko, and thou shal progress” noses Mammon (1138-1204) oT ELIFAe SY U>EyO> SVL BUILDING ATHENS AIVYOAD k>rYaLreyn AaeooIvL, SALTEAr FSO= an impzrtant concept pu forth upon Oman's eching-oor In thet k develops mere fly "ica “ing Sls necessary to separate out the wheat <5 tne da. Infomation challenged individuals, 1210 deal effectively with information overioad, sme lest within information. Trained Masons vats petnent. Tey fthermere kon howe ‘oe bough lusons offered up as fact to see “=a hidden within and fallacies veled in “eroughout this Work before you, ksbeuld ome dar thatthe Masonic Joumoy requires ‘Sef training inobving patterns caled "Symbols." To ir wth Syma, Masons must be fst capable of What do the Seven Leral rs and Sclences represent? “They collectively represent wo branches of study that encompass mar’s use of Symbols Wat ste frst branch? The fst branch of study scaled the "iva, Wy i cals tis? “The word, "Tv" Latin forthe “tree rays or paths.” Irefers tothe stay of (Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric. What s ther foas? Testo corey to students an understanding of how Words are used a= Symbols What's more? “Thor focus so how Word understanding and manipulation is layered to present even ‘ore meaning, What’ further? ‘Study of such matters indudes the eventual abit to decode and eneode meaning and infant using Words asa base. \What the socnd branch? Ie 6caled the "Quadevum.” ‘yi icles this? i The word, "Quadtvum i Latin forthe “four ways or pats.” Irefers tothe study of Auth, Geometry, Music and Astronomy. Wat i ter focus? “Thar focus i to convey tothe student an Understanding of now Numbers are used as ‘Symbols What's mare? a “het foes is also how Number understanding ‘= manipulation i layered to present even Soe meaning, ree ther? ‘Suey of such mates nudes the evenaul 22/10 decode and encode meaning ae ‘rent using Numbers asa base Purpose hats the purpose of Masons learning those ‘su2jecs outlines within the curently accepted ‘Seven Uberal Arts ang Scences? ‘Stat they wil evertualy comprehend and ‘enpulste man-made objets sled" Symbols” sys ths so portant to Masons? ators are Buldes. Being such, they must sign models of what they are to Bud ry must they Bull modes fs? > prove in advance thot what i designed wl ave eagiy once itis Bu uso? Poperly constructed models should accurately sortay what wil eventualy be Bult and ‘Ssures what I intended wl be so, -onprehend and manipulate suitable models ‘S20 thay make or to Bud wha ned. ‘at must Masons keepin min? “rata mace st wat Masons intend to Bue; sa Smbolfor what they intend to Bul ner are models designed? ‘ezmally, win Mason's minds. Hows this Symbolcaly represented? is Symbolicaly represented as “Above.” ‘wats meant by "Above." Paying that i spiral nature; that is rot ‘manifested in physical realy; thats ‘manifested in imagination only. 1: Where will wat these models represent ceventualy be Bul External, within the wor How's this Symbolaly represented? 1s Symboically represented as "Blow." What is meant by "Below." Anything tht i physical in nate; thats ‘marifested in physical realty that snot ‘marifested in imagination only. 1: How does understanding Symbols and their use assist Masons? Re lltrain Mason’ minds Above" In unerstanding ‘and manipulaton of Symbos so that all that may be tended "Below may rst be acura Gesigned "Above Designations ‘What are such rendered designs refered to a5? Thay are referred to a5 "atl." What is aria? “That wich was bul by the hand of man. What are maremade objects cllecvelycaled? “Thay are called "Afacts” What an AraC? {tis a humanly contved objet often based upon a natural made. Wat's mere? is anything thats man-made, wwrers futher? ' raving exlstence in egal, econcmi, oF some theory caused or produced by 3 Sian, especial socal or pollcal agency. Soret archale meaning does "Ariac” coewey? “aed, cunning” “ort nearing Goes tis convey to Masons? “re Beauty that they contre is Arica and merce an Atte. ‘Shak isthe opposte of "Articar” Teak which s Natura soratis Natura? he Creation of The Aighty Fy s this designation impertant to Masons? “Ta Almighty iste Grand Designer of the verse, What is Geow in His Creation 62 ac reflection of His Gesign Above. sonst more? 2; understanding the Creation Below ofthe ‘orem frente ofthe Universe, Masons insight into Hs design Above orate father? ‘ering isightno Hs design Above, Masons better design wha they wh to Bul Balon, Sarco Masons go about gaining such Insight? ang the Foundation for such understanding 5) Sugyng the Seven Uberal Arts and Scences. wire anne nimi nnn ae nie on Misdirection "Yat warning dé Sr Francis Bacon give to ‘Tose who may seek tue knowerige? Se wre tha seeks shoud be anae of Idols Whats the Inetigible wer or realty? +The Ineligible word i traught Which ft ‘dependant upon the senses, | The Line 1 What too does Pato use to eserbe these eae? He uses added ne Houris it employed? | In four sections. What does the frst secon represont? 1s called "East." Is the est form of ‘realty anc knowledge based on cpnions and sions. Te represents “shadows” and things that do not ext. Tt res upon sensations Provide an example ofthis. Clay shaped in the characte of an animal. How so? The character ofthe animals not an animal Ts day shaped in the outward appearence of an animal 1 What coas the sacond section on this ine represent? RR: This ealled "Pst." Its knowledge based on belles aur physical things and includes Stientific knowledge. Teele upon sersatons, What coes the third section represent? Ts called "Dandi." Its mathematical © cy Ri: Its called "Noes Its philosophical knonledge representing forms, especialy the “Form ofthe Good.” Tees nat rly upon sensations and the highest form of rely {and knowledge. i Whats the "Porm ofthe Good?” Itisa term coned by Pstos metaphor ofthe Sun” found sithin his work, “The Repub. ‘ina isthis metaphor? tls Plato's way ofcorweying the source of ll "intelectual Hluminalon™ which he bebeved to be the "Form ofthe Good”, sometimes Interpreted as Plato's notion ofthe Amity What does Pato use as that demarcation or "aig ne"? “The Sun f used fr his purpose. How is the Sun cassialy Symbolzed? {AS the point within the cl. How Is tis relevant for Masons? “The Pit within the cd, forked by tones ae the Volume of Sacred Law denotes the dvidng line Between whore lusion duels and where Masons come to know the Lt of trueknowedge. ‘What does this say to Masons? Masons should Keep in mind the diving te that exes between what eperesved ane what el | | knowledge representing abstract methematial objects, suchas Numbers and nes. It does, ‘ot rey upon sensations. 1: What does the fourth secon represent? CC [R: The inventors of calculus centuries ater {Why f igor so Inport o Masons? Ré Tepaces @ necessary equrement upon Masons torassire that whats put forth can be proved ‘cording to coeistant, stsingent anc indzputable gudeines nat’ anotter way of saying tis? Rigor helps keep Masons grounded in prof Inrinting 1 Hoyle Et Sel Eien fom so eleent tothe my of Gay? Mis fom Sos Mesos by amp, Pow {ete able ane remote Vrs by Step ate tinge ts ae seven 53 iSunston rom went Wor Wats mor? Dy examin, undersang an folowing cise methods, Nason ein he ie Stic mother ses unt Yo Game 1 hata teen? FR: One tin the tran of Mason mgt sil eae ary oe 2 ot Shaya te. Wy corey grant Masons? {regress oo peo ng Yas ore? ‘Mog abot Geometers mins omsat Ds sy, Geometry meson he ind ‘ste mma ens Tower “Tend espe bya ps mat 15 apes ates Whats this mate and how does it support pattem capture? Rr The mattis called “he brain end ts designed to imprint pattems, How does imprinting of pattems occur? Imprinting dears when ts exposed to ght. \What Light does Geometry offer Mason? offers Patterns invelving shapes ae space, Sacrea What is "Sacred Geometry?" ‘The term "Sacred Geomety” applies to shapes and space that reflect vine guidance cr inspiration in ther construction, Wats considered Yavine guidance?” ‘When Geometric proportors and ratios appear tobe guided divinely 1: Bespeciic. R: They are those patterns that consistany and predictvely occur in Natura constuction What are some ofthese Forms? Forms refieting the FBonace sequence, the Golden Ratio (or Mear), the Golden Sting and the Galcen Section, |E,_Whatis common amongst lof these forms? Ri The ratio related to the Symbol "Pi. How's i sidan? TES caleted by dvdng the sum of one pls the square rot of Fe by the Humber two, What s Phi? iis an ational Number whose fst ew Ait are one pont stone ight (1.618). TD hats ther? ‘hese

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