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P.O. Box 1470 ~ US Hwy. 80 E at PR.

7631~ Hawkins, Texas 75765

903-730-4890 ~ EXT: 4024

JULY 1, 2013
I have known Dr. Jim C. Varn since he first moved to Mississippi Valley State University in the
Fall of 2004. I have worked extensively with him both as a colleague in the English and Foreign
Languages Department, a Director of Faculty Development and a personal friend. In all these
capacities, I have found Jim a tireless scholar and teacher, who is always in his office doing
research or working with students; a spirited administrator dedicated to serving his colleagues
develop professionally and academically, and a true friend who is willing to assist and support in
times of need; really a friend indeed.
In the short time that I have known Jim in his capacity of Director of Faculty Development, he
has initiated programs and invited to the University experts to organize faculty development
workshops, seminars and lectures. He has enriched the Faculty Development Center with many
up-to-date books, articles and research materials to help those members of the teaching core who
are in the business of improving their teaching skills. We worked on two very crucial programs
that truly enhanced his love for academic improvement: Intensive Writing and Writing Across
the Curriculum. These year-long workshops and seminars did a lot to bring the entire university
teaching faculty on the same line with new teaching methods and student-oriented teaching to
produce acceptable student outcomes. For once, Dr. Varn awakened in the entire teaching core
the knowledge that good writing is the business of the entire university not just the English
Department. And it worked very well! His expertise was being sought by the University to chair
the Quality Enhancement Program for the SACS Accreditation follow-up. In short, he is good at
faculty development and would do whatever it takes to engage and sustain the interest of the
faculty in enhancing successful teaching through Best Practices and new methods.
Dr. Jim Varn did not only distinguish himself in selecting and inviting some of the best
scholars and consultants to present and run workshops on teaching and faculty development, he
was a champion in leading some of these workshops, especially those that dealt with writing
across the curriculum and using writing to promote deeper learning in the classroom. He had a
strong attraction for course design, writing on the web and web-designed teaching. I have
noticed his understanding of learning styles, active learning, collaborative learning, and other
pedagogical strategies have shaped his conversation about teaching composition and literature.

P.O. Box 1470 ~ US Hwy. 80 E at PR. 7631~ Hawkins, Texas 75765

903-730-4890 ~ EXT: 4024

As a teacher, Jim has extensive knowledge of Literary Criticism, American Literature, British
Literature, and Composition. His classes have often been full because of his dedication to his
students wellbeing. He is objective, honest and firm in his student assessments and still loved by
his students. I was particularly blessed to chair his promotion and tenure committee during
which time I came in very close contact with his credentials. In spite of the time-consuming and
all-embracing nature of his administrative assignments, Jim always availed himself of very
opportunity to publish in peer-reviewed journals and encyclopedia. The committee faced no
difficulty or uncertainty about his qualification for tenure and promotion both at the Department
and University-wide levels because he had, to his credit, all the requirements and justifications
for both tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor
I also had the privilege to be invited to give talks to his classes. I was always impressed by the
breadth of his knowledge and by the professional manner in which he delivered his lectures,
presentations and controlled his classes. He is an excellent teacher, who is open to his students,
colleagues and friends. He is always very friendly with his students. They come by his office
often, and he always has time for their questions and other needs.
I have also had the chance to work on numerous committees with Dr. Varn. Jim showed me he
was a good friend in the way he responded to my notices and calls for meetings, attended the
meetings, and finished the secretarial duties for the committee. I worked very well with him, and
regretted that I had to leave him behind in Mississippi Valley State University. I cannot say
enough about his accomplishments as an administrator, colleague, teacher and a scholar and his
reliability as a great friend. I know he will be a valuable addition to your university in whatever
capacity he is applying or you have ear-marked him for.
Please let me know if I can provide you any other information.
Emmanuel N. Ngwang, Ph.D.
Lead Professor (Chair)
English, Spanish, & Speech and Communications
Cellphone: 903-497-1707

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