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Checklist on the Disaster Risk Management Preparations Undertaken By the School ( Elem. & ‘Secondary Schs) Name of School: Jocation: ‘Check if such preparation was observed or done. ‘A. On the Preparation of the Disaster Risk Reduction Plan Fa Considered the risk assessment information( baseline & background data on the sch. and community in relation to the diff hazards( sch, ‘mapping info). Zab, Assessed the condition ofthe sch bldg, and other structures/class- rooms of the sch. yi, Assessed the personnel and material resources of the sch. and ‘community to undertake disaster risk reduction measures, re 1 Assessed the needs of the faculty and community in planning for the training on disaster risk reduction, Free involved the teachers, community and other stakeholders in the Preparation of the Disaster Risk Reduction Plan, Feel, Cordinated with NGOs. INGOs, agencies and other stakeholders to assist in developing the Disaster Risk Reduction Program. aie Sf leatly Mlentifid in the sch and community map safe places where the sch and community can go in case of particular emergencies euch ae flood, earthquake, typhoons, fire, bombings, etc. ceahiCeatly identified the persons and agencies to call for assistance in ah Included in the Pian the schedule of activities, like trng, drills, rein- Forcing buildings, repairs and etc,to prepare the school and the community for any eventuality, ——|. Disseminated the Disaster Risk Reduction Pian to the ‘school, community and other stakeholders, 2 On Organization of the Schoo! Disaster Risk Reduction Group spit Assessed the leadership quantities, training, and expertise of the teachers designated to form teams on: Security Fire Brigade Supply Rescue ‘Transportation Medical ‘Communication Evacuation Warning Relief and Rehabilitation Damage Control ——b. Organized an Incident Command System in the sch that can be ac- tivated in times of emergency with major organizational functions Such as: Incident command: operations; Planning; Logistics; Fi- nance/Administration; Strike Teams, —C Formed the Disaster Assessment and the Needs Analysis Team: ‘Search and Rescue Team; Medical ‘Team; Fire Suppression Team; Relief and Evacuation Team and other Response Teams supported By the Auxiliary and volunteer groups of the NGOs and INGOs, ——1. Defined the roles and functions of each team and its members. —€. Conducted capability training to all the members of the DRRG —f. Identified the persons responsible to coordinate with NGOs, INGOs, agencies and other stakeholders in times of emergency, Source: Disaster Risk Reduction Resource Manual, Noted by: ‘Name of Monitor: eee See eee eee Name and Signature Sch Head Page 2

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