1215 Scoop

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Whats the Scoop?

Week 16

The Sweet Life

in 4 and 5
Teacher: Ms. Krisman
Teacher E-Mail:
Class Website:
Check your Grades:
Check your Behavior:

December 15, 2014

Upcoming Events
-Dec. 15-18- St. Nicks
-Dec. 16- School Mass
-Dec. 18- Christmas
Program @7:00pm
in the gym
(students must
arrive at school
-Dec. 18- Class Book
Exchange books

Dear Parents,
-Dec. 19- 12:15
As you know, December is full of celebrations and events
here at OLSH. This past week we celebrated Our Lady of
Guadalupe, Posada, and the Immaculate Conception. This week we -Dec. 19- Class Book
will be having our annual Christmas Program on Thursday evening
in the gym at 7:00pm. Students must arrive no later than 6:15pm
-Dec. 22-Jan. 5to our classroom. As I mentioned before, our class will be dressing
Christmas Vacation
like rockstars. The students may wear brightly colored pants, fun
prints, sunglasses, leather jackets, etc. If you dont feel you have
-Jan. 5- Classes Resume
anything that fits this description, the student can wear jeans or
-Jan. 6-this
black pants, and a white shirt. The show is very upbeat, fun, and entertaining
year so
please come and enjoy the show.
Also this week, we will be having our book exchange. I sent home the flyer last week
and it is posted on our website if you need to refer back to it. Students should bring in a new
book, wrapped, and labeled with from: (their name). The books are due to class by Thursday
so we can ensure that everyone will be able to participate. Students who do not bring in a
book, will not take part in the exchange.
This week in class we will be continuing our advent lapbook and learning about how we
should best prepare for Jesus birth. We will also be continuing discussion and writing based
on Wonder. Much of our time will be spent preparing for the Christmas program on Thursday
evening; strengthening our voices, practicing our choreography, and working on our timing to
make a memorable show for you.
Also this week, the PTG has put together St. Nicks Secret Shop where students may
purchase inexpensive gifts for their loved ones. The shop is open through Thursday, so if your
child would like to make a purchase they can bring their money in the envelopes sent home
on Friday. The gifts range from $ 0.50 to $5.00.
Over Christmas vacation, the expected homework is that your child is continuing with
their reading timeline. Please enforce that your child takes time each and every day to read.
My hope is that they receive a book at the book exchange that they can enjoy over vacation.
Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank You, and God Bless,
Ms. Krisman

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